
I'm telling y'all I suddenly became professional.

Y'all might cry idk

-Strong language
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Conflict
- Angst


"So let me get this straight, you all thought that Batman or Nightwing had called you to the cave for some emergency, turns out that the villains had planned getting you captured, locked you up here for some weeks, are drugging you with some type of serum that makes you obey their orders and are forcing you all to entertain them while torturing the rest of you by watching the shows. Am I up to pace?" Wally recounted the events at an impressive speed, not missing the events, and reciting with enough details for the situation to make sense.

"That is correct." Batman said as he let the free hero examine his chains, observing with meticulous eyes as he observed how the other analyzed the material, the tightness and the resistibility of the metal.

Wally hummed in response, that made some sense he believed, after stopping the villains time after time there would obviously need to be a sort of break for them to be able to capture the heroes, and be able to take away something from them, in this case freedom.

"Well if you don't mind me asking, um, where is Nightwing?" Wally looked up at Batman again, eyes wide with a hint of concern.

Bruce sighed heavily, distraught at the thought of what the villains might be doing to his son. He stayed silent form a moment, then cleared his throat, adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed the invisible knot that stayed in his throat. "He was the target for the other villains, he... changed a lot since you've last seen him so- they took advantage of his weak state and are... perusing him." Batman finished the sentence with difficulty, it was very rare to see him so broken, the last time it happened was he and Damian hugged after his son's "adventure" with the court of owls.

Wally froze, eyes uncertain and moving in different directions at various speeds, as if trying to decipher the words that were given to him, and piece together what he heard. After almost a minute of calculating he coughed into his fist and brought himself back to reality, continuing to feel the bat's restraints.

"I'll get him out..." He promised in a low voice, almost a whisper, clearly a promise for himself to achieve, he had to do it... he had to.

After various inspections made of the restraints, KidFlash stepped backs bit, looked at where Batman sat and nodded. "Sorry- do you think you have uh, any batarangs on you?" He asked sheepishly, twiddling his thumbs together in his nervousness.

Obviously, he wouldn't be carrying any type of knives or weapons on him, he had been sent to the Speedforce by accident and normally he wouldn't need to used any weapons. Really no one could blame him.

Batman chuckled deeply, remembering all the times he had scolded Wally for never being prepared, then he tapped his son's hand with his pinky, knowing he would have the resources.

Damian looked at his father from the corner of his eye, then sighed while shaking his head a bit. "In the platform of my left boot." He spoke curtly and to the point, not wanting to meddle into an unnecessary conversation.

"Uh- like inside your shoe?-" Wally began to ask before he was interrupted.

"No you imbecile, inside the platform of my boot is a small but high quality knife that could assist us." Damian hissed at him, the kid could feel his headache growing, he really couldn't understand how Grayson was able to be so deeply connected to a speedster.

"I- alright little boss." Wally legitimately thought he was speaking to a mini version of Bruce, if he should be amazed of terrified was a mystery.

Damian was going to retort, but then remembered how much of a headache was dealing with Flash and decided against it, he had had enough social interaction for three lifetimes.

Wally also found out that the bats were more prepared than he could ever aspire to be, this kid had a damn compartment at the bottom of his shoe. In there he had a knife, a letter from someone he definitely didn't peek at so that he was more tame in his curiosity, random murder plans and a picture of Tim.

"Hey! Why do you have a picture of me in your damn shoe?!" Tim yelled from his seat behind Damian, a bit offended he was in a shoe.

"Well Drake, it is something that brings me joy to do when I shouldn't be kicking you in the face. It also brings a reassuring reminder that you will always be below me." Damian, feeling very accomplished, sat back and ignored Tim yelling at him in the back.

Wally hadn't even spent time with this kid, and he already knew that this was a more shady and terrifying version of his dad... God bless us.

"Okay then..." Wally said as he took the knife and popped the shoe platform back in place, the photo of Tim still in there because he was very scared of the kid that might kill him if he took it out, and began his plan.

