Chapter 20
I awoke with a shutter and to the stream of light on my forehead. As I sat up and checked my surroundings, I saw the bed across from me was occupied with a man and a highly expensive camera. He glanced over at me, doing a double take before setting down the overpriced item.
"What are you eyeing at Styles?" I let out a breathy laugh, pressing the heels of my palms into my eyes.
"Nothing Nicholas. Nothing at all." He grinned.
"Better be nothing." I chuckled airily once more.
"What are you even doing?" I quizzed. He cocked a brow at me so I pointed at his camera.
"I'm fixing this half arsed camera obviously." I rolled my eyes. "Mate it's not funny. Thing was like 700 pounds." I laughed.
"Just get a Kodak." Now he was rolling his eyes.
"Yes Harry, because every photographer for UK magazines use shit Kodak cameras. No mate, this. This is the real deal." I shook my head with amusement. "Anyways, how'd you sleep. I got lag." I hummed at him.
"I slept alright. Kinda worried though." He set his camera down on the hotel night stand as I lifted the covers off my warm and completely bare half.
"Bout your little 'Baby boy?' Or whatever?" I nodded. "Uh oh what's he up to now." I glared at him.
"First off, he's a person you know."
"Well my apologies I know he is mate. You just seemed kinda dead for someone who's getting married in less than a week-And for god sakes put you're fucking cock away." I laughed at his latest remark, fishing through my duffle for a pair of pants and some old ripped skin tight jeans. I tugged on the pants, adjusting myself and turning to face him once more.
"Better that I saw the amount of red lines in your back, or better that I saw your 'I never see the outside' white arse." I let out a hoot of laughter and my cheeks grew a bit pink. "You know you claim Lou is like... You're baby or whatever and then he's probably the tightest Virgin alive no?"
"For the last time Nick, he's still a virgin."
"Ya see, that's another thing I don't get-" I sighed at him. "No mate in all honesty you're prick is pretty famous and he doesn't even wanna see it in action." He stared at him with a look of disbelief.
"Mate you are absolutely terrible." He stood, joggers around his hips.
"But you love me."
"I ought to take away your best man position."
"What and give it to your sister? Yeah you ask her to be your best man mate. Dare ya." I grinned.
"Whatever." I finished dressing myself and I opted out on a shower, considering I had one before I slept. I skimmed through my contacts however, double tapping 'Home.' until it appeared to be ringing and it had a voice to the call.
"Styles Residence?"
"Hello Danielle, is Louis there?"
"O-Oh Harry. I'm sorry he isn't. He took the dog out for a walk I suppose. We were cleaning." I nodded, my happiness dwindling at the news.
"That's alright, I suppose I'll call him later."
"Should I take a message?" I thought for a second.
"Yeah tell him to call me whenever... And tell him I love him too?" I could here the smile forming of Dani's voice and the whirl of a pen on paper.
"Will do Sir."
"Thank you Danielle. I'll see you in a few days."
"Yes sir. I'll see you in a few days Sir. Enjoy your trip."
"Thank you. Goodbye love." And with that, I hung up. Danielle is part of the cleaning I hired. Cleaning and assisting a bit. Like taking messages for me and writing them down to stick on the fridge. She does the same if Liam rings. She's good with her work ethic and quite fit in her uniform If Im going to be honest.
I turned to Nick who was gathering items for his shower. He glanced at me before narrowing his eyes.
"You got a glint in your eye."
"I'm worried about him mate." Nick raised his eye brows as if he didn't think it was a bad thing. "He said he doesn't get why I stay." Nick laughed. "What?"
"Mate he's probably just nervous."
"About what?"
"What do you mean 'about what' don't be daft." He plucked a towel turning towards the bathroom.
"Wait wait why would he be nervous?" Nick scoffed.
