Season 1 Chapter 1: Mission: Recruiting Members for the New Class
Mada daremo shiranai Fiction wo koeteku
Na mo nai monogatari wo hirake
We see a group of 15 people standing on top of U.A. with the sun rising, as Nathan turns around to face the camera, he gives a small smile before unleashing an energy blast from his hand, the blast enveloping the screen as the title card comes in.
I'll Push Past My LIMITS!
Season 1
Miageta sora ni hirogaru kibou
What's the name aimai na hibi ni madou
Nathan and Blade are currently seen training together in Super Saiyan, their clash creating large gusts of wind, that caused dirt to fall into Skylar's and Akira's hair, making them growl at the boys, who flinched and laughed nervously.
Tachisukumu you na haruka na yume mo
Zetsubou mo kuraitsukushite
Shizu is seen meditating, her Ki surrounding her body as Reiko is seen watching from a distance, before we get a glimpse of a green light, as we see her glaring at the screen, her eyes now glowing yellow.
Negai no katachi kizamikomu koe
Motto motto tsuyoku Fly High!
Yajin is seen talking to Sky, Shiki, and Aqua, as we then cut to Max looking serious, with Gojin and Kitra standing behind smiling, as Kiyoko happily jumps into view. We then see Class 1-A and 1-B standing together, with Monoma heading to 1-A which leads to him being knocked out.
We follow it up with the League of Villains walking though the city, as get small flashes of Class Z's future enemies, ending it off with Android 21 giving off a creepy smile.
Mada daremo shiranai Fiction no mukou de
Jirijiri to mebaeta shoudou
Take the Skill to Stay Alive
Sky ducks underneath an attack, allowing Aqua to shoot a stream of water towards a villain, Reiko, Skylar, and Akira quickly appear and fired off their respective attacks, creating a huge explosion. When it died down, the group shared a high five and smiled.
Ima kanjiru subete ga Real nara
Itsuka akashi ni naru darou
Blade and Shizu are seen standing next to each other, with Kiyoko standing behind them, as Max drops down, takes a deep breath, and unleashes a torrent of flames from his mouth, the flames being seen from a distance.
Hitotsu hitotsu kimi wo nazuke ni yukou
To the east, To the west, to the high
Stand up to the period! saa, ikou!
Nathan is seen fending off both Eice and Android 21, until Yajin, Gojin, and Kitra appeared and knocked the two away. Nathan quickly threw a ki blast at them, but they moved out of the way, as both sides charged towards each other, their clash creating another explosion, as then Shenron comes into view.
Nathan is now riding the Nimbus cloud, with everyone else taking a stance, as Nathan hops off Nimbus, lands between Shizu and Blade, then transforms into a Super Saiyan, giving a smirk as the screen fades to black.
-End Opening-
Nathan slides back a bit, feet planted firmly in the ground as he glares at his opponent. His opponent merely laughs at Nathan's glare.
???: Don't you see, Nathan? All for One's power isn't just a tool, he's an extension. An extension of my limitless power. I will continue to seek more power as I wipe out you and all your friends here. And then, the only one left in this universe, will be me.
Just as he powered up, the screen then freezes before shutting off.
"Whoa there, can't show you guys this just yet. Heh, that was a close one huh? I have a question for you mortals. When you think of the word Quirk, what do you usually think it means? Normally, one would say that a quirk is someone's behavior or their personality, some would even say that it's a move or twist suddenly, especially to express surprise or amusement. But here? That's not the case this time. You see, in this particular universe, a quirk is someone having a supernatural ability, elemental, mutant, you name it, before long the supernatural became natural, dreams a reality. As amazing as it sounds, only 80% of the population possesses some uncanny ability, while the rest were deemed quirkless. This caused a lot of people to look down on them, as the quirkless were treated harshly, one prime example being Izuku Midoriya. Not to mention, countless people have abused their quirks and chose to cause chaos and destruction around the world. However, while this story will mention and show him, we'll be focusing on a certain group of students, students who, through time and time again, have pushed past their limits."
