
Welp, I was bored

- Sexual harassment
- Inappropriate language
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Slight panic attacks


"Miss Kyle, I must thank you for your support in these hard times. I really appreciate all that you've done this far in getting back my family, but I am not about to colapse and perish, so I would very much appreciate you letting me go down the bloody stairs on my own." Alfred stated as he went down the ungodly amount of stairs of the manor, on way to prepare breakfast while Selena clings to his left arm to support him.

At the mention of this Selena blushed heavily and as they neared the end of the staircase where it was almost a guarantee that Alfred wouldn't fall and turn to dust, she let go of his arm.

"I'm sorry Alfred! I've been a bit, worried I guess you could say. There has been no news about Bruce and the others for almost four weeks! What if they were captured in an unknown place and can't get out?!" Selena said in quite a paranoid manner, she looked a bit thin, makeup from two days ago still plastered on her beautiful face and her usual tank top style had been changed to a turtle neck, proving that she had been outside, and Gotham's cold air had gotten her a bit sick.

Alfred just looked at her, face unimpressed and a thin brow raised up elegantly up to his hairline, quite frankly he was done with Selena's behavior due to it being HER who assured HIM a couple of weeks back that everything would just be a-okay. At this point it's almost like convincing a toddler that, yes we would by some candy if they stopped crying for a God damed second.

Let's just say that Selena is looking like a hypocrite, and Alfred is the only concerned but calm person in the room.

"Please miss Kyle, you've already contacted your lovers to help with the case, I'm sure that with all your powers combined, you'll be able to find my young masters."

Selena finally cracked a smile, and looked at the butler. "Well Alfred, what else could you expect from our feminine power? We ARE better than most male heroes out there, and I'd say that Bruce is just slightly better than us." She stated with a cocky smirk, knowing Alfred couldn't prove her wrong because her and her partners had escaped Arkham many times in the past alone.

Alfred smiled a small smile. "Very true miss Kyle."

They stood there for a second, looking at each other for a bit, before Selena's phone rang. She chuckled a bit when she heard the ringtone of Britney Spears singing Toxic, knowing exactly who was calling. "Speak of the devil and he might appear, huh?"

She reached into her back pocket, pulling out her phone, watching the ID callers name appear, 'Baby Girl'.

"What a name miss Kyle, what would the public say?" Alfred held a confident stance, teasing the woman in front of him, knowing full well that she had just entered the relationship with her two girlfriends no more than two months ago.

She once again blushed, stuck her tongue out at the butler who was mocking her. And then went to answer the phone, hearing Alfred chuckle heavily behind her.

"Hey baby, what's up?" She spoke calmly into her phone, such a big contrast from her former behavior.

"Hey there suga!" Harley's voice spoke, ever so chipper. Of course dealing with the former Joker's girlfriend was hard, but hey, how could anyone pass that fine specimen?

"What do you need?" Selena allowed her deep voice to sound as sensual as possible, her girlfriend certainly had something for her voice and Selena was more than happy to provide.

"Aw~ you know what that sweet sweet voice of yours does to me~" Harley whined through the phone, Selena could almost hear her pout. "And as much as I would like for you to c'mere with Red and I, we have a bit of a situation." Now, Harley doesn't get serious, either it's the end of the world, somethings wrong or her favorite hammer got snapped in half.

"What's wrong?" Selena asked immediately, not liking the change in her girlfriend's tone one bit.

Through the line she could hear another voice pop up, and then after a rushed 'Buh-bai!' from Harley she was greeted by her other girlfriend's voice.

"Hi there angel." Poison Ivy's voice was always as smooth as butter, no matter what device she talked through it always made Selena melt and Harley thirsty, literally and figuratively.

"Hey flower. I hear there's news, what's up?" As much as Selena wanted to talk to her girlfriend, right now she knew something was wrong.

"We found them." Nothing more needed to be said, Selena turned to Alfred who still stood there, watching her, waiting for the news.

She then nodded to the butler, eyes filled with concern and determination. When his eyes widened slightly, looked down for a second, looked back up and nodded it was clear he got the message.

Without another word, Selena ran towards the front door, slammed it open, got on her motorcycle and sped away from the manor.

"Tell me everything." Her voice left no room for argument.

Harley's voice was heard from the background. "I just sent you our location." Seriousness still in her voice, oh how wrong it sounded coming from Harley.

"Selena-" The one in question winced from Ivy saying her voice, non of them actually said each other's names for anything, pet names were always used, even when they weren't together; meaning, that there was some deep shit going on.

