Chapter 16
(Important info at the end. Please read.)
=Dedicated to Sarah because you make Louis So Happy=
"Zaynie? Baby what do you mean Zaynie?" I asked taking his little hands in mine.
"I wasn't supposed to tell you that." He mumbled sadly. I smiled caressing his cheek.
"It's alright love, I understand if you don't wanna tell me." Louis nudged into my touch.
"He likes Niall. But Niall likes Liam. And he said it's a dumb crush. But crushes aren't dumb cause I had a crush on you and now-" Louis subconsciously twisted his band on his finger with his thumb. "It's not dumb because Zaynie's cute and nice. And he's pretty and he deserves to be happy too." I pecked Louis nose.
"You make it sound like you like him." I teased tickling his sides. He squirmed letting out giggles.
"Hazzy!" He laughed. I pulled his chin towards mine for a chaste kiss. "I'm serious." He pouted. I pecked his lips again.
"And I'm serious when I say your pout is gonna be the death of me." He frowned before sighing and adjusting himself in the bed. "I didn't upset you did I?" I asked peppering kisses down the back of his neck.
"No... I'm just tired." I pressed a kiss to his collarbone. "Don't you have to go soon?" I glanced at him through my eyelashes.
"Trying not get rid of me?" He shook his head. "But yeah I do. And if you wanna save time you can blindfold me and we can share a shower." He shelled out a shy grin.
"I'll wait." He mumbled into the pillow." I nodded.
"Want me to bring you back a flannel before I get in?" He shook his head. "Are you gonna go back to sleep?" I asked surprised. He hummed weakly and I laughed. "In sticky shorts?"
"I'll take them off when you leave. " I pressed a kiss to his temple.
"I'll be back. You can remove your little mess." I declared grabbing my clothes. He hummed once more into the pillows as I left. And when my shower was done and I was spunk free, Louis was sound asleep. His boxers on the floor. I pressed a kiss to his cheek and wrote him out a little 'see you later babe love you' and placed it on the side. Along with a few notes. Figuring maybe he'd go out today. When he wakes up that is.
When I returned home, Louis wasn't in our room. Zayn looked utterly miserable however in the kitchen scavenging off of any food in the cupboards.
"Hey where's Louis?" I quizzed. His tongue ghosted over hos lips.
"Helping Niall get ready for his date." He said with an overly dramatic sigh.
"Not happy about that?" Zayn shrugged offering me a dip into the bag which I declined.
"He's a good guy. He deserves better. That's all I'm saying. He seems to be getting played." I nodded. "Ya know?"
"I never gave him too much of a chance." Zayn grinned.
"You should. He's a good guy." He mumbled.
"Why's this?" I asked with an grin of amusement.
"Don't know. We went out for drinks. We laughed. Had fun. He's nice he deserves better. Nothing to it." I nodded enthusiastically. A little to dramatic actually.
"Right, I'm gonna go see Louis. You keep thinking those thoughts." Zayn raised an eyebrow at me, and I dismissed myself to Niall's room.
I cat called at the sight of the boy. Black cardigan with a white collared shirt and black jeans.
"Well dang." I mumbled loud enough to make my presence. Louis and Niall's heads snapped up. "You look nice." I commented. Niall grinned.
"Thanks mate." He thanked. I moved my way towards Louis, looping my arms around his tiny waist. "Your boyfriend's really something Haz."
"Fiancé." Louis corrected with pride. Niall chuckled.
"Fiancé sorry. Keep forgetting. Still can't believe you guys are gonna get married and have kids and stuff like that." I raised an eyebrow.
"Not so soon though."
"November 9th is soon isn't it? I mean it's 4 months away. You have time for all that stuff?" Niall asked leaning on the heels of his hands. Louis bit his lip.
"Still don't have school for another month..." He mumbled. "It'd be on a Saturday."
"No I'm not worried about the wedding. I'm fine with the wedding. It's just kids and stuff. He's only 19 may I remind you." Niall shrugged. "Anyways, Liam's on hos way." Niall instantly perked up with fear.