-Location: U.A High-
U.A High, home to one of the prestigious hero schools ever, however, as of a few days ago, it gained some... popularity to it, even more so than before. Let me explain, you see, a group of students, more specifically the hero class, 1-A, had recently been attacked by a group of Villains calling themselves the League of Villains. They were there in hopes of killing All Might, the number 1 Pro Hero, but the hero himself hadn't arrived yet, leaving the students to defend themselves against the unknown. The casualties were minimal, the only major one being the pro heroes 13 and Eraserhead, as the students were miraculously unharmed, saved for Izuku, who broke his bones.
An unknown creature is seen sitting at a desk, hands clasped together, as he appeared to be in deep thought. This is the principal of the school, Nezu, and he took several glances at the phone next to him, before finally looking forward. In front of him, were two pro heroes, Midnight and Present Mic, who were also teachers at U.A. Midnight stepped forward.
Midnight: Sir, what was the word with the Hero Commissioner?
Nezu: *sighs* It took a bit of persuasion, but she finally agreed to letting us have a more advanced class.
Present Mic: But?
Nezu: Not only does every hero school out there get to have an advanced class as well, but they must also be hand-picked by the teachers themselves. And... we can only have 15 students.
Present Mic: Compared to other schools and classes, which consists of 20, is it really that big of a deal?
Nezu: *shakes head* Under normal circumstances, no. But thanks to the attack on the USJ...
Midnight: *realizes what he's saying* Adding a more advanced class could draw in even more dangerous villains, stronger than the ones from the USJ.
He nods before closing his eyes, the attack being fresh in his mind, the student Iida running in, telling them that the class was under attack, then seeing the attack after arriving. It was agreed to give the students time off, the fully recover from the attack, knowing that it might have taken a mental toll on them. And now, the hero commissioner finally accepts his offer, only after the attack? He couldn't help but wonder if she had some motive for, or if she's doing this out of fear? He decided to put that aside for now, he needs to focus on finding the students for the class, he looks over at a stack of papers to his left, as he grabs a few of them, before handing them to Midnight and Mic.
Nezu: Either way, we'll need to get started on the new class. Here's a list of potential students that could qualify for it. I'm trusting the two of you to find 8 students.
Present Mic: What about the other 7?
Nezu; You leave those to me, if I'm right, hopefully, then we'll be able to automatically get 6.
Midnight is seen walking through the city, thankfully out of her hero costume to avoid... fans, yeah, fans. Anyway, she's seen with a noticeable pout on her face, as she looks down at a few papers in her hands.
Midnight: Dammit, Mic, why do you get the cute ones? Mine looks like they'll kill me for even speaking with them.
While it sounds like she's exaggerating, she's, unfortunately, not wrong, not entirely anyway. Most of the potential students seemed like very dangerous delinquents, or some just didn't feel right to her, while she did have some potential ones, it was mostly shadowed by the others. She gave a small sigh, before looking through the papers, trying to see which one looked better, until she heard people talking, what got her attention was what they were talking about.
"Bro, he's here again!"
"The kid?! This is already the 20th time he showed up! He's already beaten the record during his 13th visit!"
"Got to admit, kid is relentless."
"More like annoying, do you see what he leaves me with to clean up?"
"Oooh, girls, it's him!"
"No, way!"
Midnight, being curious as to what they were talking about, walks over to the crowd that was forming, pushing past them to see they were blocking the door to the building. Once she got inside, she took notice of a kid, who is wearing what seemed to be a martial artists gi, consisting of grey and black, who seemed like he was battle what looked like a robot, though, it was clear the boy had the edge over it.
Yajin Hidashi
Yajin, who looked a little bored, caught the robot's fist, clenched it so tight that it broke the hand, before using his other hand and firing an energy blast at the head, destroying it. He then drops the remains on the floor, before turning to his right, looking up at a screen that was displayed on the wall. He watched as his name, that was already at the top, and his score changing rapidly, well, his score was anyway.
Yajin Hidashi- 3,420
Yajin: Compared to before, that isn't so bad. Still, maybe I should find a better way for training.
Midnight: Then maybe I can help?
