Chapter 5

Sorry for the one day wait, but I was at a party last night so I wasn't able to update in time because I had to finish the last part. Thank you for the feedback on the last chapter though! x

Happy reading and don't forget to comment throughout the chapter so I know what you liked/didn't like !


London (England)

MI6 Headquarters

21 04 2016

1830 hours

Louis attaches iron clasps that are connected through wires to a plug around each of Sauvageon's wrists. The convict is tied to a chair by his hands and legs, therefore unable to escape.

"Why did you call Romanov?" Harry asks while Louis walks over to the plug and lightly taps his fingers against it, as a warning.

Sauvageon smirks. "I'm not telling you shit."

"I'm gonna ask again." Harry patiently says and plays with the wet cloth in his hand. "Why did you call Romanov?"

Once again, Sauvageon doesn't say anything. Therefore, Harry stuffs the cloth in his mouth and motions for Louis to turn the plug on, which ends up electrocuting a screaming Sauvageon.

After thirty seconds of electrocution, Louis turns it off and Harry pulls the cloth out of the prisoner's mouth. He wonders if the people outside the prison cell can hear him, and if they're wondering what's going on. Either way, no one came to check in on them.

"Why the fuck did you call him?" Harry raises his tone.

Sauvageon spits him in the face. "I was told to."

"By whom?" Harry urges, bending over so he can look him in the eye.

The prisoner smiles, letting Harry know that he won't tell him anything else. Louis turns the plug on once again, this time not waiting for Harry. Sauvageon yelps as he shakes on the chair, gripping into the handles.

Harry closes in on his face. "BY WHOM?"


"What the fuck does that mean?"

Sauvageon shrugs, and starts shaking and convulsing once again, meaning that Louis turned the plug on. This time, it doesn't end after one minute; it just keeps going to the point where the veins in his forehead seem like they're about to pop.

"I'm going to let it on until you tell us everything you know." Louis nonchalantly says, checking his fingernails as if to say that he has all the time in the world.

Two more minutes go by until the prisoner eventually yells out what Harry wants to hear.

"He's from Istanbul...he wanted to talk about...a gunpowder shipment!"

The jolts stop and Louis walks over to Harry. "Where can we find him? And what's his real name?"

Sauvageon is breathing heavily, so Louis waits a few more seconds before kicking him in the shin.

"I don't know his-his real name. All I know is that he's from Istanbul and owns a whorehouse. That's all I know, I swear to God."

Louis nods and punches him square in the face.

"Let's go." He says shaking his fist and gripping his knuckles.

"What does Kudret mean? In Turkish." Harry asks as he follows Louis out of the cellblock.

"It means might and power. It's definitely a nickname. Have Niall run it through the database while I make a phone call. I'll meet you back at the lab."


Istanbul (Turkey)

Hotel W Istanbul

23 04 2016

1900 hours

Harry pushes himself off the bar when he sees Zayn approaching.

"Took you long enough. Where's Louis?"

"He's going to get here a bit later tonight...he had a job in Greece but he's going to fly out here."

Harry checks his watch. It's 7PM sharp, which means that their 'appointment' at the brothel that Kudret supposedly owns should start in half an hour.

Harry's Aston Martin is parked in the hotel garage as Liam had said, so they don't waste any time by getting into the car and speeding off.

The brothel is located on the outskirts of Istanbul, right next to the highway. It looks like an expensive building, so outsiders who don't know exactly what it is would probably think it's a small firm or something.

Harry parks the car in the private car park behind the building they both get out at the same time. There's a bodyguard at the door that eyes them curiously but lets them in without any questions.

There's an actual reception desk next to a flight of stairs that leads to the first floor, so Harry assumes they have to check in. They're supposed to use the fake name Niall used to make the 'appointment'.

"I have a reservation on the name Brown." Zayn speaks before Harry gets to say anything.

The lady looks through her computer (when did brothels get so modern?) and nods. "Two gentlemen looking for a lady who speaks English well, right?"

Harry nods. So Niall signed them up for a threesome? Alright then.

"Room 27, on the second floor. You can use the elevator and pay afterwards. One hour is 1500 Turkish Lira."

Zayn follows Harry towards the elevator and waits until they're inside to check that he still got his gun, before he turns to Harry. "Niall signed us up for a threesome? Really?"

