Chapter 2

KINDA IMPORTANT A/N: Louis uses an iPhone in this chapter and he will continue to use one throughout the fic! This may confuse some of you since he is blind, so I linked a video to show you how it works. If you don't wanna watch or it's not working, the gist of it is that Siri reads everything to him

"How do we even know he's going to show up?" Louis asks Niall.

"I've seen pictures of him, Louis," Niall says. "I'll know him when I see him." Niall sighs dreamily. "God, Zayn is gorgeous. With his green eyes and long, curly hair."

"He could be fake," Louis points out.

The two were currently seated at a bar, waiting for some dominant Niall met through a dating website. His name was Zayn and he was apparently gorgeous. The way Niall described him, Louis had a feeling he was lying about what he looked like.

"No," Niall disagrees. "We also talked on Snapchat."

Louis shrugs. "Whatever," he mumbles. He was pretty sure you could fake that too, but he didn't have the heart to tell his poor lovesick friend.

Little did Louis and Niall know, the man Niall was waiting for was near the front door of the bar, with his friend.

Zayn gnaws at his lip, giving Harry a nervous look for a split second before glancing around the room again. "I don't see him."

"Yes you do," Harry says flatly. "He's over there, sitting at the bar."

"I'm just... I'm just nervous," Zayn confesses.

Harry snorts. "Nervous about what?"

"Shut up," Zayn scoffs. "You know why."

Harry shrugs. "Maybe you shouldn't have used my pictures and it'd be fine."

"I know, okay?" Zayn huffs. The two friends stay silent for a moment, before Zayn speaks up, "What if... what if you pretended to be me for a while?"

Harry furrows his eyebrows, turning to him and replying sharply, "No."

"C'mon," Zayn begs. "Niall is cute."

Harry rolls his eyes. "I'm not helping you manipulate this boy more than I already have. Besides, Niall is cute, but he's not my type."

"Right. Your type is like that cute twink you met at the pet store," Zayn teases.

Harry glares at him a little. "I'm still mad at you." Harry softens his glare before expressing, "I was an arse to him. He can obviously take care of himself, and I made him feel like some helpless, fragile—"

"I'm doing it," Zayn decides. "I'm going to go up to him like, hey sorry about lying about what I look like. But I really really like you."

"Were you even listening to me?" Harry asks.

Zayn winces, feeling rude. "Sorry. It's now or never."

Harry feels best to stay behind while Zayn approaches Niall. They didn't want to confuse Niall or anything. Harry sits at a table by himself, longing to go to the bar. He wasn't an alcoholic or anything, but after today, he needed a drink. The only reason he came with Zayn was because Zayn promised the drinks were on him. Of course, Niall was a small catch.

From what Harry could see, Zayn calmly approaching Niall and then to see Niall's confused face. Confusion turns to anger for a split second, then overcome by hurt. Harry feels bad for the boy, but he hopes the two work things out.

Harry's eyes lock on the boy sitting next to Niall. He's quite petite and Harry can tell from the backside he's slightly curvy. Harry can imagine he has a big bum, but he can't tell because of how the boy is sitting.

Harry bites his lip, hoping Zayn can take Niall away somewhere else in the bar so he can attempt to pick up that boy.

Harry's eyes budge nearly out of his sockets when the boy turns around, revealing him to be Louis.

Without even thinking about it, Harry gets up from his seat and makes his way to Louis.

He approaches Louis at an angle where Niall can't see him, the blonde haired boy's back to him.

Harry takes a seat next to Louis, coughing. He awkwardly stares at Louis while the younger boy sips on what appears to be sprite.

"It's me, Harry," Harry says.

Louis raises his eyebrows at Harry, not expecting to see them man tonight. To be honest, he hopes Harry leaves. He doesn't want more of Harry's offensive comments.

"I want to apologize," Harry says. Louis is taken aback a bit, not expecting that. "The things I said were so rude and inconsiderate. I'm really sorry. It's just— I was nervous."

Louis frowns. "Why were you nervous?"

"You're beautiful," Harry admits bluntly.

Louis somehow chokes on the sprite he was swallowing, coughing harshly. Harry's eyes widen, placing a hand on Louis' back. "Are you alright, love?"

"Um– yeah? You just surprised me there," Louis says.

Harry begins to blush. "Oh my gosh. Are you not gay? I need to stop assuming that for everyone—"

"No, I am!" Louis laughs a little. "I just wasn't expecting that from you."

Harry shrugs. "I'm a very honest person. It would be a shame for me to allow you to not know how beautiful you are."

Louis blushes and swings his feet from the bar stool cutely. Harry observes him fondly until the blind boy accidentally kicks his cane over.

"Oops," Louis giggles as Harry bends down to pick the cane up.

Niall turns around at the sound of the cane dropping, his mouth hanging open at the sight of Harry. "You!" Niall yells, pointing at Harry.

Harry's eyes widen, not sure of what to do or say. "You knew about this, didn't you?" Niall spits, also turning to Zayn.

Zayn meekly shrugs. "He kind of did," he admits.

Niall lets out a loud, frustrated groan before taking off somewhere in the bar, disappearing into a sea of people.

"What?" Louis frowns.

"Um, Zayn was using my pictures," Harry tells Louis, not wanting to lie.

