Day 3 - Cave In
Paris: Day 3 of hell for the campers begins today.
India: But challenges will get harder from here onward, here on I'm a Minecrafter,
Paris & India: Get me out of HEEEEEEEEERRRRRREEEEE!!!!
[A gif or video was added here in a newer version of Wattpad. Update now to see.]
Paris: Welcome back to I'm a Minecrafter!!
India: Like always were going to go to the camp but first let's see how the campers first night was..
*Scene Change - Camp*
Dan: *Wakes up* Urrgg
Talking Booth, Dan: The beds aren't that comfortable, there basically just a shelter blanket stretched across four wooden posts, and then we have another blanket to cover ourselves up, and that's it.
Lizzie: *Wakes up* Morning...
Dan: Morning...
Lizzie: *Gets out of bed* I'm going to make us all some beans for breakfast.. You think you could get some fire wood?
Dan: Yeah sure.. *Gets out of bed* *Walks into the jungle*
Stacy: Morning.... *Yawn* How'd you sleep??
Lizzie: *Cooking beans* Good, the beds were a bit uncomfortable but once I fell asleep, I slept like a baby...
Stacy: Yeah me too... Who do you think is going to be in the challenge today?
Lizzie: Don't Know.... I mean, judging by his past with 360 and his attitude towards everything, I'd say Aiden's probably the most wanted person to compete in these challenges..
Stacy: Yeah but what if the readers aren't allowed to vote for the last person who competed in the challenge??
Lizzie: That's probably the case...
Stacy: So you have no idea?
Lizzie: Not a clue... *Hands here a small portion of beans* Here's your breakfast..
Stacy: Thanks... *Takes bowl*
Jesse: *Wakes up* Morning guys..
Stacy: Mornin' Jesse!!
Lizzie: You want some Beans?
Jesse: Um... I wanted to have a shower first, you know in the quote in quote "Waterfall", then have some beans.. That's ok right?
Lizzie: Yeah go ahead..
Talking Booth, Jesse: It's hard to have a shower because, firstly the waters freezing. Secondly, we all have to use a small amount of soap... There's three bottles of shampoo and Shower Gel so we have decided to use one each week, then use the rest if we desperately need it.. And Thirdly we all kinda have to where a swim suit when showering, which I hate because it's the most uncomfortable thing ever!!
*After Jesse's shower* Jesse: *Walks Back into camp* Morning!!
Lukas/Dan/Naty/Amy: Morning!!
Lizzie: Are you ready for your breakfast, now? *Hands her bowl of beans*
Jesse: Yes, Thank you.. *Starts eating beans*
Stacy: Do any of you know who might be in today's challenge?
Lukas: No...
Dan: No idea..
Jesse: Not a clue!!
Naty: It's probably going to be be Aiden, again..
Lizzie: But what if we're not allowed to do two challenges in a row?
Naty: If that's the case, I have no idea...
Jesse: Well that's probably going to be the case, because you know...
Amy: Nobody likes Aiden!!
Jesse: Yeah..
Lukas: Speaking of which.. Should we wake him and the girls?
Lukas: Ok.. *Pushes Aiden out of bed* That works!!
Aiden: What's your problem!?
Jesse: You're are problem!! Get out of bed!!
Aiden: I hate you all!!
*Scene Change - Outside the camp*
Paris: Now let's go in and tell them who will be competing in Cave In.
Paris & India: *Enter Camp* Mornin' everyone!!
Everyone: Morning!!
India: We have the results for who shale be competing in today Challenge, Cave In.
Paris: Amy and Aiden, you two won't be competing since you competed in yesterdays challenge..
Stacy: We knew it
India: In no particular order, Cece.............. It's not you.
Cece: Great!!
Paris: Dan................. It's not you.
Dan: Good... Ok!!
India: Lizzie................. It's not you.
Lizzie: Again?? Ok..
Paris: Jesse................. It might be you.
Jesse: Yes!!
India: Lukas................ It's not you.
Lukas: God Dang it!!!
Paris: Naty................. It's not you.
Naty: Ok!!
India: 360............... It's not you.
