7. Semster Party

So this chapter might make people upset but like, there's fluff at the end to make up for it. Hang on tight you guys, I know you can make it.

It was officially Friday, which meant it was also the night of the party at Frank's house. To be honest, I was a bit nervous I would spill something on the carpet and make a fool of myself. I figured I should just be careful though.

Right now it was the end of the day, and I was heading to Frank's classroom. I asked if he could just give me a ride to his house, and he said that was fine, so I was probably going to help set up with the extra time we had.

I stepped into the classroom with my stuff all ready to go. "You ready to head out?" Frank asked, getting his keys off the desk. I nodded my head and we exited out the back door of the school.

The drive to Frank's house wasn't too interesting, besides the fact that I saw a really cute dog on the way there and had to gush over it for five minutes straight. Frank didn't seem to mind though, which I was grateful for.

When we got inside, I noticed a million things about the house he lived in. First of all, it smelled like pumpkins, which I found really interesting. There were various pieces of art hanging on the walls along with pictures of who I assumed to be his family. One of the pictures was of him with another dude who had curly, fluffy hair. Whoever this guy was, he had fantastic hair. All the furniture was pretty modern, and it was a two story house meaning there would be plenty of space.

"So I bought a few things for the party. I was wondering if you'd want to help me set them up?" I instantly obliged, grabbing a few decorations he had laid out on the countertop.

"Where do you want me to set up these streamers?"

"Oh just anywhere you see fit. Over the fireplace, next to the windows, stuff like that." I nodded and made my way to the living room, setting up the streamers in the most appropriate places.

Shortly after I was done with the streamers, I set up these cute twinkly lights that I brought for fun. They were colorful and shaped like stars, so I put them up in the kitchen, over the food table.

A few more decorations later and the house looked fantastic. Well, it wasn't top notch or anything, but it was good enough for me and Frank.

The first guest to arrive was Lindsey, and when she stepped through the door, I gave her a bone crushing hug. "Woah Gee, that was unexpected," she said jokingly. After I pulled apart she held up a bag of chips and a bottle of Mountain Dew. "Where can I set these down?" She asked Frank.

"You can set them down on the table in the kitchen. Gee put these colorful lights over the top of it, so it should be easy to find." Lindsey put her snacks on the table, returning shortly after and sitting down in the living room to wait for other students to arrive.

Next came Pete. It took me everything not to spill out what Mikey was planning, but I was luckily able to contain myself. "Hey I didn't have any snacks prepared, but one of the freshmen provided me with this, so I thought I'd offer it," he said while setting a jar of Cheese Whiz down on the table.

Next came a few more kids, each bringing an assortment of snacks and drinks. Soon enough, we had a full snack table, and I was getting hella excited.

Everyone was now in the living room talking, waiting for the party to start. When he was ready, Frank came in to address the guests. "Alright guys. Since I allowed you an early start to your projects, I'm sure most of you are finished by now. Just have a good time alright? Only a few rules. One, obviously don't have sex in my house," he said, making a few students chuckle. "Two, don't use any drugs or alcohol, because I could get in mad trouble for that. Finally, be respectful. That's all I ask. Okay, you may now get started getting food if you want."

A few people cheered, and everyone got up to get in line at the same time. After a couple minutes, everyone was congregating in the living room, talking to friends, eating, and just having a good time. I was currently with Lindsey and Pete.

"So guys, any plans for prom yet?" Pete asked us. I smiled to myself knowing that eventually, Mikey would be asking Pete to prom.

"I don't have any plans," I said. "I guess if someone asks me to go with them, I'll be there."

"Same for me," Lindsey added. I took a sip of my drink before setting it down to go to the bathroom.

"I'll be right back," I said and they nodded and continued talking. I stood up and walked down the hallway until alas, I had finally reached a bathroom.

Someone was in there so I had to wait until they came out, which unfortunately took quite a long time. Finally, the bathroom was open, and I was able to relieve myself.

I went back to the spot I was sitting at earlier and took my place once again. Taking another sip of my soda I had left on the table, I listened in on Pete and Lindsey's conversation. They were mostly talking about drama at school and stuff like that.

(Trigger Warning: Drugged drink and sexual assault)

After a few minutes, I noticed something was off. I was beginning to feel dizzy. I couldn't recall what might have made me feel this way, but it was definitely happening.

I stood up and steadied myself against the chair, walking to the hallway to try and reach Frank. Surely he would know what was going on.

As I was walking down the hallway, someone stopped me and pressed me up against a wall. I wasn't able to tell who it was, because my vision was too blurry at that point.

"Hey baby," they said in a low tone. It was making me very uncomfortable, and I struggled to break free from his grasp, but he wouldn't let me go. I was too weak to fight. "Don't worry, I'm going to make you feel good."

"Wh-what are you doing?" I asked nervously. I didn't get a response though. Instead, he started grinding forward against me, intentionally pressing his leg against my dick. He had himself positioned to where his leg was between my thighs, adding to the friction.

I whimpered from the touch, not wanting to do anything sexual. I just wanted to go back to my friends, but this guy had me trapped.

Eventually, when he had enough grinding, he began palming me against my jeans. This made me extremely uncomfortable, but once again, I couldn't do anything about it. I tried to call for help, but he just moved his free hand to cover my mouth. When I struggled to escape, he whispered in my ear, "be a good boy and stop resisting."

He kept palming me for as long as he felt like it, but eventually it was clear he was tired of that, and he wanted something more. He began dragging me towards a separate room and I fought hard, only to be let down once again.

However, right before he was able to get me in a room, I heard Frank's voice speak up. "Hey what are you doing?"

Instead of telling the truth, because of course this person was too stuck up to do that, he lied. "Gerard tried to come on to me!"