"Shit shit shit, I'm not done yet though I have to do my quiff."
"Have Zaynie do it, he does them really well." Niall nodded.
"Zayn!" I glanced at Louis.
"Zayn doing anything tonight?" Louis nodded.
"He's met a girl and they're drinking buddies. That's all I know." I smiled.
"Then where shall we go cupcake it's an entire evening of Italy for just the two of us." He looped his arms around my neck.
"I can think of something. Not sure if you'd wanna do it though." I drapped my arms around his waist. Lifting him slightly and he giggled. "It's not fair how tall you are."
"Im 6'3'' I can't shrink to 5'9'' for you." He pouted. "But, what's it you wanna do baby?" He bit his lip.
"A walk?" I cocked a brow at him.
"Why wouldn't I be up for that?"
"Cause it's Italy and you had work." I rolled my eyes.
"I'll go change. Comfy clothes or suit and tie?" He smiled.
"I do like your bowtie... But I do like you comfy too." I plastered a kiss to his lips and went off to change. Only to see Zayn looking all smiles talking briefly to a nervous Niall.
I returned to Louis in tight black jeans,loose white shirt, blue beanie, jacket and brown boots. Seeing him clad in denim shorts and a red shirt.
"You won't be cold lovey?" I asked. He shook his head.
"Can I take your jumper?"
"Course baby. You always wear it better anyways." He smiled wide standing up on his tiptoes and I leaned down a bit to peck his lips. "So what shall we do just walk? Or do you wanna be tourist people or maybe get like ice cream or something." He pulled the large jumper over his head. Leaving the material to go past his bum and cause mittens at his little hands.
"Isn't it called gelato here?" He quizzed. I nodded taking his fabric covered hand in mine.
"Mmhm. I got a few notes on me. We'll just tell Zayn and we'll go alright?" The boy nodded slipping on his frames and I left his side momentarily.
"This is nice yeah?" I stated swinging Louis and I's hands slightly. Dismissing some looks we were getting.
"Mmmhm." He hummed happily.
"I don't think we've had a proper date like this in nearly a year." He twirled himself to face me happily. Making me laugh and a small giggle erupted from his mouth as he wrapped his arms around my neck. "Why so giddy babe?" He sighed resting his head on my collarbone.
"Cause I hate hiding. And now I can finally have you to myself. And now I can do this." I smiled lifting his feet slightly off the ground to kiss him. "In front of people." I pressed my lips to his again before setting him down once more.
"I like seeing you happy. It looks good on you." He hugged my side as we walked. "So... I heard there's a shop up here that doesn't close until late and it serves sweets. Plus it's by a fountain. And I was thinking maybe my phone could use a new background." He hid his smile poorly in my sleeve.
"You're a dork." He giggled. I smiled.
"I know, but you aren't passing it up." He rolled his eyes.
"It's our last day in Italy. I came here your boyfriend and left your fiancé." I raised my eyebrows suggesting something else.
"You also got bored online and did things to yourself I wished I saw." He laughed.
"Someone said they sent a sex toy to the house." I laughed.
"Well that's the down side of being famous. Kinky fuzzy handcuffs and cherry lube comes in the mail along with weird shit." He pressed his lips to my shoulder. "But hey, how about a strawberry gelato for my Prince Louis hmm?"
"You haven't called me that in ages."
"That's a shame, because I think I'll start it back up." He laughed as we maneuvered ourselves into a sweets shop. The entire shop was blue and pink and it smelt of any sweet you could think of. Of course, Louis eyes lit up. His immature side taking over and he twirled again, before catching sight of sugar sticks 3 feet long.
"Holy... that's a lot of sugar." He mumbled. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders.
"I'll get anything your sweet heart desires sweetheart." He shook his head with a grin before picking up a sugar stick.
"You are my Prince after all." He stood on his tip toes kissing my cheek before sliding away to get a bag of gummy bears that probably weighed as much as a new born baby, along with a bag of normal sugar sticks. "We should've brought a backpack jesus." He shrugged. "Alright come on lets go pay. And get gelato." He flashed his whites at me as we moved to the counter, getting two cones of strawberry and a bag for all Louis' candy.
