Chapter 7

Thank you for the feedback on the laster chapter and I'm soooooo sorry for not being active in so long but I've gone through a really tough time. I'm better now and I'm baaack :D

This chapter is sort of a thank you and I really think you'll like it ;)

Happy reading and don't forget to comment throughout the chapter so I know what you liked/didn't like !


Previously on chapter 6:

London (England)

26 04 2016

MI6 Headquarters

1530 hours

"Agent 05. Good to see you again." Liam says the next day when Harry, Louis, and Zayn enter his office.

The two of them shake hands in what they want to seem like a casual manner, but Harry can tell that they're both tense, and that there's some sexual tension in the room.

Great, now there's double sexual tension

Or is it just me?

Probably just me

"Agent 07 and Tom W here as well Sir." Harry says, which causes Liam to break from the eye-sex Zayn and him were just having, and shake his hand.

"Our agents upstairs are currently questioning Anderson about the gun shipment that has been brought in early this morning. The government is pleased, but they'd still like Mr. Cameron back." Liam says, trying to make a joke.

No one laughs, so he continues. "Until we get any further information about the case, I'd like you to take some days off, but as per usual, be ready to report back whenever you're needed."

A smile spreads over Harry's face.

Zayn turns to him, mirroring his expression.

"Miami sound good?" he asks, placing a hand on his shoulder.

To Harry's surprise, Louis also nods.

"Sounds great."


Malibu (USA)

Beach house

30 04 2016

1730 hours

"Welcome to my occasional, rented, humble abode." Harry says as he opens the front door of his beach house two days later.

Louis doesn't seem surprised or impressed at all, even though he's never been there. He's probably used to living in the lap of luxury at all times.

"So where's my room?" Louis asks, gripping into the handle of his suitcase.

"Upstairs, second to the left."

"So where am I supposed to sleep?" Zayn intervenes, looking between the two of them.

"With me." Harry answers and places a hand on his shoulder.

"Ugh, no thanks. You snore like a fucking tractor."

"I do not!" Harry exclaims, offended.

Louis nods. "Yeah you do mate, sorry."

"You never seemed to have a problem with it, if I do recall correctly that is."

"Well you can't see me rolling my eyes and smothering myself with the pillow in your sleep, can you?" Louis shoots back and with that takes off up the stairs towards his room for the week.

"He's such a fucking-" Harry starts, turning towards Zayn.

His friend stops him by putting a hand up. "It turns you on, shut up."


Harry wakes up from his jetlag ten hours later, with Zayn soundly sleeping next to him in just his briefs. Now that he thinks about it, it really is incredibly hot in the room, so he gets up from the bed to open the window.

What he doesn't expect is to see a half naked Louis chilling on the lounger by the pool, with his iPad on his thighs and a cigarette in his right hand.

He has a six-pack even though he's sitting down, and Harry couldn't be more jealous, and at the same time turned on.

He decides to take a step back and go for a shower, because staring won't do anyone any good.

After a nice wank and a cold shower, Harry changes into his swim trunks and walks downstairs into the kitchen to find Zayn at the dining table drinking coffee and smoking.

"Good morning sunshine." Zayn smirks as he looks at his face.

"Stop lookin' at me like that." Harry asks and walks over to the coffee maker.

"Looking at you like what?"

"Like you know I just jacked myself off because Louis is half naked on the back porch."

Zayn stares at him for a couple of seconds, and then bursts out laughing.

"What now?" Harry rolls his eyes and turns around, only for his words to die in his throat.

"What a nice story, do tell more." Louis says, before closing the sliding door that leads to the back yard. "I really do wonder what you say about me when I'm not around. It's nice to get a clear picture now."

Harry scoffs. "Don't get too cocky, I was just joking."

"Seemed pretty serious to me." Louis replies and sits down next to Zayn.

When Harry steps closer with his coffee mug, Louis pulls it out of his hand and takes a sip.

"That was...oh why bother." Harry sighs and turns around to make another one.

When he turns around, Louis mischievously laughs, so Harry does his best to hide his smile as he presses the button for another cup.


Harry isn't sure how he's going to survive one more day with Louis in the beach house. All the professional assassin does, is lie on the lounger outside, sip on a glass of whiskey, and sometimes scroll through his iPad, reading who knows what.

He's tried avoiding him for a day, and then two, but right now he feels really intimidated and doesn't even know why. He's Harry fucking Styles and he's never been one to get fucking shy over some twenty-something year old man, who, in all fairness, does nothing but kill people for a living and...okay. Well, that's a pretty good reason.

