Chapter 12
The evening sky grew darker by the minute. Acasha examined the terrain with caution from the boulder she stood on. Her and the Fairy Tail mages were about to enter Okami territory after a two-day journey through Shika territory. If she were with a group of regular people, it would have taken almost a week, but these mages of Fiore were quite impressive. Their stamina and determination was admirable, especially a certain Dragon Slayer's, but she wouldn't admit that.
She had gotten to know each of the guild members over the short time they spent together. She was glad she had met someone like Erza; the two of them were so similar. Surprisingly, she had also gotten close to the men of the group. They each told stories of valor around the campfire at night and she would even join in on their brawls. They were surprised that she was able to keep up with them.
But the person she felt closest to was Natsu.
Her and Natsu had gotten very close since their encounter. He had such a strange sense of humor, considering she didn't know what half the things he mentioned were, but she always found herself smiling. He was just so passionate about the important things in life like family. She wished someone like him was in her tribe, or old tribe.
Acasha had no idea what she was going to do after all of this was over. She couldn't return to the Shika tribe for helping the outsiders, and she doubted any other tribe would accept her. She glanced back at the group of mages who were trying to catch up to her. Her orange eyes drifted to Natsu. He caught her gaze and smiled at her.
Maybe I can go with them to Fiore, she thought. When the thought crossed her mind she quickly shook her head, No, you can't! You barely know him, I-I mean them!
Acasha sighed and jumped down from the boulder.
"Well?" Erza asked, "are we setting up camp here?"
"I think that would be best. We're right on the border of Okami land. We can keep going in the morning."
Erza nodded with a smile, "Understood. We're resting here everyone," the Titania called out. Everyone put down their bags and started setting up camp. Gajeel lumbered over to the center of the camp with a dried bush he pried out of the ground.
"Oi Salamander, help get this fire going!" Natsu nodded, putting his pack up against a rock. He strolled over to Gajeel as he put the bush down. Snapping his fingers, a small flame appeared in Natsu's hand. He lowered it and lit the bush on fire. Acasha watched from the side. She was still uneasy seeing them practice magic. It was so scary yet beautiful for a person like her to see.
"There we go," said Natsu. He walked back to his pack and took a seat against the rock. Levy pulled out some ingredients for stew and started cooking it over the fire. Everyone was trying to convince her what to add and what not to add to the dish. Natsu sat quietly against his rock.
In his hand was one end of Nashi's scarf. He twisted his fingers through the strands of the soft material. He had spent a couple of months working on the gift for his daughter, hoping to get it as close to his as possible. He was proud of how it turned out and he couldn't contain his joy when she claimed it as the best present she had ever received. He wondered if she missed it.
He missed his, but Lucy needed it more at the moment.
"It's very beautiful," said a voice beside him. Natsu turned to Acasha as she sat beside him, her wolf mask in hand, "is it a trophy?"
"Oh, no," he chuckled, "it is a gift for someone. I have an identical one back home." Natsu was trying not to talk too much about his personal life. Since he was somewhat responsible for her banishment from her home and regular life, he didn't want to make her uncomfortable by talking about his.
He looked down at the wolf mask in her hand, "Is that a trophy?" he asked, pointing to the skull. She lifted it up, smiling.
"Yes actually. There was a great war between all the different tribes a couple of years ago. I was only thirteen, but I was able to persuade the Wiseman of our tribe to let me fight. I wanted so badly to fight on behalf of my people, even at a young age. I proved myself that day by taking the head of the Okami's general. This mask was once his, but now it is mine."
Natsu blinked a couple times. He hadn't been expecting that, he just thought it was a common piece of fashion in her tribe. He had no idea it had such a dark history.
"Wait, so you all got into one war?" he asked.
Acasha sighed, "Yeah. Stuff just happened and one thing led to another. Now all of the tribes are split."
"Have you all considered just talking about it? You all clearly have your own strengths, why not combine them."
Acasha placed a hand on Natsu's shoulder, "Natsu, I admire your strength and the bonds you have with your guild, but this doesn't concern you. If it is the will of the land that we be separated, then we must follow its will."
"But you are free to do as you choose. The land doesn't control who you are. You can be strong together," he stated. Acasha couldn't find any words to say. Instead, her eyes traveled to the hand she had on Natsu's shoulder. She blushed and pulled it away as it had burned her. She hastily stood up and dusted off her skirt.
"I-I'm going to scout ahead," she stuttered and started walking toward Okami territory. Natsu raised a questioning eyebrow but shrugged it off. He didn't understand her.
"I hope she's alright," said Levy as she watched Acasha disappear. Gajeel shrugged, taking a bit of his stew.
