kim taehyung
"tae," jimin spoke quietly. "let's spend time together."
taehyung tilted his head like a lost puppy. "i'm literally right in front of you."
"no, i mean... let's go on a date." the youngers eyes lit up, immediately jumping into the olders arms. it's been a few months since they started dating, but they never went on many dates.
"yes please! where?" taehyung questioned, looking up at his lover with big eyes.
"where do you wanna go?" jimin asked, petting his boyfriend's hair.
"the park! i want to draw you!" taehyung giggled after being tickled by jimin.
"sounds fun! grab the blanket and i'll get some snacks," jimin smiled with his eyes, excited to be in public with someone he cares deeply about.
once the two had everything ready, they started their adventure.
the park wasn't far from taehyung's house, only a five minute walk. the couple walked hand in hand though, giggling to whatever silly stories they shared.
"taehyung, i can't believe you used to think girls peed from their bellybutton!" jimin teased, his laugh echoing through the streets.
taehyung frowned, gripping the other's hand tighter. "at least i didn't talk to pieces of grass and then eat them. that's murder!"
"you make me sound insane, kitten," the pinkette giggled, finding a place to sit.
"that's my job," taehyung stuck out his tongue playfully, setting up his art supplies.
jimin was ecstatic. he absolutely loved watching his boyfriend draw, especially him. the way he studies the older's details, making sure to sketch them perfectly. jimin is always a blushing mess. the way the younger's sharp eyes pierce jimin's skin, it tingles. jimin feels like the most important person in the world during those moments. and when taehyung's sketch is complete, jimin's flaws look like a masterpiece.
"baby, what're you looking at?" taehyung asked, guiding his pencil to add detail to jimin's knee.
"sorry, just got lost in thought," jimin apologized, looking towards his boyfriend again.
"don't apologize! i just don't want you feeling sad or upset," taehyung sadly smiled, bringing his hand to jimin's to interlock.
"i'm never sad or upset with you," jimin replied in a serious tone, letting go of the younger's hand.
"good. the feeling's mutual," taehyung gave a quick box smile, before continuing the drawing.
by the time the drawing was finished, the sun had already set.
"taehyungie, it's beautiful," jimin was at loss for words. taehyung has drawn jimin many times, but this one was definitely his favorite. the amount of detail, the different style, the colours. taehyung's drawing made jimin feel beautiful.
"thank you, chim," taehyung grinned, hugging the older. "it's only beautiful because you are."
"that's not true!" jimin scrunched up his nose. "everything you draw is a masterpiece."
"you're my masterpiece." taehyung held jimin's hand, rubbing his thumb over the palm.
"stop being so cheesy," jimin laughed, lunching himself at taehyung.
"being cheesy makes you laugh, so no." jimin punched taehyung's shoulder lightly, starting to pack up.
"we should get going. it's late," jimin commented, taehyung started to pack as well.
"you're right. want me to drive you home?" taehyung asked, folding up the blanket.
"no, i live far. i'll just catch a taxi or something," jimin grinned, kissing his boyfriend on the lips.
"hm fine. bye, hyung! thank you for today."
"bye, bye, kitten, i'll see you later!"
once taehyung got home and settled in his bed, he called jimin.
"hello?" the older answered, taehyung smiled at hearing his boyfriend's voice.
"hi, baby. are you okay?" taehyung asked, checking up on jimin.
"yes, of course i'm fine! i'm on my way to bighit," jimin giggled into the phone, sending shivers to taehyung.
"i was just making sure, sweetheart," taehyung sighed into the phone, there was a comfortable silence.
"you're sweet, kitty. i love you." taehyung blushed profusely after hearing those words. the words they had yet to exchange.
"i-i... j-just.. be safe," taehyung stuttered out, before hanging up. he couldn't do it. he couldn't say it back. his throat felt blocked.
"ugh, i should apologize tomorrow. it was just so sudden," taehyung sighed to himself, laying back on his bed.
he tucked himself in, getting comfortable in the silence.
but before he fell asleep, he felt a strange burning sensation in his wrist.
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