Harry shrugs. "Let's see what we can find out from the girl." He says in a hushed tone, nodding towards the cameras for Zayn to understand that they're being filmed. His sidekick nods and turns back towards the door just as it opens.

There are two men at the end of the hallway, probably placed there to surveil that everything goes smoothly and none of the girls get killed. There are moans and fake screams of pleasure coming from some of the rooms Harry and Zayn walk past until they reach theirs.

Harry pushes door number 27 open and steps inside. His eyes fall on a girl with pretty features and olive skin, who can't be older than twenty, sitting at the edge of the bed in lingerie, hands in her lap.

"Mr. Brown and...?" she asks in perfect English.

Neither of them answers as Zayn closes the door and makes sure to lock it. He checks the room for cameras, and after seeing no surveillance equipment, Zayn steps closer to the girl.

"What's your name love?"

The girl looks up at him. She looks scared and unsure whether she should answer.


"Your real name." Harry asks and goes to sit on the chair by the window.

The girl shakes her head. "I should be getting to work." she stands up. "How do you want me?"

"No, we don't-we don't want that from you." Harry says and motions for her to sit back down.

"Then what do you want? Who sent you?"

"We want to know who and where your boss is."

Angel looks at him confused, and then her expression changes to a scared one. "I can't-can you please go?"

"We're not going to hurt you. We want to know where Kudret is so we can help you." Zayn explains, leaning against the door.

"Why do you need to know?" the girl pushes, insecurely crossing her arms over her chest.

"We can't tell you that. But can you trust us?" Harry asks.

Angel shakes her head. "Why would I?"

Zayn steps closer to her. "Because it's obvious that you don't like being here, and we can help get you out of here. But first, you have to tell us where Kudret is."

Harry shifts closer, hoping that Niall is getting all of this and is already working on it.

"I don't...I don't know much...but I know that he lives a few streets away in a giant white house...and that his office is on the fourth floor. But I heard he's leaving for Moscow soon."

Zayn looks at Harry, then back at her. "How soon?"

"Today, I think?"

Harry stands up from the chair. "We have to go."

"No! Please...please just wait fifteen more minutes. If you walk out so soon they'll think I wasn't a good service and will be beaten and...please."

Harry nods and sits back down. "Alright then. Tell us about yourself."


Istanbul (Turkey)

23 04 2016

1950 hours

Louis pulls up in front of the white mansion where Niall had sent him just half an hour ago when he got off the plane. Zayn and Harry are supposed to be here in less than ten minutes, so all Louis can do in the meantime is wait for Harry's car to show up.

In a split of a second, an engine roars from Louis' left, and two cars speed by him. He reacts quickly, stepping on the gas and following the familiar Aston Martin, who's apparently following a black Range Rover up on the highway.

Louis sees Zayn getting his upper half of the body on out through the passenger's window and starting to shoot at the car in front of them.

While keeping one hand on the steering wheel, Louis looks for his gun in the seat next to him, and once he finds it, he puts his right hand out the window and starts shooting towards the Range Rover as well.

Zayn turns his head and smirks when he spots Louis' Lambo, before he turns around and gets back to his previous task. The highway isn't as full as expected, but there are still some cars around them, some even stopping when the drivers figure out what's going on.

Louis speeds up so he's right next to Harry's car, shouting at him to let him first so he can take care of Kudret already. Harry's either an idiot or really doesn't understand Louis from a few feet away, because he doesn't make any effort to oblige Louis' words.

Therefore, the professional assassin steps on the gas pedal until he's finally in front of the Austin Martin and continues shooting at the Range Rover until he finally hits the back tire, which causes the car to swerve off the road and into the fence.

Louis stops the car in front of the Range Rover, and Harry right behind it.

"Call backup right now." Harry says into his watch as he gets out of the car with a gun pointed at the Range Rover.

Louis opens the door on the left side and pulls out a bleeding man. Kudret is heavily breathing and swearing in Turkish, so Louis steps on his chest and points the gun in his face.

"Tell me about that gun powder shipment and I'll let your dick function." Louis threatens, moving the gun towards his crotch.

Kudret spits on the ground and raises his hands above his head. "Ask Zelena."

"Who the fuck is Zelena?" Harry asks, kneeling down.

When Kudret hesitates to answer, Louis pulls the trigger and shoots him right in the crotch, causing him to let out a painful scream.

"Why did you do that?" Harry yells as he follows him to his Lamborghini.