He looks over and sees Midnight walking over to him, both surprising and confusing him, as he didn't see that she was right there, but was wondering if she needed anything from him. When she got to him, she held her hand out for a handshake.
Midnight: I must say, that was pretty impressive work kid.
Yajin: *shakes her hand* Uh, thanks? Who are you?
Midnight: My name is Midnight, you heard of me?
Yajin: *nods* *slightly cold* You're known as the R-18 hero. But what do you want with me?
Midnight: *flinches from his cold tone but holds out a letter* An offer to join an advance class for U.A. High.
Yajin: *surprised, takes the letter* That's that one school with the villain attack, right? Why does that school need an advance class?
Midnight: *frowns and gets a little more serious* Let's just say it's private matter and leave it at that. In any case, the purpose of this class is to not only improve yourself like the other classes, but to also help the lower classes, mainly the hero ones, improve themselves. You won't be alone, there will be 14 other students who will be your classmates.
Yajin looks back at the letter in his hands, a million thoughts going through his mind. Part of him wants to reject it, as he wasn't really interested in joining the class, but the other part of him wants to accept, thinking that it could be fun and interesting, while also help him improve in ways he didn't know he could. After battling his thoughts for a few minutes, he gives a sigh and turns to face the heroine.
Yajin: Sounds interesting, I'm in. Though, I can't promise that I'll be nice and friendly to everyone.
Midnight: *nods and smiles* Thank you. In the letter is the date for the exams, we hope to see you there.
With one last bow, she turns and leaves, leaving standing Yajin standing alone. He looks at the letter for a few moments, then releases a sigh. He pulls out his phone, about to call his father, before a man grabbed his shoulder and forced him to face the damage robot.
Man: Your mess, kid. You clean it up.
Yajin: Damnmit.
Midnight left the place, feeling particularly happy that she managed to get one person to join, now she just has to find three more, then she can go to where there's ac, because the heat is killing her. Wait, heat? She noticed that she was sweating a little bit, and that she felt a little out of breath, although, she noticed that it was getting even hotter. She tried to find the source of the heat, only to come across a boy with his hand out, with not only that covered in flames, but his entire body seemed to be radiating a red glow.
Max Draco
Max is seen looking down at a group of people with an angry expression on his face, his flames only getting hotter and hotter.
Max: You bastards just don't learn, do you?! When are you going to realize that I'm not someone who you can push around?! Huh?!
His then releases a small amount of flames from his mouth, which scared the group on the ground, as some began to scramble and run away from him. One guy, however, thought it would be a good idea, which it wasn't, to stand back up and activate his quirk, which was pretty dumb, considering his quirk allowed him to create a large wooden stick. Wooden stick. The guy tried to hit Max with it, but, like you expect, it was caught and turned into crisp. Max gave the guy a dry look.
Max: Idiot.
With his other hand covered in flames, he suckers punched the guy in the face, fully knocking him out. With that done, he gives a small sigh, and the temperature began to drop a little, making everything a bit better, but not fully. The reason being is that he could tell that someone was watching him, so he turned around and noticed Midnight standing right there.
Max: The hell do you want?
Midnight: *eye twitches* *thinks*He's charming. *out loud* My name is Midnight, I wasn't originally planning to do this, but I have an offer that might interest you.
Max: Hmph, I doubt you have anything that'll interest me.
Midnight: *holds up the letter* Even though it's for an advance class featuring the strongest for U.A?
This made Max froze, did he hear that, right? He looks over to see that she had a smug look on her face, as he sees the letter in her hand. He reached out and grabbed the letter, before he started to look at it, then he looks back at Midnight, who's standing with her arms crossed.
Max: A teacher, I assume.
Midnight: *nods* One of many, but I won't be teaching your class.
Max: Class?
Midnight: Yes, we're currently searching for Students for this class. While you'll be learning to improve yourself and your quirk, we'll also be having you and your fellow classmates help out the lower classmates.
Max: Tch, so babysitting then?
Midnight: *eye twitches* Not necessarily.