"Hello? Movie Star. Sex Symbol. Voted Sexiest Man Alive and came in 4th I mean come on. You are everybody's ideal date. Then there's Louis who-not to be mean, but is awkward and a bit dorky and wears glasses and who-"
"We'll why don't you just call him ugly while you're at it!-Don't call him ugly that was a joke." He sighed running a hand through his hair.
"All Im saying is, you're all looks and charm and prick and he's all 'normal boy.' So he's glitching out on ya. He's scared you'll leave and find someone else."
"You really think so?"
"Harry, you're a fucking idiot if you're going to doubt me. I am a photographer and you can't hide emotions in a photo very well." And with that, he dismissed himself for a shower.
As time passed I found myself wandering the streets if NYC with not only nick, but Niall. After the while Italy thing, Niall and I had grown to be good mates. So I kinda flew him out too. He just requested his own room.
The 3 of us made out way into a small coffee shop. Grabbing a few drinks and sitting down at a table in the back. I sipped on my mediocre icy drink, before nodding at Niall.
"So how's the Liam thing going?" The blond let out an exhale.
"Still non existent." I gave him a sympathetic smile. "Zayn's been really chummy thought textin though. Always puttin smiley faces and such." I grinned
"Sounds Like Z." Niall nodded.
"But I heard he and Lou got in a bit of a quarrel at school?" I furrowed my eyebrows, as did Nick.
"Louis never said anything about a 'quarrel.' Especially with Zayn." Niall shrugged.
"Zayn was telling me how Louis got mad at em cause Louis got upset and Zayn kinda laughed it off with other people in the courtyard." I frowned. Surely, Louis would tell me something like this. "You sure Louis never-" I shook my head.
"Never said a word. He's awful sad though. And seems lonely." Nick voiced up his opinion.
"Shoulda brought him with you. He's probably crying right now." Niall and I gave him the same glance if disapproval.
"I'd rather you not say that."
"Could be true. Never know. Didn't you say he like cut himself once." I scoffed and Niall's eyes widened.
"Louis cut himself." I shrunk a bit.
"Not... Well not recently. He said he did a few years ago when he got bullied in junior high and high school." Niall's eyes grew even bigger
"Has he done it recently?" I opened my mouth to reply at the two concerned boys.
"I... I don't think so."
"Mate they hide it well."
"Really well."
"It's easy to hide you know." The pair pointed out.
"Look. It's not like... It's not like he'd do it again. He's happy." Nick rolled his eyes.
"Of course he is Harry. Because you know all of his emotions right?" I glared at the elder man. "Mate just be careful. He seems... Fragile." My glare grew harder.
"Are you suggesting something about him?"
"No. You said you were worried."
"Oh and that makes me less-" I was cut off by a vibration in my jeans. I pulled out the vibrating object seeing it was 'Loubaby<3' calling. Of course, he entered that not me. "Speak of the devil." I murmured accepting the call. "Hey babe. What's up?"
"Nothing... Are you busy?" His voice sounded sad.
"No I'm not busy love. You alright?"
"Just... Just lonely." My heart clenched at his whispered words in the receiver.
"I'll be home in a few days. Promise."
"Are you hanging up?" He rushed out. I furrowed my brows.
"No... Louis baby are you sure you're alright?"
"Mmhm just miss you and stuff."
"We'll what are you doing?"
"Watching films in our bed with Peanut. He's a good pillow." I grinned at the image. "How's New York?"
"S'alright for the first day. Out getting coffee with the boys." He was silent and the only thing I could hear was his breathing, followed by the bark of Pea. "Louis?"
"Are you 100% okay? You seem... Distant."
"No Im fine. You enjoy New York, Im gonna go okay?" I heard Peanut bark once more. "Love you Hazzy. Bye bye."
"B-" but I was cut short by a click. Niall and Nick glanced back at me. "Well that was fucking weird."
"What's wrong?" Nick asked biting his straw, bored expression on his face.
"He's just... Glitchy I guess and it seems like someone's in the house. Pea kept barking." Niall stared at me with wide eyes.
"Why would someone be in the house?"
