Nathan was laying down on his bed, facing the wall as he remains still and looking calm... except he wasn't. We then cut to his face, where it shows him having little tears going down his face, you may be wondering why he's crying, yes? Well, it's been one year, since someone he really liked was killed, by who? He didn't know. All he knew, is that he wore a mask and that's it, nothing else. Might have to do with the fact that he trigged his transformation, as he fought against the man, despite nearly dying, he drove him off, but his heart remained broken, as he felt like it was his fault that she died.
Ever since then, his father, his mother, both comforted him the best they can, along with Gohan, his older brother, and Goten, his youngest brother, and while he appreciates the effort, he still feels down. And now, we bring us to where we are now, where Nathan will meet two people that will hopefully bring his spirits up. He hears a knock on the door, making him turn over to see his sisters Shizu and Skylar standing in the middle of his door, with a hand on their hip and a sad smile on their face.
Shizu: Hey, how are you feeling?
Nathan: A bit better, mom is with Bulma and brought Goten, in case you were wondering.
Skylar: I know, we thought it would be better to check on you, I mean... We are triplets, right?
Nathan: I don't know, I mean *points at his hair* have you seen my hair? And compare it to yours?
Shizu: Heh, true, true. *walks over and sits on his bed*Hey, I know it won't exactly help, and you might not be in the mood, but do you want to go look for Grandpa's Dragon Ball? I think you could use a distraction.
(Don't take that out of context, you creeps)
Nathan: Yeah, I think I'll like that.
He remembers that Bulma gave him the radar for safe keeping, so he reaches over and grabs the radar that he had on his dresser near his bed. After grabbing it, he then asks them to exit so he could change really quick into his Gi. They come back in and sees him standing in front of his mirror, both hands on his hips as he looks at his Gi.
Shizu: You done checking yourself out, little boy?
Nathan: We're the same age and the same height, also shut it.
They quickly flew out of the house and flies off in search of the Four-Star Dragon Ball. As they were flying, Nathan started to remember all the things that happened a few weeks ago, it's been years since the defeat of Cell, after that some wizard named Babidi revived someone named Majin Buu thanks to the energy he got from his dad and Vegeta fighting, along with him and Blade fighting but that doesn't matter now. Still, the battle was intense it took everything they had to win, even more when Buu started absorbing everyone and getting more powerful from it. Thankfully, his dad was able to defeat Buu with a Spirit Bomb, which leads to the few weeks of peace we now have. He was brought out of his thoughts when he felt a strange energy, it didn't feel like it was human, if anything if felt like... a Saiyan. The other two must have felt the same thing and turns to him.
Shizu: Do you feel that?
Nathan: *nods and thinks* But that's impossible, my Dad, Vegeta, and Blade are the only full blooded Saiyans. But then, who's energy is this? And their energy, are they afraid? And why does it feel so demonic? *out loud* Let's check it out, you two.
Both: Right!
They fly down to see a house in the middle of nowhere, they look at each other for a bit then walks towards it, only to stop as an old man walks out. They come to a stop, as the old man looks at them with a curious gaze, but they were able to sense some malicious intent behind it.
Old Man: How may I help you, young ones?
Nathan: My name is Nathan, sir, and these are my sisters, Shizu and Skylar. We're here because we are sensing some strange energy coming from your home. Do you live alone?
Old Man: You sense it you say? How?
Shizu: I believe my brother asked you first, sir.
The Old Man eyes narrowed, whoever these three are in front of him clearly had some sort of ability to sense energy. He then smirks, these three could have the same type of power as her. The triplets seeing his smirks, quickly got into a defensive position, then the Old Man turns around to look at the house and yells.
Nathan: Reiko?
A girl, with short black hair and eyes, walks out of the house. Nathan took a minute to observe the girl, she looked... unhappy, not to mention the look in her eyes holds pain and fear. That's when Shizu notices the collar around her neck, she knows what type that is, Gohan told him about before when he was studying as a hero. They clenches their fist in anger.
Nathan: You bastard...
Shizu: I agree.
Old Man: *smirks* Now that's very rude of you young man. *turns to Reiko* Knock them out.
Reiko stood still for a moment, making the Old Man angry as he pulls out a remote and presses a button on it, the collar generated electricity which in turned ended up shocking Reiko, causing her to scream in pain. After a while, he stops and Reiko falls to her knees, panting.
Old Man: Do it, now.
Reiko: Y-Yes, grandfather.
Nathan: You don't have to do this!
Reiko: I have no choice. I'm sorry.
Her body suddenly surrounds itself in green energy, as she powers up. All of their eyes widened, this confirms it, she's a Saiyan but there's that sense of dread and fear they felt from her earlier. A drop of sweat goes down the side of their face, as they took a slight step back, before they assumed a battle stance, ready to fight her if they have to. Suddenly, a boom catches their attention, as they all look up in the sky to see a strange pod coming in towards their direction. Nathan and Skylar quickly grab Reiko and moves the both of them out of the way, with Shizu right behind them, Reiko's grandfather look at the pod in shock, before he was blown back by the wind the pod made when it crashed. Once the twins made sure Reiko was safe, they look over to see the crater made by the pod crashing, Nathan gives his sisters a nod and walks over to it, leaving her to take care of Reiko. When he approaches the pod, it opened up as a girl with a ponytail and bow, she's wearing a very familiar looking set of armor, and besides the boots, her legs was half bare.