"She just has a lot on her mind. She doesn't have anywhere to go now."
"Maybe we should take her to Fiore with us," offered Gray. Laxus shook his head in disagreement.
"She's lived here whole life here. Removing her from Tiar is like removing a fish from water. It won't work out no matter how hard you try."
"I have to agree with Laxus for once," said Erza, stirring her stew, "we can't take her back with us. It will be too much for her to handle. I suggest we try talking with her leaders and see if we can persuade them to accept her back in the tribe." Everyone nodded; that seemed like the best option, but they would have to retrieve the children first. Natsu tried taking a sip of water from his canteen, but no water came out. Sighing Natsu rose to his feet.
"I'm going to find a pond," he said, walking in the direction that Acasha took. The Fairy Tail mages remained in silence for a couple of minutes. Eventually Levy couldn't take the stillness and decided to speak.
"How about we tell scary stories?" she suggested. Gajeel laughed beside her while his wife pouted.
"Oh, and you have a better idea?" she asked.
"I can't see you coming up with a scary story," he said truthfully. Levy didn't have a scary bone in her body. Sure, she could be intimidating, but scary?
"I can too tell a scary story! I'll show you!"
"Atta girl Levy! Telling scary stories is a man's pastime!" yelled Elfman, almost spilling his stew.
"Yeah Levy," called Gray, "tell us a story."
"I have a pretty good one, and it's all true," she smirked. Everyone settled down enough to hear the bluenette speak.
"Centuries ago, in a distant land, there was a prosperous kingdom. It was the biggest city recorded in the history of time, going for miles and miles on end. The people of the kingdom were lavished in riches and treasures beyond anything anyone had ever seen. Many other lands tried to claim their treasure, but nobody could stop the might of them."
"However, not everything was perfect in this land. All the inhabitant's were greedy and prideful due to their wealth and strength."
"One day, a weary traveller came upon the cities doors, begging for food and shelter. The people's hearts filled with pride, and they refused to help him. What they didn't know was that this man was a very powerful wizard. After being rejected by everyone, he decided to confront the king of the kingdom. He told the king that his people were to selfish and arrogant, and that their ego and greed would destroy them. He told the king that he would return in one year, and if the people hadn't changed, then he would rid the kingdom off the face of Earthland. The king ignored him and cast him out of the city. The old man left, to return in one years time."
"As the months passed, the people's riches grew, along with their pride. It grew to such an extent, that the actual city itself was being infected. Dark energy leaked through every corner of the kingdom, corruption everyone's minds as the days went on. Then one day, it all fell apart. The dark magic had influenced everyone to the extent that they didn't just want their gold and riches, but each others. Neighbor slayed neighbor, friend slayed friend, and brother slayed brother; nobody was safe in this warfare. One by one, everyone was killed until nobody, not even the king remained."
"A year passed, and just like he said, the old man returned, only to find the streets littered with rotting corpses and vicious beasts who had made the city their home. He realized that the kingdom had done this to its people and tried to destroy it, however he could not. The dark energy that corrupted the people still remained and prevented him from destroying it. He couldn't just leave the city for someone else to take, so he cast a spell on it. The spell buried the entire city deep within the crust, never to be seen again."
The mages stared at Levy in silence. She eyed everyone in confusion, and then her husband sighed.
"I told ya you couldn't tell a scary story."
"Hey, it is scary! At least I though so when I read about it," muttered Levy, folding her arms over her chest.
"And you said this was a true story?" asked Erza.
"Yeah. Scientists have tried finding it, but no one could. I doubt it would be any good now."
"Kinda reminds me of that Nirvana place," said Gray.
"You're right," said Erza, "do you think that Levy's story was referring to Nirvana?"
Levy shook her head, "No, I read about it in an ancient text that was about five hundred years old, one hundred years before Nirvana was created."
"So what you're saying is, that there is another crazy city out there overrun with dark magic?" said Laxus.
"This isn't just a city Laxus," said Levy seriously, "It's is probably the largest city of our time. To find this city, would make you a god among men." The group let Levy's statement sink in. Suddenly, Levy's story started to sound frightening.
Acasha pushed back a bush as she walked along a dirt path. It wasn't the smartest idea to be out on her own, she was in Okami territory after all, but she just needed to get away for a second. She was just too confused. Why is it that this only happened around him?
She came across a small pond with a stream trickling into a waterfall above it. The sight was quite beautiful for a land that lacked most plant life. Acasha kneeled down beside the water and stared down at her own reflection. Her face was red. She touched her cheeks, which felt hot against her hand.
