Chapter 6
Dinner was unlike anything Janus had ever seen before. It was nothing like the chaotic nature of dinner in the group home where it seemed like it was more survival of the fittest just to get enough food. Nor was it like some of the other houses where the groups were smaller and more controlled, but lacked emotion or interest in the conversation. It was slightly similar to his memories of dinner with his mother and father, but even that didn't quite match this.
Logan and Patton both sat at one end of the table, across from each other. Roman and Remus sat to Patton's right, closer to the kitchen. This left Virgil and Janus sitting across the twins with Janus closest to Patton and their backs to the wall. The table had been neatly set by Patton before he had come up to get them. The pasta had been served in the kitchen, but a platter of garlic bread did get passed around the table for people to take as they pleased. The same thing was done with the salad. Everyone took an appropriate amount, no one hoarded and there was still plenty left for the people at the end of the line to take from.
Logan and Patton actively engaged and encouraged conversation, asking everyone all sorts of conversation. The questions were all pretty typical, 'how was your day' 'did you get your homework done' etc etc. Except, Janus noticed, that when someone got particularly excited about a question they were asked there was no annoyed look from anyone when the person began to blabber. Like when Logan had asked Roman about his English class and the kid had gone on for at least five minutes about a story he was writing. Or when Logan started talking about work and told them a funny story about something that happened in the break room. Virgil was especially encouraged to talk, Patton always leaning in closer as if he couldn't hear him well enough out of pure, was it excitement? Happiness?
"What about you Janus?" Logan asked.
"What?" Janus asked, his name drawing him back into the conversation and out of his head.
"Tell us about school."
Janus raised an eyebrow, how unspecific, "What about school?"
Patton shrugged, "Anything will work. What classes do you take? Are you in any clubs?"
"Uhm," Janus began uncertainty, "I'm in mostly AP and honors classes, and it's pretty much all the typical stuff, English, math, you know. I...I take debate as my elective, and ASL is my language course. I'm on the JV tennis team, and I'm on the debate and journalism team."
"Wowie! You do all that?" Patton asked, seemingly shocked by Janus's workload, "That's impressive! When I was in high school I could only join one club or two clubs and I had mostly regular classes."
Janus shrugged, "Yeah, well, college doesn't pay for itself." At least, not in the U.S it doesn't, and he wasn't about to move to a whole other country even with his brother, such a large change would probably be super overwhelming.
"Ah, so you do plan on seeking a higher education," Logan commented, "What do you plan on studying?"
In all honesty? Janus didn't even know. The emancipation plan was one for emergencies, something he could fall back on if something happened. But his regular plan was to graduate at eighteen, get custody of his brother, and find a nice but relatively cheap apartment. He'd already been saving up money, by the time he graduated he should have enough saved up for at least two months' rent, a bed, and food depending on where he chose to live. "I-uh, haven't decided yet."
"He wants to help people," Virgil announced, looking at his brother with what looked to be pride as he smiled widely.
"Is that so?" Logan asked, "Help people how?"
Janus, who had turned just slightly red at his brother's comment, "I don't know."
Virgil shook his head, "Liar! You wanna help people. You wanna make things fair. You always say that, you always say that the system is broken and it stinks and you wanna fix it so it'll stop fucking people over."
"Language," Patton scolded, voice sounding much more urgent than actually mad.
Janus sighed, burying his face in his hands, "Vee... seriously kid?"
Virgil only gave him a pout in response, "Wanting to help people is nothing to be ashamed of Janus," Logan said in between bites of food, "What systems do you believe need fixing?"
"I think it would be easier if you asked me what systems don't need fixing," Janus muttered as he pushed his food around the plate.
"I wanna help fix things too," Roman told him, "I wanna work for the FBI and solve mysteries."
"Well, I'm gonna be a doctor like Papa," Remus countered, pointing towards himself.
Patton and Logan smiled at the twins, seeming perfectly fine with their current career plans, "Those are both great jobs," Patton told them, "What about you Virgil, what do you wanna be?"
Virgil frowned in thought, "Is it okay if what I wanna do doesn't help people?"
"You can grow up to be whatever you want Virgil," Logan assured him, "As long as it makes you happy and you enjoy what you do, that is all that matters."