360: *Sigh*
Paris: Dan............... It might be you.
India: So that means Stacy, it's not you!!
Paris: The person competing in Cave In is.............................. Jesse.
Jesse: What?!...... And I just had a shower as well...
Paris: We'll see you in a minute..
Paris & India: *Leaves*
Jesse: I really shouldn't have had a shower..
Lukas: I'm sure it's not that bad..
Cece: I mean I guess you could have another shower when you get back...
Jesse: I don't like the showers here, though.. There really cold..
Naty: I'm sure it's not that bad..
Jesse: It's actually freezing... I might just go now.. You know get it over with. *Gets up to leave*
Lukas: Good Luck!!
With Jesse:
Talking Booth, Jesse: I'm actually very excited!! I just hate the fact that I just got out the shower, and I have to do this challenge!!
Jesse: *Arrives at the challenge* Hey!!
Paris & India: Hey!!
Paris: Are you nervous?
Jesse: Not in the slightest!!
India: Well that's good!! Ok we're going to explain what you need to do in this challenge..
Paris: You will be locked underground for 10 minutes. Each minute is worth another meal towards camp!! However it is a challenge so you will be joined by a few critters..
India: And you don't have complete this challenge, you can say I'm a Minecrafter get me out of Here!! And we'll get you out as soon as possible..
Jesse: Ok, I'm ready lets do this!!
*Jesse is closed in Cave In, a room where there is only enough room for her lie down in*
Paris: Jesse are you ready!!
Jesse: Yeah!!
India: Ok time starts now!!
Minute 1:
*5 Snakes go into the room*
Jesse: What's that!! I feel something against my leg!!
Paris: It's a critter!!
Jesse: Wow that helps!!
India: We don't know what is being put into in there with you we just know that something's with you..
Minute 2:
Jesse: I know what in here with me!!
India: What is it?
Jesse: It's a snake!! It's slivering around my neck!!
Paris: Don't worry it won't bite you!!
Jesse: Oh yeah!! That's what I was worried about!! Totally, wasn't worried about being strangled!!
Paris: It might do that!!
Minute 3:
*A group of bugs go into the r*
Paris: It's been 3 minutes!!
Jesse: The snakes are gone but there's bugs in here with me!!
Paris: Those are Crickets and Cockroaches!! Don't worry they won't hurt you!!
Jesse: That's why I hate snakes, they can hurt you!!
India: Noooooo!! I thought they gave you candy!!
Jesse: Your not funny!!
Minute 4:
Jesse: The snakes rapped around my waist now, I think it's trying to hug me!!
Paris: Are you still scared of it..
Jesse: Not really, I'm actually stroking it at the moment.. How do you know if a snakes happy?
India: Is this a joke?
Jesse: No I'm serious, how do you know?
Paris: Haha!!
Minute 5:
Paris: You have a name for your new friend?
Jesse: Yes!!
Paris: What is it?
Jesse: Jerald!!
India: Ok so the names a work in progress?
Paris: Haha
Jesse: You don't hear me laughing at your names.. So don't make fun of Jerald!!
Minute 6:
Paris: You have 4 minutes left!!
Jesse: Hey Get out!!
India: What's up!?
Jesse: Some bugs have gone down my top!!
Paris: Hahahahahahaha!!!!
Minute 9:
Paris: Last minute!! You can do it!!
Jesse: Ok!!
India: Are the bugs still down your top?
Jesse: Some are!!
Paris: 10 seconds!!
India: 10!
Paris: 9!
India: 8!
Paris: 7!
India: 6!
Paris: 5!
India: 4!
Paris: 3!
India: 2!
Paris: 1! It's over, we'll get you out now!!
*The lid is taken off and Jesse comes out with a snake rapped around her stomach*
Paris: Hey! Is this Jerald!!
Jesse: Yes!! Can I keep him!!
Paris: Haha!! It's like a little kid asking if they can keep an animal they found!!
India: You can but we'll look after Jerald until the day you leave!!
Jesse: Ok *Gives India Jerald*
Paris: With that.. Well done you got ten stars, so that's a meal for everyone tonight!!
