Chapter 8
Thank you for the feedback on the laster chapter :D
This chapter is sort of a thank you and I really think you'll like it ;)
Happy reading and don't forget to comment throughout the chapter so I know what you liked/didn't like !
Moscow (Russia)
Private airport
07 05 2016
0220 hours
They touch down at the private airport in Moscow without any problems, and Louis doesn't hurry to unlock the main door.
"So?" he asks Harry, who's been watching over the original pilot for the past sixteen hours.
"He's also been paid to fly the plane here and not ask any questions. He's supposed to wait for the plane to be unloaded before he flies back to Mexico."
Louis raises his eyebrows. "How much did they pay him?"
"Twenty grand." Harry answers, and then takes a look out the window. "The guys are already here, waiting to unload the plane."
Louis smirks and takes a hold of his gun that was in the inside of his blazer. "Let's greet them, shall we?"
Harry nods in agreement, and after ordering the pilot not to move, he stands up with the gun in his hand as well.
"Listen to me." He addresses the pilot. "You take this plane to London, do you hear me? I've already talked to someone there and they're waiting for you to get a statement and everything. Nothing will happen to you, but you have to take the plane there. If you as much as try to take another route and go elsewhere, they will track you down."
The pilot nods and Harry uncuffs him afterwards. "Now. Go and open the main door, then take off once you hear a shot. Alright?"
The pilot nods again, so they let him go, and turn towards the door, waiting for it to open.
"Very secret agent-y of you." Louis says. "Bossy."
Harry snorts. "You like it, shut up."
"I didn't say I didn't like it." Louis continues, but shuts up as soon as the main door opens and the stairs fan out.
There are four men waiting for them with crossed arms and confused looks on their faces.
"Not again." Harry sighs and points a gun at them.
It's the same story; they were paid to unload the plane and drive the truck to an address, and then leave it there. They proceed to load up the truck at gunpoint, and then disappear right where they came from.
"Great. Cheers lads, we'll take it from here." Louis smiles at them as they walk away, before he fires a shot towards the sky, to let the pilot know he's good to take off.
"Niall, search me that address." Harry says into his watch as he gets into the driver's seat. "Oh, and get someone to the airport in London and look for a big blue plane."
"Good. So I found the address, it's fifty kilometers away in...Solntsevo."
"Oh good. A familiar neighborhood then."
"Are we going to keep on chatting or are you planning on driving this thing?" Louis intervenes, waving his gun around in boredom.
"Right. Thanks Horan, I'll keep in touch."
Harry turns the engine on and waits for Louis to go climb in the back of the car with the boxes, before he steps on the gas.
Harry stops the car an hour and fifteen minutes later, in front of an apartment building, but not the same one as last time. He turns the engine off and tries to make himself as small as possible in the seat as he waits for whoever needs to come and pick it up.
Soon enough, there's a black SUV coming around the corner and stopping right across the street. A man in black gets out of it, and Harry has enough time to see that he's only with one other person.
The guy heads to the back of the vehicle, waits two seconds, and then opens the double doors. There's a few shots going off, to which the SUV driver reacts immediately and gets out of the car to see what's going on. That's Harry cue to move as well, so he kicks the door open and points a gun at the man.
"One more step and you're dead." He warns, walking closer.
"It's one on one, want to give it a try?" the man asks, and Harry realizes that he's also got a gun with a silencer on it.
"Try two against one." Louis joins in, before he shoots the man in the knee, causing him to fall to the ground.
They both step closer to him, and Louis kneels down by his head and grips into his collar. "Where is the van supposed to arrive?"
The man doesn't say anything, so Louis shoots his other leg. "If you want me to get your tiny balls next, keep that information away from me."
The man says something in Russian and Louis lets go of him, before he turns to Harry. "C'mon, I know where that is. I'll drive and you get in the back."
Harry nods and steps over the dead man laying beside the tire, and then jumps in the back, closing the doors behind him. The drive is five minutes long, and as soon as the car stops, Harry prepares himself for another shootout once the doors open.
He fires immediately, and Louis loudly swears. "Jesus Christ you idiot, it's me!"
"How am I supposed to know if you don't announce yourself?" Harry retorts and gets out of the van.
"This is the address, but this building has been abandoned for a year now. Come on, we don't have enough time."
Harry's confused, but he follows Louis inside nonetheless, and at the same time tells Niall to get some surveillance on the van while they're inside.
"How do you know all this about the building?"
Louis doesn't look back as he turns on the flashlight on his gun. "I've used it as a killing place before."
Harry's not sure what type of answer he was expecting, or why he's surprised in the first place.
"Shut up and just fucking follow me." Louis hisses and starts going up the stairs, two at once. They get to the last floor, and Louis stops in front of a double door that looks kind of new, before he kicks it open.
There's no one inside, but it's clear that the room has been used before. Louis finds a light switch and turns on the light.