"Hey, um- Robin? Robin, yeah uh, what material is this knife made of?" As much of a scientist that Wally was he didn't have much knife knowledge.

"It's a carbon steel knife, admittedly the blade is quite well made, the sharpness of the blade is thin and can cause great damage to a person if used correctly, though I am not sure it's effects if it were to collide with titanium." Robin answered honestly, though he didn't meet West personally he knew that Grayson wholeheartedly trusted in the redhead, therefore he would trust him for the time being.

"Nice, let's find out." Wally said confidently, testing the blade with his index finger and thumb. He then walked, or well sprinted by non-speedster perspective, to Zatanna who sat at the end of the seat row. "Hey, how you doing Z?"

She smiled gently at him, before speaking. "Better now that you're here Wally." Her voice was soft as she spoke to him, never knowing how much she had missed her friend.

Wally smiled back and said. "Let's get those off of you." He then brought the knife to her shackles at the side of her chair, the ones holding her right arm.

After positioning the knife at the weakest point of her chains, he used his super speed to then drag the knife to clash of the restraints. Surprisingly, it took one swoop to slice the shackles and liberate Zatanna's arm. Wally then did the same tactic on the rest of her restraints, freeing Zatanna once and for all.

Zatanna stood away from her chair for a while, surprised she wasn't dragged right back, but didn't question it. Then began reciting a spell to liberate her fellow heroes.

"Noitarebil!" Her voice boomed through the room, her hands sparkling purple filled magic as she stretched her arms forward and allowed her magic to reach her bound friends and partners.

For a moment the whole room was lit in a soft purple, engulfing the heroes softly with its hue.

Then everyone was unbounded, they were all free. Granted they were weak from having their powers restrained for so long, and Zatanna's health didn't get better from performing that spell but they were able to get out of bounds and for now that's all that matters.

"Alrighty! What's the plan? Go upstairs, fight the villains and demand them to give Nightwing back? Or or, we sneak around Batman style and save him? Or perhaps-" Flash was the one who shut his nephew up, clasping a hand to his mouth and giving a tired smile.

"Sorry kid, but I really can't keep up with your blabbering when I'm so tired." That was when Wally noticed the dark bags under some heroes eyes, their skinny appearance and overall haunted look.

Wally then nodded a bit, sheepishly looking away and shutting up. Yeah it's just like how he left.

"He is right though." Superman's voice appeared into their conversation. "How do we get Nightwing back?" He asked no one specifically.

"We need supplies... but that would take too long." Batman contributed to the conversation.

"Supes, can you scan the room for our things?" Jason asked, preparing himself to spill blood.

Quickly Clark got to task, scanning the room for any weapon available. The heavy sigh that escaped his lips was answer enough.

"Maybe the Batman and others without super powers, shouldn't assist in performing the rescue for Nightwing?" Starfire contributed, as tired as she felt everyone knew she would fight for Dick until the end.

"Star, there's no way in hell I'm not going to save him." Jason said stubbornly. "If I have to I'll go up there and be bait so y'all can save him." He said, no hesitation in his voice.

"As much as I hate agreeing with hood, I'm not goin' down without a fight Star." Red Arrow commented, looking between his fellow Outlaws, trying to make peaceful with them while still agreeing to help.

Diana stood up sighing and said clearly. "You guys don't have any weapons, and though we appreciate your suicidal behavior Jay, we are not going to throw you to the wolves when we can even promise they'll give Wing up for you." Though it was harsh it was a needed reality check for those without powers, though some of them bowed their heads in shame a certain Bat refused to go down.

"I, am not going to wait here, for someone to save my son, I am going to go up there, beat the living heart out of their bodies and get him back. If not I'll die trying, but I'm not going to wait for someone to do it for me." Bruce stated firmly, cape fluttering behind him as he turned towards the stairs that lead upstairs, before a strong hand on his shoulder stopped him.

"Bruce, we all want Dick back, but you are not going to sacrifice yourself, we can bring him back... trust us-" Clark's hand was slapped off by the bat as he turned around to glare at the man in blue and red.