What got his attention, however, was the tail that was swinging back and forth. The girl then looks at the mess she made and rubs the back of her head, in an almost sheepish manner.
???: Whoops, thought I made sure to have a smooth landing. Then again, this thing is probably a thousand years old.
She notices Nathan looking at her with a confused and surprised look on his face, not knowing that his tail unwrapped around his waist and began waving around like crazy. This catches the girl's attention, as she then gets a little too close to him, the point where their noses are touching. Nathan blushes at how close she was, before backing up a little.
Nathan: Um, can I help you?
???: You're a Saiyan, right?
Nathan: W-Well, technically I'm a Half-Saiyan but yeah, why?
Akira: My name is Akira, I'm one of the few who was lucky to survive the explosion of our race. Right now, I'm looking for someone, but that can wait since I want to test you on something.
Nathan: Test me?
Before she could explain what, she means, the sky suddenly goes dark as it started raining, confusing everyone on the sudden change in weather. Out of nowhere, a green portal opens up and someone comes flying out of it, and crashes into the ground. They look to see the person that flew out of it stand up, only to see someone in a black and red gi stand up.
???: Damn that Taichi, if I ever see him again, I'll kill everyone he loves!
Nathan: Hey, who are you?!
The person turns around to look at the group of five in front of him, his eyes went wide as he felt their energies only to start laughing.
Nathan: What's so funny?!
???: I didn't think there were any more Saiyan's. Oh well, until I figure out a way back to my world, I'll murder you and the people of this planet first.
Nathan: Not happening! *looks at his sisters* Girls, get Reiko out of here, now.
Shizu: What about you?
Nathan: I'll be fine, just go. *looks at Akira* Listen, I know we just met and everything, but do you mind-
Akira: *nods* Leave it to me, I'll do what I can.
Reiko's Grandfather: Hold it!
They all turn to see Reiko's grandfather holding up the remote, as Reiko then froze with fear at the sight of it.
Reiko's Grandfather: Reiko, you have until the count of three to get over here young lady. One.
She didn't move.
Reiko's Grandfather: Two.
She closes her eyes and hugs Shizu tighter, her whole body shaking with fear. Shizu just calmly stares at him, as Reiko's Grandfather then gives an evil grin and presses the button... only to have a look of confusion when nothing is happening.
Shizu: I destroyed that damn collar around her neck the moment Akira landed, was a little tough, but I was able to rip it o-
She was cut off when an energy blast goes over to where Reiko's Grandfather was. The blast heading straight for Reiko's grandfather as he lets out a yell before being enveloped in the blast, a giant explosion occurs as everyone sees that not only was Reiko's Grandfather gone, but the house destroyed. They look over to see that the one from earlier fired the attack, as he had an annoyed look on his face.
???: He was starting to annoy me.
Nathan: *looks at everyone* Go, now!
He then glares at the person, who was smirking at the half Saiyan with a smile on his face.
Nathan: Just... who are you?
Evil Taichi: My name is Taichi, or Evil Taichi in a way. You see, in my world, I'm Taichi's Demon side, since Taichi is 80% Saiyan, 15% Demon, and 5% Dragon. When Taichi found out that he was 15% Demon, he went on a journey to find a Crystal ring the "remove" the curse from himself, but all the ring did was split him into 2 versions of himself. Taichi was still normal but was completely drained/weaken and he saw a version of himself, his evil self, his demon self. I was superior to him in every way, I was too much for him. But before I could finish him, he banishes me from his world by tossing into a portal, with a technique that was incomplete. Now then, since you know...
He then powers up, a red aura surrounding his body as he grins evilly at Nathan. Said boy was a little nervous, as he felt his power rise, it was honestly pretty scary.
Nathan: I never felt a power like this before...
The two of them stared each other down, as they slowly flew towards each other to the point you could see the pressure breaking the ground a little. Shizu stops flying and turns around, Blade who was exiting the Gravity Chamber was looking in the same direction he felt the energy and clenches his fist. Both of them vanishes as the fight began, the two of them were flying all over the place, as Evil Taichi began landing a few good hits in, Nathan then lands a few feet away before firing a huge yellow blast, knocking Evil Taichi away. Evil Taichi growled at Nathan, who smirked back in response, he then powers up.
His hair then spikes up, but his hair turns red as the red aura became even brighter than it was in his base form. Nathan then quickly follows suit and transforms into a Super Saiyan as well.
With their transformation completed, the two of them continued their battle, as Nathan then cups his hands together and charged up a Kamehameha.
He fires off a blue energy beam from his hands, as the attack soared through the air towards Evil Taichi. What was surprising though, was that after the attack hit and the smoke cleared, Evil Taichi stood there completely uninjured. Evil chuckled darkly, before he charged up his Kamehameha.