"Okay," he nodded, "Then, I wanna make cookies when I get big, 'cause Patton's cookies are really good and if I know how to make 'em then I can have cookies whenever I want."
"Just cookies?" Patton asked, "What about cake? Or pie?"
Virgil hummed, "Maybe pie, I like pie. But not cake, only cupcakes."
"Virgil, cupcakes, and cake are the same thing," Logan tried to explain.
But Virgil shook his head, "No they're not, cupcakes taste better!" Logan opened his mouth to counter but relented with a sigh at the determined look on Virgil's face. It seemed the nine-year-old already had at least three or four pages of evidence to back up his claim and wasn't going to take no for an answer. So he let it slide with a fond smile as met eyes with Patton from across the table.
Nearly thirty minutes later, and Patton was herding Virgil and the twins upstairs as Janus helped Logan clear the table. The two worked in relative silence, Janus piling all the dishes in the sink as Logan put away all the spices or other ingredients that had been either set on the table or left out during the cooking process.
"Would you mind helping me with the dishes Janus?" Logan asked as he rolled up his sleeves and turned the faucet on.
Janus gave a shrug of indifference, "Sure," he said, taking the drying cloth Logan offered him.
Logan nodded his thanks and began to wash the dishes with soap and water, then carefully handing them to Janus to dry and place in a plastic drying rack. Janus thought that was a little silly, why bother drying them if you have a rack for that? Isn't that the whole point of the rack? But Logan insisted that he only needed to place them in the rack and was in no way required to put the dishes in their proper cabinets.
"Normally this would be the twins' chore," Logan informed him, "But I wanted to have a word with you without the boys listening in or interrupting."
Janus's drying motion slowed slightly as his brain began supplying all sorts of things Logan wanted to talk about. If it was serious enough that Logan didn't want anyone to disrupt them then it couldn't be any good, "I don't mind," Janus replied with a shrug, as if this conversation wasn't making him slightly nervous, "I'm used to chores and kids and all that."
"Well regardless, I am grateful for your assistance."
"What is it you wanted to talk about?"
Logan handed Janus another plate to dry, "Your brother," he stated simply.
That did absolutely nothing to ease Janus's nerves, "What about him?"
"I just wanted to ask a few questions we weren't able to get answers about from the agency. His temporary episode of mutism, for example, does that happen often?"
"Oh, uh, it happened when he was three after our parents died. And then a couple of his teachers mention him not talking in class even when he gets called on. But he's normally fine if he's comfortable or whatever, it just takes him a while to get that way."
Logan nodded in understanding, "Yes, he's been very talkative since this afternoon, Patton is very pleased. As am I, communication was easier today. You mentioned teachers, correct? What is his normal behavior in the classroom?"
Janus shrugged, "Well, I'm not really ever in there with him unless I got the day off from school myself and I went to volunteer there or something and that doesn't typically happen since our schools are on the same calendar but he behaves. He participates when he feels like it and is fine with other kids as long as they don't mess with him."
"Has he shown any sign of struggling academically before?"
"Yeah, but like, it's never really been a big deal. He's nine, nobody really gives a shit on whether or not he can divide by four."
"You really should mind your language, Janus, Patton, and I would not appreciate it if the twins picked up that bad habit of yours as Virgil has already done," Logan commented with only a slight amount of firmness in his voice.
"Yeah well, people who cuss are proven to live longer and are in general healthier, more outspoken, and outgoing so, I think the pros outweigh the cons."
The doctor looked up, pausing his chore for a moment as if to try to find some sort of fact or knowledge that would Janus's argument, "Yes, but cussing tends to cause harm in a professional environment and alienate you from more sensitive or conservative lingual people."
"It also makes you look more honest, can help you more accurately express strong emotions, and is a healthy, non-harmful, method of coping with intense situations."
"You are very well versed on this topic."
"My English teacher got fed up with me cussing in class and had me write an essay on why one shouldn't do it. But I found there are not a lot of benefits to not cussing. And I'm not just going to write an essay on something I don't believe in, so I didn't."
"And how did that work out for you?"
"Turns out teachers don't like being proven wrong and shown up, I got detention," Janus retorted with a roll of his eyes, "But, I did get to write and publish a similar article in the school newspaper I help make."
