Nobody knew of the pinkette's internal battles that he fought. Every day arguing over stupid thoughts. Thoughts like love and hate. Two conflicting ideas that played hand in hand with Kazuichi's new found dispute. All revolving around the one he loathed the most.
'I like Miss Sonia. I like Miss Sonia. I like Miss Sonia...' He repeated the same phrase over and over again. Like a mantra that kept the boy calm. But all it did was stress him out even more. The mechanic had known something for a while now. Something that he wished he could deny. For so long Kazuichi had ignored these notions, however he could do so no more. He didn't like the thought of lying to himself, but it had become something he was very good at.
The fact was; Kazuichi didn't have a crush on the young princess. He never had. But no matter how hard he tried to persuade himself of his affections for Sonia, his heart ignored him. And now it had chosen its own path. One the tinkerer wanted so desperately to avoid. Unwanted feelings swelling in his heart and flooding his mind. His father's words now repeating themselves and echoing in his skull. The boy felt his stomach drop and heart do a backflip as he slowly came to the realisation of something terrible. His magenta eyes stung, and his lips quivered. Pure dread formed at the pit of Kazuichi's stomach from the thought of his father's reaction after being proven right.
The mechanic was slowly falling for someone, and it most definitely was not a girl.
'I really am just a weak fag...'
The young tinkerer walked grudgingly to his first class of the day that muggy morning. Dreading the thought of having to socially interact with anyone. Especially that particular boy in his class that he denied having feelings for. He felt like a liar. A cheat. As if discovering the fact that you're homosexual makes you a completely different person.
Kazuichi had his head hung low all the way to class that morning. Eyes glued to his bright yellow sneakers, watching the floor go by. If any passer-by even took one glance at him he felt as though they could see right through him. Stare straight into his soul and uncover his darkest secrets. Secrets of despised love. The mechanic feared that if anyone did find out that it would spread like wildfire across the academy. Kazuichi wasn't necessarily loved or hated my many within the school, but he still wanted to maintain his reputation. The pinkette detested the idea of being gay. All because of his father's conditioning of course and his lack of education on the matter. Kazuichi was okay with "them" existing and living around him, but for the boy to be homosexual himself was an unthinkable thought.
As the mechanic continued on his way to class he was oblivious to his surroundings, completely distracted with the grain of the floorboards. The way the lines in the wood followed along the length of the planks side-by-side with the others. Sometimes joining together to make darker and bolder lines. All the different planks of wood a slightly different shades, all individual to each other. Never before had Kazuichi found wood so interesting. But much to the tinkerer's disgust, he was interrupted as his body clumsily collided with another.
Without looking up to see who it was he had just ran into, Kazuichi muttered his apology and tried walking away. But he didn't get very far for the person the young teenager had bumped into quickly followed behind.
"Kazuichi! I've been meaning to ask something of you."
The talented mechanic instantly recognised who the voice belonged to. Kazuichi's face fell but his heart sank deeper. He wanted to keep walking towards his class but his feet had a mind of their own and came to a grinding halt. It took all his might to spit out words of venom and hide his face that now looked more fragile than ever.
"Please...just go away."
"Kazuichi? Is something the matter? I just wish to speak with you." As the pinkette's gaze stayed firmly trained on the floor, another pair of polished shoes came into view. He reluctantly looked up as he heard his name being called again. The fair princess' face stared right back at him with concern. Her vibrant sapphire irises seemed to bore holes into Kazuichi's soul. He felt as though she could see right through him. Straight through to his core where the truth was buried.
"Please Kazuichi, you do not look so well. Do you want me to take you to Mikan?"
"I-i'll be fine." the mechanic muttered, trying to take that as his cue to leave. But Sonia wasn't having it. She grabbed a hold of his arm, stopping him in his tracks.
"I know you're not being completely honest with me. I have never seen you so pale before." the girl of royal blood scolded him before letting out a sigh. "But, if you do not feel comfortable telling me then that is fine. Just know that Gundham and I are here for you, okay?" at the sound of the breeder's name Kazuichi tensed up. 'Does she know?? Am I that obvious?!' Sonia smiled sweetly, releasing her grip on his arm. "I'll see you in class then. Fair well Kazuichi."
The tinkerer was finally able to release a breathe as he watched the blonde walk down the hall, leaving him alone to his thoughts. A small part of him wanted to start acting like a school girl over a crush because she had touched his arm for a lengthy period of time. But Kazuichi knew better. He needed to leave those stupid habits behind. There was no point in lying to himself anymore. However, nothing was going to stop him from lying to everyone else around him. Not ever.
Kazuichi felt a shiver run down his spine. He could tell someone was boring holes into the back of his head but he didn't want to look up to find out. The mechanic had kept his face hidden within his folded arms that sat on the table since he had sat down. To most in the class it just looked as though he was trying to take a nap (something the young SHSL Gamer tried often). When in reality Kazuichi was just hiding his own gaze from the peering eyes of others. Wallowing in his own shame.