"-it was horrible..." Ivy's voice trembled a bit, making Selena's heart break a bit more. "T-they all, tortured him! He never did anything wrong!" Ivy's voice was cracking, you could hear Harley in the background whimpering as well, it was too much.

"Calm down flower, I'm on my way. Who did they hurt?" Selena had to soothe her girlfriends a bit, they were obviously overwhelmed, and for being powerful and feared women it was not a usual sight.

After Ivy sobbed a bit through the phone, and Harley hugged and comforted her she was able to utter. "N-Nightwing, they hurt him... s-so so much- baby, they touched him-" Ivy started to cry softly through the phone once again, even Harley started to cry as well.

Selena almost froze completely, Dick... they hurt Dick...

After a large intake of air Selena spoke through the phone once again. "I'll be there in a few minutes, try to stay calm, we'll save him. Alright?" She tried her darnest to sound calm, even if she was about to cause the murder of several hundred villains.

When she heard her girlfriends agree with her reassurance and was able to hung up the phone, she sped through the city. Not caring for her safety or others, all she needed was to get to the destination and save Dick.

The one who accepted her first when she came out as polysexual and polyamorous, the one who never stood in her way or questioned her when she wanted to date Harley and Ivy, and even helped her set up their first date. And that's not even counting all the times he helped them when they wanted to get out of the villainous side and more into the 'I'm not going to help you stop every crime, but I'll help you if you need me' kind of side, as recited by Harley.

Richard meant so much to all of them, they would NOT allow any harm to come his way. Leading to Selena almost crashing four times in a twelve minute drive to bring hell to whoever hurt her pretty bird.

~With Nightwing~

"Phew! I'll say, I don't think any of the women I've ever been with had been this magnificent~" Lex Luthor said as he wiped down his sweaty naked body with a beautifully white hand towel.

"I hear ya, to think all this case from the bat!" Bane barked a laugh as he got his suit back on.

"Let me tell you, I think he turned me!" Black Mask laughed, adjusting his weapons and clothes.

As the villains chatted around, Nightwing remained unmoving, laying on bed, completely naked, golden hue still barely emitting from his eyes. He didn't move and inch, not when all of the villains just used him and left him there, no thoughts rang through his head, nor were there almost any signs of life present.

When the villains left, the body of Dick still was unmoving, staring blankly at the ceiling.

Then the door handle jiggled, and in came Slade, Dick still didn't move however.

"Apprentice..." Slade said uncharacteristically softly. "...they just left you like this?" The question, once again was unexpected, but the unconscious mind of Nightwing was still away and the body responded alone.

"Yes master." Curt and straightforward, nothing to meddle with, no awkwardness, nothing, this was the perfect robot.

Deathstroke, however, chuckled. It was an empty laugh, almost as if laughing would distract him from the uncomfortable feeling he had seeing the once independent and strong bird so compliant to every order.

"I never expected... to miss your spunk, that childish behavior you had. Gosh, I really can't do nothing to you without it. It's like having an inflatable sex doll." Slade sighed and sat on the edge of the bed, no matter how appetizing the other's body was it felt so incredibly wrong to touch him right now.

"Master, the spell will soon vanish from this one's body... do you wish to wait until it passes?" The voice was emotionless, so wrong coming from the usually chipper bird.

"No, no..." Slade shook his head, looking at the ground. "I'm not going to do that, to him. As despicable as I am, and how little morals I have, I can't do that- not to him at least."

They stayed in silence for a bit, not an uncomfortable silence though, they just stayed there.

Dick finally broke the silence. "Master, this body will shut off in a moment. Is it alright for you to leave the room?"

Slade had nothing to say for a moment, then sighed, nodded and stood up. He walked towards the door, just as he put his hand on the handle, he paused. Then turned back to Dick. "I'll set you free, as much as I enjoyed our time together I wish it was within my terms." He then swallowed thickly and left the room, locking the door behind him.

Dick's body had nothing more to do that to look up at the ceiling, and wait.

Just as he was nearing the moment of complete isolation within his mind, he heard a tap on the window, his eyes lazily turned to look that way. Body completely unresponsive.

He say a faint blonde and red through the window as colors danced within his vision.

He might've heard someone yell while there was a ringing in his ear, but it didn't matter anymore.

As Dick fell onto a void of darkness, a last thought echoed through his mind.

Nothing matters

~With the Heroes~

"How the hell are all four of you already conscious?!" Jason's voice rang through the theater, and while it was still very loud most heroes did wonder what had happened.