Evil Taichi: KA! ME! HA! ME! HAAAAAAAA!!!!!
A purple beam, even larger than Nathan's Kamehameha, rocketed towards our hero, who managed to block the blast, minimizing the damage. He lowered his arms and glares at Evil Taichi, who was smirking at him.
Nathan: Darn, you. Where's your weak point?
The two of them charged at each other, a big shockwave happens as they disappear. We see brief flashes of Nathan trying to land a hit but failing and is the one who gets hit instead, this kept up for a bit and Nathan could feel his body break from the amount of damage he was taking, he aims a punch at Evil Taichi that connects but it didn't do any damage to him. Nathan teleported away from him but didn't expect Evil Taichi to appear behind him and kick him away, as the two continue their fight. The two of them flew off to a new area, as Nathan goes sliding backwards after blocking a hit, before he could do anything else Akira appears in front of him.
Nathan: Akira? What are you doing here?
Akira: Leave it to me!
She surprises Nathan by going Super Saiyan and rushes towards Evil Taichi, she throws a punch, but he moves to the side and punches her in the gut, making her gag a little as she was sent back to Nathan, who caught her. The two of them stood up, until Reiko showed up as she assumes a random battle stance.
Nathan: You can fight?
Reiko: Not expertly, but my... grandfather taught me a few martial arts moves. I can't do the thing you guys can do, not without blowing up the planet anyway.
Nathan: Good enough, let's move!
The three of them all teleported, as Nathan and Reiko flew towards Evil Taichi on the opposite side, but he knew what they were planning and fired two red beams from his hands, sending them away. Akira then places both of her hands forward, pink energy gathering in her hand as she aims it towards him.
Akira: Heavenly bomb!
She launches a big pink orb from her hands towards him, as he dodges the attack and delivers a charged aura kick towards her back, sending her crashing into the ground. He then teleports to Reiko, but Skylar, who was in Super Saiyan, tackles him away and fires multiple ki blasts at him, she stops thinking she got him, only to get hit by a green and black energy sphere, creating a huge explosion. He then teleports away from the explosion, smirking as he watches Skylar struggling to get up from the attack. Then, a voice behind him gets his attention, he turns around and sees Blade and Shizu standing behind him in their Super Saiyan form.
Blade: We were watching your battle with those four.
Shizu: And you're pretty strong, can't deny that.
Both: *powers up SSJ aura* Now let us begin!
The three of them vanish into thin air, before reappearing as Blade and Shizu began clashing with Evil Taichi, their punches and kicks matching blow for blow, only for them to look shock at him punching the two away. Nathan tries to land a sledgehammer, but was grabbed and tossed away, Blade and Shizu, now accompanied by Nathan, charged at the Evil Saiyan again and entered another clash. From a different viewpoint, it looks fairly even, except it's not, Evil Taichi is winning as he was able to land more hits on them than him. They skid backwards, as Nathan and Shizu fires multiple ki blasts that did nothing to the Evil Saiyan, while Blade flies up in the air and charges up a red energy sphere in his hand.
Blade: Say, goodbye! CRIMSON! BOMB!
He fires the attack at Evil Taichi, who managed to make the attack explode before it even touched him. Blade lands on the ground, as they all began thinking on what to do, before Evil Taichi tackles Nathan away from them. He then began hitting the hero multiple times, who tried to punch him but was kicked away, Nathan quickly cups his hands.
Nathan: KA! ME! HA! ME! HAAAAAA!!
He fires off his Kamehameha wave, only to be intercepted by Evil Taichi's Kamehameha wave, as the two beams clashed against each other, breaking the ground beneath them. An explosion happens, as it went away, Nathan, in his base form, is holding his arms up to the sky as he began to use the move that he was taught, whenever all of options runs out, he resorts to this, this... is his last resort.
Nathan: I... I have to borrow the spirit of the planet and all its creatures. Please! GIVE ME YOUR STRENGTH!
Evil Taichi: I'm not done yet!
Nathan: *gathering energy* Let me have some of your energy.
Evil Taichi looks up to see Nathan holding a big ball of energy, knowing that it meant bad news for him, he quickly charges and fires a Kamehameha, as Nathan launches the Spirit Bomb. The Spirit Bomb quickly overpowers Evil Taichi's Kamehameha, as he gave off one final scream before a huge explosion occurs, shaking the entire planet. Nathan then began panting, as he falls over to catch his breath, everyone then flew over to him. Blade immediately stepped up and crossed his arms.
Blade: Alright Cyro, start talking! Who in the hell was that?!
Nathan: Seriously, my name is Nathan, Blade. Remember it, and I'll tell you later.
Akira: Ah, so you're Blade?
Blade: What's it to you?
Akira: *smiles* I'm surprised you don't remember me... Big Brother.
Son Triplets: EEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHH?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!
Reiko: *tilts head* Huh?
-Opening 1-
(Alright guys, the prologue for the Remake of this is out! As you can tell, I kept most of the same dialogue from the old prologue, but I made sure to change things up here and what a twist the ending was, huh? Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy it and I'll see you guys next time.)
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