The young mechanic forced another dirty glare onto his face, aiming it across the room towards the breeder. But as per usual, he just ignored it. The princess' laugh erupted in the noisy classroom, causing the pinkette's attention to be dragged away. His expression softened at the sight of her sparkling, pale blue irises. The blonde's bright smile creating a joyful aura as she cradled the small hamster in her hands. Too bad the cute animal was Gundam's, otherwise the energetic teen would've too enjoyed it's company.
"You sure you wanna be touching that rat Miss Sonia?" Kazuichi warned, staring back at the animal lover. "It probably has herpes." he hissed the last part. Causing Gundham to only furrow his eyebrows, obviously holding back his anger.
"It is not a rat." Sonia stated, turning her gaze to the tinkerer, "It is a hamster. A very cute one at that...and why would one of Gundham's precious little animals be diseased?" Before he could reply, the breeder spoke up.
"They are not cute, princess. They are horrific evil entities. This is just their temporary form. The Four Dark Devas of Destruction wou–"
"Like I said, rats." Kazuichi mumbled flatly, interrupting his rant.
"You fiend! How dare you insult The Four Dark Devas of Destruction. I could have them kill you in an instant" the taller boy threatened him, raising his voice as he pointed at the pinkette menacingly. Kazuichi jumped slightly, already opening his mouth to yell back, but the young blonde spoke first.
"No need to waste your breath on Kazuichi, Gundham. He is not worth your time." Sonia's words cut the boy like a knife. He visibly winced, hot tears already stinging his eyes. Kazuichi only turned around in defeat, knowing full well that if he spoke up, Sonia would call him a pest again. The mechanic clenched his fists as he hung his head in shame, squeezing his eyes shut in the hope that he would stop crying.
'This always happens...' the boy thought to himself, 'Why am I so weak? My old man's right. I'm pathetic. Miss Sonia doesn't deserve me. She's too perfect. Maybe I should just give up on her...' he then glanced back up at the two teenagers across from him. Sonia as usual was smiling gleefully, while Gundham had a flushed face, hiding his gaze. Jealousy once again giving the boy another reason not to give up. 'No.' Kazuichi hastily wiped his tears away, sitting up straight in his chair. 'I can't let that furry steal Miss Sonia's heart. I will win her over, and she will be mine!'
For the rest of the day, Kazuichi stayed determined as he continued in his attempt to win the girl's heart. Agreeing with every little thing she said, giving her compliments left, right and centre, and making sure to stand out in class. Nothing out of the ordinary for the young aspiring mechanic. But he was trying extra hard today. Why? Because today was all the talented students of Hope's Peak Academy's last day of school for the first term of the year. They wouldn't be required at school until early April. Kazuichi already knew that the princess would be returning back to her homeland during that time. Not only that, but his father wanted him back home to help out with the shop. Even though their bike shop hardly ever had any business, his family still needed the money, bad. Meaning that the two would not cross paths at all until school started back up again.
Kazuichi groaned quietly from the thought of having to be stuck under the same roof as his father for an extended period of time. He would much rather stay in the confine of his dorm at school, where it was safe. But the pinkette didn't want to face the consequences for when he did finally return. Kazuichi had never felt comfortable in his own home — if he could even call it that — for a long time. Not since his mother left the two of them at least. It's not as if the teenager could remember much of his mother, for she left when he was so young. But what little memories he still had were some of the best from his childhood.
Neither had the boy felt pure, genuine joy for a long time. His big toothy grins were always faked to keep his classmates — and himself — from the truth. To most, Kazuichi had an energetic and cheery personality. But unless you took the time in your day to get to know the boy, and look closer, you wouldn't see what really lay behind his bright magenta eyes. He wore a mask to hide his insecurities and weaknesses. Kazuichi was broken inside, but he could never let that show. His father already tricked the boy into thinking that he was weak. That he was nothing more than a mistake. He'd made it painfully obvious of that fact when he left marks all over the pinkette's body. The young mechanic physically winced from the thought of arriving to school covered in more scars and bruises.
He hated his father for the things he did to him. But somehow, he believed every word of it.
~ • ~
"Oi!! Whad'ya think ya doin'!" the rage in the man's voice caused the young tinkerer to jump, almost dropping the tools in his hands. He sat crosslegged on the floor of his father's bike shop, and was in the process of mending such a vehicle. However he'd gotten a bit carried away.
"S-sorry Dad." Kazuichi's voice wavered as he struggled to keep eye contact with his father. "I w-was just fixing the b-bike like you told me to but–"
"But ya had to go out and pull it apart didn't ya. All because ya got "curious". Now look at the thing! It looks nothin' like a fuckin' bike!" the young mechanic knew that this time it was indeed his fault. He has never really been able to put things back together the way he'd found them in the first place. But the boy couldn't help himself. When Kazuichi saw machinery of any sort, he felt an unstoppable itch, desperately needing to know how it worked. Although he had to admit, he thought he'd gotten it pretty close to perfect this time.
