Chapter Fifteen


One month separated us from the finals and Ethan and I started to prepare for our coming exams. The time we've spent studying at the library did us well with cover most of our subjects.

We were either studying at my house or his and we've figured out a way that would enable us to study together. A system that would help him study and help me revise while we were together, instead of Ethan relying completely on a tutor. That way we got to spend more time together and hit the books and steal a few kisses.

Ethan suggested to record the lessons in my voice for him so he could listen to them. He waggled his eyebrows at me when he shared his idea. I laughed. He said he didn't want me to waste my time reading and rereading for him. I didn't mind, but he insisted.

So I recorded and labeled those recording in his phone ready for him to listen to whenever he needed. I made sure to include all the helpful notes that I've written during classes. And even though Ethan listened to his classes, his hand would move on the surface of the table like he was writing something down. A tutor would take over when he studied by himself and later on would assist him later during the exams.

My boyfriend said that sometimes he would play one of those recording just to hear my voice when he missed me.

I could've sworn that my heart has fainted right then.

How could I not kiss him when he says things like that!


While we were elbows deep in English literature, I peeked up from my books when I noticed that Ethan didn't move for a long time. He seemed miles away, too deep thought that he was no longer listening to what was playing in his headphones, neither did he hear me when I called his name.

Ethan's focus snapped back when I touched his arm, "Yes, sorry. What where you saying?"

"What's on your mind?" I asked putting my book away as concern started to eat at me.

He has been doing this a lot lately.

"I think we should go out on a date." He blurted out of the blue.

My breath got caught in my chest, "What?" I heard him perfectly, but I wanted to make sure.

Whatever I was reading in that book has just evaporated.

"Don't look at me like that." He turned to me talking with unshaken certainty that I was gawking at him.

I absolutely was!

He was doing it again. Turning in that angle that messed with my head and made my face burn all the way to my ears.

"You know, a date" he said the word again, "When two people go out together and..."

MY heart would not stop knocking on my ribcage. Wait, could he hear it?

"I know what a date is." I interrupted, my voice squeaked.

Why is it too hot in here?

"So, what do you think?" Ethan kept his cool and stayed calm, but that tiny muscle that flickered in his jaw gave away how nervous he was, "Would you go out on a date with me?"

As if I could ever say 'no'. "Yes!"

Ethan smiled in satisfaction showing me those dimples that melted my heart. He relaxed further in his seat, "Good, how about tomorrow?"

"Sounds good. Where are we going?" I asked curiously.

Ethan waggled his eyebrows, "It's a surprise." Then, as if he read my mind he added, "Wear something comfortable and warm."

After that, he set the head phones back in his ears unable to stop smiling, "Now back to your study."

Pfft, as if that was going to happen now.

When it was time for him to leave I walked him to the door and we stood there, fingers entwined.

"Hank will be driving us tomorrow if that's okay with you?"

"It's fine... I like Hank." I smiled as I fiddled with our joined hands.

"Pick you up at six?"


Neither one of us wanted to move or break this moment. This was nice, it was peaceful and complete. The cold air whispered against our skin as we stood outside my house. The soft light from the lamp illuminated half of his features and casted shadows on the other half giving him a mysterious look. A very handsome mysterious look.

"I should be going." Ethan breathed, but didn't move.

I didn't let go either.

He lowered his head for a moment like it usually did when he was brooding over something.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked softly.

Ethan's head snapped up and his eyes were squared on me making my heart thump loudly.

His jaw was set in determination as he took a sharp breath, "Skye, I..." his lips clammed again.

His shoulders dropped a little as he heaved out in frustration that baffled me.

I touched my palm to his face trying to read him, "Hey," I cooed gently, "What's going on?"

Ethan's eyes closed as he leaned into my hand for a second, then shook his head smiling a little, "Until tomorrow. Kiss..." Ethan leaned in, pulling me to meet him half way tenderly.

Only after that he turned and left. I waved at -the casually waiting by the car- Hank before going back inside.

When I finally closed the door, Aunt Sophie and Matt where both grinning widely with the goofiest looks on their faces.

Even though they didn't say a word, I rolled my eyes at them. "Oh shut up!" Heat starting to creep to my cheeks.

They both bubbled with laughter and I blushed a deep shade of red.

Later that night as I laid in bed, I pulled the covers over me and hugged my teddy bear. I couldn't fall asleep. Reality was finally better than dreams.


Checking my hair and outfit in the mirror again. I have tried eight different outfits so far. Knowing where Ethan was taking me for our first date would have made picking an outfit easier, but this was challenging. He said to wear something comfortable and warm.

I finally picked a pair of black jeans, topped that with a light blue shirt and threw a casual black and white knitted sweater. For footwear, I picked a pair of black pumps and a matching wrist-let I've borrowed from Aunt Sophie. I had my hair styled to fall loosely over my shoulder. Then finished up with a little bit of mascara and lip gloss.