"Don't eat all this and get sick baby."
"I'll bring the gummy bears and little sticks home. The big ones, I'm not." He stated licking at his frozen treat.
"I bought you like 40 pounds of candy."
"It did not cost that much." He argued.
"I know, it cost 20. But it feels like I'm carrying a 5 year old in this bag." He laughed feeding me my desert he was holding as I carried his sweets. "Fountain?" He nodded wrapping his arm around mine as we strode towards the water geyser.
"Woah." He mumbled in awe as the lit fountain came into view. "It's beautiful." I nodded in agreement.
"The Trevi Fountain." He blinked at it taking in the sculptures. "I should've proposed here." He glanced at me with a smile dubbed on his lips.
"I wouldn't have cared I you proposed with tape rolled into a circle." He turned towards me. "I get to spend the rest of my life with you." I smiled. "My Harry Edward Styles." I set down his stuff momentarily. Pulling him closer to me. Our cones finished and forgotten.
"I've always been yours baby." I whispered. "I've loved you for nearly 3 years. What makes you think I'm gonna stop?" He pressed his head to my chest. Standing on flat van clad feet. "You know how you can hear my heart?" He nodded threading his fingers in my shirt. "It beats for you." He glanced up at me through squinted eyes.
"You're already engaged to me you don't have to use cheesy pick up lines." I wrapped my arms around his waist, looping over his bum and he let out a sound of surprise as I picked him of the ground, making him 6 inches taller than me as I held him. "I'm not that short Hazzy." He beamed.
"Just kiss me you idiot." He giggled as I tilted my head up and our lips meshed like puzzle pieces as he moved his arms around my neck, playing with the baby hairs at the nape of it. He parted his lips from mine with a blush.
"People are staring." I shrugged.
"Let them. We have to deal with them being all heterosexual. They should be fine with us having the first proper date we've had in a year. And besides, I hope someone takes a picture of this so I can have it as the background on my phone. We can make it our computer screen." I pecked his lips again and he giggled onto my lips. "Or we could take our own pictures here." He smiled.
"I have no pictures of us on my phone like this." I set him down gently.
"You're even cuter in pictures with that damn hood on. That jumper is so big on you it makes me wanna snog your face of." He shrugged.
"Do it." I laughed.
"Soon. Soon."
So Louis and I took about 40 pictures of us in front of the fountain. 35 of them being us stupid and random. 3 of us alone. And the final two of Louis kissing my cheek, and me kissing his. Each of which, was set to the background of whomever was receiving the kiss. And it felt really nice to be a normal not famous couple again.
"Louis baby. Wake up sweetheart." He groaned in his sleep and I decided it'd be best to kiss him awake a bit, which he woke up and returned happily. Resulting in the boy sitting up. "Time to go home sweet boy." He frowned.
"I'm gonna miss it here." He mumbled rubbing his eyes. I pulled down his little fists siding his frames on his face.
"I know. You've got your ring right?" He nodded with a sleepy smile. "Good. Come on, it's time to say goodbye to Italy." He shook his head sitting in my lap.
"Goodbye snog. Just 5 minutes." He mumbled sleepily. "Just this bed." I smiled connecting my mouth to his.
I figured I should mention I bought this house a few days ago, but he'll find out on the honeymoon.
So I didn't talk about Ziall. But if you follow the RP page you know all the action that went down and you understand where I went with this. To any of you who don't you might not understand a few things. But major details consist of:
1. Louis doing sexy time with his fingers.
2. Louis being obsessed with ice cream and gelato.
3. Louis always wearing Harry's jumpers and nothing else when he's home alone.
(The RP page has gotten tons of hate and now hate will be deleted because it's becoming to much for me to handle)
Sorry for the long A/N but I'm warning you of an upcoming hiatus. basically, if I don't take a break, I will have a panic attack and probably shut down all my books. ALL I went in too deep... Also, insecurities make you sick.
Sorry for all the drama I'll try to write in between.
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