Max rolled his eyes then looks back down at the letter, he honestly felt like rejecting it, since he thought it sounded ridiculous, but another part of him couldn't help but wonder if he'll get any classmates that'll give him a challenge. That's when a thought entered his mind, if she's looking for people to join, then he knows two that'll fit well with this. With that in mind, he turns towards the heroine waiting.
Max: I'll join, but I have my own request.
Midnight: And that is?
He then reaches into his pockets, then pulls out a slip of paper and hands it over to her. Confused, she reaches out and grabs the paper from him, she looks down to see two different phone numbers written on it. She looks back up to see that Max is already picking up the guy he knocked out, then looks at her.
Max: Those are numbers for two people that I know, talk to them, find them, and I guarantee that they'll join.
Midnight: Alright then, if that's what you want...
With a nod, he proceeded to walk away, taking the guy he knocked out with him, probably to take to the police station or something. As she watches him walk away, she couldn't help but think on the events of today, first she was told that U.A. is going to have an advance class, with students even stronger than the ones already in, then she met a boy, who was slightly cold to her, but other than that, was fine, though he did remind her of someone, but couldn't think of who, and now she encountered another boy with a very rude attitude and with flames even hotter than a certain hero she knows. She looks back down at the paper he gave her, then sighs while looking at the sky.
Midnight: I wonder if Mic has managed to find anyone.
Mic: I am not having any luck finding anyone.
Mic is seen looking disappointed at the fact that he couldn't find anyone to join the new class, though to be fair, it's understandable, given how the news of Villains attacking the USJ got out, I doubt anyone in their right mind would join that school. He then gives off a small sigh, until he heard someone give a shout, which sounded like someone in pain, and quickly rushed to the source, thinking it was someone in danger. However, when he got there, he was surprised to see a girl with blond hair, wearing an outfit that reminded him of something, though he couldn't remember, kneeling down next to a man whose leg appears to be bleeding.
Kiyoko Rose
Kiyoko: Oh my, this looks nasty mister. Don't worry, I got you.
Mic watches as the girl's hands started glowing green, as she brought them near the man's wound, with the wound glowing as well. He was then surprised when, a few seconds later, the man's wound suddenly disappeared, and that it looked like the man was completely reenergized. With his wound healed, the man stood up and thanked the girl, before taking off, leaving Mic surprised to see the energy the man had after getting healed. Kiyoko smiled then stood up, wiping off the dust from her clothes, then turns to walk away, until Mic decides to call out to her.
Mic: Excuse me!
Kiyoko: *turns around* Yes?
Mic: I saw what you did there, that's an amazing quirk you have there, you could rival the best healers out there.
Kiyoko: *embarrassed* I'm sorry! I didn't want that man to feel in pain when he got hurt.
Mic: Easy there, I'm not here to scold you, instead, I have an offer for you.
Kiyoko: An offer?
Mic: *takes out a letter* How would you like to join an advance class for U.A. High?
Kiyoko: *surprised* Eh?! B-But why?
Mic: *suddenly becomes serious* I wish I can say, but that's a little personal. But putting that aside, I think your quirk would be very beneficial for this class. Heck, if you want, I can see if I can also put you under the school's nurse teaching.
Kiyoko: *looks away* But my quirk isn't meant for combat, won't I slow everyone down?
Mic: *shakes head* No, of course not. See, while this class is meant to be an advanced one, it's still a class for students to learn. So, don't worry, you'll be able to do more than just use your quirk.
Kiyoko looked at the letter in his hands, then looks at Mic who gives her a small smile to help ease her worries. After a few minutes of thinking, Kiyoko, with some hesitation, takes the letter from him and gives him a smile of her own.
Kiyoko: If you say so, I think I'll join.
Mic: Awesome, little listener. Thank you for cooperation, and I hope to see you at U.A.
He then turns around and prepares to walk off, when suddenly, something came to Kiyoko's mind, as she quickly reaches out and grabs his arm. Mic turns around, confused on the sudden action.
Mic: Is there something wrong?
Kiyoko: *blushes and lets go* I'm sorry, I'm just... wondering if I can offer some recommendations?
Mic: You know someone?