It's an office, filled with files, boxes, and an empty desk in the corner by the window.
"I don't think I have the patience to look through all these files." Harry mumbles but gets to work nonetheless.
"I don't think you'll have to." Louis tells him as he picks up a paper from under the desk. "Look."
Harry walks over. "LDN, W2020A3213WS, 34, 5/10/16." He reads. "Well, LDN is definitely London, and the last line is the day after tomorrow."
"No shit, Sherlock. Take a picture and send it to Niall."
Harry does just that. "It's probably where whoever owns this place is supposed to be on the ninth of May."
"And exactly where we'll be in two days. But right now, let's go and find a place to stay because I'm hungry and I'm tired. Also, I smell like gun powder and it's making me sick." Louis complains and Harry smirks, because Louis is the one who's got something to complain about for once.
Niall sends a car to drive them to the nearest decent hotel, and gets them both a room together for "safety measures".
"Does he by any chance know what happened two nights ago?" Louis asks him once they've taken turns showering and got dressed again because they have nothing else to wear. They've taken their earpieces and watches off and laid everything down on the table by the window, and Harry unbuttons his shirt before he steps out on the balcony for a smoke.
"What happened two nights ago?" he asks, pulling a cigarette out of his pack, leaning over the railing. He lights it up and looks back at Louis with a curious expression.
Louis steps out as well. "Don't make me say it."
"Oh, but please do, because I have no idea what you're talking about."
"Don't make me fucking angry Styles." Louis warns, stepping closer. He eyes Harry's gun that's still hanging by his waist, and then looks back up at him.
"Make you angry?" Harry snorts, trying to hide the fact that he's lowkey a bit terrified and at the same time turned on. "I'm one head taller than you."
They both know that even though their heights differ, Louis could take Harry any day at any time. Literally and figuratively.
"Oh really? Shoot me then. Come on. I dare you." Louis pushes, grazing the gun with his fingers. "Punch me. Show me how dangerous you are just because you're a head taller than me. You talk big, but you're a little bitch."
"You know just how serious I can get. And speaking about little bitches, I recall you whimpering like one when I fucked your brains out two days ago." Harry spits, getting all up against Louis.
"Oh..." Louis trails off. "So you do recall. And Niall knows as well."
"It was an accident. I accidentally pressed the camera button in my pants when you were sucking me off and the picture automatically got sent to him."
"So your handler knows how I look when I suck people off?" Louis asks.
Harry's hand comes down to grip into his wrist. "No. He knows how you look when you're sucking me off."
"Don't get all jealous now. I suck a lot of-"
Louis doesn't get to finish his sentence because Harry drops his cigarette over the railing and pushes him up against the wall.
"You don't do anything."
Louis cocks his head to look at him. "Getting bossy are we now?"
"If me being bossy means you moaning while your eyes roll to the back of your head then yes, I am getting bossy."
"I don't know what you're talking-" Louis gets cut off by Harry's lips on his neck and his hand on his bulge. "...about."
"Mmm I think you do. If your erection is anything to go by."
Louis doesn't say anything else, but the way he crooks his neck to let Harry's tongue get more access is also an answer, and it's all Harry needs to continue.
Harry grips into the back of his thighs to hoist him up, and walks back into the room towards the bed. He drops Louis on it, and then starts swearing.
"What's wrong?" Louis asks, looking up at him through hazy eyes.
"We don't have any lube."
"Don't need it to suck me off and vice versa."
Harry smirks. "You're not wrong."
Then he proceeds to undress Louis, and then himself. He lays down on the bed and slaps Louis' ass. "Get on top."
"Sixty-nine." Is all Harry says and Louis immediately obliges. And suddenly, Louis' ass is in Harry's face and there's a mouth on his dick. There's way too much going on at once, so the rational thing for Harry to do is to just lick across Louis' rim and make him whine.
It feels amazing; having Louis' lips around his cock that moan for him at the same time.
Harry's jaw starts hurting after a few minutes, but he continues just as before. And it apparently starts to have an effect on Louis, because the lad lets go of his cock to arch his back and moan out loud.
Louis seems to have forgotten all about Harry's dick, because he's currently focusing on riding Harry's face into oblivion as he chases his own orgasm.
Harry grips into the front of his thighs and brings him closer until he's out of air, before he gives it his all, which causes Louis to come after just a few strokes of his own hand.
This time, however, Louis turns around and shuffles down towards Harry's cock, and takes it into his mouth with a grin on his face. He licks it all the way up, from the balls to the tip, before taking it into his mouth and sucking it without any hands.
"Oh fuck." Harry groans, tangling his fingers in Louis' soft hair as he keeps him steady so he can fuck his mouth. Louis just lays and takes it, without even gagging once.
