Chapter 9

Thank you for the feedback on the laster chapter :D

This chapter is sort of a thank you and I really think you'll like it ;)

Happy reading and don't forget to comment throughout the chapter so I know what you liked/didn't like !


London (England)

Styles-Malik residence

10 05 2016

1840 hours

"Thanks." Harry says and takes the cup of coffee from Zayn.

They're on the couch in their living room, watching BBC news.

"Do you think Louis didn't kill him by accident? Or was it on purpose?" Harry asks Zayn, not meeting his eye.

"What are you talking about?" Zayn says. "Don't be ridiculous. Everyone makes mistakes Harry, and Louis' just happened to be when he shot Kozlov and missed his heart."

"Okay." Harry nods.

"Why would Louis not want to kill him? Honestly, you're being paranoid."

Harry doesn't say anything else as he takes a sip of his coffee. He knows he's being paranoid, but he can't help it. It comes with the job. After seeing so many people betray and lie to someone who was least expecting it, he can't help but be suspicious of whoever does something wrong.

His BlackBerry rings.

"It's Liam." Zayn says looking at the screen, so Harry picks it up and answers.

"Agent 09." He says.

"We've got a lead. Niall looked over some CCTV footage and saw a very angry Kozlov entering a building in Westminster Abbey ten minutes ago. We need both of you there."

"What about Louis?"

Liam hesitates. "I haven't told him yet, but I'll give him a call soon."

"Alright, thanks Sir."

Harry ends the call and then stands up from the couch. "Gear up, we have somewhere to be."


It takes them seven minutes to get to the address Niall gave them, and Harry parks his car one block away just to be safe.

"We've got undercover agents in the area, so if anything happens just give me the signal and I'll tell them to move in."


Harry checks that his gun in in place before they get out of the car and start walking towards the building. He then starts thinking about Louis and the fact that he missed the shot by only a couple of centimeters.

"Wait." Zayn suddenly says and pulls Harry back. "Look, he's coming out again."

They see a man with Kozlov's built coming out of the building, wearing a baseball cap and a vest as he looks down while walking.

"I'll follow him. You find out what he was doing in the building." Zayn says.

Harry nods and waits for Kozlov, and then Zayn to disappear, before he walks up the stairs and uses Louis' trick to get inside.

He finds the postal boxes on the right, so he contacts Niall.

"Niall, I need you to look up the recently rented apartments in the building. There are fifty of them and I don't have the time to look into them all."

"Alright, hold on a sec."

Harry looks around for anything that might lead him to Kozlov's apartment, but he finds nothing.

"Apartment forty-nine. Last floor. Rented just two weeks ago to someone named Irwin Kellogg. I looked him up, but this person doesn't exist. It may be some kind of English name for Ivan Kozlov."

Harry starts taking two stairs at a time until he reaches the last floor, and after Niall gives him the green light, he kicks the door open.

"This is it." Harry says and makes a right into the office. "Holy fuck."

"What's going on?"

He walks over to the desk where three computers are located.

"I see the Prime Minister."

"I've got two agents coming in right now."

Harry stares at the monitor where he can see the Prime Minister, before he takes a picture of the three computers.

"There are two more video footages. One is looking over an abandoned building, and the other one is looking over a safe deposit box somewhere in a room. You have to find out the location of each one right now."

"I'm trying to hack into the computers right now, I found the IP addresses."

Two familiar faces walk into the room. Harry recognizes them as Agent 10 and Agent 12. He tries to remember their names but he's got more important things to do.

Liam's calling him out of a sudden, so he quickly answers.

"Tell me about the Prime Minister." Is the only thing he says.

"He's tied to a chair and he's got a blindfold on. There's no one with him."

"Niall's trying to locate the camera and everything. Where's Agent 05?"

"Currently following Kozlov." Harry answers.

"Join him. Agent 10 and Agent 12 are going to check out the apartment but I need you with Agent 05. I called Louis, he's on his way."

"On his way where?" Harry asks as he leaves the room to go back to his car.

"Abingdon Street."


Harry spots Zayn as soon as he parks his car next to the gardens, right where Zayn's GPS said he would be.

"What's going on?" he asks his sidekick as soon as he joins him on the bench.

"Kozlov entered that bank there fifteen minutes ago and hasn't come out yet."

Harry sees something out of the corner of his eyes and turns his head, just to make eye contact with Louis, who's approaching them at a rapid pace.

"I got here as fast as I could." He excuses himself.

"Kozlov's inside." Zayn tells him, and then squints towards the bank. "There he is. I'll get my handler to find out what he did in there."

"Harry. I got a location for the cameras. One of them, the one watching over the Prime Minister is unclear about its address, but it's in London, I can tell you that much. Kozlov's been keeping him under our noses all this time so he could buy some time with those nuclear codes."

"What about the other two?"

"The other two have the same IP address, and they're watching over a building in Greenwich. It's been empty for a few years now, but that safe deposit box is in there somewhere."

"Send me the address and we'll go check it out."