Kiyoko: *nods* Three people actually, we talked a couple of times, but I know that they might fit with the class. *points in a certain direction* If you hurry that way, you might be able to catch them at a local food joint nearby.
Mic: *nods* Then I better hurry, thank you for your recommendations.
With a smile, Kiyoko gives Mic a bow then walks away, probably heading home, leaving Mic alone. He then felt something vibrate in his pocket, making reach in and pulls out his phone, after checking who it was, he pressed accept and held it to his ear.
Mic: Hey, Midnight. How's your hunt going?
Midnight: *phone* *sighs* Could you not word it like that? People might get the wrong idea.
Mic: Sorry.
Midnight: *phone* Anyways, it's going well, I managed to get two to join, and I'm on my way to two more. How about you?
Mic: Very good, I just finished talking to one and she pointed me in a direction where I might get three more to join.
Midnight: *phone* So, that just leaves Nezu to get the rest, who do you think he has in mind?
Mic: No clue, I guess we'll find out soon.... Things are changing big time.
Midnight: *phone* Yeah, it is... Is it weird to say that I'm getting a bad feeling?
Mic:... No... Because I'm getting one too.
With that, the two then hung up on each other, as Mic looked down at his phone for a few seconds, then proceeded to quickly head in the direction Kiyoko pointed out to him earlier. Although, he did have one thought in his mind, thanks to Midnight....
Who does Nezu have in mind to fill in the rest?
-Time Skip: A Few Hours Later-
Nathan, Shizu, Skylar, and Reiko is seen flying towards Capsule Corp. A few minutes ago, the Son Triplets mother, Chichi, got a call from Bulma, saying that she has something to tell them, Blade, and Akira. None of them had any clue as to what it is, but it must have been important if their mom seemed happy. As they were flying, Shizu turned to her brother.
Shizu: So, any idea what Bulma wants to tell us?
Nathan: Honestly? Not sure. Must be pretty big if she only wanted to tell us and not Dad or Vegeta.
Skylar: Well, it must be something small if she didn't bother to tell them instead.
Reiko:... Is it really okay for me to go with you guys?
Shizu: *looks at her and smiles* Of course it is, like we said before, we're friends now!
Reiko: *gives a small smile and blushes slightly* Right.
Nathan: *smiles* Alright, let's pick up the pace!
Girls: Right!
With an extra flare in their ki, the group of four then rocketed off towards their destination. After a few minutes of flying, the group finally arrived at Capsule Corp, where they saw Blade and Akira standing outside the building, talking to each other until they noticed the others landing. Blade looked at the group, then gives a small scoff.
Blade: Bout time you lot showed up.
Nathan: *annoyed* Would a hello ever suffice?
Blade: No.
Akira: *sighs* Anyways, Mom is waiting for us inside, so let's not keep her waiting.
All: Right.
The group then headed inside, the boys walked in silence, while the girls made small idle chat, with Reiko being hesitant to join in, but was reassured by Shizu that it was fine. After a while, they found Bulma on the phone, she notices the group coming, says something on the phone, then nods and hangs up before turning to face them.
Bulma: Hey guys, glad you could make it!
Nathan: What is this about, Bulma? And why aren't Dad and Vegeta part of this?
Bulma: *giggles* I doubt either of them really needs this, well, Goku, maybe.
Shizu: *confused* What do you mean by that?
Bulma: Nathan, Shizu, Skylar, Reiko, Blade, Akira, as of right now, you all.... are going to school!
Bulma: *flinches from their shouting and sighs* Should have expected that.
What none of them knew, is that the six of them, along with their future classmates, are going to be a part of something, that NONE of them were expecting.
-To Be Continued-
Nathan is seen standing on top of cliff, his hair flowing in the wind, as in his hand, is the Four-Star Dragon Ball. He gives off a tiny smirk, flares his Ki, and takes off into the sky, as the title card comes in.
I'll Push Past My LIMITS!
Season 1
C'mon and light the fuse, he's a rocket and he's ready to go'
Cause now the countdown has started and it's ready to blow!
He's got the dope sounds pumpin' and in stereo! (-eo!)