The tinkerer was only barely listening to the world around him. All the voices morphing together. But a certain statement definitely had the teen dreading the next few moments of his life.
"Okay class, listen up! Today we're going to be working in pairs. Oh, and don't worry, I trust you guys to pick your own partners."
A collective sigh of relief washed over the students of Miss. Yukizome's class. But her words definitely didn't create any form of comfort for the young mechanic. He felt his body quivering before a comforting hand lay rest on his shoulder and almost made him jump out of his seat.
"Kazuichi, Gundham does not have a partner so can you—"
"No. Not happening." Kazuichi retorted into his arm before finally lifting his head to face none other than the princess of Novoselic. "Can't you just partner up with that goth?" Sonia's face was hard to read as she stared calmly at the pinkette. She was definitely planning something but he had no idea what.
"I'm afraid it wasn't a request Kazuichi, it was an order. Besides, I have partnered up with Chiaki over there." the blonde stated, shifting her gaze over to the dazed gamer who stared drowsily at her handheld console. Sonia, standing next to the tinkerer's desk, spun around in a flash before either boy could argue. "Well, have fun you two." The young female smiled mischievously as she strode away towards her alleged partner.
Kazuichi turned away from the princess to find the breeder already staring at him. He felt his heart flutter and scowled at the boy in response. 'Why did it have to be him? Of all the people in this class my heart chose this edge lord! And now Miss Sonia is making us work together...' Wishing to end their prolonged eye contact, the pinkette quickly averted his glare to his desk. His mind continued to buzz with aggravated thoughts. Kazuichi's bright pink eyebrows furrowed in anger and confusion. His face now moulded into temporary disgust. The inspiring mechanic was once again deep in thought, inspecting the intricate and natural details within his wooden desk. He was so deep in thought that he did not notice the animal lover pull up a chair and sit across from him.
It wasn't until a small, furry hamster began to scamper into the teenager's view did he finally get pulled back into reality, finding Gundham sitting in front of him. A small shriek escaped Kazuichi before he jumped up out of his chair and began to yell at the breeder.
"Don't scare me like that! Fuck! At least say hello or something so I know you're there."
"Are you done yet fiend? Stop making a fool of yourself and sit down." Gundham responded, making no effort to look at the tinkerer as he spoke. Kazuichi grumbled incoherently in response before sitting back down. He quickly crossed his arms, pouting like a toddler who didn't get their way. "Must you act like such a child, pink mortal?"
The mechanic ignored his words, only exaggerating his pout further and turning his head away. The fauna enthusiast sighed and rolled his eyes in response. Soon a heavy silence had fallen between the two before their teacher raised her voice to get the class' attention.
"Alright!" the ginger firmly placed her hands on her hips, smiling proudly as if she had just solved all of the world's problems. "I'm handing out your assignmemts now, and I want it done by the end of this week? Understand?" A series of unenthusiastic "Yes Miss. Yukisome."'s filled the room. The Super High School Level Maid grinned in response as she walked around the classroom handing out each student a copy of the assignment.
Once handed his own sheet of paper, Kazuichi finally stopped sulking and turned back around to read the assignment. Each individual pair had to work together and do some research on one of the given topics, compiling said research into an essay. The pinkette only grumbled again, uncrossing his arms and resting his head in the palm of his hand.
"This is stupid." the teenager complained, glancing up at the breeder momentarily.
"What is, mortal?"
"Everything!" Kazuichi exclaimed as he threw his hands up in the air. "But mainly the whole "work together in pairs" part. I could do this on my own, easy." Gundham only smirked, letting a small chuckle rattle in his chest.
"What's so funny?"
"Do you really think, a naive fool such as yourself, would be able to complete such a task without my aid? Hah! The Great Gundham Tanaka will he carrying this burden alone, with you leaching off me for answers."
The mechanic clenched his fists in anger. He was desperately scraping the bottom of the barrel for a smart comeback, but he only came out empty handed. "Shut it, furry!"
"I believe that pathetic insult is getting old, Kazuichi."
A small grumble could be heard from the tinkerer as he cursed under his breath. From the way their poor excuse of a conversation was going, Kazuichi knew that it was going to be a long week.
For the two teenagers hiding their blossoming crush for each other, that class could not pass by quick enough. Barely any work got done for all they did was squabble. However, despite their annoyance with one another, the breeder was able to persuade the mechanic to continue their assignment in his dorm. After much bargaining of course. The promise of free food seemed to had sparked the pinkette's attention.
So, every afternoon that week, the two talented students spent seemingly unwanted hours with each other as they worked on their group project. As predicted, the occult lover ended up doing the majority of the work while the tinkerer instead played with Gundham's hamsters and stuffed his face with donuts, only contributing minimally when the breeder pestered him.
These so-called study sessions let the pair slowly fall deeper and deeper for one another. All the while keping the other in the dark about these unwanted feelings.