"You're amazing." Harry chokes and comes right into his mouth. Surprisingly-or not really?- Louis swallows it all, before he licks his lips and rolls himself right next to Harry on the bed.
He smiles. "Thanks. I know."
"Can you just drop your cocky act for a few moments?"
"We just did a cocky act." Louis laughs.
Harry sighs, shaking his head. "Why do you always have to ruin everything?"
"I ruined you, baby, and you weren't complaining."
Harry rolls his eyes and gets out of bed to get a towel for Louis.
"I'm afraid this is becoming a habit." Louis says once they're both in bed, only wearing their briefs.
"What's becoming a habit?"
Louis motions between the two of them. "This. Us. Getting off."
"Are you complaining?" Harry asks, running a hand through his hair.
"Not as much as I should. You know I don't do this."
"Do what?"
Louis shrugs. "Sleep with the e-people. People I with."
"Well, sleeping is putting it lightly. So you don't sleep with the people you work with. What about fucking? You didn't say anything about that."
Louis snorts. "You think you're so smart, don't you?"
"Well, if my IQ is anything to go by..." Harry trails off with a smile.
"Oh God, stop talking before you make an arse out of yourself, mate. It's late and I'm tired. Just go to sleep."
Harry shrugs and turns around so he's facing away from Louis.
"Try not to dream of me Agent 07." Louis adds, which only causes Harry to fall asleep with a smile on his face.
London (England)
MI6 Headquarters
09 05 2016
2200 hours
"Agent 07, nice to see you." Liam greets Harry as soon as he steps in the lab a day later. "I'd like to congratulate you on your amazing performance and work in Moscow."
"Thanks Sir, but Louis did half the work." Harry smiles and shakes his hand.
"Speaking of him, where is he now?"
"I have no idea, he left as soon as we landed."
Niall gestures for Harry to come to him. Liam pats him on the back and moves his head in Niall's direction, as a sign for Harry to go.
"We've got a lead on that code you found in Moscow, but I think Agent 05 should see this as well."
"Where is he?" Harry asks, and Niall looks towards Liam, who's apparently talking to Zayn. As soon as he makes eye contact with Harry, he says something to Liam, before he walks over.
"Where did you come from?" Harry questions him.
"Home. So what's new?"
Niall looks back down to the screen.
"Okay, so here it is. LDN comes from London, obviously. W2 can't mean anything but the post code for Westminster, and I assume 020 is the dial code."
"What about A3213?" Zayn asks, pointing at the screen.
"That's a road. The WS that follows I assume comes from Warwick Square, which is right beside A3213, and the 34 can only be an apartment number. I checked, and there's a new apartment building right in Warwick Square. Our mystery guy is supposed to show up there some time tomorrow, so we've already got eyes and ears, as well as twenty-four hour surveillance."
Harry pats him on the back as a sign of gratitude. "What do you need us to do?"
"I need you to get some rest, and report here tomorrow at 1300 hours." Liam cuts in. "Until then, I want you to take a small, well deserved break. Do I make myself clear?"
"Yes Sir." Harry and Zayn answer at the same time.
"Great. And you too Horan. But not before you get me Louis on the line. I need to know what he's up to."
London (England)
Warwick Square
10 05 2016
1400 hours
Harry leans against the window of his black Aston Martin and stares at the apartment building across the street.
"We've been here for two hours and no one has entered or left."
"Patience is a virtue Harry." Louis says from the passenger's seat. "Has Niall sent the profile of whoever owns apartment 34?"
"He's still looking. Patience is a virtue." Harry mocks, when something suddenly catches his eye.
Harry shushes him. "Look, look! Someone's coming."
"Harry, it's a woman-"
Harry places a hand over his mouth and waits, watching as the woman in question pulls out a piece of paper, looks down at it, and then back to the apartment building. Then she pulls out a set of keys, walks up to the double doors and lets herself in.
"I've got it!" Niall says into Harry's ear. "The apartment is registered to a woman named Valerya Markov, thirty-three. She's been in prison for money laundering and drug trafficking."
"Is she linked to anyone in particular?"
"I haven't gotten to read all the reports yet, but you should get her back here for questioning. She's from Russia, and she's lived in Moscow. Solntsevo to be more specific. She's out on parole now, and she's serving a ten year sentence."
"That's her." Harry says and opens the door. "Let's go."
Harry and Louis get out of the car, so Zayn climbs over in the driver's seat and tells them he'll keep an eye out in case anyone else comes.
"Do we ring or-" Harry starts, trying to make a joke, but Louis is already one step ahead of him by shooting the door and putting his hand through it to get it unlocked. "...or we can do that."
"There's no time for your smartass comments." Louis says and takes up the stairs to reach the third floor.
Harry takes the watch to his lips. "Niall, I need to know if anyone else is in there."
"Just her."
