Chapter 11
I smiled as Louis came bouncing towards the car with his bag. Bright blue shorts and a white deep v neck. The stubby sleeves rolled up like we always do. He smiled like an idiot and I smiled back.
"Guess who finished another year of UNI?" I hugged him tightly, for I was at his school not at home. I was picking him up on his last day. Thought it'd be a nice surprise. All the seniors were sobbing and saying goodbye officially and Freshman, Sophomores, and Juniors were just happy to go. My Prince soon to be moving up to his Junior year when he returns in the fall. But now, we get to spend all the time in the word in the hot months of partial June, July, and August. And July will be well spent in lovely Italy. Niall or no Niall, Louis is still my love and he'll be there.
"Congratulations baby." I whispered in his ear. He smiled, light blush dusting on his cheeks. "Got everything?"
"Good because I brought you the first part of the surprise." I pulled out a happy Peanut from the SUV. Louis squealing as he cuddled the puppy.
"Peanut! Where is Leo?" He asked petting the puppy's head.
"She was reserved today. Wanted to stay home and snoop instead of weave around in the back seat with Peanut." He giggled as Peanut lapped at his cheek. A few people staring because this was Lou is talking to his 'Best Mate' Harry Styles, declared number 4 of the hottest men on earth according to people magazine. Lagging with Channing Tatum and other individuals. Oh well. Number 4 is taken by a sweet boy who is cuddling a puppy he named Peanut, and I have no shame in that.
"So what do you mean first part of the surprise? Peanut is only a first?" I chuckled.
"I thought we'd go out to a surprise lunch at a surprise restaurant to celebrate."
"I'm not graduating Hazzy."
"I know, but fun is fun, we got a new puppy and kitty. We've been having some hard times, and I wanna splurge on you." He smiled at me in absolute adoration.
"You don't have to do that." The puppy licked at his hand making him smile even more.
"I want to, now come on. I want kisses but I can't have them in public." He rolls His eyes entering passengers side of the SUV. Peanut in his lap. "So, you in the mood for Italian?" He nodded as I turned the radio up the slightest, before remembering the bag at my feet. "Oh! This is yours." He gave me a look of shun for the gift but opened th small blue bag. Appearing to only have a card in it.
"Another year of school has passed and so has another year of your life, taking a break means vacation and vacation..." He opened the card a ticket sliding out. "Means getting wild." He chuckled the picture of a dog in sunglasses on the inside. He picked up the card. "What is this?" He asked.
"Well look at it silly" I smiled, driving away from his campus.
"First class ticket to ital..." I grinned wildly as he stopped reading. "To Italy?" He choked out.
"Happy Sophomore." He was still in shock.
"Thank you so much Hazzy!" He cheered. I pulled his hand into mine, keeping one hand on the wheel and a wandering eye on the boy every now and then.
"You're very welcome, but it's not over."
"What are you gonna do when I graduate?" I bubbled with laughter.
"It's not so bad. It's just lunch."
"As long as there isn't a spaceship in the parking lot, we are okay." I pulled onto a street towards the restaurant. "So what did you all day?"
"Nothing, played with Peanut and Leo. Talked to Liam and Niall. Did some stuff for the maids. Pretty boring." He nodded adjusting the glasses on the crook of his nose. "What about you baby how was school?"
"Okay. I didn't expect you to pick me up though. That made me feel happy! Zayn and I talked all day." He stated. I pulled into the restaurant, nearly abandoned except for a few expected cars.
"And now that we're out of the public eye..." I began pulling him over into my lap and he giggled as he undid his seat belt so he could actually move. I pressed my lips onto his. My hands locked together at his spine. I opened my mouth slightly, but he pulled off.
"Hazzy, I don't want to go this far in the car." I laughed understanding his discomfort. I mean, he was in my lap.
"Alright, let's go then." I pulled his towards inside the restaurant, hand on his wrist instead of in his hand. Such a shame. Stupid Liam and Niall. I covered his eyes and took Peanut from him as we opened the doors.