She then started paying more attention to her overall appearance, from her wavy brown hair to her bare feet. She noticed that Levy and Erza didn't dress like that and wondered if other people in Fiore were similar. She began to ask herself rhetorical questions that she didn't understand; what would he think if I dressed like that? Should I try it too? Would I impress him?
She shook her head in frustration. It was all so confusing. She barely knew him, not to mention he was her enemy, a Fioran. She should have just killed him when she had the chance, but she knew deep down she could never do that. She may have only known him for a few days, but he was already working his way through her heart.
Does he feel the same way?
"Oh hey."
Acasha jumped and screamed when Natsu appeared out of the bushes. He was grinning at her, a water canteen in his hand. He wordlessly walked up to the pond and began filling his bottle. Acasha watched, her breath heavy and her heart rate racing. When did this man turn the fiercest warrior in the Shika tribe into a squealing fifteen year old?
"You okay?" Natsu asked when she had yet to move, "did I scare you too much?"
"W-Wha? Oh, n-no! No, I just, I just…"
"It's alright to admit that you're scared. An old friend told me that fear helps you know your own weaknesses."
Acasha glared at him, but her cheeks were still red like cherries, "I have no weaknesses! To be weak is to drag your tribe into destruction."
Natsu raised a questioning eyebrow, "Really, no weaknesses? Everyone has a weakness, even me."
Now it was Acasha's turn to be skeptical. She stood up and placed a hand on her hip, "Really? You have a weakness?"
"Yeah, I have horrible motion sickness."
"What's motion sickness?" she asked genuinely. Natsu rubbed the back of his head, blushing out of embarrassment.
"Whenever I get on a moving object that isn't an animal I throw up."
Acasha stared at him before bursting into a fit of laughter. She clutched her stomach as Natsu glared at her, his canines poking out.
"It's not funny!"
"You're right, It's hilarious!" she exclaimed, falling on the floor and rolling around. Natsu rolled his eyes. This chick was making a bigger deal out of this than she should. What a weirdo.
Like Lucy.
If he had to say any other weaknesses, it would be for his wife and daughter, or anyone in Fairy Tail for that matter. He would do anything to protect them, but she probably already knew that much.
"Alright calm down. We don't want you to hurt yourself." He bent down and grabbed her by her arm, pulling her up. When she was back on her feet she froze. She noticed how close the two of them were and felt her heartbeat quicken. She stared down at his lips and stared wondering what they would feel like. Slowly and against her on will, Acasha started leaning in.
Natsu wasn't paying attention to Acasha as a smell entered his nostrils. It smelt as if something was cooking, some form of meat. He knew it wasn't his camp because they weren't cooking meat and it was coming in the other direction. Which could only mean…
"Acasha follow me," he whispered, suddenly crunching down and stalking in one direction. Acasha stood frozen in her place. She soon realized what she was about to do and squeaked, her entire face going as red as Erza's hair. What was wrong with her?!
She did as Natsu instructed and followed quietly behind him. They crawled through the brush swiftly. Natsu let his nose guide him toward the smell. They soon stopped in front of a boulder and peered over it. A couple yards away were a small group of natives. They were just out of listening distance. Unlike the Fukurō or Shika, these people were wearing thick furs on their bodies. They were eating around a small campfire, bickering and arguing amongst themselves.
"Okami sentries," Acasha muttered beside Natsu, "How did you know they were here?" The pink haired man grinned, tapping his nose twice, "One of the many gifts of a Dragon Slayer."
"We should set up camp somewhere else. They could see the fire or hear us if we aren't careful," suggested Acasha. Natsu agreed with her. Just before they were about to leave, something caught Natsu's eye sitting on one of the Okami's heads. Natsu's breath ceased after processing what he thought he saw.
Could it be?
He turned back around to the group of people sitting at the campfire. Sitting proudly on top of one of the sentries was a hat, a cowboy hat. It looked worn, but still under good care. Natsu could recognize that hat anywhere.
"Natsu?" Acasha whispered fearfully. His body began to radiate heat, enough for her to feel it. His breathing began to speed up. His normally onyx eyes flickered jade for just a split second.
Without a second though, Natsu stood up from his spot. The Okami only got a glimpse of him when he leapt down, fire in his hands.
"Fire Dragon's Wing Attack!" he yelled, sending four men hurdling into their supplies. Natsu went on a rampage and started attacking each and every one of the men. Acasha just watched from her spot. This wasn't entertaining like when he and his friends first displayed their power. This wasn't for the fun of it.
This was out of anger.
"Fire Dragon's Claw!"
Fire Dragon's Sword Horn!"
"Fire Dragon's Flame Elbow!"