Louis stops with his hand on the door, turning his head. "Because he's an egocentric son of a bitch."

"I know someone just like him." Harry mumbles.

Louis rolls his eyes. "I know who he's talking about. Follow me and stop playing the know-it-all."

Harry watches him as Louis gets into the car and looks at him expectantly. He gives up by sighing and walking back to his own car.


Zelena is a fortuneteller apparently, who lives in a camp just off the highway. Harry's not sure how Louis knows her exactly, but he isn't planning on asking right now.

"I'll wait in the car and let you know in case anyone comes." Zayn tells him when they pull up in front of the purple campervan.

Harry nods and makes sure he has his gun on him before he exits the car and follows Louis inside.

"I had a feeling you'd come." The lady says in a thick Turkish accent as she plays with her fingers on her globe. The whole scene is way too cliché for Harry to actually take it seriously.

"Take a seat, you two." She continues and points to the two chairs in front of her table.

"How much for a reading?" Harry asks.

"Two hundred."

Harry hands her the bills after he sits down next to Louis.

"Let's start with you." She says, nodding towards Louis. "I get the feeling that you're way easier to read than your partner."

"We're not-" Louis starts but Zelena raises her hand.

"I know."

She takes Louis' hand in hers and closes her eyes. Harry watches her inhale and exhale exaggeratedly, until it gets too boring so he starts looking around the dark room.

"I see an important date coming up...blood being shed..." she starts, eyebrows furrowing. "You met someone who finally challenges you in a good way. You're finally going to get something you've been longing for in the past couple of months...ooh. I see a big secret, not sure what it is's big and it's starting to eat you up."

"Alright that's enough." Louis says and pulls his hand away just as she opens her eyes and moves on by taking Harry's hand.

She closes her eyes again and smiles. "I see a scared little boy trying to protect everyone. Blood as well...a big loss coming up in the next month. A huge betrayal that will change your life-"

"What's your deal with Kudret?"

Louis' voice snaps Harry out of his trance and his eyes move over to him, just to see the gun pointed at the shocked fortuneteller.

"Didn't predict this, did you?" Louis asks, toying with his finger on the trigger. "Now tell me before I shoot you."

The lady sits back, trying to mask her fear. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Then you must be really shit at your job." Louis retorts.

"Just tell us what we want to know and we'll let you live." Harry says.

Zelena points behind her. "I have the papers in the back."

Harry stands up. "Tell me where they are and I'll go get them."

"They're under the bed in the silver briefcase."

Harry walks past her after he makes sure Louis has the situation under control, and comes back shortly with the folder in his hand.

"This is information about the gunpowder shipment that was supposed to arrive in England but never did." He states after reading through the papers. "They were delivered to Robert Anderson's property in...shit. Bangkok. About a week ago."

Louis looks at the fortuneteller. "Is that the man who hired you? Why do you have these papers?"

Zelena looks hesitant, and Harry really hopes Louis won't shoot her too, because they need the information.

"I'm listening." Louis urges, waving the gun.

"All I know is that they want to build a bomb, and they gave me money to send a few people out that have the brains to do it."

"Why do they want to build a bomb? What are they trying to blow up?"

"I don't know. These are copies of the originals. That's all I know."

Louis stands up from the table, before he suddenly grabs the woman by the back of her head and slams her into the table.

"What the-" Harry starts, following him out of the campervan.

"She won't die from it, she'll just have short-term memory loss so she won't be able to remember that we've been here."

They get into their cars and call it a day, so their next destination is the hotel for a good night sleep.


Istanbul (Turkey)

Hotel W Istanbul

24 04 2016

0010 hours

"What are you doing?" Harry asks when Louis follows him to his room after the three of them spent the last hour and a half down at the bar having a few drinks.

"What do you think I'm doing? Trying to get to bed and go to sleep."

Harry looks at him with an obvious expression. "This is my room."

"I know, but the hotel is fully booked and I'm too tired to go to another one just for the night. Don't be such a fucking pussy."

"Can't you room with Zayn?" Harry asks, but Zayn's door is already closing with a 'goodnight!'.

"Are we back in high school? Get out of the way." Louis mutters and grabs the card out of Harry's hand, and then enters the room.

Harry watches him as he takes off his Rolex and places it on the table by the window, before he unbuttons his white button-up and places the blazer on the back of the chair.