Jesse: Yes!!
India: How do you think everyone will react?
Jesse: I might not tell them.. I might pretend that I got nothing, then see how they react tonight..
Paris: Oohh Evil!! I love it!!
Jesse: I'm going to go back now!!
India: Ok!! Bye!!
Talking booth, Jesse: I'm actually very proud of myself!! I didn't think I would get any stars.. So I think I did pretty good!!
*Scene Change - Camp*
Lizzie: I think she'll get all 10 stars!!
360: She will definitely get 10!!
Jesse: *Comes back, sad* Hey...
Stacy: How'd it go??
Jesse: I got 2...
Everyone (Except Aiden): Awww...
Cece: What happened?
Jesse: I supposed to be locked in this box underground for 10 minutes, 2 minutes in I couldn't do it anymore... There snakes all around me I just couldn't do it..
Lukes: *Hugs Jesse* Oh don't worry.. You tried your best... Don't worry..
Jesse: I'm really sorry guys!!
Everyone: Oh don't worry!!
Talking Booth, Naty: We all thought that Jesse would have done better but we all know that she tried her best and 2 stars is better than none!!
Talking Booth, Aiden: I'm not surprised Jesse, only got two, she's clearly not a real hero!!
*Scene Change - Studio*
Paris: Ohh I love a good fib when it comes to challenge results!!
India: Yeah it's great!!
Paris: Haha Anyway!! After go over to the Voting Book after this and vote for who you would like to compete in 'Head in the Game'!!
India: But now while we watch the snake.. You guys are going to check out the campers!!
Paris: Speaking of which.. Where is Jerald?
India: Well he's *Realisation* Oooohhh
Paris: Change the scene!!! CHANGE THE SCENE!!!
*Scene Change - Camp*
Naty: So what do like the most about this whole experience so far?
Jesse: Nothing...
Lukas: I guess the fact that all this is an adventure and different..
Jesse: You like the fact that we're starving to death..
Lukas: Not in the slightest...
Dan: Im just missing the Lab and Experimenting with Dr.Trayaurus and Grim..
Lizzie: Yeah it feels weird without Joel..
Cece: What do you think the weirdest thing is?
360: Having beans for breakfast, Lunch and dinner...
Dan: The beds.. There very uncomfortable.
Naty: I guess the noise of crickets at night..
Amy: I guess not having the luxuries we normally have.
Jesse: This whole experience is weird... But the good kind..
Cece: Yeah..
*Time Skip till it's dark*
*Bag gets lowered over the camp*
360: Foods Here!!
Lizzie: Let's see what we have to deal with..
Talking Booth, Jesse: Here it comes!!
Dan: Minecrafters! In celebration of Jesse getting ..10... Stars in today's challenge.. Wait What!!
Everyone: What?!?!
Jesse: Surprise!!
Naty: You Lied!?
Jesse: It was a fib!!.. So don't leave us hanging!! What do we have!!
Dan: We have Crabs and vegetables!!
Amy: Delicious!!
Talking Booth, Lizzie: I'm kinda seen as the camp cook but I have no idea how to cook Crab.
Stacy: I guess we could make the veg into a kind of stir-fry.. And maybe if we take the meat out of the shell, and cook it with the veg..
Lizzie: Well you'll have to help me..
Stacy: Sure.
*After its cooked* Lizzie: Order up!! Bon Appetite!! *Gives everyone a portion*
Everyone: *Eats the food*
Lukas: Delicious!! Is there any more?
Lizzie: There's a little left.. You can have it if nobody else wants it..
Everyone: No thanks!!
Lizzie: Ok *Gives Lukas the rest*
Talking Booth, Jesse: I'm very proud of myself, we had a very nice dinner and I did great on the challenge. But although it was fun I'm not going to lie again.
*Scene Change - Studio*
Paris: We'll see if you live up to that, Jesse.
India: And as you can see we found Jerald but would you look at the time!!
Paris: It's that time again, the time when we leave.. Remember to go to vote for who you would like to compete in Head in the Game. That's it for now, See~Ya!!
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