Harry makes himself a Tequila Sunrise before he walks out on the back porch, straight to the lounger next to Louis'. The other guy doesn't even lift his eyes to look at Harry as he sits down and grabs the sun cream.

"Finally decided to get out and get tanned?" Louis asks.

"Yeah. Who knows how long we've got left until we're called back to headquarters."

Louis shrugs, thereby closing the subject, so Harry starts putting on sunblock. It's an awkward silence, so Harry tries to occupy himself by humming some random song whilst trying not to look at the curve of Louis' ass.

"You know, I can tell you're looking at my ass even though it doesn't look like I'm watching."

Harry blushes and quickly averts his gaze. "Yeah...uh, sorry."

Louis laughs. "Mate, I was just messing with you, but apparently I was right."

Harry rolls his eyes and continues putting his sun block on, without sparing any other glance in Louis' direction for the rest of the afternoon.

Later that evening, Zayn comes down to the living room, looking well rested like he's just had one of the best naps of his life. Knowing him, that's probably exactly what happened.

"Let's go out somewhere; I'm tired of sitting around all day doing nothing." He says as soon as he sits down on the couch next to Harry. They're in the living room now, because it's gotten quite cold outside and the sun is setting.

He was watching the news while idly going through his phone.

"Where's Louis?"

Harry shrugs. "I have absolutely no idea to be honest. He said he had some 'business' in Santa Monica and then disappeared. Can't be bothered though, I've got more important things to do than to worry about what he does."

"Yeah, like playing Candy Crush on your phone?" Zayn asks, shaking his head. "C'mon, let's go out. I bet they have some good clubs around here."

Harry makes a face. "'m not sure if I'm in the mood tonight."

"What? Harry Styles isn't in the mood to go out? Am I hearing this right?"

Harry finally gives in by sighing. "Ugh, fine. But you'll have to wait for me to take a shower and get ready."

"It's not even nine, so take your time. I'm going to order something for us to eat."

"Why don't we just eat out?" Harry suggests as he walks up the stairs.

"See, now you're not that stupid." Zayn teases, and Harry manages to flip him off before he gets upstairs and out of eyesight.


They arrive at a diner around ten, and after having a burger each, they move to a pub across the street that's already filled to the brim with college kids and middle-aged drunks.

There's a table in the far left corner so they sit down there.

"This whole place reeks of whiskey." Harry mumbles and tries to shuffle further away from Louis, but with no luck, because it's so cramped you can barely breathe. And it's not that he doesn't like being this close to Louis, but he still feels awkward after what happened earlier today, and doesn't want to give any other wrong impressions.

"Yeah, I guess you could say it's" Louis says.

A waitress comes over with a smile plastered to her face, but the sweat on her forehead and the way she stands indicates that she's worn out and all she'd like to do is go home.

"Can I get you anything?" she kindly asks.

"Yeah, I'd like a beer." Harry says, to which Zayn asks to make that two.

"And two glasses of Scotch. On the rocks please."

Harry almost wants to roll his eyes but refrains himself. It's so typical of Louis; it's almost like he's a stereotype.

Mysterious professional assassin with no family, always wears a suit and a gun, and drinks Scotch whiskey wherever he goes

It takes ten minutes for the girl who can't be older than twenty to come back with their drinks, before she's off at another table filled with college boys hollering at her.

"This pub is filthy."

Louis slams an empty glass on the table before he lifts the other one. "Oh, would you quit whinin'? Grow a fuckin' pair or shut the fuck up."

Zayn looks between the two of them with bulging eyes, as if he's watching a heated tennis match.

"Oh, excuse me Mr. Professional. I forgot that just-" Harry looks around before he lowers his head and voice, "-just because you kill people for a living you can boss everyone around and that you're a know-it-all."

Louis doesn't pay him any attention, and decides to down his other glass. Harry hasn't met anyone yet who downs their Scotch glasses in one gulp, but then again, Louis is not anyone.

One hour, ten beers, and three whiskey glasses later, all three of them are laughing about something neither of them can remember, like they're just another group of college guys, and not high class agents on a break from a really important mission.

"I think we should head back before any of us starts saying something we shouldn't." Louis suggests when Zayn accidentally asks whether they have a lead in the case.

It's clear that they've all had a bit more to drink that they should've, so they pile into a cab they hail around the corner which takes them back to the house.

Zayn goes straight for the couch, not bothering to take his shoes off, or anything else for that matter.