Right as he said that, I felt more dizzy and fell down onto the floor. "Frank is that you?" I asked weakly. "I don't feel too good." My eyes were half lidded, and my vision was still fuzzy, so I wasn't able to see what was going on.

"Holy sh- did you drug him?" Frank asked. Suddenly a few pieces started to click in my head. Someone drugged me? They must've spiked my drink while I was in the bathroom. Shit. The guy denied the accusation, but Frank didn't trust him at all. "Go back to the living room, and don't you dare try that on anyone else." Giving up, I saw the figure walk back towards the party.

"Oh my god, Gee..." I heard Frank trail on. Soon I felt two arms wrap around my waist, and I was being lifted off the ground. I assumed he was carrying me somewhere safer.

We eventually reached another room, and he closed the door behind us. He set me down on what I assumed to be a bed, and paced back and forth in the room a few times before coming to a decision.

"Gee, I'm going to take some of your clothes off so you can sleep comfortably okay? Just your jacket, your shoes, and your jeans though. Is that alright with you?" I nodded, afraid that if I talked, I would say the wrong words.

He started unzipping my jacket, and I lifted my arms a little so he would be able to get it off. Next he untied the boots I had on and put them to the side. Finally he was about to unbutton my pants before I stopped him. "W-wait is the door locked? I d-don't want anyone seeing..." my words were a bit slurred, but he thankfully understood them anyway.

"Yeah Gee, the door's locked. I made sure to lock it so no one would bother you." I nodded and let him continue. He unbuttoned my pants, and I lifted my hips slightly so he could get them off with ease. After my uncomfortable clothes were off, he moved me so I was laying down on the bed, and put the covers over me.

"Frank I don't feel good..." I dragged on while snuggling up to the pillow that was on the bed.

"I know Gee, just try to get some sleep, okay?" He was about to open the door but I stopped him.

"Wait, please don't leave, I don't want to be alone," I said making puppy dog eyes and grabby hands towards him. He successfully stopped in his tracks, sighing before he continued.

"I'll come back, just let me dismiss the guests, okay?"  I pouted, but nodded anyway. As long as he was back here, I would be fine.

While he was gone in the other room, I looked around the room I was in for any nice details. There were a few paintings hung up on the wall of some dogs. They were adorable. There was also a shelf with various Knick Knacks on it, all of which I assumed to be souvenirs.

There was a candle lit in the corner of the room, and it was filling the air with the scent of the ocean. The window's had black and white striped curtains on it, and there was a woven blue rug on the ground. It was all very pretty.

The light in the room wasn't on, besides the bedside lamp that Frank had switched on. For the most part, it was dimly lit, which made the room more appealing.

After what seemed like ages, Frank came back in the room, closing the door behind him and locking it. "Okay Gee, everyone else is gone. Try to get some sleep okay? Do you want me to stay in here with you?"

I nodded and scooted over on the bed so there was space beside me, and I patted it with my hand. "Can you lay down with me? At least until I fall asleep?" Right as I said that, a shiver went through my spine, and I snuggled closer to the blankets, awaiting his response.

"Sure Gee, I'll stay." He kicked off his shoes and pants so he was only wearing boxers and a t-shirt, and laid down on the bed next to me. After awhile, he turned the light off. I was still cold somehow, so I snuggled closer to him and nuzzled my head onto his chest. He seemed hesitant at first, but soon wrapped his arm around me, and I got warmer fast.

"Goodnight, Frankie," I said softly. I closed my eyes completely shut.

"Goodnight, Gee," he said. Right before I drifted to sleep, I felt him press a kiss to the top of my head, and my heart fluttered.


I woke up with a pounding headache and groaned when I opened my eyes slightly. I was snuggled against Frank's chest, which was weird, because I didn't remember falling asleep at all, especially not right by Frank.

I didn't protest though. It's not like I minded being snuggled up next to Frank. His body was warm and comfortable. The steady rise and fall of his chest was soothing to pay attention to, and it also signaled that he was still asleep.

What confused me most was why I couldn't remember a thing from last night. Let's see... I looked at the clock. It's Saturday, so it was Friday the day before. We're at Frank's house, but 'why' is the question. Did he invite me over?

My thoughts were interrupted by him moving a little, and his breathing picking up the pace, meaning he was awake. I moved my head to where I could see him, and I smiled lightly.

"Good morning, Gee," he smiled back.

"Frank, what happened last night? I- I don't remember anything... I don't even remember why I'm here."

He sighed, "I figured you wouldn't. Gee, the semester party was last night, and it was hosted at my house." Now that he said that, I was starting to remember some stuff. "You were talking with your friends, but then someone drugged your drink. You were stumbling through the hallway, so I took you in here to sleep, but you didn't want me to leave, so here we are now."

"Woah- someone drugged me? It's worse than I thought," I said, burying my face on his chest from embarrassment. He rubbed my back soothingly, which made me start to feel better.

"Do you have a headache or anything?" He asked, a concerned tone in his voice. I nodded against his chest, and he sighed. "Luckily I prepared for this. Here, lets sit up." I lifted my head off his chest and sat up against the headboard of the bed. He did the same, picking up a bottle of pills off the table and a glass of water. "Here," he said taking a pill from the container, "this should help ease the pain."

I took the pill gratefully and drank the water from the glass. "Thanks for getting me out of that situation, Frank. I don't know what I would've done If you hadn't come along..." I said genuinely.

"Hey, it's the least I could do. I wouldn't let anyone do that type of thing to you, okay? You're safe with me," he said while engulfing me in a hug. I leaned into the touch and hugged him back, thankful that I had a friend like him in my life.

For awhile I stayed in the room, just drinking water until my headache went away. When it was completely gone, I gathered my things, and he took me home.

Frankie is here to save the day.

Chapter Planning:

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