"Trust me." He sighed and I led him a few more steps before taking my hand off his eyes.
"Surprise!" His eyes widened and filled with tears.
"M-Mummy?!" She smiled and nodded as he got up and nearly jumped on her. He hadn't seen his mum in the longest time. But after she ya know kicked him out, I talked to her without Louis knowing and made up with her. Telling her straight about us, about how he was living with me, and how I was no way aware of what he had done to get kicked out, but he would still be in my care. Attending Uni, for I had paid for his admission. As well as stating I loved him very much. Although she was a bit judgemental over my jobs and such, she accepted. Prior I take care of him. Good care!
"You got taller." She sniffled he rubbed his eyes and nodded. "Is Harry being good to you baby boy?"
"Yes mummy." She mopped the tears of his cheeks and before he knew it, there was 4 girls attacking him. The twins, Fizzy, and Lottie.
"Louis!" He was hugged by the two older girls, the twins on his legs. He laughed, sending me as glance and a mouthed sentence.
"Thank you."
Louis sat in my lap, despite the empty chair beside me. His sisters and mum around us. Eating food. Small talk. Kind of?
"So Harry, how's work." Jay asked me
"It's good. We get to start filming the second movie in a few weeks so we're packing." Louis grinned at his food, obviously hearing what I had said.
"He's going with you?" I nodded on a bit of my sandwich.
"Italy for a month." Louis spoke up softly. Her expression showed a motherly one.
"Really? May I ask what you will be doing in Italy when Harry is at work?"
"Playing with Peanut!" Louis said with a wide smile. His smile was infectious, but his mother wasn't buying it.
"Our dog's name is Peanut so he's not exactly lying." Her eyebrows creased.
"Harry? The truth please?"
"Well I don't know what we're gonna do there. I don't have a no filming schedule."
"Harry she's hinting." Lottie spoke up making a circle and putting her finger in it.
"Lottie that's inappropriate!" The girl shrugged at her mother's scolding. "But have you been with my son physically?" I gulped. I looked over to Louis who was blushing furiously picking at his meal.
"Not exactly." No one said a word. "Not all the way how about we put it that way." Louis whined and I kissed his shoulder. Arm looped around his waist. "We usually aren't into that type of Affection all the time. Mostly stuff like this. Eating on each other's laps." He smiled and tipped his head on my shoulder.
"So... Other than that, how have you both been?" She questioned.
"Good mum. We have a kitten. And Hazzy took care of me when I was sick." She sent me a grin of approval. "But I made him sick too."
"It's alright, I can take care of myself sometimes."
"So you've got more tattoos I see." I looked at my chest and arms.
"He has a butterfly on his tummy." Lottie laughed loudly and Fizzy had to hold one in. The twins confused.
"What do you mean a-" I pulled up my shirt so she could see the ink markings. "May I ask why?"
"Louis took a picture of it." Louis smiled proudly at his family, unaware of what to say
"But... Why?" Lottie asked stunned.
"Don't know, just did. It was pretty." The family was still a bit in shock as I fixed my shirt. "I'm done eating, I'm gonna go play with Peanut." I nodded and we all watched as we skipped away happily with the small puppy.
"He seems off?" Fizzy spiked up.
"He just wants to go to Italy, no worries."
After a not so emotional goodbye of his sisters and mum, Louis and I were cuddling in the recliner of my chair at home. Peanut off somewhere being a Peanut and Leo nuzzled herself in between the smallest crack of Louis' torso and arm. Purring intently as we watched the telly. Well, before he shifted, whined and craved for my attention.
"What is it baby?"
"What are we gonna do in Italy? Was mummy right?" He asked apprehensively. I took his hand I mine.
"Not at all, I've got a few things planned don't worry. We can go out and explore the places that aren't so public and be can have Harry and Louis days still." He smiled and nuzzled his face into my neck.
"Have you ever been to Italy?"
"Nope. But I went to America remember?" He frowned.
"You were gone for 2 weeks and I was very sad. That was when I lived with my mum. And you were starting acting."