"I think 'm gonna sleep here for the night." He says, burying his face into his pillow.

If Liam could see us now, we'd definitely be fired, Harry thinks as he walks upstairs, well aware about the fact that Louis is right behind him, almost breathing down his neck and telling him to hurry up.

"What are you rushing me for?" Harry exclaims as soon as he gets to his bedroom, and turns around to face him. "Shut up already, I'm really not in the mood for your fuckin' annoying-"

Louis pushes him up against the bedroom door, which immediately shuts him up.

"All I ever try to do is shut you the fuck up." he roughly says, wedging a leg between Harry's thighs.

Harry's senses are into overdrive, and his mind is all over the place, because he knows the situation is about to escalate into a drunken mistake; but the problem is...he doesn't really mind, nor does something to stop it.

"Well..." Harry says, coughing because he can't find coherent words. "There are other ways you can shut me up as well you know."

Louis looks him straight in the eyes, and their glassy pupils meet for a couple of seconds, before they both lean in into a harsh kiss that's been long overdue.

Harry's hands come up to Louis' neck and he pulls him in as close as he can; meanwhile, Louis gets the door open and pushes Harry inside.

It doesn't take them long to find the bed and fall onto it, still not breaking the kiss.

Both of them seem to be too eager to get each other's clothes off, as well as kiss the life out of the other, and Harry is grateful that it's not a one-way street this time.

They fall on the bed together; Harry's hand on Louis' ass and Louis' hands in Harry's hair.

It's quite overwhelming, the way Louis feels on top of him; not to mention the effect it has on Harry's lower part.

"Get" Louis breathes, roughly tugging at Harry's belt.

"If you'd just fucking wait."

Louis rolls off of Harry and stares at the ceiling as if he were reevaluating his life choices while Harry gets off his belt, pants, and briefs at the same time.

"Well?" Harry asks, looking at Louis expectantly. He's still dressed; only his blazer has come off until now, but Harry's way too eager for Louis to suck him off than anything else.

Louis looks at Harry's erection, then at his face. "What?"

"It's not gonna suck itself."

"And with that attitude-" Louis tries to argue, but Harry places a hand on the back of his neck to bring their mouths together.

"Shut up for once." He whispers against Louis' lips.

"Then make me."

Harry feels like he's about to explode, and the fact that Louis lowers himself and takes his cock into his mouth doesn't help at all.

His head falls back against the mattress and he groans, rolling his eyes due to the pleasure. Louis has definitely done this before, judging by the way he's expertly sucking him off without hands or leverage.

Louis' tongue rolls around the tip, slurps a bit, and then goes all the way down until he can't, without even gagging.

"O fuck, you're amazing." Harry breathes, closing his eyes and regretting it instantly. It's hard keeping his eyes open because of the pleasure, but at the same time, not seeing Louis is torture.

"I know; I've been told." Louis says once he pulls off and licks his lips.

Harry's fingers tighten around the base of his neck. "So you do this often?"

Louis smirks and grazes their lips. "A gentleman doesn't kiss and tell."

"Yeah." Harry breathes into his mouth. "But you're a bitch in bed."

Louis shivers all over quite obviously, which makes Harry understand that he has him in the palm of his hand right now, so he turns them over and proceeds to undress Louis, one item of clothing at the time.

And he was right; Louis really is a bitch in bed. He whines and withers under Harry's every single touch. It's weird but at the same time a major turn on, because he's so bossy and confident when they're on a mission, yet right now he's putty in Harry's hands.

"Please tell me you have lube." Louis whispers once all his clothes are off and Harry is staring at him in a creepy manner.


Harry stumbles over his own legs as he walks over to his suitcase quickly and pulls out a bottle of lube.

"Pour." Louis asks, holding his own hand out.

"You don't want me to?"

Louis shakes his head. "I like to prep meself."

Harry scrunches his nose. "Okay...weird. Condom?"

"'m clean. You?"

"I am, but-"

He shuts up though, because Louis just pushes two fingers inside himself, and instantly begins to whimper. He writhes around as he fingers himself open with his eyes closed, probably because he knows exactly what he likes and how he likes it; that's why he won't let anyone prep him.

"Alright." Louis coughs at some points, breaking Harry out of his trance. They're both rock hard by now, and Harry wonders whether his cock will break due to how hard and sensitive it is at the moment.

Louis moves further up on the bed, urging Harry to come with him, before he flips them over out of a sudden, so he's on top.

