Chapter twenty

Asdfghjkl I actually made 20 chapters I'm proud of myself woot woot


2041 words in this one considering the whole story and author's notes :D I made up for the 700+ one before

Also, there's a minor time skip :)


"Think about it Paul, you're putting the whole band in jeopardy for Christ's sake!"

Paul crossed his arms, not one bit backing down. "George and Ringo already told us that they wouldn't mind it at all, Eppy."

Brian Epstein massagged his temples. "This could ruin your career, Paul. All of your careers. And it could put you in jail!"

"I've already decided, Eppy!" Paul's voice rose.

John tugged on his boyfriend's hand. "Paul, luv, think about it for a minute." Paul didn't know he was already standing up when John pulled him down.

He sat down. He looked at his manager then to his lover.

"We can't keep hiding it forever, John." He said, deflatedly. "I just don't want our relationship to just remain to be a dirty, little secret."

John's eyes widened at Paul's words. "Paulie, I never said that. You were never a dirty little secret." He kissed his hand. "You know I love you." He confessed, looking at him straight in the eye.

Paul yanked his hand back. "If you did love me you would've kept your promise."

He walked out.


"We'll announce it soon, okay baby?"


"I promise."



The guitarist's head shot up. "I-I... Sorry, could you repeat what you said?"

Brian looked stressed and worry-stricken. "What promise is Paul talking about?"

The room was dead silent. John's head fell on his hands.

"John? Are you okay?"

"Fuck, Eppy I-I..." He let out a shaky sigh. "I fucked up, Eppy, I fucked up."

Brian nodded. "I know. But what promise was Paul talking about?"

"I promised him that we'd announce it soon."

Brian ran a hand through his hair, a tired sigh escaping his lips. "Jesus, you can't just promise things like that, John!"

"I know!" He yelled, hands shaking. "Fuck I'm sorry---"

Brian waved it off. "Just find the lad, okay?"

John nodded stiffly before running off to find Paul.

Fuck, he really did fucked up.




"Stop please..."

George sat up and gently poked his lover. "Ritchie?" Poke. "Ritchie?" George saw fresh tear stains glistening on the drummer's cheeks and he shook him awake. "Ringo!"


His blue eyes shot wide open. His chest went up and down as he released shaky breathes. He was shaking, no, trembling. George tightened his arms around him.

"I'm here," George mumbled, his chin resting on the top of Ringo's neck. "I'm here, baby, I'm here."

"I saw him." Ringo choked out. "I saw him, George." He gripped his lover's shirt so hard his knuckles turned white. "I-It felt so fucking real."

"It was just a dream, okay?" George kissed his forehead. "Jus' a dream."


Maybe sometime in the night, Ringo fell asleep. Because when he opened his eyes the room was filled with blinding light coming from the curtain and George was still snoring beside him. His arm was still around him, still protective of him even when he's sleeping. Ringo relaxed and leaned in, bumping their noses together as he gave him their usual morning kiss.

"G'morning Georgie," He greeted, giving him another peck because why not?

"Good morning," George rasped out. Ringo's ears perked up. His voice was husky in the mornings and, daresay, sexy.

Something felt off this morning. Usually, the pots and pans would be clattering noisily downstairs accompanied by Paul shrieking in what sounded like horror and John laughing his ass at that.

"It's dead silent." Ringo pointed out, uneasiness filling his voice.

"Weird." George mumbled and stretched his arms, getting off the bed followed by Ringo.

Their whole hotel room was scarily dead silent.

Until they heard the strum of a guitar.

"Was that a G chord?" Ringo asked.

John's back was facing them when they entered the small living room. He was sitting alone on the couch, strumming his guitar. The guitar gave out a low, mournful tune and John was shaking.

"John?" George gently called out. "John are you okay?"

"I-I'm fine."

Ringo couldn't believe his ears. John's voice cracked. John's voice cracked. After all their touring and concerts, his voice never cracked.

Ringo sat next him and took the guitar away from him. He looked at him straight in the eye. He looked like a mess.

"What's wrong, John?"

John's facade shattered.

"I-It's all my fucking f-fault!" He cried out. "I only w-wanted to fucking protect him and I broke my p-promise and now h-he's fucking gone!"

Ringo pulled him into a hug. John's whole body began shaking violently as he cried against his chest. The drummer slowly pulled up his mate's sleeve. His breathe hitched and he held him tighter.

"Fuck." Ringo shut his eyes tight. "John I... I-I can't believe you.... Fuck."

George looked at him with disbelief. "Did he---"

"I'm sorry." John sniffed. "I'm s-sorry I-I... Fuck I'm so sorry---"

"It's fine, John." Ringo buried his face in the crook of the guitarist's neck. "Just... Where did Paul go?"

"H-He just went out." John told him, his eyes tearing up again. "I-I just want him back."

"Me too, John. Me too."


Paul was definitely lost.

And he felt horrible.

So fucking horrible he had to bite down on his hand to keep from screaming.

And he didn't know where the fuck he was.

He lost it and yelled at John for breaking his promise. Well, he did promise to him. He could've said no, at least he wouldn't lie to him.

Fuck, Paul doesn't even know what he's doing anymore.

"Are you lost?" An elderly woman said, who seemed like her husband was feeding pigeons with bread crumbs.