"I-it's not that b-bad Dad. Just g-give me a few and I'll have it fixed and back the way–" the stuttering pinkette was once again interrupted. But this time he'd gotten a blow to the face in the process. Hot tears immediately welled in Kazuichi's magenta orbs.
"Shut up and stop stuttering ya wanker!" his father suddenly grabbed a fist-full of the quivering mechanic's jumpsuit, lifting the boy up in the air. The strong stench of cheap alcohol hit Kazuichi, causing his nose to wrinkle in disgust. He hated his father's drinking habits. "Ya listen here ya little shit. If that bike isn't in peak condition in one hour, then no dinner for the next week. Got it?!"
Dinner in this household meant left over take-away, varying from days to weeks old. To Kazuichi, it really wasn't all that appetizing in the slightest. He never ate much of what was put on his plate anyway. So missing out on that poor excuse of a meal didn't worry the young mechanic at all. Either way, the teen really didn't have much of a choice in the matter except agreeing to his terms.
"I'll have it done. P-promise!"
"Ya better!" his father growled before dropping the pinkette to the ground, walking away in a huff. Kazuichi waited until the man had left the room before letting his tear ducts give way. He tenderly held his sore cheek in his hand, letting his gaze fall to the partly dismantled bike on the ground.
I had one job. One fucking job and I screwed it up. Again! All I needed to do was give it new tyres. Why am I like this? I really am just plain worthless....
It was the first day back at school after their Spring holidays, and for Kazuichi it couldn't have rolled round quick enough. Unlike most students at Hope's Peak — or any school for that matter — the young mechanic was filled ecstatic relief about being back at school. He could be in a safe environment once again. The academy was almost like a home to the pinkette, a place where he could forget about his father and leave all of his troubles behind. However, a couple days earlier his dad had given him quite a few painful and colourful marks all over his body. Although Kazuichi was able to hide the majority of them, two fairly big bruises covered his face. Not to mention the scars that littered the boy's palms. It was as if they were there to taunt Kazuichi, make it obvious to all who saw him that he was weak. A pathetic human being who couldn't even defend himself and got beat up instead. This is how the tinkerer saw it anyway.
"Kazuichi! What happened to your face?" a concerned female voice piped up, earning the attention of the mechanic.
"O-oh—Ah....It's nothing Miss. Yukizome. I just fell down the stairs. I didn't get beat up or anything...heh." Kazuichi chuckled awkwardly after his attempt to lie before quickly shuffling over to his seat to avoid further questions.
"Well, if you say so then." the young teacher sighed, placing her hands on her hips before beginning the lesson. Luckily after that everything ran smoothly. Kazuichi won a polite greeting from the princess of Novoselic, to which the young teen quickly bragged about to the breeder. She was even concerned about the bruises and scars on his pale skin. All to which Kazuichi hid with lies, saying he'd fought off some horrible man with a bottle in his hands. Technically he was only twisting the truth. There really was a horrible man, armed with empty beer bottles — his father.
Kazuichi felt like he was having the best day of his life. He'd even forgotten about the painful marks left all over his body. That was until a certain someone came along and ruined it for him.
The pinkette was walking through the halls of the giant academy after a long day of school. His mind was buzzing with thoughts of machinery and the perfect princess. Until suddenly a deep voice erupted from behind him, standing out against the chitter-chatter of bustling teenagers.
"Young mortal. I wish to speak with you."
Kazuichi spun around to find the occult lover towering over him. His face unreadable as always with his arms crossed over his chest. The shorter male only scoffed, glaring at Gundham with his sharp teeth bared.
"Oh yeah? Whad'ya want furry."
"We must speak in private. I don't want enemy spies listening to our exchange." Gundham demanded, glancing around the crowd of people as if they were actually interested as to what they were saying.
"I don't have time for this." Kazuichi retorted turning around to leave, only to have the breeder run in front of him. Stopping him dead in his tracks.
"This is a grave matter of urgency pink mortal. Do not leave." Gundham almost seemed desperate as he said this, colour dusting his cheeks. The pinkette heaved a heavy sigh, his shoulders dropping in defeat. 'This idiot isn't gonna leave me alone, is he?'
"Fine. Fine! Where'd you wanna go?"
Thanks to Kazuichi's agreement. the fauna enthusiast's face was graced with a small smile. Only to disappear as soon as it had appeared.
"Come. Follow me to where no mortal human has ever stepped foot. My private sanctuary."
i am so so so so sO SORRY for the long wait, -_- i'm a horrible writer. life got in the way and writers block was killing me. but i finally did it !
hopefully this was sufficient enough and you guys enjoyed it. did i get the character's personality right??? i dunno. you be the critic
anyway, hopefully the next wait won't be any where near as long...hOP Efully...
probably not it normally takes me about a month to finish a 2000ish word chapter ;-;
adios my amigos <3
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