Louis kicks the door open and holds the gun up as they walk inside quickly. "Put your hands up NOW." He yells as soon as he sees the woman standing by the window with a phone in her hand, talking to someone.
She looks terrified but obliges nonetheless.
"Trace the call." Harry tells Niall as he closes in on her. "Give me the phone."
Valerya does that as well, and asks them not to shoot her.
"Who do you work for?" Harry asks her.
"I've got people on the way to take her in. Don't lose her Agent 07, she's sneaky."
"I don't work for anyone." She answers, but it's clear that she's lying.
"Whoever you work for should really invest in some acting lessons, because you're shit at lying." Louis tells her, and then points to the package on the table in the kitchen. "What's in that?"
She shrugs. "I have no idea."
"Now is not a good time to play dummy. Tell me what's in there."
"I don't know." she spits, so Louis shoots her in the leg, which causes her to yell out in pain and fall to the floor.
"So there's a package in your apartment but you have no idea where it came from?"
She shakes her head. "Please don't shoot me. I don't know what's in there, I swear. All I know is that I had to get it to St. James's Park in two hours and leave it there."
"Who put you up to this?" Harry pushes.
"I don't know. I got a message with some codes and it got me here. I don't know, I swear."
"Who do you work for?" Louis asks again.
"I got it! She's been linked to Ivan Kozlov in the past, she's his wife and now listed as a widow. Get her out of there so the bomb squad can take the package and analyze it, and we can question her."
"Did you get surveillance on the park?" Harry asks as he takes Valerya's arm and lifts her up.
"Just now. One of Kozlov's accomplices must have contacted her to finish the job, whatever that was." Niall tells him.
"Well the apartment looks vacant, so I don't think anyone has lived here up until now."
There are officers waiting downstairs to take Valerya in, as well as five equipped men from the bomb squad, ready to go upstairs and analyze the package.
"You think there was a bomb in it?" Harry asks once they get into the car to drive back to headquarters.
"Most probably. With all that gunpowder and the search for the nuclear codes, that's what they're probably doing."
"What?" Zayn asks, wedging his head between the two seats.
Louis makes eye contact with him through the rearview mirror. "Planning a nuclear war."
Liam is on edge as soon as they get there, pacing around his office like he's about to explode if he doesn't get something off his chest.
"Agent 05, 07. Good. Take a seat."
The two of them sit down on the armchairs by his desk, and Louis chooses to lean against the doorframe.
"There's something you both need to know, and it's MI6 confidential." He says, before he looks at Louis expectantly.
"Could've asked me to leave the room boss." Louis laughs and steps out, closing the door behind him.
"What's wrong?" Harry asks.
Liam turns around to get a file from his desk. "This photo was taken five minutes ago by a camera in St. James's Park."
Harry takes the file and opens it.
"Recognize him?" Liam asks.
"But that's-" Harry starts.
Liam nods. "Impossible? I thought so too."
"That's Kozlov. But he's dead." Zayn says, confused.
"I saw him die. Louis shot him." Harry mumbles, looking at three more pictures from different angles.
"Exactly. He never misses a shot, so I've been told, but apparently he did this time." Liam continues. "We lost his trail just now, but people down in the lab are doing everything they can to locate him again. The cellphone Ms. Markov was calling was a prepaid phone, so we couldn't find out who it belonged to, but the GPS indicated that the call was made from St. James's Park, so it must've been Kozlov."
"So what do you want us to do now?" Harry asks.
"We've got his wife, so she'll lead us right to him if she doesn't want to go back to prison."
"What about the package?" Zayn asks, just as Liam's phone rings. He puts up a hand and answers.
"Alright. Yeah. Thank you." He says into the phone and then looks at the two agents in front of him. "There was a bomb in the package, set to explode in exactly three hours."
"So that's what Kozlov wanted to do all this time. Place a bomb next to the palace to get everyone killed."
"And that's not all. The storage until in the basement of that apartment building that belonged to apartment 34 was filled to the brim with similar packages."
Liam circles his desk and sits down on his own chair.
"I need you two to keep this quiet and not tell anyone. Especially not Louis. He doesn't need to know Kozlov is alive; he may think we think he's involved with him and that he's been playing us this whole time."
"Do we think that?" Harry asks, and his heart starts beating faster because there is no way Louis was working for Kozlov. He shot him for God's sake. And he's killed so many people associated to him.
"No we don't. But I don't want the best professional assassin in England to flee and put you guys in danger, okay?"
They both nod.
"Okay. Go home now until we have further information and something for you to do."
"Yes Sir." Harry says and they both stand up. "We'll be on-call."
"We have to stop this." Liam tells them, and Harry's never seen him so serious. "Before..."
Zayn frowns. "Before what?"
"Before someone starts the third world war."
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Thank you so much for reading :)
Let me know what you thought of this chapter in the comments :D
! Next update will be on August 23rd, 5pm UK time !
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