"I don't know. Whatever, lets just do something fun yeah?" Nick smiled devilishly.
"We could get pissed." I beamed at him.
"Haven't done that ever since Lou got mad at me the last time."
"Nah, mate you'll be fine. Lou isn't here. Let loose. It's your last few days as a man mate. Married men gotta settle down. Unmarried men?"
"They par'y hard!" Niall added. I laughed at the pair.
"Alright... Alright yeah let's get pissed."
"Thata boy!" Nick cheered clapping me on my back. "Now drink this shit so we can go. My jet lag is sinking in and Im not in the mood for sleepy grinding."
"Why would you grind on sleepy men?" Niall asked after swallowing a mouthful of his hot bitter drink.
"Exactly my point."
-Louis' Point of View-
I bit the side of my thumb, swinging my legsies off the table I was sitting on. I didn't like things like this. Doctors are dumb. Doctors make me sad. But I guess it's better when your mummy is your nurse.
My mummy came in the room with a clipboard and paper and a pen behind her ear. A pink pen. The colour of Lammy's ribbon.
"Hello sweetheart." I not my thumb again. "Now it's just a little check okay? You know doctor Morgan won't hurt you right." I whimpered. "It'll be okay lovely." She kissed my forehead.
"Is it gonna hurt mum?" She shook her head.
"I don't think so love. Just a check like I said." I nodded and Doctor Morgan came in. I don't like Doctor Morgan very much. I don't like doctors anyways. They poke at to a lot.
"Hello Louis." He smiled at me. I frowned at him. Now we're even. "So Im here to just give you a check up okay?" I sulked, but nodded. "Good, now can you tell me if you've been feeling anything out of place?"
"Tummy hurts sometimes." I felt my mum's hand in my fringe.
"Can you lie back for me Louis?" I laid on the paper lined table and jammed my eyes shut. I felt him press on my tummy. It was okay, but I still didn't like it. "Okay any pain?"
"Nu uh." He nodded at my reply. I really do not like this man.
"Okay, well you said got your appendix out a few months ago? How long ago was that?"
"August? I think?" He nodded again.
"Well that's normal to still feel a bit of discomfort. Sometimes our bodies take a lot of time to digest the fact we took something out." He said. "Sit up for me?" I did and he checked my ears, and my mouth with a little light. "Perfectly healthy!" I smiled a little bit, which made my mummy smile too. "And you said you have glasses and contact lenses?"
"Alright." He shined the light into my eyes. It was very bright. And a bit blurry. "Good. Now Louis they said they checked your vitals?"
"Good. Now can you stand up for me and Im gonna ask mum to wait outside alright?" I stared at my mummy.
"It'll be alright baby. You're a big boy right? Hazzy would be very proud of you." She kissed my forehead. "I'll be right outside this door." I nodded, and she left. She left me all alone. In a tiny room. With Doctor Morgan. I already don't like this one bit.
"Okay Louis, so just between us boys-" Oh brother... "Your mother said someone named Hazzy would be proud of you?"
"Who is Hazzy?"
"He is my fiancé." Doctor Morgan beamed at me.
"He give you a ring?" I nodded, I smile too. But then again Hazzy always makes me smile. "Can I see?" I held out my hand and let him see... It felt weird having people look and poke at Hazzy's ring. "It's pretty."
"Thank you."
"Now... Do you and Hazzy have intercourse?" I turned my head to the side.
"Sex?" My cheeks turned red. He laughed at me. I didn't like it. Not one bit. "It's alright Louis. You can tell me."
"I... I guess we have kinda." He raised a brow at me. "I'm still a virgin though." He nodded understanding more (I hope.)
"Okay. Do you mind If I check you out and make sure you're not hurting anywhere." I stared at him. "Medical purposes only Louis. Just a quick check."
"On... On my willy?" He laughed again.
"Your penis yes." My eye widened. "Medical purposes like I said."
"Medi...Medical only?" He nodded. "Medical only." I repeated.