He expects the boy to get angry. But instead, Louis just sighs. "I had a feeling."

"I didn't think it would go this far, if that helps," Harry says.

Louis ignores the comment, shrugging his shoulders.

Deciding to dismiss the situation, Harry boldly asks, "Louis, are you a submissive?" It was sort of a bold question. Mostly everyone was involved in bdsm. Harry had already assumed Louis was a submissive, but he wanted to make sure.

"Um—" Louis feels his face heat up. "Yes, why?"

Harry smirks. "Well, I'm a dominant who'd like to take you out sometime."

Louis bites his lip. "This is so... rushed. I don't even know you."

"Most bdsm relationships are, love," Harry says. "We can get to know each other after our date."

Louis frowns. "But I want a real relationship."

Harry also frowns, shaking his head. "I do too. But usually people start with bdsm."

"I'm sorry," Louis apologizes. "I think we should just... be friends for a while? I don't know. I haven't really thought about being in a relationship."

Harry's posture turns from sitting up straight and looking confident, to slightly slumping over. "Oh."

"What time is it?" Louis asks.

Harry checks his watch and replies, "ten twenty."

Louis gasps, didn't think it would get so late. "I have to wake up early for work tomorrow, and my dog—" Louis panics a little. "Where's Niall? Is he near us?"

Harry looks around, frowning. "I don't see him. Was he your ride here?"

Louis nods and then sighs. "Help me find him, please?"

Instead of obliging, Harry suggests, "let me take you home."

Louis freezes before giving him a tight smile. "No thanks, 'm fine."

"Your friend was obviously tipsy. And since he was so upset, I bet he's getting wasted right now. Let me take you home," Harry demands with a dominant tone.

Louis almost shivers at his voice, but keeps himself together. Louis hesitates before nodding. Louis had to admit the dominant was right.

As Harry stood up to get leave, Louis reached for his cane and stood up. Harry wraps his arm around Louis' waist, guiding him through the club. Louis blushes. He's grateful Harry did that, because damn, did he hate using that cane.


"Thanks, Harry," Louis mumbles shyly as he gets out of the car.

Harry grins. "No problem."

Louis pauses when he hears Harry's door open and close and the car turn off. "What are you doing?" Louis quirks an eyebrow.

"Walking you to your flat," Harry answers as if it were obvious.

Louis scowls at the older man. "I thought we were done with this," Louis spits out.

"Done with what?" Harry turns around, looking confused.

Louis huffs, waking quickly to the complex. "You treating me like I'm fragile just because I'm blind." Louis stomps over the curb and walks up the small step of stairs quickly. "I can get by just fine!" Louis throws the door open, the warm air hitting him.

Louis ignores the greeting of the receptionist and rushes over to the elevator. Before he can push the button open, he feels a presence behind him doing it for him. He stays silent, not sure if it's Harry or not.

"You need to hear me out," Harry says roughly.

Louis crosses his arms and walks into the elevator when he hears the elevator ding. Louis searches the Braille numbers, before finding floor three.

"I would do this even if you weren't blind," Harry defends.

Louis' cold face falters a bit, but he remains to keep his scowl.

Harry scoffs. "We were having a nice time. Don't ruin it."

Louis lets out a deep breath and steps out with Harry into the hallway. "I'm sorry," Louis says quietly.

"Just don't jump to conclusions like that, love," Harry tells the boy softly.

Louis practically melts at the nickname. "Now, where's your flat?"

"Straight ahead." The flats were pretty spaced out, and Louis' was directly in front of the elevator.

Harry hums, "how convenient."

Louis pauses before the door. "Um, thanks, Harry."

Harry raises an eyebrow. "Are you not going to invite me in for a bit?" He asks smugly.

"I-I have to go to bed. I have work—" Louis sighs once he hears Harry chuckle. "Okay, want the truth?" Louis huffs. "I think you're attractive. If I let you in, I'm afraid we'll get too comfortable and I won't be able to resist sleeping with you. I know I can't see you, but I can still be attracted to you. Just the way you carry yourself with dominance and stuff. Are you happy now?"

Harry's on the edge between happy and angry. He's pleased Louis is attracted to him, but part of him wants to throw the boy over his lap for having an attitude.

He pushes the punishing thoughts away and shakes his head. "I wouldn't sleep with you tonight. Trust me, Louis."

Louis takes a step back, laughing humorlessly. "That's just what I wanted to hear. I don't want to sleep with you tonight because I actually have work very early tomorrow. Good to know I shouldn't get too caught up with my feelings since you seem to be repulsed by the thought of being with—"

"No, no!" Harry gasps. "I'm saying you deserve more than that. You deserve more than some one night stand. You deserve to be spoiled rotten and cared for."

Louis blushes profusely and feels Harry step closer. "Let me take you out," he begs. "I promise you won't regret it."

Louis smiles a little, not seeing how it could hurt. "Okay. Give me your number." Louis unlocks his phone and opens the contacts before handing it to Harry.

Harry returns the phone once he's finished entering his number. "I already texted myself on your phone. Thanks for letting me take you out. Can't wait until you become mine."

Louis can feel the heat on his cheeks intensify. "We'll see about that."

Harry steps back, grinning. "I really can't wait to show you how much you're worth and what you deserve."

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