One by one they fell unconscious. None of them even had the time to fight back. All that was left was the man wearing the cowboy hat. He cowered up against a rock, his spear shaking in his grip. Natsu stalked up to him, leaving fire behind with each step. Acasha rushed to his side. The man clutched his spear tighter, his eyes closed in fright. He was expecting Natsu to bash his head open in one move, however, the Dragon Slayer just ripped the hat off the mans head and held it up to his nose. He took a light whiff of the object, letting the scent consume his nose. It was faint, and covered by the offending smell of the man just wearing it, but he could still smell it.
The smell of gunpowder and bluebonnets.
Natsu held the hat up to the man, "Where did you get this?" he demanded. The man shook
"I-I have always had it," he claimed. Natsu growled and banged the man up against the rock.
"Don't you dare lie to me, I have known the girl who owns this since she was five now WHERE DID YOU GET THIS!" Acasha didn't like this side of the Dragon Slayer; he seemed so, animalistic.
"K-Krugger! I got it from Krugger. He passed by here two days."
"Did he have children with him? How many?" he asked desperately.
"There were six I think. I got the hat from the oldest one. A teenager with dark green hair."
"Which way did they go?" he asked. She was so close he knew it. The man shook his head. He had already said too much. Natsu didn't have time for this; he needed to find his daughter. Natsu lit his fist on fire, lighting the man on fire as well. He screamed and thrashed around, but Natsu held him in place.
"O-Okay, Okay! They took a path to the Necoon Canyon!," He threw his hand in one direction, "They went that way! Just let me go!" Natsu growled and threw the man to the floor unceremoniously. Before he could crawl away, Acasha stepped on his back to keep him in place. He looked up at her, expecting Natsu, but when he saw whom it was he sneered.
"What are you doing here Shika filth?"
"Why would you aid the Fioran? You hate them just as much as the Shika do," she said, ignoring his comment about her past tribe."
He scoffed, "He offered us lacrima; one of the sources of Fioran magic. How could we pass that up?"
"You would sell out your own tribes secrets for gain?"
"Why do you care Shika? You aren't an Okami." Acasha thought about what he said. Why did she care? She assumed it had to do with Natsu's earlier statement. He really had this weird affect that made her think. Sighing, Acasha released the man and he crawled away into the night. Acasha frowned. Maybe Natsu was right. Maybe, things like this wouldn't be a problem if they all joined forces.
What is he doing to me?
Sighing, Acasha followed Natsu as he ran back to their camp. She didn't understand why that hat was so important. But then again there was a lot she didn't understand about fiorans. As they neared the camp, Natsu heard the unmistakable sound of the worst singing voice in the world.
"Shooby doo bop!" Luckily he had just finished when Natsu made his presence known. Gray was the first to notice him.
"There you are Slanted eyes. Where were you?" Natsu answered him by throwing Asuka's hat in his lap. Everyone's eyes widened at the sight of the hat. Acasha was the only one who didn't respond. Gray held the hat in his hand like it was made of porcelain.
"Where did you get this?' Erza asked, taking it from Gray.
"We ran into Okami sentries. They have seen the children."
"Really?" Levy exclaimed. Gajeel grabbed her hand. Natsu nodded.
"They're heading to the Necoon Canyon. They were here two days ago. We need to keep moving," he said, grabbing his pack and swinging it over his shoulder. Nobody else argued. They quickly grabbed their things and started on their way. Acasha led them to the path the okami directed. It was late and they were getting tired, but they knew they had to keep going.
Natsu stared down at Asuka's hat in his hands. He remembered back to when she was just a small child, begging him to play horsey with him. He had to thank her one day for being his experience for becoming a father. His eyes drifted to the scarf around his neck.
It won't be long now.
"Is it working?" asked Finola in exasperation. Breccan ignored her as he worked on the communications lacrima beside him. They had finally had enough time to rest and Krugger wanted to use it to contact Ward. He really wanted to give him a piece of his mind for not doing a thorough job. Cashel watched the two of them in boredom.
A couple feet away were the children, sleeping to their hearts content. Asuka had Billy curled up beside her. Otoko was mumbling in his sleep about being a "man". Out of all the children, Nashi was the only one who was still awake. She was facing away from the group of kidnappers. In her hand was the key. She quietly shifted it toward the keyhole, almost fiddling with it out of boredom. She finally got the key into the hole but left it there.
The pink haired girl stared up into the star lit sky. It was so familiar; it was hard to believe she was viewing it from another continent. She wondered if her parents were looking at the same stars that she was. Hopefully she would be able to ask them soon. With that on her mind, she turned the key.
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