I knew Ethan couldn't see me, but nonetheless I wanted to look -first date - like for him.

Ethan was right on time. By six sharp he was standing at the door. Matt let him in and I eavesdropped on their talk. I heard Ethan asking him about school, projects and friends, and his plans for the vacation. I loved it when he did that and Matt was really looking up to him.

He smiled when he heard me coming downstairs, "Hey beautiful."

"Hey." I chirped. I wasn't sure about 'beautiful' but it made me happy to hear it.

"Ready to go?" He asked and put his arm out for me.

"Yup." I smiled as I linked my arm to his.

I was glad to see him wearing casual khakis and dark green shirt that showed under his jacket. My choice of outfit was matching his.

Ethan opened the car door for me, being a total gentleman.

Hank greeted, "Hi, Skye. You look lovely."

I thanked him as I climbed in.

That was all the conversation I exchanged with Hank. He stuck strictly to driving and never said a word until the car came to a stop.

"I'll pick you up later." He told us and then drove off.

Ethan took my hand, "There is a door with a sign that says closed for renovations."

He got me confused, but I checked the doors in the alley where Hank dropped us. "Yeah. A few steps away."

"That's our place." He announced.

I didn't argue despite my bafflement and just guided us to the door. Ethan located the handle and pushed the doors open with a screech. He pulled me into the darkness inside.

"Ethan, are you sure this is the place. It's so dark. I don't know which way to go."

His hand held mine tightly, "Just stay close."

"We are not trespassing, right?" I asked feeling worried that some sort of alarm system would go off any minute.

"Nope." He added as he sensed my worries, "Trust me, Skye"

Those were all the words I needed to hear. I knew right then that I would follow him anywhere.

We made a left turn at some point. There was a constant low hum around us and -if possible- it felt much colder inside than it was outside.

When we finally came to a stop Ethan yelled all of the sudden making me jump, "Light it up, Big Jo."

Just as soon as the words left his mouth, rows of lights started to flicker brightly. I had to blink consistently to adjust to the brightness. The flickering eased into a low buzz, then music started to play around us.

My eyes grew wide as I took in my surrounding. The rows of seats. The fiber glass that surrounded the snowy white rink. I looked around me again and again finding it hard to believe. My heart was swinging madly in my chest.

I turned to Ethan in aww, "A skating rink?" My voice sounded strange when I spoke.

He hesitated when he talked, like he wasn't sure if he did a good thing here or not. His thump gently stroked my wrist, "You told me once that you used to go ice skating before you moved here and you missed it. Well, I thought you could still do something you loved and create new memories."

I did say that. Months ago. When he walked me to the nurses' office to take that flue vaccination. I couldn't look away or stop smiling or start talking or stopping the loud thuds I was hearing in my ears.

Ethan shifted in his stand growing restless. He cleared his throat and reminded me, "Um, Skye... blind guy here. You'll have to say something."

I snapped out of my zone and blurted, "This is awesome!"

I jumped up and down with glee that made him chuckle. Then I sneaked under his arm and wrapped my arms around him in a side hug. Ethan's arm rounded my shoulder immediately. I tugged at his jacket for him to lean in then met his lips with mine, before I started jumping again.

Ethan breathed in relief, a happy grin on his face, "I'm glad you like it."

I looked up at him, his face was tilted down at me, "You're awesome!"

I thought I saw his face change color a little before he turned away.

"How did you find this place?" I asked looking around again as we headed to the booth where we would change our shoes.

Ethan simply shrugged, "Remember that renovation sigh?"


"That's Hank's company. So, as they would say: I know someone."

He was nodding to himself with a scrunched up proud nose making me laugh.

He had two pairs of skating shoes ready for us and I notice mine fitted me perfectly. "Ethan?" I called his attention. "How did you know my shoe size?" I asked as I slipped my other foot inside the skating shoe.

"I asked Sophie." He simply answered. Then he held his hands up, palms facing one another and his mouth twisted a tad in frustration, "Apparently, when you tell someone, it's this small they do not consider it a size measure."

He went on to pulling the shoe laces when I asked just noticing how accurate his measurements were, "Ethan??? How exactly did you know that 'this small' is my size?"

"Actually, that's your fault because of two reasons. First, you leave your slippers lying around for me to trip on them."

Point! I did that. If it wasn't the slippers, then it was the bag. I blushed, "Sorry." As silence stretched, I realized that he didn't share what was the second reason, "And the second thing is...?"

A cheeky grin appeared on his face as he chuckled lightly, "You left me in your room unattended. Your slippers told me."

I laughed shaking my head. This guy was resourceful.

I watched his fingers moving swiftly tying the laces in a secured knot, he never seized to amaze me. The way he held himself up. How he refused to count on others for help. How independent he was and above all that, how sweet and gentle and caring he was. The more I knew Ethan the deeper I fell for him.

