I was tagged by two people in the course in about 36 hours. Somehow.
I was tagged by @Vishmury and @Hey_Itz_TayTay64. I'm going to start with Vishmury's first since I was tagged by them first.
The rules are :
1. Can't refuse. (Sadly xD)
2. Tag 15 people.
3. 13 facts about yourself!
4. Give the chapter an interesting name.
5. Mention who tagged you.
This is going to be a little hard. I've basically told you guys a lot about me. So, this is was hard to compose this tagged-chapter.
1. I never had a crush. At all. I feel like I did have feelings for this one kid in 3rd grade?
Yeah, it was third grade.
I think I was jealous that my friend had a boyfriend and I wanted one too, apparently.
And that's so wrong. Don't follow my example guys! xD
But we actually met each other again in my school after years of not seeing each other. I switched schools twice, so I thought I'd never see her again.
I never saw her "boyfriend" after 3rd grade. But he was very sensitive though. Not trying to be mean or anything, but he cried often. Don't remember why though.
2. Speaking of my 3rd grade year, I had this one kid who I found hella creepy. All because of these boys in my grade.
He was an outcast that nobody really knew. He didn't have the classes most kids had. I'll call him.... Dots. After that gumdrop candy that not many people like to be around.
It's not that bad, and neither was he. He was a little chubby too. But anyways...
These kids came up to me during lunch and were like "oH, dO yOu LiKe DoTs!?".
I replied with no, but like the jack- Err, jerks that they were, they told him that I like him. Which is just awful, getting his hopes up like that.
He walked up to my lunch table and asked "You like me!?". It hurts looking back at it now, because he was so happy. ;-;
I told him "No."
Straight up.
But he...
Oh boy...
"No, you're lying!" He boomed. I gave him a " T-T " look and left the lunch room.
The creepy part was that he followed me out. I noticed and started running. And he...He...
No, but seriously. xD
He did chase me to the girl's restroom, but I was faster than him because I was skinny and was really light for my age.
This happened for a while, until he just gave up by June.
3. Oh gosh, we're only on three?! I do talk to much...^^*
In the third grade, I had a teacher with a ridiculously long and hard-to-pronounce name.
I'll call her Ms. Ludiovoskini.
But I was messing around with this cool eraser that I had that you take apart. From the limbs to the eyes, everything was made up of the same eraser material.
Then that teacher took it away because it was "distracting" or some stupid excuse like that. She kept it in this box with stuff you didn't get back 'till June. T~T
She was probably jealous that my eraser was better than one she'd ever had.
4. I know how to bake! Kind of.
I watch tutorials by Rosanna Pasino on YouTube for things to bake for myself and my family.
The only thing that Patty; one of my older sisters that I mentioned, ate that I baked was chocolate chip cookies. Only because they were soft and gooey.
She didn't properly thank me, but I knew she liked them because she would grab 2-4 cookies every time she came to the kitchen to grab extras.
The batter was super good though. Now I want to make them now...
Oh well. Someday in the future maybe. :D
5. I am 5'3, the last time I checked. Or maybe 5'4? I can't remember. xD
6. I personally do not like onions. Unless they are used to add flavor to something, like sauce or rice.
But eating onions is a no for me. But I won't judge you if you like to eat them! You do you! <3
7. I don't really eat vegetables that often? I know it's bad, but I don't like to eat most vegetables. Something about them makes me not want to eat them often.
8. I have the initials of my Wattpad name on my bed headboard. "CDM" in white foam letters with a gold trim sit there. And nobody notices or knows what it stands for. Hehehehehee. TwT
Apparently, "Hehehehehee" autocorects to Scheherazade. What is this sorcery!? xD
9. I tend to talk too much. And sometimes too loud.
I'll talk about things that are a little too personal and I wish I kept my mouth shut about them. But I'm just hoping that they forgot about it since I told them forever and a year ago.
I tend to be a little too loud and have to be told to quiet down by friends. I use to be a super shy kid back then, but not anymore.
10. When my family lived in a different state for almost a year, I went to different schools because we moved in the first 4 months of the school year.
I was super secluded and felt out of place.
Why you may ask?
It's because I was a different skin color compared to everyone else.
I'm black, okay? I have a chocolate brown skin tone that stands out among the sea of white chocolate-skinned kids around me.