"Sure was, and remember when you called me everyday on skype even when it was 3 am here?" He nodded into my neck. "I think that's when I knew I loved you to absolute bits. I never wanna leave you again sweetheart." He tightened his grip on my waist.
"Please don't. I like Peanut and Leo keeping me company, but I still don't have my Hazzy." I stroked his arm.
"This is why we're going to Italy together baby." He started to fidget.
"We can give handjobs there right?"
"Course lovey, if that's what you want." I patted his thigh and he sighed into my collarbones. "We can do whatever you want. Speaking of which, how about I held you dump out your school stuff and we can start packing. It's only 2 weeks away."
"Peanut and Leo have to go to your mum's right?" I nodded.
"Sorry sweetheart, can't come to Italy with us."
"That's okay, I have my Hazzy!"
"But Lou, what about when we have to film?" He shrugged.
"Call Zaynie?" I contemplated the thought.
"Wait wait wait, is Zayn doing anything big over the summer?" I asked. Louis shook his head, infringe swooshing as he did so. "I can buy him a plane ticket if he wants to come." Louis squealed.
"Zaynie can come with us!?"
"Well I don't want you to be lonely, and Niall we be a hassle to deal with and Zayn won't let him bug you." Louis shot up.
"Going to call him!" He shouted running from the room.
Oh this better be good.
Louis sat in my lap at the computer. Aimlessly scrolling through websites with me and multitasking of a somewhat cuddle.
"So Zaynie gets to come to Italy with us right?"
"Are you excited baby." He leaned back and nodded into my shoulder.
"Can't wait to spend 3 weeks with my Hazzy. And Zaynie too." I inhaled the scent of his hair. The strawberry shampoo still lingering from this morning. He Is such a fruity freak. Loves those things.
"Can't wait to spend 3 weeks with my Louis. All alone in a il letto with Il mio amore." He smiled.
"What does that mean?"
"All alone in a bed with my love. I don't know I tried." He giggled. "Ti amo." I whispered. "Mi rendi felice." I tickled his side's and he laughed again "Ti penso sempre." He stared at me just watching me speak. "Sei Bella." He smiled.
"I'd like to know what you said." I grinned.
"Sei Bella., You are beautiful." He blushed and looked down. "Ti penso sempre, I always think about you." I took his jaw in my fingertips and traced patterns in his cheeks. "Mi rendi felice, You make me Happy." I traced my thumb over his lips. "Ti amo, I love you."
"Ti amo." I chuckled softly.
"Voglio un baccio!" He cocked his head to the side in confusion. "I want a kiss." He pressed his lips to mine.
"Sí?" He replied.
"Oh you know more than me now huh? Smart boy."
"Sí means yes everywhere Hazzy, it's nothing new."
"Liar. " I tickled his ribs and giggles erupted from his lips as well as mine.
"H-Hazzy I'm gonna pee!" I died down a bit, my arms looping back around his waist in its original form.
"So, before we got on the topic of Italy, what we're you looking at baby?"
"Tumblr. But people on Tumblr are mean to me now." I frowned. "About us."
"Well you didn't say anything did you?"
"No! I'm not dumb!"
"I never said you were baby, what are they saying?" He clicked on his little message box and on the top there was a message from anonymous calling him 'a prude.' "That's not very nice, can you shut off people sending you things?"
"Yeah, but some people are nice." I sighed. "Like Lucas!"
"He has a lot of tattoos and is dating a boy named Eddie. He has tattoos too, but they are nice to me." I rubbed his thigh in effort to make sure he was comfortable. "Nice Nonnies."
"That's what I call them!" He smiled bright at me. "A lot of them like me." I kissed his neck.
"That's good sweetheart." He yawned and rubbed his eyes. "Someone's sleepy yeah?" He giggled softly, mumbling back a sleep filled yes. I scooped him up and carried him back to our room. Getting ready for sleep. And one step closer to Italy with the love of my life.
Really shitty filler chapter, in the next chapter they go to Italy. #swaggyspoileralert. Pardon my translations as well. I was feeling foreign-y.
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