Chapter 18

I feel like it's been forever since I updated this


Mom has already left as Gerard and I got into the shower together. He pressed me against the cold tile wall gently and I whimpered.

"Mine," he growled quietly.

He grabbed my ass, pulling me closer and kneading the soft skin. I gasped, pressing my body close to his.

"Yours, daddy," I breathed out.

He gave me a sharp spank and I whined, holding his shoulders tight. Gerard pulled away suddenly and I pouted. He grabbed the shampoo, squirting some into his hand as he scrubbed it into his hair.

"Daddy," I complained.

I wanted him so badly. I wanted him to fuck me when he was angry, I wanted him to make me his.

"C'mon, baby boy," he said, washing the shampoo from his hair.

He scrubbed some into my own hair and I sighed in content. Gerard rinsed it off and smiled down at me. He turned off the water and I couldn't help but immediately shiver at the loss of the warm water. He stepped out and I wrapped my arms around my middle. The shower curtain opened a moment later and he stood there with a white towel around his waist. Another towel was in his hand and I smiled when I saw it was my frog one. Gerard wrapped it around me, pulling the little hood up.

I giggled as he picked me up, carrying me to our room across the hall. I wrapped my arms around his neck, sitting on his lap as he sat down at the chair at the desk.

"We need to make sure you have everything for tonight," Gerard said.

I looked at him and it was the first time I really looked at him. There was small cuts on his cheek and a bruise forming into a black eye.

"Daddy!" I exclaimed. "Daddy, you're hurt!"

I cupped his face gently, softly kissing the bruises.

"It's okay, Button, I've been beaten up worse in high school," he said.

I pouted sadly, my lip quivering.

"Don't cry, Button, it's okay," he said. "Come on, baby boy, let's get you all packed up."

Instead of just going over to my grandpa's house for dinner, I'm going to stay the night and they're gonna take me home after breakfast tomorrow morning.

"I'm sorry you got hurt," I whimpered. "My fault."

"Hey, Little Button, it's not your fault," Gerard denied. "You're perfect, it's all just because of him. Dallon is the one who is the asshole."

I sniffled, resting my head against his shoulder.

"I'm sorry for not listening to you about him earlier," I apologized. "He is a meanie."

"Yeah, sweetheart, he is," Gerard agreed. "Now c'mon, let's get your stuff packed up."

I nodded, getting dressed into a white skirt with a baby blue shirt and white thigh highs. I grabbed a bag, putting some pajamas and clothes in there. I packed things into there that I needed like my toothbrush and hairbrush.

"Do you wanna bring your sippy cups?" He asked and I nodded. "Okay, well don't forget your pacifier and Turtle and your nightlight."

I nodded, packing everything into the bag. Gerard smiled, giving me a kiss.

"I'm driving you down there in about two hours," he said. "What do you wanna do?"

I smiled, straddling his hips. I kissed him roughly and he held my hips. He held me tight and I pressed my body closer to his.

"I'm home!" Mikey called from downstairs.

Gerard and I pulled away and I pouted. I went to sit on the bed and Gerard got dressed. I sighed, laying down on the bed. He picked me up into his lap and tickled me as I giggled.

"Daddy, are they gonna like me?" I asked as he stopped.

"Of course they'll love you," Gerard said. "They're your family."

"B-but you guys will still be my family too, right?" I asked.

"Of course we will," Gerard promised. "We'll always be your family no matter what."

I smiled softly, holding his hand.

"And if you're good there then I just might have another comic book ready when you come home tomorrow," he said.

I gasped, kissing his cheek.

"But you have to be a good boy, okay?" He asked and I nodded quickly.

"I'll be so good, daddy," I promised.

We cuddled for a little bit until we had to leave. The house was about two hours away and Gerard let me play eye spy the whole way there.

"Can you walk me to the door?" I asked as we pulled into the driveway.

He nodded grabbing my bag. We went up to the front door and rang the doorbell. I hid behind Gerard slightly when the door opened.

"Hey, Frank," my grandpa said.

Gerard turned to me and smiled.

"You be good, okay, Button?" He whispered and I nodded. "Good boy, I love you."

He kissed my forehead and handed me my bag. I walked inside, looking around as I heard Gerard's car pull away. There were footsteps and I looked over at two people. One of them was Clarissa and the other was someone older.

