Chapter 7 "This day is just full of surprises."
I turned around and saw the famous Sasuke Uchiha walking out from behind a tree with that stupid smirk on his face. What have I gotten myself into?!
(Ri's pov)
Damn how long had he been listening? "Sasuke? What are you doing here?" Naruto shouted. "Isn't it obvious dobe? I found the new student suspicious so I followed you, but I never would have thought that he was actually a she." He said his smirk seemed to grow. "I wonder what else your hiding? Well?" That's when I couldn't help it. I laughed.
"Hahahaha." They both look at me like I'm crazy, which I probably am. "What so funny?!" Naruto shouts. Ignoring his question I turned to Sasuke who's smirk was long gone replaced by a scowl. "Man its been a long time since I've laughed like that thanks duck butt." Naruto busted out laughing hearing my new nickname for Sasuke. I turned around and started walking in the direction of my house. "Hey wait where are you going?!" I turn my head to him and gave him a sadistic smirk that would make a grown man run for the hills. "I'm going home, but if you really want to learn more about me than pass the exam and get on my team. Oh and if you tell anyone about me being a girl." I turn to both of them and gave the a death glare dropping my playful act. Both boys shivered noticeably. "I won't hesitate to show you the real me." Naruto nodded his head quickly sweat trickled down his face. Sasuke only nodded trying to keep his cool. I turn around and started walking away to another training ground. I need to train on my ninjutsu if I'm going to be a ninja and make a life here. I thought as I started to make the hand signs from the scroll Iruka-sensei gave me.
(Naruto's pov)
Ri was so scary even Sasuke-teme was shaking! Even when I met her yesterday I knew she was a girl and wondered about it. Then when she showed up in class I got even more curious about her with her cold demeanor than she didn't have yesterday, but just now you could hear the vemon in her voice and feel the killer intent radiating from her. Who are you Ri and what happened to you to make you this cold?
(Sasuke's pov)
Ri was so much like him.The voice and feeling I got from her in class. It sent shivers down my back just thinking of it. She's just like Itachi! But now when I tried to scare her by telling her secret that all changed. That glare it told me not to mess with her and I knew just from that look that if I mad one wrong move I would be dead. It made me question all I had first thought about her. Ri who are you?
(Ri's pov)
Those jutsus are so easy, I didn't brake a sweat. "Ha of course they were easy your from the yami clan after all."A voice said.I shot up. "Who's there?" "Stop talking out load you look insane." "Your in my head?" "Duh. Of course I am where else would I be expect inside my jinjuriki (sp?)." "What! But how? Who are you?!" "Hm. You don't seem to remember anything. Well you were only a baby at the time." "Who are you?!" I was really freaking out right now. "Calm down. I'm the ten-tails shadow,Kage, and you are Ri yami of the yami clan." "Sorry you must be mistaken my name is Ri dokuumi." Great now I'm having an argument with the voice in my head. "No I'm right. You are Ri yami last survivor of the yami clan and my host." "Hang on slow down who are the yami clan and how can I be one of them I'm not even from this world." "Huh. Let me start from the beginning. Twelve years ago a young child was born. This child was the only one born with her clans kekkei genkai, the kemono me or beast eye. This kekkei genkai is like the uchiha's sarringan only it comes from the ten-tailed beast eye itself. It can copy any jutsu and other kekkei genkai. Those from the yami clan are very powerful they originate from sage of the six paths. The clan is said to have all the chakra natures but the mostly excel in shadow jutsu's like the nara clan. Only they took it a step further they made jutsu's that can create armies and anything else they desired."
"I come from this clan what about my brother is he a yami to?" "No you were sent to that world after I was sealed inside you. When you got there you were taken in by those two but when the boy was born I guess they thought ditching you would be better." "But you said that I already activated my eyes so why have I never been able to use them?" "To keep you safe your mother sealed away your kemono me until you returned to this world. " "Really then how do I reactivate it?" "Sigh. All you do is concentrate your chakra into your eyes." "How do I do that." "Right you don't know chakra control yet I guess I'll have to start from the beginning with that to. Well try picture blue energy flowing all through out your body." I did as he said. "Good now imagine some of that energy going to your feet." Again I do as he said. "Now climb that tree without using your feet." "What you must be crazy I've seen it done on the show but come on I can't do that!" "Just do it or you won't sleep tonight!" "What you csn do that?" "Yes but I don't want to. Unlike the other tailed beasts I don't wish to harm my host." "Thanks. I guess." "Just climb the tree brat!" I run to the tree as I concentrate my chakra into my feet. I get half way up the tree before I fall back down on my butt. "Haha. Ok try again this time use more chakra." He said in between laughs.
I try a couple times until I finally made it to the top of the tree. "Kage did you see that I made it to the top!" "Don't get all jumpy your a ninja! Now do the same thing just to your eyes." "Alright." I started putting chakra into my eyes. suddenly the world began to look more detailed. "Cool but how do I know it works?" "You will find out soon enough. Now lets go home its late." I turned off my kemono me and looked up at the sky. "You're right its nearly morning. Man Samui is not going to be happy." I thought as I ran home. I open the door five minetes later only to be tackled to the ground.
