Chapter 14

I'm Just A Slut 14-17

I glanced at the boy beside me. Asleep with little puffs of steady breath coming from his lips. Hair matted messily to the pillow. So peaceful and so innocent. So perfect. I couldn't help myself but to press my lips to his. His eyes fluttering open as I pulled away.

"H-Hazzy?" I brought my hand to his cheek.

"Go back to sleep. I didn't mean to wake you." He blinked a few times to get used to the light before sitting up and reaching over to the side table to slip on his glasses.

"I need new contacts." He mumbled. I grinned caressing his cheek once more.

"That's okay. Your glasses make you look cute." He gave me a slight pout. "I'm sorry for waking you though sweetheart." He shook his head and shuffled underneath the sheets to get closer.

"It's okay. I'm hungry." I smiled.

"How about we eat on the terrace again yeah?" He nodded with a tired grin, sitting up and allowing me to pull him out of bed. He was sleeping in boxers, as was I, so we didn't bother with much covering to the kitchen. We strolled down the hall seeing Niall at the telly in a pair of red athletic shorts and a snapback on his blond hair sprawled out on the chair. He gave me a grin, which I returned glancing at the food Liam had set out for the day. And I honestly didn't want Liam's food. Liam anything at the moment seemed like a bad idea. But Louis and I settled on a bit of fruit and water, heading back to our rooms. Me slipping on white athletic shorts and Louis just throwing on my button down from the other night. Which gave me a few suggestive thoughts. But I dismissed them before they got too crazy. We pealed back to door, stepping out onto the stone and concrete area. With the one chair and table that was out there, Louis sat in my lap of course. And I fed him little bits of fruit as he laughed whenever I pulled it away when he was about to bite.

"So... When do we talk to Niall?" He asked. I placed my chin on his shoulder.

"As soon as we can." He nodded popping a pink piece in his mouth. "Why are you upset about something baby?" He shrugged and leaned into me.

"I want you to be mine." I chuckled.

"I am yours. I'll always be yours." He sent me a light glare.

"Hazzy you know what I mean. I wanna do what you and Niall do except real." I kissed his neck. A trick to make him weak at the knees. "Hazzy!" He whined with a slight giggle.

"What?" I asked blindly.

"Hazzy you know what, you're distracting me." I hugged his waist.

"It's not distracting you if I already know that you love me and want me to be all yours because you can't stand me going out with Niall when I should be cuddling with you." He frowned and tipped his head onto my shoulder.

"I don't like when you read me." I grinned.

"I didn't read you, I know you."

"Same difference." I chuckled. He swung his body around and draped his arms around my neck, quickly closing the space between our lips. "I love you."

"Love you too Loubear." He sighed and put his head on my shoulder. "What's wrong babe?"

"I don't know." He mumbled. I rubbed the small of his back moving to his hip and pinching the slight fat. Making his head snap up.

"Tell me what's on your mind. I can see it in your eyes. You're worried about something." He nuzzled into me.

"People take pictures. And we're kissing in Italy. What are people gonna think when we go home?" I shrugged. "Will they have pictures of us kissing?" I nodded. "That's not fair." I chuckled.

"Photographers don't always ask about your boyfriend's feelings on pictures."

"They should." He pouted. I pecked his lips.

"Tell you what. How about we get all dressed up and I'll take you out on a date." His eyes perked up.

"A date?"

"Mmmhm. A real date. It'll be fun. Just you, me, and my bowtie." His grin widened.

"I love your bowties." I poked his stomach making him giggle.

"I know, that's what makes it better." He bit his lip.

"Will you swoop your hair down? Just for me? Like you used to have it?" I smiled.

"Course. I'll take you out at 8 okay? But I have to get ready for work. You can spend the day with Lux and Niall and Zayn." The brunette smiled. "And Zayn can help you pick out an outfit for all that sex." His mouth dropped open and he pushed me.

"Hazzy!" He laughed.

"What?" He blushed.

"I'm not..." I scoffed.

"Oh please. You're very sexy. And very polite. And very very very cute. And Ti amo." I locked his lips with mine.

"Love you too Hazzy." I pecked his cheek and stood up with him.

"I am gonna go change. Feel free to watch. Because I won't be back until late. I'll have Lou dress me up there." He nodded as I fled the terrace again and sifted through my suitcase. I should really unpacked this and put it away into the drawers. We've been here for a week and we'll be here for 5 more. But I didn't have time to. I grabbed some typical trousers and fitted tee. As well as my watch and boxers and socks and all that. Slipping off my white shorts and slipping into the clothes. Half finished before Louis came in giving me a shy smile as I stood shirtless in front of him trying to put on my watch. He caught sight of it and tightened it for me quickly. "Thanks babe." He nodded and took our remains from breakfast into the kitchen as I tugged on fabric to cover my body.