Kickin' ass fast... puttin' on a show!
Nathan soars through the air for a few minutes, then lands down to where he met the others. All of them stopped what they were doing to look at Nathan, as he gives them a wave and laughs a little. They all grabbed each other, as Shizu and Blade places their hands on Nathan's shoulders, allowing him to use Instant Transmission to teleport them.
Go on and get yourself together, there's no time to rest
And if you put the time in he'll put you to the test
He's like the runnin' man, in his world more is less
And if you wanna test him best bring your best
You can't stop now, lock and load! Don't stop now, come on and rock and roll!
The group found themselves in the middle of a wasteland, as Nathan looks ahead, only to have a look of shock on his face. In front of him were Android 21 and Eice, along with a thousand of Eice's soldiers behind them. Class Z activated their quirks, with the Saiyan's going Super Saiyan, all of them taking a battle stance. Eice points at the group, as his army of soldiers charged towards them, creating a clash.
In this world... (His world!) (Got to make your own way!)
Where one is all
In this world... (His world!) (Life is just a game you play!)
Never fear the fall!
Kiyoko is seen running from a few soldiers, as Sky comes in and fires off streams of lightning from his palm. Shizu is seen clashing with a soldier for a total of 5 seconds before utterly destroying them, with Max coming in and fires a torrent of flames. Three soldiers were knocked into each other by Skylar, Reiko, and Akira, as the three of them fired off a Gigantic Galick-Kamehameha, with Shiki using her quirk to hold some of them in place, allowing Aqua to freeze them in ice.
When you leap without a net, you'll find
It won't be there all the time!
So watch your step, down, watch your step
Don't fall!
Yajin, Kitra, and Gojin are seen doing their best to defend themselves from Android 21's assault, until they were rescued by the fusion of Nathan and Blade, Nathade, who clashed with her, their clash creating a massive explosion that could be seen from space.
Watch your steps! Watch your steps! Don't turn around!
Watch your steps! Watch your steps! Don't turn around!
Don't stop to look back again!
We see a puff of smoke, with a silhouette of someone inside it, causing Eice to shake his body in pure anger. Everyone had a smile on their faces, as Nathan walks out of the smoke, a look of pure fury etched on his face, as he holds an unconscious Android 21 in his arms. What most of them noticed was the electricity sparking from his new transformation.
Don't fall!
We cut to see all of them standing next to each other, each of them striking a pose with a smirk on their faces, except for Kiyoko who gave a bright smile, as the screen fades to black.
-End Ending-
Yajin by Shadow2190
Reiko and Kiyoko CocoaMilkStudioz
Nathan: Hey, everyone! Nathan here! What?! What do you mean we have to go to school, Bulma?!
Shizu: It's exactly what it sounds like, but I doubt it's anything like we think it is.
Nathan: Woah, check out those robots!
Blade: Tch, they'll be scrap metal when I'm done with them!
Nathan and Shizu: Blade, calm down!
Next Time on I'll Push Past My LIMITS! Get ready to show what we got! The Entrance Exam Begins!
Nathan: Man, the power these guys have is incredible! Don't miss it!
(OH MY GOD! FINALLY, AFTER SO MANY MONTHS OF ME BEING A LAZY PIECE OF SHIT, IT'S HERE! THE FIRST CHAPTER OF THE STORY IS FINALLY HERE! Alright, real talk, I do want to apologize for not getting this out sooner than I wanted, it was just.... really hard for me to just sit here and write the story. Not to mention, if you guys remembered, I encounterd a guy who gave me shit on my SAO story and that just killed my motivation for writing, but thanks to some friends, I bounced back, but I decided to take a break from this account. Originally, I wanted all the members of Class 1-Z to be a part of this, but decided, why not save some of them for the next chapter, so that's what I did. I made this decision because to me, I felt like I kept you all waiting long enough and thought you guys deserved the first chapter. It'll be a bit before I start the next one, but I really hope you all enjoy the first chapter! With that said, thanks for reading and I'll see you guys next chapter or whatever story I decide to update next!)
Nathan: Thanks for reading! Take care!
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