"I-I... Yes." He flushed a bit, embarrased.

"A penny for your thoughts, young man?" She asked warmly. She looked nice and friendly. The typical grandmother.

"There's someone that I love so much but... He broke a promise and I just lost it. I feel horrible for yelling at him, nan, but I feel... I feel betrayed."

"Ah, young love." She gave her husband a glance. Her eyes were filled with love. "You could apologize first to your boyfriend."

Paul paled. "Wait--- did I say 'him'? I-I..."

The old lady laughed softly. "I'm no queer hater, lad. Love's love, you know? Isn't that right Desmond?"

"Yes dear." Desmond responded. "If we've been together for 50 years, you and your boyfriend could manage that little problem of yours."

"First, apologize that you yelled at him. Then show him your side. What was that promise he made?"

Paul felt ridiculous. He felt horrible and he wanted to bury himself six feet under for yelling at John.

"He promised me that we would come out and show the world our relationship." Paul played the loose strings of his sweater vest. "I'm in a famous band and just by coming out... the band could be ruined. People might hate us, judge us, be total homophobic assholes--- excuse my language--- and John's afraid of that. I mean, who wouldn't be? He worked so hard to get us at the top."

"If he loves you, he'd do anything for you."

"Like that time I bought you that twenty karat ring, Molly." Desmond huffed, making them laugh softly.

Molly wrapped her hand around Paul's. "What's your side of the story, luv?"

"I... I just don't want it to be a secret, you know? I don't want people not knowing that we're together. I don't want fake girlfriends just to hide the fact that we're queer." Molly squeezed his hand, letting him to know that she was listening. "I just want them to know that I love him."

"You love him so much, don't you?" Molly shook her head, laughing. "Your love for him is so strong. When you come out I bet you won't even notice the homophobic assholes." Paul grinned at that. "And since you're famous, queer people would be inspired and maybe... just maybe, queers could live their lives as happy gay people."

"Then I'll apologize, tell him my side and hope that it's happily ever after?"

"The first two are definitely going to work, my boy. You two would be so in love I bet you wouldn't even care when you two come out."

"Well then, do you know where Pennyroyal Hotel is?"

"Oh! That's where you're staying? Well then, Desmond could you hand me that map of yours?"

"Yes, dear." He fished out a crinkled map out of a travelling bag.


After taking a cab and saying goodbye to the lovely couple he was sure were god-send, he went up to their hotel room.

Ringo was having a heated conversation with George while John was curled up in a ball, a blanket tucking him in. He was sleeping soundly, judging from the snores.

When he stepped in, the floorboard cracked under his shoe. Ringo and George looked up at the same time. They had different looks. Ringo looked relieved and George... not so much.


"---The hell have you been?" George finished, standing up from his chair.

"I got lost." Was the only thing that came out of Paul's lips. "What? It's the truth! I really did got lost!"

"Well, while you were 'lost'---" George made air quotations. "John was fucking crying his heart out!"

Ringo bit his lip. "George---"

"Not now, Ritchie." He snapped at him. Ringo widened his eyes, hurt, but backed down, taking a sip of his coffee.

"John was crying?" Paul whispered in disbelief.

"And he also fucking cut. He sliced his fucking wrists---"

"Paul?" Came from the couch. "P-Paul? Are you there?"

The bassist rushed to his lover. "Yeah baby, I'm here."

John looked so fragile. His eyes were red and his bottom lip was trembling. "I-I'm sorry..." Paul suddenly remembered what Molly and Desmond said to him.

"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you."

"Damn right, you shouldn't have yelled at him," George muttered under his breath, earning a pinch from Ringo. "Ow! What? It's true!"

"As I was saying---" Paul shot the younger a glare. His expression softened when his eyes landed on John. "I'm sorry, baby. You were just trying to protect me, right?"

John nodded, swallowing. His throat felt hoarse from all that crying.

"You know what? I don't care if we came out or not, what only matters is that we love each other." Paul pressed a kiss to John's chapped lips, bending down a bit because he was laying down on the couch. "I love you, John."

John blinked two times before wrapping his arms around Paul's neck. The bassist widened his eyes when he felt him crying again.

"John? You okay? Was it something I said?"

"You and your fucking s-sappy words..." John grumbled, wiping his tears with the back of his hand. He mumbled something incoherent.

Paul rubbed his lover's back. "What was that love? I didn't quite catch it."

"I love you too, you fucking idiot." John pressed his lips against Paul's. Paul was surprised at first but then he kissed back, slipping his tongue in the guitarist's mouth.

John disconnected their lips. "We have an audience, Paulie." He winked at their other two bandmates who were blushing. "I made my decision, my love. We are coming out."

Paul's red lips broke into a grin and before he knew it John was kissing him again.


Heyyoooo! So yeah they are officially coming out. *cracks knuckles and flaps hands from typing too much*

But the Starrison problem aren't solved yet! Ringo's dreams are coming back and are coming back hard.

Oh yeah Molly and Desmond? I did that on fucken purpose :3 Ob La Di Ob La Da isn't due for until the White Album yet :P

And I planned an ending already and what's happening next, just a few tweaks and fixes there and there so expect another update tomorrow or the day after tomorrow :3

So why don't you:


Luv you beauties,


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