Thankfully as the week drew to a close, Kazuichi's confidence had been beginning to grow again. The dark patchy bruises that used to decorate his pale face were starting to fade. Even the scars on the palms of his oil covered hands were no longer roaring red. Not only were his eternal injuries healing, but his internal ones too.
The mechanic's reluctant realisation to the fact that his crush on the princess of Novoselic was all a ruse, had hit him hard. He thought he'd eventually trick himself into falling for the blonde, but alas, the person his heart had finally decided to choose was none other than the teenager who sat on the floor before him. His mismatched irises zipping back and forth across the screen of his laptop. Reading the assignment that they were to hand in tomorrow.
During the time Kazuichi and Gundham had been forced to work together, the pinkette had begun to notice small, intricate details about the animal lover. Things that no other human had ever been a spectator to. Things no one else ever took the time to notice. Like how the breeder's brows would knit together and a small pout would always root itself on his face when deep in thought. Or how it seemed as though his eyes held so many secrets. Both deep and warm, and soft and cool. Like the largest fires and the darkest clouds. The way his eyes would sparkle whenever he was taking care of his hamsters. The small dimples that hid in the corners of his smiles. The way the sun would cast shadows on his cheekbones from his long lashes that fanned out across his face.
Oh how these thoughts made his heart squirm. But they also made his blood boil. How could he let himself fall for him? How could he fall for a boy so imperfectly perfect like Gundham Tanaka?
Kazuichi let these thoughts wash over him as he let loose an exasperated sigh. What was he to do with these complicated feelings? 'Other than ignore them you mean...'
"Young mortal, something seems to he troubling you. Am I wrong?" that familiar deep and mysterious voice boomed from beside the tinkerer. He let his eyes wander up to meet the breeder's unmoving gaze. He felt warmth flood his cheeks so he scowled in response.
"Don't be stupid! I'm fine. Stop sticking your nose where it doesn't belong." venom dripped from the machine lover's words. They had come out harsher than originally anticipated.
A tense silence settled in the room for a moment before Gundham quietly scoffed dismissively, his fingers soon tapping away at the keyboard. "No need to be so rude, you fiend." The silence soon returned. The only sound that could be heard was the obnoxious clicks of keys and the small squeaks that got thrown back and fourth between each Dark Deva of Destruction.
It was often like this. The two males rarely participated in any friendly conversation. But why converse with someone who hates your guts?
"I am glad to see your battle scars fading. They never did suit you." the breeder remarked out of the blue. His comment startled Kazuichi, making him jump. Was it an insult or a compliment?
"It's not like I had a choice in the matter, ya'know! I didn't ask to get fucking punched in the face!" the pinkette growled, quickly biting back his tongue before he let anything more spill. He knew he was a bad liar when it came to convincing people other than himself.
"Punched?" Gundham pulled a quizzical look as he lifted his head up from the laptop to face the tinkerer.
"Yes! Are you deaf now too, as well as arrogant?"
"Well, it is just that the other day you retold the tale of you clumsily falling down the stairs. That is what caused the bruising to your face. Then, soon after, you came across an insane man throwing bottles at some mortal maidens. You jumped in to rescue them, and the broken glass tore the mere skin on your hands. There was no punching involved, you foolish mortal. Have you forgotten already?"
Kazuichi felt his heart plummet to the ground. His jaw dropped revealing his sharpened teeth. His hands moved up to tug his dark beanie over his quivering irises. There was no way he could lie himself out of this one now. The pinkette had foolishly dug his own grave.
"I-I... Umm. Well ya see the thing is... uhh—"
"You cannot fool me. So stop reciting such fantasy filled fables and tell me the truth." For once there was no mockery in the male's voice. Gundham sounded sincere. It took the mechanic off guard. His hands fell from his face and his eyes shot up to meet breeder's gaze.
Kazuichi didn't necessarily have any close friends at Hope's Peak Academy. He had no one to talk to about his problems. He kept everything hidden back in the crevices of his mind. His guard always up. But now, the male felt vulnerable. Kazuichi had gotten lost in Gundham's mismatched eyes. They were warm and inviting. He felt the urge to just let everything out. Every last detail about his horrid home life. The tinkerer had heard from many people that bottling up your feelings was bad. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to let something small slip for now.
The occultist's gaze was slowly twisting the cap on his soul. Prying it open without any evil intent, and Kazuichi was letting him. Before the pinkette could reconsider his actions, his mouth was open and words were tumbling out.
"My old man did it."
mE?!? updating my stories?!? can you guys believe iT!!?
ffs omg you guys i'm not even kidding when i say i am so fuçking sorry ;3; it's been four months and i feel more than ashamed
but like,, this chapter is the longest standing at 3049 so... ya y ?
uhhh, btw incase you guys didn't already know my dumbass decided that if writing two stories at once wasn't enough, then why noT tHrEE ?! so i've published a love hotel one shot book... from danganronpa ya'know... yea h.. uhhh, i've already gotten three requests and i've almost the finished the first one so... check it out if you're interested
adios my amigos <3
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