"Oh. Powerbottom then?" Harry smirks as soon as Louis straddles him and grips his dick, positioning himself right above it.

"Not another word or I swear-fuuuuck."

Louis' snarky attitude is cut short as soon as Harry enters him. "Shiiiit. Holy fuck."

Before Harry can start to fuck upwards into him, Louis arches his back and lowers himself so he can kiss Harry, and at the same time move in circular and up-and-down motions.

Harry's hands come down to grip into his arsecheeks while they hungrily kiss, and he feels like he's in literal heaven.

"You feel so good around me." He breathes into Louis' mouth, completely in awe about the fact that they're actually fucking, and they're only a little bit tipsy.

"Shut. Up." Louis growls and bites his lip, and that's about all that Harry needs before he flips them over, throws Louis' legs over his shoulders, and starts fucking into him. The thrusts are apparently perfectly angled, because Louis throws his head back and forgets everything about holding back moans or his pride.

"Not so smart now, huh?" Harry smirks into his cheek as he continues fucking him at a rapid pace. "You little bitch."

Louis scratches down his back as a form of protest, to try and keep a bit of control over the situation, but they both know that he's long gone.

"You like to be dominated, don't you?" Harry asks, biting his ear before he pulls out of him. "On your stomach."

Louis obliges immediately. There's a fringe falling over his forehead, because his quiff is long gone due to the sweat. Harry enters him from behind, and lowers himself so that he's plastered over Louis' back and fucks him just like that.

"Oh God." Louis moans, gripping into the pillow as he buries his head into it.

"Yeah baby, just like this?" Harry asks, sitting back on his knees so he can get a view of Louis' perfect ass as he fucks him. He takes both of Louis' hands and holds them behind his back with on hand as he pounds into him. He uses the other hand to pull Louis' hair and head back, just so he can get a look at how completely fucked out of his mind he is.

Louis manages to let out a throaty groan in response to Harry's question, and as soon as his hair is let go of, he falls into the pillow, heavily breathing.

Harry lets go of his hands, but Louis still keeps them there, like he forgot about them and only focuses on the pleasure. Therefore, Harry pulls out and turns him on his back, before entering him again, this time leaving his legs wrapped around his waist.

"Har-" is all Louis can say as he brings their lips back together.

"I know." Harry says into his mouth and starts thrusting even harder, hitting Louis' prostate just right.

The image of Louis coming is something Harry would like to have embedded into his brain forever, because his eyes are clenched shut, fringe falling over his lashes as his mouth opens to let out a low moan. He comes all over his stomach, and as soon as he comes down from his high, his legs limply fall down on each side of Harry.

A few tugs on his cock is all it takes for Harry to come on Louis' stomach, and even on his neck. He rolls off after that, and joins Louis in heavily panting and cooling off.

"So?" he asks a couple of minutes later, turning his head towards Louis.

Louis looks at him, as if to ask what he means by that.

Harry rolls his eyes. "How was it?"

Louis smirks then, shaking his head. "Really good." Then he sees Harry's satisfied smile. "But don't get too cocky now; it was a one off."

Harry bites his lip. "Mhmmm, I'm sure."

"Also, no one will know about this. Are we clear?" Louis asks, pointing his finger at Harry, who just nods.

"Yeah. I won't tell."

Louis nods in agreement, and tries to get up but hesitates.

"What's the matter? Can't sit up straight?" Harry teases, and gets up instead. "I'll clean you up."

He gets a wet towel from the bathroom, and after cleaning Louis up, he throws it in the hamper. "'m gonna take a shower because I sweat like a pig."

"Well I didn't want to say anything..." Louis trails off with a small smile playing on his face.

"Shut up. You're not allowed to be a smart ass when only five minutes ago you were whimpering like a little-"

"Finish that sentence and I'll shoot you in the dick." Louis warns, pointing at the gun on the bedside table next to his head.

Harry raises his brows. "I don't think you would."

"And why is that?" Louis asks, crossing his arms.

"Because you love my cock."

When Louis doesn't answer, Harry walks into the bathroom with a satisfied smirk.

"Niall's called you three times." Louis announces as soon as Harry comes out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist.

"We've probably got a new lead."

Louis shrugs and gets out of bed, trying to limp to the bathroom to take a shower.

"Don't even dare." He warns before closing the door, probably assuming that Harry was just about to make a remark about the way he walks. Not that his hunch would've been wrong.

Harry calls Niall back, and his handler answers on the second ring.

"You called?"

"Yeah. Two reasons, and I don't know which one to start with."