"NII-SAN!" I look up to see Samui on top of me. "Nii-san your so late. What took you so long?" I smiled up at him as Kakashi walked out and chucked at us. "Sorry Samui, Kakashi I was training and I guess I lost track of time." I told them both as we walked inside to the small living room.
"So Ri learn any new jutsu?" Kakashi asked me not even looking up from his perverted book as we sat down with Samui beside me. "Kinda." "Whats that suppose to mean? Did something happen while you were training?" Should I tell him that what I am. I mean I have to tell Samui but What about Kakashi?
"Nii-san? Nii-san? NII-SAN!?" I fell out of my seat in surprise. Samui looked down at me from the couch. "You ok nii-san you spaced out for a long time." "Yeah, I'm fine and Kakashi have you ever heard of the yami clan?" He looks up from his book. "That's not answering my question, but yes I have why do you ask?" "Because it seems I'm the last one alive." He and Samui look at me in shock. "What?!" "Let me speak to them." "What?! But how." "Just shut up brat."
Right when he said that a large shadow started to from in front of me. When it was fully formed it looked like a wolf with ten tails made out of pure shadows. "The brat is right." It was Kage, but how wasn't he sealed within me. "My name is Kage the ten tails shadow. I was sealed inside Ri twelve years ago the night of the yami massacre."
The both stare at him with wide eyes until Samui screamed. "HE"S SO CUTE!" "Cute? I'm not cute brat.I'm even more powerful than the nine tailed brat." He said his head held high in pride. "Kage your getting off topic and if you call Samui a brat again I'll give you nightmares." He turned to me. "You give me nightmares please like you could." "Would you like to test your theory?" "Whatever. Damn brat." "Now where was I before I was interrupted." He said turning back to the two males. "Ha yes. Ri is the last yami. She was known as a prodigy at birth because she was born with her clans kekkei genkai."
"What exatly is the yami's kekkei genkai? The only thing I've heard about them is that they were all killed a few weeks before the nine tails attack and that if I ever came into contact with one to run like hell and pray that they let you live." "The yami clan's kekkei genkai came from the ten tailed beast. They say when the ten tails was sealed within the sage of six paths only the body was left, but that's not true. In truth the beasts eye and shadow still remained and the sage when the sage made the beasts body the moon he also put the beast eye into his third and youngest son." "But the story says that the sage only had only had two sons!" "That was also false. Even though the story only tells of two sons the sage did have three only the third son was not told of because after the sage died and I was first sealed within the youngest he left and started the yami clan."
"That still doesn't answer my question of what the yami clan's kekkei genkai." "Yeah well you see the eye of the beast was past down through generations and became known as the kemono me or ironicly speaking beast eye. It is very similar to the uchiha's sharinngan only it much more powerful. Show him Ri." I look over at Kakashi and Samui, who was still staring at Kage with starry eyes clearly not listening to the conversation, I turn on my kemono me like I've been doing it all my life. Both boys went wide eyed. I turn and look into a mirror that was near by. My new eyes looked so cool. From the eye I can see it was deep black and had red lines that looked like the rinnagan and three comas on each line.
(Third pov)
"Cool can I do that?!" Samui shouts making everyone turn to him. "No you dumb brat if you were paying attention you would know that Ri is not your real sister, at least not by blood."
"Yes she is."
"No she's not."
He was cut off by a kuni flying in between to two. They both turn to see Ri with her kemono me still on on and glaring at the two of them. "Kage what did I tell you about calling Samui a brat." A deadly aura surrounding her. Kakashi was frozen by the seen in front of him. Here was on of the most powerful beasts in the ninja world arguing with a seven year old and both looked absolutely terrified by Ri's glare. To tell the truth he was a little frighted by it too.
(Ri's pov)
When those two saw my glare they immediately quieted down. "Now then Kakashi since we are done dicussing this can you leave I need to get Samui t bed and get ready for school tomorrow." "Yes of course RI, but tomorrow we will have to tell the hokage about this." "I thought you would say that."
Then he left and after I got Samui to sleep I fell onto my bed only to have Kage jump up with me. "Why are you still here? Aren't you suppose to be sealed inside me?" "Yes, but your seal alows me to walk around in this weak shadow state as long as you agree to it." "Ok, but that doesn't answer my question why are you still here and why have I never been able to here you before?" "Sigh. You never been able to hear me before because the world you were in before doesn't have enough chakra for me to draw on so to survive I was put into a coma state to the point to were I could only watch how you lived and to answer you first question I want to see more of the world so I'll be coming out every so often to help you or just because I'm bored." "Whatever just try not to get into any trouble." and with that I fell into a deep dreamless sleep.
What will happen next? I don't know. Read on, comment, vote and I do not own Naruto.
(Picture of Ri's kekkei genkai at the top, yes I know its the ten tails eye but that's were it came from)
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