He stood on the blades steady and confidant. "Ready to have some fun?" Then he held out his hand for me.

"Yes!" I smiled.

He entwined our fingers smiling at me and we stepped into the rink.

Ethan was as graceful on ice as he was in everything else. However, we did slam into the glass twice. Actually, Ethan did. He would put himself between me and the glass when we couldn't stop in time, and even when we fell a couple of times he took most of the fall cushioning me from hitting the hard ice.

At first I thought it was a coincidence that he got most of the impact, but then it happened more than it would count as just a coincidence.

We were both sprawled on hard ice. Actually, Ethan was sprawled, while I confined between his arms hugged to his chest.

"Why do you keep doing that?" I asked him baffled by his behavior as I sat up looking at him.

"What?" Ethan sat too, confused with my question.

"This! Put yourself in the way when we slam to the glass or for fall to the ground?" I inched closer.

His shrugged and his voice was low as he mumbled, "I just don't want you to get hurt."

O-h my heart!

I can't! This is too much!

This is too sweet I don't think my heart can take it anymore!

Ethan sucked in a breath when I pressed my lips to his in tender kisses. His hands held on to my waist bringing me closer and his lips urged mine for more sending shivers down my spine.

We needed a few trials and errors before we learned how to work it out together. Afterwards things couldn't be smoother.

What was better than skating? Better than the blasts of chilled air as we dashed across the rink. The sound of blades slicing through hard ice and then scrape when we came to a stop. The feeling of being free as we glided across the rink. The best thing was that we were doing that together.

Ethan was right, I was doing something I loved, but the new memories I made would forever be held close to my heart. Choosing this to be our first date made it extra precious.

We laughed. We skated. We talked. We teased one another.

At some point he took off his jacket and had me wearing it, "Is this warm enough?" He asked rubbing my cold fingers.

Warm enough?

I didn't know what was wrong with my fingers because the rest of me was burning up. More now that I felt the warmth of his body lingering in the inside of his jacket along with the smell of his cologne.

I could never explain the things he did to my heart and mind. "Yes, thank you."

Those dimples peeked as he smiled.

I thought we would just skate around and then go home, but Ethan had other plans.

A clothed table set with two chairs prepared for us when we were done skating. A small vase with delicate flowers decorated the middle of the table and surrounded by candles. There were two plates covered with silver cloches, swan folded napkins and elegant tall glasses. There must've been like a thousand or something of small tiny lights around us, they looked like specks of stars twinkling in the dimmed lights.

Everything this guy did took my breath away.

"Oh, my god, Ethan.... this is so beautiful!" I breathed. My heart flickered in my chest.

Ethan smiled at my reaction before he made his way to one of the chairs with counted and measured steps. He pulled a chair out and waited for me to sit.

He grinned mischievously, "Wait until you see what's for dinner."

I laughed when I lifted of the cover from the plate in front of me. Burgers and fries. I told him that I've always went for burgers and fries after skating, "This is perfect!"

He laughed too at the mere sound of my own. He always smiled or laughed when I did. "I'm happy that you like it."

The burger was incredible, better than any burger I've ate before, and the bun was soft as it hugged that patty, vegetables and sauces. Aww, he remembered the extra cheese. French fries were always and forever would be my weak spot, and those... OMG, those were amazing!

The conversation ran lively as we ate our burgers and fries and then it flowed sweetly with the ice –cream we had for desert. I don't think I've ever ate as much as I did tonight.

It has been a long time since I've felt this happy. A long time since my heart was fully in content and just living a bliss.

Ethan leaned in and I lifted myself up on my toes reaching for one of those knee weakening, mind spinning, breath taking kisses.

We were back at my house standing in the door way, wrapped in each other's arms, "Tonight was perfect. Thank you."

Ethan was swaying me gently from side to side. His fingers ran lazily through my hair sending delicious shivers down my body, "You were perfect. You are perfect."

Good thing he was holding me, otherwise I would've went splash and just scattered on the floor.

Then smiled, "Tomorrow, my house?"

"Yup, I'll drop Matt at his friend's and then come by."

Ethan pressed his lips to my forehead for a long, sweet moment, "I'll miss you until tomorrow." His voice came in a whisper.

I closed my eyes as I breathed in his scent, cologne, soap and cinnamon, "And I'll miss you until tomorrow."

I realized suddenly that I still had his jacket on, "Wait, let me give you your jacket back." I pulled back to take it off when Ethan stopped me by pulling me closer.

"Keep it. I bet it looks better on you. And I want you to have something of mine."

Aww, cooed my heart and I pulled myself to my toes.

The moment I stepped inside two pair of eyes gawked at me with waggling eyebrows.

"Sit, spill, details!" Aunt Sophie demanded patting the empty space on the couch between her and Matt.

Matt piped in with an objection and raised hands, "But keep all the kissy stuff out of it."

I blushed, giggled and joined at the couch being swallowed by nothing but sheer happiness.

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