Aaron x Alexander ???

James POV

Alexander and I quickly finished our crosswords before everyone else, so we sat there saying nothing and not looking at each other, until Alexander spoke to me.

"You better stop being with Aaron." He says firmly. I turn to look at him.

"Why should I listen to you?" I say.

"Because he's mine." He says.

"You don't deserve him." I say annoyed. He gives me a dark look.

"You're just making life harder than it already is." I say, turning around to stop looking at him.

The teacher takes our files and gives us a speech that we will have to get back with the same person if we are still in pairs. After he's finished speaking, the bell rings. I get up and see Lafayette smiling at Aaron. I'm waiting for him to finish talking to Ronnie.

"Are you okay, Ronnie?" He smiled and nodded. I sigh with relief.

"Before leaving do not forget that soon you will have 2 weeks of vacation." Says the teacher before getting ready to go out of class.

Everyone shouts for joy except me and Aaron, I don't know if Thomas screamed because I didn't watch him.

We are leaving the class. Aaron and I are talking until Alexander comes behind us.

"James, I don't like holidays, we'll see each other less often." He says.

"I'm sure you'll be fine." I say, smiling at him. He smiles at me and nods. Aaron begins to become tense and turns around.

"Alexander, I told you to stop following me all the time," He says without emotion as he watched Alexander.

"So...sorry," He says nervously. He sighs. I roll my eyes.

"Do you want to talk to me?" Asks Aaron. Alexander shakes his head.

"You better stop watching him all the time, already that you and Aaron have the same dormitory. I wonder how he manages to support you? Come on Ronnie! " I say, taking Aaron away from him, taking him by the hand.

Lafayette POV

Herc and John look at me worried. I look at them confused.

"What's wrong, mes amis?" I ask, smiling at them.

"Burr, how's he?" John says crossing his arms.

"Burr isn't bad at all, I think we were wrong about him." I say sure of myself They give septic glances.

"I don't think so," Herc says, looking away. I sigh and get up.

"Anyway, if Alexander really likes Burr, we'll have to accept him," I say. They tell me nothing for a moment.

* At recess *

I see Alexander nowhere. I start leaving John and Herc to pick him up. I go forward and see him fix Burr hide behind a wall. I smiled and waved at him. He doesn't look at me, he keeps watching Burr laughing with James. My smile is increasing. He must really love Burr to spy on him like that.

I patted his head when I was near him. He jumped and turned around to sigh with relief.

"Do you love him, do you?" He blushed and nodded slowly. I smile at him.

"Don't you mind?" He asks nervously. I shake my head.

"He looks like a good guy," I say. He smiles at me and nods.

"But...Hercules told me he doesn't love you. Is it true? "I ask. He shakes my head.

"How can you be sure, mon ami?"

"Because he told me. He told me he loves me. " He says, giving me a resplendent smile. I nod.

"And...and...I'm with him." He says a little embarrassed, blushing.

"That's good, mon ami." I say, clapping.

"Come. John and Hercules must be worried, mon ami." I say. He nods and he follow me.

"Hey! I found him." I say, seeing Herc and John. They give me a wave of the hand.

"Uh...so...about what we were talking about....you love him?" John asks awkwardly. Alex nods.

"Maybe you love him, but he does not love you." Herc says firmly.

"Hercules!" I say shocked at his attitude.

"He told me that." He says in the same tone. Alexander shakes his head and gets angry but doesn't say anything.

"Maybe you're wrong." John says to calm the atmosphere.

"If you don't believe me, just bring Burr back here and tell him about it," He says confidently.

"Ok," Alexander says.

Burr looked pretty tense when he looked at Herc.

"Eh ... why am I here?" He asks hesitantly.

"You told me you don't love Alexander, do you?" Hercules asked curtly. Burr nods without hesitation.

"Why did you tell him that?" Asks Alex lost.

"Because I knew that if I told him that yes he would hit me." He says without emotion.

"You're wrong, Herc isn't like that," I say, protecting my friend. Burr looks at Herc crossing his arms.

"So you're not said anything?" He asks Herc without emotion.

"What are you talking about, Burr?" Asks John.

"Hercules told me not to say anything, sorry." He says. I look at Herc and he looks really tense.

"Excuse me, I was wrong, I'll try to tell the truth next time." Burr says with a smile. We nod, but not Herc.

"It'll be soon ring, Aaron, come!" Says Herc's cousin from afar. Burr nods and beckons us before we leave. He is very mysterious. I turn to talk to Herc, but he's already busy with Alex.

"What did you do to him?" He asks Herc very determined to know what's going on.

"Nothing..." Herc says.

"Stop lying!" He says.

"Okay I'll tell you....After seeing you crying in the bathroom and you told me that was because of Aaron, I was suspicious of him and I......hit him so he will not hurt you anymore." Herc says. John and I look at each other lost.

"I was crying because I was afraid of telling him about my feelings, not because he was hurting me." He says loudly. Hercules doesn't say anything anymore.

The bell rings. Alex turns around and goes to class. I decide to go to console Herc, John stayed with me.

"I don't approve of what you did, but you had good attention. You wanted to protect Alex, just letting him calm down." I say, taking him in my arms. I don't see, but I feel he nods.

"Quick guys, have to go to school!" John says. We nod and we go to class.

Thomas POV

He didn't notice me, he didn't notice me. I don't miss him? It's normal, after what I did- He says he believed a little in us. And me ... I ruined everything. What can I do to he forgive me?

"Thomas, are you ok?" Asks Aaron worried. I nod him.

"Where's James?" I ask.

"I'm here, idiot !" He says. He was just to my left and I didn't notice it.

"I'm sorry, I don't..."

"Let's just go to class." He says, rushing to go ahead. My heart is breaking more and more. He often ignores me and does everything not to hear the sound of my voice.

"Okay..." I say sadly.

1172 words

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