"Medical only Louis. Just for a check." I bit my lip.
"I-I guess." I don't really know what happened after that all I know is that he touched me and I just kinda...
"Louis it's just a check."
"No you're not allowed to touch there!"
"No! No touching! None!" I don't like other people touching me there. Not my mum. Not doctors. Not anybody besides Hazzy. Cause I trust Hazzy and I do not trust Doctor Morgan.
"Alright I won't touch you Louis." I pulled my legs close. "Do you want your mum to do it?"
"No. That's embarrassing."
"Louis it's standard."
"Well Louis doesn't like standard." I mumbled. Doctor Morgan nodded and sat in his chair.
"Louis... Has anyone ever hurt you?" I stared at him.
"What do you mean 'hurt me'?"
"I dunno. Has anyone ever touched you inappropriately without your consent?" I stared at him again. "Louis, has Hazzy ever hurt you."
"No. He wouldn't hurt me. I love him." Doctor Morgan nodded.
"Did anything happen at school? Or when you were little?" I stared at my feets. "Louis can you talk to me?"
"Why not?"
"I don't like you." He grinned. Dumb grin he had. Stupid face.
"Do you have a dad Louis?" My head whipped at him.
"Not no more."
"Has your dad ever-"
"Louis I'm just-
"And I said stop! Leave me alone! You don't know me! I don't have to talk to you. Get out of my room!" He sighed. "Get out!!" I yelled. He put up his hands and left the room. I was alone again. Of course I was. I always am. My mummy came in afterwards. She seemed sad. I don't like her sad.
"Mummy?" She sat beside me and took my hand.
"Louis. Listen to me alright?" I did. "Doctors aren't bad people. They wanna help you." Her eyes got all misty. Uh oh. "And they can't help you if you don't let them. So just please let them check you? Please?"
"I don't like them touching me only Hazzy is-" she sniffled and mumbled a lot of 'I know's. Now you really messed up Louis.
"I know Boo. I know. But how about I get you a new doctor okay? No boys"
"No boys?" She nodded.
"No boys." I smiled. "You like girls huh?"
"They aren't mean to me. And they don't touch." My mummy pushed my fringe.
"Yeah I know lovey. No touching. Can I have a hug?"
"Hugsies for mummy!" I wrapped my arms around her. She was warm. I like warm things.
"Good boy. No more Doctor Morgan. Alright?"
"Well come on babe lets get you in a new room with a new prettier doctor." I smiled.
"I would like that a lot."
I liked my new Doctor. Her name was Bonnie and she was happy and smiley and bouncy. Like me! And she did touch, but it was quick and I was okay. I like girls better. They are nicer to me. Not mean like my dad. Or like boys at school. They're mean and touchy. And Doctor Morgan is trying to get touchy. And I really hate him with all my guts.
My new doctor, gave me 2 shots and a green bandaid. And she game me my clothes back and called me Loup-dee-doo. It made me giggle. I like her a lot.
When I went home I didn't remember much. I fell asleep with a lolly in my mouth according to my mummy. And she told me my lips left a sticky cherry mark on her cheek.But she loves me so it's okay.
But at home, I got lonely. But Peanut was there! And I like Peanut. He's a very very very good movie companion puppy and pillow. You can hear his heart sometimes. But Leo, likes to wander. She sleeps a lot in the day, so I don't always see her before I go to sleep. But She is now a cat. And Peanut is now a dog. A black cat with white mittens. And a grey doggy with blue eyes. But Peanut is a good boy for Hazzy. They run together sometimes and he follows him around. But I think Hazzy loves Peanut more than I do. Because when Peanut comes home, he calls himself daddy. And Hazzy never says Daddy. Ever. Cause he doesn't really have one. He's got 2 dads, but one left him. But I like it when Hazzy calls himself Daddy. Cause I know one day (maybe) a baby will get to call him Daddy too.
I. Am. So sorry. For. Dropping a bomb of Louis. But you love the ending so piss off.
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