"Well, you see Todd-" Damian ignored how his second eldest brother yelled to not say his real name. "- some of us have more elevated brain capacities plus a very well maintained physic, I believe that these are some reasons for both father's and my recoveries." Damian stated proudly, almost mocking the other.

He took a moment to continue his speculations. "Plus I believe that something within both metahuman's might've helped to their progress to overcome the serum." He looked at Jon for a second then turned back, ignoring wholeheartedly a grumbling Jason in the background, and pretending that there was no blush on his ears while his friend's eyes watered.

"Wh-what do you think they did t-to Nightwing?" Jon asked his friend softly, not wanting to anger him in any way, yet not able to contain his curiosity.

Damian deflated immediately, his gaze going to the floor, creases created in between his brows, lips tugging down into a frown on his normally neutral face.

"I don't know..." Was all he said, regret almost covering his young features, most children his age shouldn't have a burden this big, it's too much for a child.

Jon tried to reassure his friends as much as possible, so he reached with the closest had he had to Damian and touched the others hand gently. At first Damian was terribly shocked by this and tried to break the others hand, up to no avail since his hand was tied to the seat.

After giving up in mutilating Jon's had he allowed the other's touch to linger... it was so warm...

As a child that had experienced coldness all his life, there were only certain people to could cause such a feeling. His mother really had iced him away from such a young age, not knowing his father growing up and finding out there are clones of him out there terrified the poor boy.

Bit people like Jon, people like Raven and Starfire... people like Dick, made his pain falter. Made it easier to carry, and he vowed right then and there that he would never allow anyone, human, villain or superhero to hurt his loved ones.

Damian allowed himself to look Jon in the eyes, and slowly but surely gave the other a small smile, they might not survive this, but if they did he wanted Jon to know that he fancied him, liked him, loved him...

If Grayson had been here he'd be gushing and oozing happiness, and how proud he was of his baby bat.

Jon returned the smile, a bit bigger than the other and allowed the tears of guilt and terror he had been holding in his eyes, to fall as tears of adoration. He now knew for sure that he was in love with Damian Wayne.

Sadly this beautiful moment was interrupted by several sparks flying on the center of the room, every hero turned to the unusual circumstance with curiosity.

"What the-" Blue Beetle muttered under his breath, even the Beetle couldn't identify what was happening.

Once again sparks flew through the room, this time they seemed to have a more orange undertone and appeared in a different place within the room.

"Wait..." Flash spoke for was seemed to be the first time in decades, which for a speedster seemed to be impossible, guess it really is based on mood. "That's a-" Before he could finished an incredibly fast figure came from where the sparks were emitted from, it would've headed straight towards them if it didn't suddenly brake and the tripped and fell... on what seemed to be their face.

"Ow..." The figure groaned, and due to all the smoke created from the speed no one could see it clearly.

"Are you alright?" Asked Garfield from the back, wondering if perhaps they would be friendly.

"Yeah... a bit tense and a broken nose, but nothing ice won't fix!" The figure waved off as they stood up slowly.

"State your business!" Batman said, authority in his voice, seeming more menacing that he actually could be at the moment.

The figure seemed to freeze for a second, then chuckled weakly, muttering under their breath. "There's a Batman here as well?" Obviously they meant to whisper, but failed miserably.

"Wh-what do you mean, 'here as well'? Are you a villain?" Jon tried to act tough for once, and it worked for a little bit over two seconds. Before the figure chuckled again, this time standing up more, smoke fading.

"I couldn't never even dream of becoming a villain, because..." The figure stood up completely, small sparks still jumping out of his body, complementing his ripped yellow suit, and accentuating his wild red hair. "...I promised my best friend I wouldn't ever fall to the dark side." He finally stepped completely out of the fog revealing his outstanding emerald green eyes, filled with energy, hope and dreams.

His eyes widened even more as he saw the heroes before him... it almost felt like he never left.

"Welcome back, Kidflash, Wally- we've missed you." Batman welcomed him, allowing a relieved smile to come onto his face, proud the other was still alive.

"Thank you sir, Batman." Wally returned a nod, letting a wide smile they all missed to appear.

They were all mesmerized by the moment, as they had believed that the speedster was really gone... they were so relieved he wasn't.

"So, why are you all tied up?-"
"We can get to that in a bit, just get us out."


I really must be getting my shit together, two update in a month, day to day? I don't even know who I am.

Welp, it's great to see y'all are enjoying the book, see y'all soon I think!

Bai bai my little firefighters~

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