Chapter 2

-Chapter 2-

I felt something twist me from my slumber, I let out a groan and rubbed my eyes. There stood Louis. Looking guilty and staring at the ground.

"What time is it?" I asked, my voice rugged with sleep.

"Midnight." I groaned again, holding out my hand for the boy. I moved over, the bed dipping under his weight, and his body sliding underneath the covers.

"Why are you home so late baby?" I asked. Pushing his fringe aside.

"There were people outside. So I stayed in my car for a few hours." My eyes opened and I blinked rapidly.

"A few hours? There's press outside?" I asked beginning to get up. He frowned and winced. I grabbed his face running my thumb across his lips. "Louis?"

"Go to sleep." He mumbled.

"Are you okay?" He sounded like he was almost hyperventilating.

"It was so many of them and-" I shushed him and wrapped my arms around his body.

"They won't hurt you, they just won't pictures baby. That's all they want. Did they scare you?" He nodded and sniffled. "My poor Prince Louis." I mumbled, pressing kisses to his head over and over. "You're okay. It's alright I've got you." His arms wrapped around my body tightly. Practically clawing at my back for security. "Shh. Calm down."

"You weren't there and I-"

"It's okay. I'll be there next time I promise. I'll keep you safe." He nodded into my shoulder. "It's nothing to be afraid of." I promised. He cuddled into me, I didn't even think that was any more possible at the moment from how tight his grip was.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you and cry on you and-"

"Louis, it's okay I promise. It's my fault I should've kept quiet at the interview." I pressed a kiss to his lips, and for the first time in a while, he deepened it. Pulling my body on top of Him. Opening his mouth the tiniest bit. But it was enough. I cupped the side of his cheek, moving my mouth in sync with his, before he pulled back a bit. "No need to be scared okay?" He nodded. I rolled off him a bit.


"Shh, it's okay. Go to sleep babe. It's okay." He yawned cutely. I pressed a kiss to his temple.

"Love you Hazza." He whispered sleepily.

"I love you too Loubear." I smiled. Both drifting off to sleep. Arms wrapped around him protectively.

I woke up the next morning to my cellphone. Louis' arm strapped off the side of the bed. It was then I realized he never changed into pajama, still in his clothes from yesterday. I smiled subtly, answering the phone.


"What in the Fuck Harry?! That interview aired yesterday. We discussed the boyfriend and girlfriend situations! You know this isn't good for your new im-"

"Liam, Liam calm down he's right beside me and your screaming. Stop for a second." I slipped out of the warm bed, leaving Louis to groan in his sleep. I went out into the other room to talk to Royal Liam Payne in the Ass.

"Who is he?"

"His name is Louis, Liam. Why are you so mad?"

"Because Harry! You are supposed to be a single, sex object to the media."

"Wait hold on there, I didn't agree to this. When did it become okay for them to attack my boyfriend."

"When did you decide you were gay?!" He shouted. I pulled the phone away from my ear so my eardrums wouldn't bleed.

"I'm not fully gay, but if you didn't already pick up on the porn you must be deluded."

"Harry just work with me! How long have you been together?"

"Since he was 16."

"Well how old is he now?"

"Nearly 20."

"Fuck me. Jesus Christ Harry I'd rather have you going after older woman. Not 19 year old boys!"

"Liam there is nothing I can do!"

"You can actually."

"You wouldn't fucking dare Liam. You aren't gonna Fuck up a FIVE year relationship because I let him slip."

"I have an incoming call, I'll deal with you at the offices. You have another interview at 3 and you better be there at 1:30 because I'm official done with your antics." I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever, goodbye." I said slamming the BlackBerry's end button. I looked up and saw Louis rubbing his eyes, looking scared. "Hi baby." I smiled. He ran over to me, sitting on my lap. Wrapping his arms around my neck.

"You were yelling..." He mumbled into my neck.

"Did I wake you?" I asked sincerely. He shrugged. "I'm sorry babe I didn't mean for you to hear me." He ran his thumb over my knuckles.

"Who's Liam?" He asked nervously fidgeting.

"He's my agent Boobear." I replied, pecking his head.

"Why was he mad at you?"

"Because I said something interview that I shouldn't have."

"What'd you say?" He asked, finally looking me in the eyes.

"It's not important." He nodded.

"Are you upset? I don't like it when you're upset." He frowned. I nearly awed at his adorableness.

"I'm fine baby. I should call Liam. You don't have school today do you? Maybe you could meet him." He winced and played with the hem of my shirt. "It's okay baby you don't have to." I pushed his fringe aside.

"B-but it will make y-you happy and I-I" I shushed him, pulling him closer.