"Don't try and stop me Clark." Every word was punctuated, determination and hatred burning through his words.

Superman shook his head and neared himself more to the bat. "I won't allow you to get hurt, there is no way that I will let you go up there unarmed-"

A very rude explosion at the side of the building interrupted Clark, heroes jumped and let out gasps of shock from the loud clutter of breaking bricks by their side.

As a big chunk of the wall fell in came three familiar figures, one holding a massive mallet that was used to break the wall, the other explosives and the other was just petting vines that kept the building from collapsing more.

"Good babies, momma loves you~" Poison Ivy cooed at her plants, which just beamed with joy as they heard her compliment, curling up on her arm more, which just earned more compliments.

"Aw~ Ivy's tryna make us jealous! Suga give me kisses~" Harley whined seeing her redhead doing her thing with her plants, just wanting attention.

"Don't worry baby, you'll get some love after we get these guys out of here." Selena's deep voice assured her girlfriend, keeping Harley grounded for the time being.

"Catwoman?" Asked Superman, obviously insecure because of Bruce's and Selena's past together, but stepped aside nonetheless when Bruce passed him to get to her.

"How did you find us?" He asked the girls, needing answers and wanting distractions from his interaction with Clark.

"Heya Batsy! Ya should thank Red and I! We were the ones checkin' the whole city to find ya... we'll, only birdy- we want him outta here as quick as possible." Harley answered, after she started a relationship with Selena, she and Batman became some sort of company buddies, if they had nothing to do and wanted to kill time they'd try to find Joker together and put him in Arkham... after a few punches.

Bruce nodded and immediately he was handed an extra utility belt by Selena, his own belt to be exact. "You entered the cave?" He asked unimpressed, why did he even bother hiding stuff from Selena anymore.

Selena raised an eyebrow and smirked. "What? You think I only took care of Agent A while you were gone? No no no Bad Bat, a cat gets bored." She purred a bit, obviously joking, then she stopped when she felt three arms on her. Harley hugging her waist with both hands, smushing her face into Selena's Catwoman outfit, and felt Ivy's hand on her hip, a possessive grip but nothing uncomfortable in any way.

Batman took the very obvious sign to fuck off and turned around to put on his belt and checking the materials he had, handing some equipment to Tim and Damian as well.

"Hey Kyle..." said Jason, approaching the ladies slowly as to not activate a possessive attack. "...just wonderin' if any of y'all had guns on ya?" Jason wanted, no needed to be there for Dick, he knew the elder was going through something and needed a much needed shoulder to cry on right the hell now.

Harley handed him a gun without any question, Jason quickly checked how much ammo it had before finding that it was filled with surprisingly rubber bullets. He lifted an eyebrow at the blonde, making her sigh.

"Look, Batsy wouldn't let me use real bullets or he would get really pissy at me, and I'm telling ya Jaybird, I need those no boring conversations." She spoke seriously, lifting her mallet again from its spot on the floor before walking in, girlfriends right behind her.

Without further to do, Jason readied the gun by his side and followed them, ready to take on any challenge to save Richard.

~With Nightwing~

Slade re-entered the room after a while, now was his chance, he would take him away- turn him into his apprentice and have a family. He didn't care how far his fantasy was from the truth, but he couldn't take it. He became obsessed.

Quickly he dressed up the unconscious bird, estimating that the other would wake up in half an hour if he was that unlucky. His men had came and informed him that three ex-villains broke into the building and had full on intentions to take down the rest of the villains and return Nightwing to the heroes. Unfortunately, he would be the one to take the boy away.

Picking up the boy bride-like style and wrapping him up in a blanket he exited the room as fast as he entered it, just to hear a bunch of swears from both heroes and villains.

"EAT SHIT CLOWN!" Jason Todd.