"Hi, sweetheart, I'm your Aunt Camila," the lady said. "I'm Clarissa's mom."

She gave me a hug and I looked down shyly.

"Dinner's already ready," she said. "Clarissa, show him his bedroom and then let's all go to the table."

Clarissa smiled, taking my hand in hers. She lead me up the stairs and opened the door. The room was just plain grey with dark blue accents. I set my bag on the bed and we went downstairs. We all sat around the table and Aunt Camila set a pan down in the middle of the table.

"Hope you like chicken casserole," she said.

My grandpa put some on plates for everyone and I looked down at it. I poked at it with my fork. I didn't want to make a fuss but I knew I would get sick if I ate it. Two years ago Gerard one time accidentally gave me a real burger instead of a veggie burger. My tummy was so sick and Gerard felt so bad.

"Frank, is something wrong?" My aunt asked.

"I-I don't eat meat," I said quietly.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," she apologized, taking my plate away. "I will find you something else."

I looked down in embarrassment. I didn't want her to go through all this trouble for me.

"Is there anything else you can't eat?" My grandpa asked.

"Pineapples," I said. "I'm allergic."

"Really?" Clarissa asked. "Me too."

I smiled happily, glad that I already had stuff in common and they were like me.

"Is your family vegetarian too?" My grandpa asked.

"No, just me," I said. "I really like animals. Sometime's Gerard is, he'll be vegetarian for like a month but then give up and eat meat again. But I've been vegetarian since I was five and a kid from school told me that chicken nuggets were actually made out of chickens and that made me so sad."

"That's cute," Clarissa said. "You're so adorable. I think we're gonna get along really well."

I smiled and nodded my head. Aunt Camila walked back in with a bowl in her hand.

"Here's some soup," she said.

"Thank you," I said as she set it down in front of me.

It was quiet for a moment as we all ate.

"So, Frank, you've got two brothers now, right?" Aunt Camila asked me.

I nodded. "Gerard and Mikey, they're really great."

"What kind of things do you like?" She asked.

"Um, I like art and comic books and music," I said.

"Music?" My grandpa asked. "Did you know I play drums? And your father was a drummer too. Do you play any instruments?"

"No," I denied. "Well, I played the recorder in elementary school. But I always wanted a guitar but they were expensive so I didn't get one. But my mom said maybe for my birthday this year I can get one."

"Well, we have a drum set in the basement if you wanna try that out," he said. "Maybe you can try that out. If you prefer it over guitar then you won't even have to buy your own drum set, you could come here on the weekends and I can teach you. Or maybe you can have it, I don't use it all that much anymore. Of course your mom would have to be able to put up with the noise."

I smiled and nodded happily. Maybe I would like drums better than guitar. I've only used a guitar a couple times and that was just when Ray would let me use his.

The three of us hung out for a while until my aunt and my grandpa got tired. Clarissa brought me up to my room and smiled as she sat on the bed with me.

"You know, my grandpa used to always talk about you," she said. "He always talked about how much he missed you and how much he felt bad for you. He thought you starved to death on the streets. Or was kidnapped and given to people to grow up in the sex trafficking ring. He was always so worried."

"I'm sorry," I said quietly.

"Don't even mention it," Clarissa brushed off. "He's happy now. I've lived here my whole life with my grandpa and my mom. My mom had me when she was only sixteen so she never ended up moving out. I'm sixteen too so my grandpa's at that stage now where he's like 'no talking to boys, we're not having another teenage pregnancy'."

I laughed as she smiled.

"Anyways, what's up with you?" She asked. "Are you dating someone?"

"I recently broke up with my boyfriend," I said.

"Awe, how come?" She asked.

"He wasn't very nice," I said.

"Well, he definitely lost out," Clarissa said. "Oh, I almost forgot. I have a picture I wanna give to you. It was in one of the scrapbooks but I thought you should have it instead."

She reached into her pocket and handed me a small black and white photo. It was of a man with very curly dark hair that almost reminded me of Ray in a way. Hugging him was a woman with dark hair and the man was holding a baby.

"That's you when you were younger," Clarissa said, pointing to the baby. "And that's your mom, Linda, and your dad, Frank."

I felt my eyes fill with tears and she smiled, wrapping her arms around me.

"Thank you," I whispered.

"Of course," she said. "You're family."

I smiled and nodded, letting her hug me as I cried quietly.

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