"You don't have to, I don't want you doing anything you're uncomfortable with. I know you're shy."

"If I meet him Will he yell at you again? Will he yell at me?!" I chuckled.

"Course not, and if he does, we can leave and spend the day eating ice cream. Because I know you love that." He smiled.

"Can you make red velvet cupcakes like you did in high school?" I nodded happily. I plucked Louis off my lap, holding him up off the ground. "Harry!" He giggled. I pecked his lips lightly. Setting him down slowly "Thank you Hazzy."

"Your welcome Prince Louis. Do you want to meet Liam or no?" He bit his lip.

"O-Okay." He stuttered.

"Louis you don't have to do it to make me happy." I reminded.

"I want you to be happy, and Liam is nice right? And even if he isn't, you'd make cupcakes with me." He grinned. I chuckled

"I love you so much it's scary." He giggled as I kissed his cheek obnoxiously.

"I love you too." He blushed. I cupped his cheek.

"My Prince Louis."


Louis and I sat in the living room in front of Liam. The man was silent. Staring at the insecure boy in my arms. He was nearly shaking from the glare Liam gave him.

"So You're 19 hmm?" Louis nodded shyly. "Do you speak?" Liam chuckled.

"Y-yeah." Louis nodded. Liam grinned, finally getting the boy to speak for him.

"He's just shy." I told Liam rubbing Louis arm lightly.

"Well based on this, I'm not sure if Louis wants to be publicly known as your boyfriend. Because it obviously won't be easy for him. And seeing as Louis lives with you, as well as been your boyfriend for nearly half a decade, you won't be breaking up until... Never?" I chortled at that comment, because I'd be a liar to say I didn't want to marry Louis when he got older. "So maybe you should... grow some facial hair maybe?"

"Why?" Louis asked. I chuckled at his question.

"No. No Louis I mean get him a beard."

"But you just said that-"

"Louis babe, he meant get a fake girlfriend or a fake boyfriend." His eyes went solemn.

"But Harry is my boyfriend...."

"We know Louis, but we don't want you getting attacked by the paparazzi." Liam told him. Louis blushed.

"But what does a fake boyfriend or girlfriend do for Harry?"

"Well, Harry said that he had a boyfriend He had been with for a few years. Thankfully, he isn't give any appearance. So if we get a boy to simply act as Harry's boyfriend for the time being, they will stop coming to the house. And as Harry told me, you didn't have a nice greeting last night." Louis nodded. "Then it's settled! I'll get Harry a fake boyfriend and he'll be all set. You guys can stay hidden indoors and be coupley as much as you want!" Liam explained. Louis began to fidget on my lap. Liam got up, grabbing his jacket and bidding us farewell.

"You okay?"

"Have you ever had a fake boyfriend or girlfriend before?" Louis asked, yet again averting my gaze.

"It's no big deal baby. Nothings gonna happen to us. It's just like porn. It happens, but at the end of the day, you're still my perfect, adorable, baby Prince Louis that I love to pieces. Promise." He pressed his head into my neck.


"Yes babe?"

"What if someone finds me coming home one night? Will you be in trouble? Will Liam yell at you again?"

"No, I promise."



"When Liam said we wouldn't break up... What did he mean?" I could feel my cheeks reddening.

"He thinks I'm gonna marry you." He sucked his lips in.

"Oh." He replied. I tickled at his sides, trying to make the intensity fade. He giggled loudly. "HARRY!" He screamed trying to get me to let up.

"Nope. Not gonna make me stop." He rippled with laughter.

"I have to pee!" He warned.

"Pee on me, I don't even care!" He whined, signaling he really was going to pee if I didn't stop. I stopped as he sprinted to the bathroom. I grinned as he came out a few moments later.

"That was mean." He scolded.

"How come you never say Fuck off or something?" He shrugged.

"Swearing isn't my thing. You were the first person to even get me to watch the videos you make."

"And you said those were hot." He blushed furiously.

"I've never seen anyone like that... Do we have to talk about it? It makes me feel funny."

"A good funny or a bad funny."

"An I don't know how I feel funny because I've only felt it when I kiss you too hard and when I watched that video."

"That's called being horny Lou." He shuttered.

"It doesn't feel good."

"It's because you've never done anything about it."

"I'm afraid to ask what I do."

"Chastity." He blushed heavily.

"Well then. I'm not kissing you hard or watching your videos until I'm married." I laughed at his comment.

"That's fine with me, as long as I'm the one you marry." I joked. His eyes lit up and he turned his blazing blue eyes towards me.

"I-I... But you-you and I-I" I stood up and took his hands in mine.

"I love you. Whether it's now, or in another 4 years."

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