I entered the living room pulling my necklace out from underneath my shirt. Louis had his head resting on his forearms and Niall Sat on the floor with his legs stretched. Zayn still asleep. But Lux was on the floor too. Pink pacifier in her mouth.

"Niall there's a couch." I told him slipping into my converse.

"I let Louis have it. It's fine." I nodded slowly but confused.

"Alright then." I walked up to the teen Lying on the couch looking rather sad. "I'll see you later." He looked up and I bent down to give him a peck on the lips. "Date. You me and Italy." He pushed on a smile as I stood back up. "Alright see you Niall. Tell Zayn I say Hey. Bye Lux! Ti Amo Louis!" I called out heading towards the door.


I walked around Italy with Lou. Not Louis, but my stylist Lou. It's a shame Lux isn't with us, she'd love it. Lou dragged me into a shop. Tugging me by my sleeve as I rolled my eyes with a grin. It was a Jewelry retailer. And speaking of jewelry retailer, I should look for a ring. For Louis of course.

"Aw look at this Harry, it's a baby bracelet!" Lou cooed. I grinned at the tiny circular gold object.

"It's cute I guess." She glanced up at me crossing her arms. "What?"

"Don't you have a ring to buy for your boyfriend?" I sent her a bit of lip.

"Only if you help me." I pouted. She rolled her eyes and walked over to a case with me.

"The fact they have purity rings here seem a bit off." I shrugged.

"Religious beliefs." She nodded. "But seriously do they even have guy engagement-" She tugged my arm over to another case and tipped my head down like I was her personal puppet. "Rings? Okay I guess they do." I glanced around the case. Silver, gold, diamond rings tucked firmly into the slits of cloth. None in particular catching my eye.

"None of these are Louis enough." I stated. Lou chuckled.

"Harry, you can Louis-fy everything. You Louis-fied his car. His room. Your room. Your whole house!"

"Yeah but... He's gonna be wearing this ring for the rest of his life. I don't want him to hate it." She pressed her hand and chin on my shoulder.

"He loves anything and everything that has to do with you. You could get him a rubber band for a ring and he'd love it." I let out sigh. "Just go with your heart." I scanned the case once more looking over all the shiny rings and my eyes landing on a band. I stepped forward. "Something catch your eye?" I nodded pointing at the glass.

"See this one with the little diamond?" She smiled. "Do you think he would-"

"He'll love it."

"Lou I'm serious." She laughed softly.

"And so am I. But are you okay with what's on the inside of it?" I squinted looking closer at it. Seeing it had 'love' engraved into it. But it wasn't typically correct. "Have you ever seen those before?"

"Aren't those the rings that like stamp your skin?"

"That's what I thought too." I bit my lip to hold in a smile. "Buy it you idiot!" I rolled my eyes.

"I was planning on it mother!" Her happiness fell. "What?"

"When was the last time you even talked to your mum?" I shrugged.

"4 months? I'm used to it."

"Maybe you should tell her about this hmm?" I shook my head.

"She stopped caring about me." She frowned.

"I beg to differ babe, but if you want I'll walk you down the aisle." I wrapped an arm around her.

"Thanks for looking out for me Lou." She rubbed my back slightly.

"Come on don't make me cry. I've known you for too long. You're like my son and now your getting married."

"You still call me a dickhead though." She laughed.

"That's because you are honey." I laughed loudly, a little too loud for a jewelry store at least. "Get the ring Haz." I nodded as she waved over a person behind the counter.


I waited in the living room as Louis was getting dressed. Tiny black box in my trousers. I thought I looked pretty good. White button down. Black bowtie. Dressy trousers and shoes. Lou hooked me up before I came home. So I looked dapper if I do say so myself.

I heard feet pattering on the floor as Louis was revealed. Blue knit sweater and white pants. White vans and his black frames.

"This okay? I can change of you want you look dressed up and I-" I chuckled standing up and grabbing his hand. I skimmed my lips over his knuckles.

"You look perfect babe." His lips quirked up.

"Your hair is swished and you have on a bowtie." I smiled.

"I told you I'd do it for you." He pressed his head against my shoulder. "Tired?"