I'm like the one black shirt in a store full of white and/or light colored clothing. xD
It was awkward being around so many people who don't look remotely like you. xP
11. I like Chinese food! It's so good! But only if someone gets it from a certain restaurant.
12. Where I live is pretty crowded. Wherever you go, there's people buzzing around like bees in a hive.
I try not to get lost when going out in public! Haha!
13. I have really curly hair. It can be a hassle a lot of the time. ^^*
Tags! :
- @JesseMCSM28
- @LazariMCSM29
Phew! And that's only one tag... ;-;
At this point, it's already pretty long....
Onto the next tag from @Hey_Itz_TayTay64
The rules are :
1. Mentioned who tagged you!
2. Do it in 3 days.
3. Write 10 things about yourself!
4. Tag 28 people or less!
5. Write the rules.
Onto more facts!
1. I am a huge FNAF fan! At least, I was before.
Don't get me wrong, I still love the franchise as a whole because it's frickin' AMAZING! But I kinda grew distant from it because I was watching a lot more of Aphmau and other YouTubers that I spend my days watching all the time. :D
2. As a Christmas gift form last year, I got a Kindle tablet from my school principal.
And it was all because I was that one kid who drew stuff when I was on the front steps of the school. TwT
3. I don't know why, but I might have an irrational fear of a certain type of bug. I searched it up, and it's called katsaridaphobia? Something like that.
It's an irrational fear of roaches.
It's pretty dumb, believe me, I know. But hear me out!
The sizes that they can grow to give me the shivers. '~'
The gym of my school is in the basement, as well as the changing rooms.
A teacher killed a roach that was half the size of her foot!
Now tell me that isn't nightmare fuel.
My mind is very imaginative and it does a good job of creeping even me out. I hate even having the thought of them crawling around.
I don't see them in my house really. But they might appear when I'm over at someone else's house.
If I see one anywhere from 1-2 feet from me, I'll scream and run away. Like frickin' Chucky was crawling after me. xD
Like, forget the phone, the laptop, I'm outta here!!
I'm growing out of it, but I'm still forever paranoid of one popping out of nowhere.
4. Although I tend to be very self-consious of myself, I do feel confident about myself sometimes.
Like everyone should.
But I can't help but feel that I don't look good enough. This is partially the reason why I don't show my face online. I rather write stories instead of showing you what I look like in real life. <3
5. I had this one guy in my grade who would get too "touchy" with girls.
Like, he would lift them up by the waist and spin them around and stuff. He would also grab girl's thighs and rest his head on them.
He did this stuff this to me as well, but I didn't feel comfortable with it at all. I made this obvious, but I feel like my friends thought I was into it? I dunno, but I told them about how I felt about it.
I just hope he doesn't do this to more girls in the future. >_<
6. I don't like fish, personally. Though I have tried it once after being persuaded too. It tastes kind of like chicken. xD
7. I think someone I knew has a crush on me? The way he acts is kind of suspicious.
Once, he showed me something while I was working on a project with two of my friends. It was a YouTube video of puns? It had a picture of a door and a bowl with the letter "a" next to them.
It spelled out "You are adorable." once you figured it out. It was cute, to say the least! But I think he was showing me a sign...
Oh well.
8. I'm running out of facts to say....
9. I am the youngest out of my many siblings!
10. I'mma be real with you guys.
I am a very sensitive person. Not really online, but in the real world.
My group of friends aren't the same skin color as me, meaning that I tend to stand out a lot.
I never really fit in group conversations that they have because I can never relate to any of them. I feel left out that way.
I don't- no, hate the feeling of being alone or being left out of having fun.
So, most of the time, I tend to stray away when we get the chance to talk to friends and stuff. I sit by myself and try to distract myself with something-anything!
But it's hard to do when all you hear is them having fun...
I do have one friend though. I'll call her Sugar. Because she's super sweet. <3
Sugar has been such a wonderful friend to me, even though I haven't known her for as long as my other friends.
I can always rely on her to keep me company whenever I feel that pain in my chest knowing that I'll never fit in.
But when she's not around, I'm left trying super hard not to make it obvious that I'm crying or on the brink to. The last thing I need is for them to notice and pester with questions that I can't answer to them.
. . .
Woah! A little too real there.
I have received hate online, but I don't let it bother me.
Now, onto the tags!
- @wolfshadowmoonlover
Thank you all for reading this far! I really appreciate it! <3
Remember to love yourself, and be happy. Life can be weird sometimes, and that's okay!
Just move on and push forward with a positive mindset! ☺
Love you guys! Bai~! <3
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