He looks way too good for it to be legal, so Harry averts his eyes and focuses on unbuttoning the cuffs of his suit. He turns around once the suit is off, only to see a shirtless Louis lighting up a cigarette and sitting down at the table.

" Louis Tomlinson. I found out your last name."

Louis turns his head and lets out smoke. "So?"

"So, you told me that you'd show me what you meant by knowing that I shouldn't judge a book by its cover."

"It doesn't make sense, what you just said."

Harry frowns and walks closer. "Yes it does. You told me that you'd tell me."

Louis rolls his eyes and takes another drag. "I don't even remember what we were talking about Styles."

"You told me that you wouldn't have taken me for a top, and I told you that you should judge a book by its cover, and then you said that I should trust you because you know."

Louis sighs, putting the cigarette out in the ashtray. "You really that curious?"

Harry nods just for the hell of it.

Louis stands up then and walks over to him, before he suddenly pushes Harry onto the chair and straddles him.

"I wouldn't have thought you are a top because you're way too...innocent."

Harry snorts, trying to seem nonchalant and like he doesn't even notice how close their crotches are. "Innocent? You'd be surprised."

"That's what I'm saying." Louis smirks and grinds down once. "I'm a bottom."

Harry's mouth falls open. "What?"

"See? Shouldn't judge a book by its cover."

"But you're-you're way too bossy."

Louis shrugs. "Powerbottom then."

"Was that the-" Harry almost chokes when Louis grinds down once more. "-thing you wanted to tell me?"

Louis nods, and wraps his arms around Harry's neck. "You're hard."

"Could say the same thing about're going to get something you've been longing for in the past couple of months?" Harry teases, repeating Zelena's words.

"Shut the fuck up." Louis frowns and pulls him in for a rough kiss. Harry's taken by surprise but responds immediately by pulling Louis closer by the waist and opening his mouth.

Louis tastes like cigarettes and peppermint, hands in Harry's hair while he's grinding down on him. Harry's hands wander down his back until he reaches Louis' ass and grips into it; something he's wanted to do for so long.

"I don't think we should-" Harry starts when rationality kicks in.

"Oh come on. If you start something, the least you could do is finish it. Innit?" Louis whispers into his ear before he bites his earlobe.

The fact that he's quoting him, turns Harry on even more, so he thinks 'fuck it' and attaches his lips to Louis' neck.

Louis moans into Harry's hair and lifts his ass up so his pants can be unzipped and pulled off. Harry doesn't think he's been so eager for something in his life.

He wants to mark Louis up everywhere he can get his lips on, so he starts with his neck and works up to his jaw, because he doesn't want to get in an uncomfortable position just to reach his chest.

When Louis' briefs come off Harry takes a few moments to appreciate his flushed, pink cock resting against his belly.

"Get your kit off." Louis says into his ear, sending shivers down Harry's spine.

He's quick to oblige Louis, so a few seconds go by until Harry is finally naked as well, cocks brushing against each other from the way they're sitting.

Harry spits into his palm after he pulls back from a bruising kiss, and takes it down to their cocks, gripping both of them at the same time. Louis starts moving and grinding into his palm, moaning at the friction it causes.

Harry begins to jerk both of them off, slow at first, but it eventually escalates to pretty fast, with both of them grinding upwards into the strokes.

Louis grips Harry's head with both of his palms and opens their mouths up simultaneously with the help of his tongue.

"Would it be embarrassing if I told you 'm really close right now?" Louis breathes into Harry's mouth, tugging at the hair from the back of his neck.

Harry shakes his head, not helping the fact that he wants to smirk. "Not at all."

He could already feel that Louis is close to coming, even without his heads up, because Louis' legs start. His breathing becomes more and more uneven, until Louis eventually comes over both of their bellies, with one of the most sexual noises Harry's ever heard in his life; and he's heard quite a share of them.

Harry comes about a minute after, embarrassingly just when Louis asks him if he wants to put his mouth on it.

Their foreheads rest against each other for a few moments until they've regained their breaths, and Louis stands up after.

"Thanks Styles." He says and picks up his clothes before walking over to the bathroom.

"No goodnight kiss?" Harry teases, looking at his ass as he walks away.

"Oh, I don't do the romantic bullshit." Louis laughs, and the last thing Harry hears is the door slamming shut.


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Thank you so much for reading :)

Let me know what you thought of this chapter in the comments :D

! Next update will be on February 20th, 5pm UK time !

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