"No." His stomach growled as if on cue. "Hungry." He blushed. I looped his arm with mine.

"Then we best get going to the restaurant then yeah?" He followed me out as I led him down the paths of Italy.

We were being tourists for the evening. Dinner first then walking around. Although we should probably have it the other way around. I don't want him to be hungry for 2 hours while we go all over Italy. But overall, it was nice. It was the first time Louis and I had a date outside the house. We had a few when I wasn't acting. Shy movie dates. No big public display of affection. Holding hands and kissing cheeks. Before we moved in together, we had dates every Friday. We would be stupid basically. We'd go to the park by my house in my hoodies that were way to oversized on him and we'd go an hour or 2 before his curfew. His curfew being 22:00 on the dot no exceptions. Those were the great days. The days the park was abandon and it was just up. Usually in the summer. During the fall and spring, football would pick up speed and kids would roam freely in the swings only we used when the sun kissed the horizon goodnight. And to be honest, that was the first place we made out. At the top of the slide at the park. Middle of January and it was slowly turning into a blizzard. So we cuddled to keep warm. And one kiss turned into a whole new experience for the nearly 17 year old Louis. How precious he was during his Junior year. The year I knew I loved him, but kept quiet for so long that my heart ached.

As we entered the restaurant, we both settled on pasta. But our sauces and seasonings were different. And I couldn't help but smile as he drew a smiley face with the condensation on his glass of ice water.

"How is work?" He asked drawing a moustache on his artwork.

"Good. How's baby sitting Lux?" He smiled.

"She calls you Hally and not Harry or Hazzy. I tried to teach her Harry and she didn't get it. But Hazzy doesn't work at all." I chuckled.

"She's still a baby. To me she is at least."

"She's your God baby." I smiled at the statement. "You look pretty." He mumbled his eyes flicking to mine and softening.

"You look pretty too Lou-Lou." His cheeks went pink. "Hey Louis?" He hummed in reply sending me a smile. "I've been meaning to talk you you about something. Work related." His smile faded.

"You mean bad work or work?"

"Bad work babe." His eyes focused on his glass. "Louis can I see your hand?" He placed his hand palm up on the table and I curled my fingers around it.

"Louis... I don't wanna do that kind of work anymore." His eyes snapped up to meet mine. "I mean, I'm still doing acting and its really taking off. I just... I hate feeling like I'm having this as a burden for you." His eyes went dim.

"You aren't a burden Hazzy." He whispered before looking into my eyes.

"I'm just-I'm sorry for putting you through all this shit for so long. You deserve better and.... I wanna give you better." His eyes stayed trained on me.

"Hazzy?" I gulped.

"I know I should probably give you a whole speech but I didn't plan one. At all." His eyebrows creased. "Look. Louis I love you death and I have been with you since you were 16 and now you're almost 20. And I've known you since you were 14 and silly and a kid and its been the best few years of my life. But I want it to be for forever not just 6 years." I could still see in his eyes he wasn't seeing what I was getting at. "Louis." I gulped and reached into my pocket. "I don't wanna wait again. I'm tired of hiding to make people happy." I watched his face contort into absolute confusion as I slid back in my chair.

"I made you a promise we'd be together forever one day." I pulled out the box and fell to one knee watching his eyes widen in almost fear. I opened the box with a heavy swallow.

"I want that day to be today." I whispered. He stared down at the ring. "Louis William Tomlinson will you put all this shit behind us, and marry me?" I said with a grin. I barely finished the last syllable before he crushed me in a hug. I thought he was gonna knock me over but then I heard a sniffle in my shirt I tightened my grip.

"Please don't cry lovey." I whispered pulling back. His eyes were shiny and slightly pink.

"L-Love you so m-much" he hiccuped. I ran my thumb underneath his eyes, catching his tears.

"I love you too sweetheart." I mumbled running my hands through his hair. And I swear I could feel our hearts beating so loud that we didn't hear the applause in the restaurant from the other customers. I pulled away once more from our embrace. "So is it a no or?-"

"It's a yes Hazzy. A big big yes." I smiled picking the ringing of its box and sliding it onto the finger in between offensive and promises. I kissed his forehead without a second thought.

"Love you so much Hazzy."


Last night I saw the boys of 1D and 5SOS live and they were phenomenal. Except I had to be talked out of harming myself with a permanent slumber during the show. So to Emily, thank you for calling and texting me for 2 hours. And I'm sorry for scaring you. I just thought I'd let you guys in on what's been going on lately with me.

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