"The more urgent one."

"Alright. So we finally got Anderson to talk. The gun shipment is supposed to go somewhere in Iztapalapa, Mexico. He doesn't know exactly where, but it's something. Payne arranged for you to leave today at 1800 hours."

"Alright, I'll let Zayn know. And the other thing?"

"The next time you and Louis decide to have sex, turn off your mini camera because I got a few shots of your dick mate, and now I'll have nightmares."


Iztapalapa (Mexico)

Abastos Plaza hotel

06 05 2016

0330 hours

Harry's phone goes off for the hundredth time in a span of two minutes, so he finally picks it up. It's three in the morning and he hasn't gotten any sleep in more than twenty-four hours.


"Get dressed NOW. We've got eyes and ears on the shipment they're moving it on a plane as we speak!" Liam yells into his ear. "We can't lose them Agent 07. Do you copy?"

"Yes, Sir." He says and immediately gets out of bed and starts getting dressed.

"There's a car waiting for you in the parking lot-"

Harry doesn't wait for him to finish because his door is thrown wide open, and Zayn is standing on the other side with a gun in his hand. "Let's go."

Liam hangs up, so Harry hurries up to collect his gun and watch from the table, before he's out the door on Zayn's heels.

"Where's-" Harry starts.

"Getting the car ready." Zayn answers, not even waiting for him to ask the question.

There's a sound of screeching tires before a black i8 stops right in front of them. Zayn gets into the back as soon as the doors open, and Harry barely gets to slam it shut, because Louis steps on the gas.

They get to the airport in record time, thanks to Louis, who ran about ten red lights and almost killed them five times.

"Louis-" Harry starts when he sees that the assassin is headed towards the gates that lead to the private runway at full speed. He grips into the handles above the door right before Louis drives into the gates, forcing them wide open and continuing to drive towards the plane that's currently being loaded with a dozen of the same giant boxes they saw a couple of weeks ago.

"Why the fuck are they loading the same boxes in the plane? Weren't they taken in as evidence in Thailand?" Zayn asks.

"This is what's left of them, and they're shipping it somewhere else." Louis says, not stepping off the gas for a second.

"Where to?" Harry dumbly asks, reaching for his gun and rolling the window down.

"Let's find out." Louis tells him, and suddenly steps on the brake, stopping right next to the stairs of the plane.

They get out of the car at the same time with their guns in hand.

"Hands up or I'll put a bullet through that little brain of yours." Louis warns, pointing a gun at one of the four men that are currently loading the boxes.

Surprisingly, all of them throw their hands up, stepping away from the boxes.

"We aren't involved in this man." One of them says with a Mexican accent, terrified. "Don't shoot."

"Then who put you up to this?" Harry asks, pointing to the boxes with his gun.

"A man came to us a few hours ago and offered us one grand each if we loaded twelve boxes without asking questions."

Harry steps closer. "Where is he?"

"We have no idea, but I can tell you where we met him." Another man says.

"Take me there." Zayn tells him, not letting go of his gun. He turns to Harry and Louis. "I'll go with them, you two take care of the plane."

Harry nods and doesn't wait for Zayn to walk away before he runs up the steps. There's no one inside the plane, because there's barely any seats, so he goes straight for the cockpit. He kicks the door open and hears Louis right behind him, so he points the gun to the pilot's head.

"One word into the mic and you're dead." He promises.

The pilot silently nods, and Harry motions for him to close the main door. Then he turns to Louis. "I don't suppose you know how to fly a plane?"

Louis cocks his head to the side. "There are a lot of things you don't know about me Agent 07."

Harry gets out of his surprised trance, and focuses back on the pilot he has at gunpoint. "Get up and don't say a word."

Once the pilot obliges and Louis sits down in his place, Harry cuffs him and takes off his headphones, handing them to Louis.

"Where are you headed?" he asks the pilot.


Harry looks at Louis, as if to ask whether he's able to fly the plane all the way to Moscow. The assassin nods.

"Great." Harry smiles and pushes the pilot towards the seats with his gun. "Sit down and buckle up."

The guy does as told, and he looks a bit terrified to be honest, but Harry couldn't care less.

"Now." Harry starts, leaning his elbow on his knee, gun still pointed at the cuffed man across from him. "We have a lot to talk about. Thankfully, we've got a fifteen hour flight ahead of us."


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Thank you so much for reading :)

Let me know what you thought of this chapter in the comments :D

! Next update will be on August 20th, 5pm UK time !

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