"Agents have Kozlov under surveillance. If there's a chance that the Prime Minister is at that address, you have to take it right now and we'll get Kozlov later. As long as we have eyes and ears on him, we won't lose him."

"Copy that."

The building they park in front of is indeed abandoned, but there's a vacant white van in front of it, so Harry gets Niall to run the license plate.

"It belongs to a moving company. I'll call them and ask about any recent activity. Oh, and I can see you on that camera footage Kozlov has in his office by the way. I'm not getting any movement from inside, you have to get closer."

Harry nods and takes a hold of his gun, and after making sure that Louis and Zayn are right behind him, they move towards the entrance.

They climb stairs after stairs after stairs, canvas all the floors but with no luck.

"Niall, there's nothing-" he starts, but Zayn interrupts him.

"I think I've found something. Look."

Zayn points towards a door that's been left slightly ajar.

"What in the world." Harry breathes when he sees what's inside.

There's a giant safe in the middle of the room, so Harry takes a photo and sends it to Niall.

"Wait." Louis says and holds Harry back from taking a step inside. "Spray something."

Harry sighs, but looks through his blazer anyway, until he finds some pepper spray.

"Okay, why do you have that in your pocket?" Louis asks, trying to refrain himself from laughing.

"Well it's useful now, isn't it?" Harry retorts, before he puts a hand over his mouth and sprays in front of himself, just to reveal red laser lines.

He then nears the can to the laser beams, and pulls back surprised when it gets cut in half.

"You're welcome." Louis whispers in his ear.

Harry rolls his eyes. "Don't flatter yourself."

"Oh, I've already lost count of how many times I've saved your life. Believe me, I'm done flattering myself because it's become tiring and I need to save my energy for more important matters."

"As fun as watching you two banter is, we have to find a way to get inside that safe without getting cut in pieces." Zayn intervenes, and Harry feels guilty for like the hundredth time because he's forgotten that he was there.

"We should find a way through the ceiling." Louis suggests. "But we need special gear."

"I'll get Niall to send someone with it. Until then, let's find the spot right above the safe." Harry says.

"The roof."

They find the door that leads to the roof of the building.

"This is going to be harder than we thought." Harry sighs as he looks around. "We need a team up here to scan the place and cut through the cement."

Louis nods. "Another way would be to disable the lasers but that would take twice as much time and effort."

"Okay the team is in the building, they're coming to the roof." Niall announces.

"Tell them to bring something that cuts through cement. And some sleeping bags. They're going to be here a while."


It's dark when they leave that building, but the team is still on the roof. Now that they've found the spot right above the safe, they're trying to cut through the roof so one of them can slide through the hole and get to the safe.

Liam told them to stay on-call at all times and that they've got Kozlov staying at a hotel.

"I just don't understand why they don't arrest him." Zayn says, shaking his head later that night when they get home.

"If they take him into custody we might never find out where the Prime Minister is. It's better this way." Harry tells him as he takes off his blazer and hangs it on the coat rack in the hallway.

"I can't wait for this case to be over to be honest. Louis should just shoot Kozlov and get it over with."

"You should get some rest." Harry advises. "You're tired."

Zayn pats him on the back as he walks towards the stairs. "Same for you man. All that sex with a professional assassin must be tiring. I bet he's fucking crazy in bed."


London (England)

Abandoned building

12 05 2016

1750 hours

Two days later, they finally get called in because their team managed to cut a hole through the roof, right above the safe.

"We've got two harnesses because it's a two people job. One of you has to cut through the safe and keep it open while the other holds a flashlight, and then pulls out whatever it is that's in there." Liam says, and it's the first time Harry has ever seen him out on the field. He's got two helicopters waiting in case anything happens and they have to abort immediately.

"I'll do it." Harry offers.

"Louis, you should go as well." Zayn says, and Harry rolls his eyes. He's not sure whether Zayn wants the two of them to go in so he can spend time with Liam, or to encourage Harry's sexual attraction to Louis. But he doesn't say anything as he puts he harness on and makes sure it's tight.

"We've got two people holding each of you, so you're safe." Liam assures them as they both kneel down to look through the hole.

Harry takes the flashlight because Louis apparently knows how to work a chainsaw. Of course he does.

"Ladies first." Louis says and Harry almost slaps him across the face before he goes through the hole, feet first.

He's slowly let down, but sprays everything in his path first to make sure it's clear. Once it's clear he gives Louis the okay.

The safe is too small in width for him to stand on it, so he has to keep hanging. Literally.

Louis joins him soon enough, dangling a giant chainsaw.

"Don't fucking swing towards me." Harry warns when Louis comes a bit too close with the saw.

"Stop being a baby. Hold the flashlight so I can cut through this bitch."

Harry does as he's told, and soon enough, Louis manages to cut the top off completely, revealing what's inside.

"A flash drive? Seriously?" Harry moans when he sees the small thing at the bottom of the safe.