"Oh great..." Deathstroke muttered under his breath, then continued walking for a bit, until he felt the ground beneath him shake, thinking fast he ran towards a window and jumped through it, not letting go of the bird. Only hanging from the window stilt, he scanned his surroundings and saw his men heading towards him at full speed, quickly leading off the wall and landing on a motorcycle being dragged by another bike. Not letting any time tick by he unpacked the bike, turned on the motorcycle, keeping the hero between his legs and speeding off.

"He's taking him! All eyes on Deathstroke!" He heard some female voice yell, not bothering turning around to identify who he would eventually kill later.

"No time. Get to the ship as fast as possible, distract them in whatever way you can." Deathstroke's orders were short and curt.

All his henchmen nodded and headed in different directions, now it was time to disappear from the map.

He went through alleyways, left and right, punching posts and people on the street loosing those heroes behind him and after almost twenty minutes of adventuring through the corners of the city he made it to the docks.

Not stopping, knowing he was running out of time, he accelerated as much as he could, damned set on getting on his ship.

Explosions resonated behind him, cursing beneath his breath he just swayed a bit before maintaining balance once again, driving down the dock and boarding the ship.

"Attack!" Deathstroke yelled at all his henchmen, seeing Superman, Batman, bat brats and a speedster right on his tail. Immediately, he felt the ship starting up, weapons all directed to the heroes.

Explosions were set off, completely destroying the dock, Superman flew upwards and had Batman on his back heading for them. Slade had predicted that someone would save the heroes no matter how much Joker assured them no one would come, and prepared several kryptonite bullets. He took out his designated gun and starting shooting at the metahuman.

Slightly surprised, and quickly running out of energy, Superman slowed down a bit, Batman was very concerned for a second, for his friend and his son, debating whether or not to jump onto the ship with so little resources and energy.

Dick woke up with a start, though he was a bit hazy, and everything sounded so far away from reality; echoing loudly in his ears.

He shuffled a bit, untangling himself from the sheet covering him. Sitting up, he tried his best to look around, seeing many people shooting away at some unrecognizable blobs, one pure black on top of a red and blue, getting further away.

Huh, I wonder what-

Like a punch to the face, all his senses came back, though very overwhelmed at first he managed to relocate himself, on top of a ship, in some part of what seemed to be the ocean, getting away from Bruce and Clark at an incredible speed, with Slade.

Yeah, no thank you.

He quickly picked himself up, staggering a bit, but not allowing himself to fall just yet, he needed to get to Bruce first. When he regained his balance, he took a couple of steps to assure that he wouldn't fall like an idiot and get captured again... like an idiot.

As he managed to do that he picked up the pace suddenly sprinting past some of Slade's henchmen, most tried to grab and stop him, even Salde noticed he was escaping; however, in that moment he didn't care, he needed to go home, with Bruce to see Jay, Timmy and Dami all his friends... his family.

He got to the edge of the ship, jumping off of the rail and reached for Clark's and Bruce's hands, he was so so close to finally be free. Time seemed to slow down as Batman jumped off Clark's back towards him, reaching for him as well. Everything would be fine, please let everything be fine... and it was, until it wasn't.

Dick felt a firm grip on his ankle, pulling him harshly back onto the ship. Turning back he saw Deathstroke throwing an explosive to Bruce, leaving the bat completely defenseless.

Time slowed even more as Dick felt his breathing stop, throat closing up, tears swelling up into his tired eyes, frame almost shaking on command as he reached for Bruce again, yelling for everything to stop, his ears heard nothing more than the loud beating of his heart. Standing up and running to him once more, desperation rushing through him like blood, and tears falling down.

Once again he was held back by a hand on his chest, and a painful jab against his head.

"Ngh!" Dick groaned, ears ringing, blood rushing everywhere, eyes and mind shutting off. The last thing he saw was that dreadful masked face, eye piercing through him, before he finally fell.

Last thing he heard wasn't the explosion, if not Slade's voice once again.

"We're finally reunited, apprentice~" Then lights off.

I'm about to die, after this I might just die idek.

Thank you all so much for the support

Bai bai my little firefighters~

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