"We don't know what's on it." Louis hushes him, and then lets the chainsaw fall to the ground, thereby cutting it in four pieces.

He grabs Harry's arm for leverage to pull himself towards the entry.

"If I fall because of you I swear to God." Harry says, trying to get rid of Louis' grip.

"Stop moving or they'll drop us both."

"Is everything okay?" Liam asks from above.

"It's like he's God." Louis whispers, looking up towards the ray of light.

Harry rolls his eyes. "Yeah Sir. There's a flash drive inside. We're taking it out now."

"Be careful."

Louis looks at Harry. "Stop putting the light in my eyes and point it to the flash drive you idiot."

"Don't tell me what to fucking do. This is my mission."

Louis snorts. "Oh please, you'd be dead if it weren't for me."

"Oh God, your ego is bigger than your ass."

"You weren't complaining about it a few nights ago." Louis whispers through his teeth and grabs the top of the safe. "Now grab my feet and push them towards the ceiling so I can fit inside."

"Then you should have laid off those deserts you've been eating." Harry mumbles, but grabs Louis' feet nonetheless and pushes them towards the ceiling, just like Louis asked him to do.

Twenty seconds later, Louis comes back up with the flash drive in his hand, and Harry points the flashlight on it.

"It's got some weird screen on it." Louis says, looking at it. "C'mon, we'll see what's on it once we get back outside."

Harry pulls at his string and Louis does the same, before they're both being pulled back up.

"This was in there." Harry tells Liam as he hands him the USB drive.

"Alright." Liam says and sits down on a makeshift chair, pulling out a laptop from his bag. "Let's see what's on it."

He pulls the cap off and inserts it in the laptop. There's only one file on the drive, named 'B'.

"I don't know if you should click it." Harry says, standing up from his kneeling position and taking his harness off.

Liam looks up at him. "What's the worst that could happen? Maybe there's information about our Prime Minister's whereabouts in this file."

Harry shrugs. "Alright then. Give it a go."

Liam clicks on the file, and it takes a while to load, but it eventually opens. It's a countdown from thirty seconds.

"What the-" Liam starts, and then sees that the flash drive has the same countdown. "It's a bomb!" he yells, spitting out his lungs as he drops the laptop. "Everyone abort! To the helicopters NOW!"

Everyone drops everything they're holding and hurry towards the two helicopters that are already running. Harry manages to jump on the helicopter at the same time as Zayn and look back to see where Louis is.

"LOUIS!" he yells when he sees him tripping over the chords at his feet because he hasn't taken off his harness yet and falling. He's the only one left on the rooftop, and Harry asks the pilot to turn around.

The helicopter is already twenty meters in the air when the entire building blows up, before it's engulfed in flames and crashes down, right under Harry's eyes.


London (England)


12 05 2016

2100 hours

Harry doesn't know what to say, or what to feel. All he knows is that he feels empty. There's been no news for the past hour about Louis' whereabouts, or if he's even alive, and he can't get the image of the building crashing down in flames with Louis on top of it.

Zayn is sitting next to him with a cup of tea in hands, not saying anything. They've been like this ever since they came in an hour ago.

Liam enters his own office five minutes later, so they both stand up anxiously.

"What's going on? Any news?" Harry asks.

Liam nods. "Sit down."

Harry and Zayn oblige.

"I just got off the phone with the fire department. They've finally managed to put out the fire, but the whole building is ruined. And they haven't found any body, but they're still searching through the mess."

Harry looks down at his hands. "We should've gone back for him."

"There was not enough time Agent 09. If there was something we could've done to save Louis, we would have. It was everyone for themselves at that point."

"What...what about that bomb? How was that possible?" Zayn asks.

"Niall informed us that it was some type of new technology, developed in the USA. Only a few select people have copies and know how to access them. That's why Kozlov needed the nuclear codes and the Prime Minister. Who knows how many more there are, or where they are to be exact. All we know is that this whole safe thing was a trap and a distraction. Kozlov is still in his hotel. We have surveillance on him, and two of our best agents are checked in rooms next to his, so if he moves, we move."

"What do we do now Sir?" Harry asks, standing up.

"We have to wait for Kozlov to make a move. Meanwhile, our IT guys are trying to locate the Prime Minister using everything they've got. All you two can do at the moment is go home and-"

"Get some rest, yeah yeah." Harry mutters. "We know the drill boss."

Zayn looks at him before he looks back at Liam. "What about Louis? Is someone else going to take his place?"

"We haven't heard anything from Her Majesty, but until further notice Agent 02 will accompany you two as a hitman."

Harry nods. "Great. Well, I'm out. You two have fun, but I'm done for the day." He says and walks towards the door, slamming it behind himself.

It's all way too much for him, and all he hopes is that he's going to be able to get over the image of Louis plummeting to his death as soon as possible.

Also, get over the fact that he was just starting to fall for a professional assassin.


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Thank you so much for reading :)

Let me know what you thought of this chapter in the comments :D

! Next update will be on August 26th, 5pm UK time !

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