Logan gave him a nod, and what might have been a nod of approval? Janus wasn't all too sure, but it was better than getting yelled at about it, "Very well, you may continue to cuss only when you are sure that boys and Patton can hear you. While I am fine with you using stronger language in my presence, Patton is a little more sensitive to such matters, and doing so might result in mutual upsetness."
Janus groaned, "Yeah whatever," It'd just be till they got sent away again. Patton and Logan had probably already called Ryan or the agency and let them know Janus was here. He was at least eighty percent sure someone was already on their way to come to get them, that was probably what was causing Patton to take so long to come back down. He was probably packing up Virgil's things as they spoke while Virgil and the twins watched whatever it was that he could hear on the TV right now.
"So, did Ryan tell you when he's gonna be here or is it just an unknown thing?" Janus asked as he dried the last glass in the slowly shrinking pile of dishes.
"Ryan? Your social worker, yes? Why would he come here?"
Janus raised an eyebrow, looking to the man with confusion, "You didn't call him?"
"No, why would we do that?"
"So he can come to get me?"
"Oh," Logan remarked, "No, Patton and I will take you and Virgil with us to the agency tomorrow while the twins stay with our neighbor down the road. Patton did, however, contact your caretaker to let them know you were in no immediate danger and assured them that we did not mind letting you stay in Virgil's room or the couch you until more permanent arrangements could be made."
"You don't mind me staying the night?" Janus asked with surprise.
"No, of course not, why would we?"
"I mean... I did kinda break into your home and make you think I was trying to kidnap someone," Janus reasoned, "That was kind of a thing."
"Yes, well, we all make mistakes and you are more than forgiven. Also, it is technically trespassing rather than breaking in" Logan assured him, he handed Janus the last dish for him to dry before rinsing out the sink and turning on the garbage disposal. "I have one more question if you don't mind Janus, though I will admit it is more personal than the last ones were."
The teen gave an uncertain nod, "Okay... go ahead."
"Do your scars still bother you? And if so, do you get medical treatment for them?"
Janus put the last dish away, surprised by the question. He was expecting more questions about Virgil and his anxiety or something. He wasn't expecting to get questioned about his scars. Neither Logan nor Patton had batted an eye or mentioned them till now, but Remus had brought them up earlier. He thought he might be safe because they had both scolded Remus for doing so. So maybe thinking he might be able to escape any questions about it was a little too hopeful.
"You are by no means required to answer if it is too sensitive of a topic for you Janus," Logan assured.
"No, no it's fine. I was just caught off guard," Janus took another pause, "I mean, yeah, sometimes they still bother me. They'll feel uncomfortable or itch, and it can get painful if my skin gets dry. I'm supposed to go some sorta skin doctor-"
"Dermatologist?" Logan offered.
"Yeah, that. I go a couple of times a year, probably not enough, and if it's really bothering me they give me some fancy lotion."
"Do you find that lotion helps?"
Janus tilted his head back and forth as if trying to weigh his words carefully, "Certain types do. I think someone once said something about the vitamins in it having an effect. I don't know, I just try and use whatever."
Logan gave another nod, "Very well, thank you, Janus, this was an enlightening conversation. Our debate was satisfying, and I learned things I did not previously know, perhaps you have a future in law ahead of you?"
"Probably not, the criminal justice system is broken. In a survey that was conducted, the research found that a majority of prisoners, especially those who are people of color, were punished with higher sentences when refusing to take a settlement fee that they would have been unable to pay because it was too expensive. Others said that the only reason they're in prison is that they committed a petty crime and their families were unable to pay bail. Ergo, breaking the law is all a matter of how much money you're willing to spend to break said law." Janus informed with a bored shrug of his shoulders, before continuing, "Not to mention, that in some states, ex-felons lose one or more of their civil rights, and most find becoming employed difficult resulting in them having to return to a life of crime and get stuck in a cycle. Plus, it's not super uncommon for people with higher educations in specific areas or of specific minorities to be prohibited from certain cases due to it supposedly being a 'unfair' or 'biased' despite having never known the person on trial."
Logan gave another thoughtful hum as he took in this information, "You are very informed on that topic as well, aren't you?" Janus simply shrugged, hands in the pockets of his coat, "Very well, the boys are most likely watching a cartoon show with Patton, they've all recently got Virgil interested in a show regarding magic gay owls or something of the like if you wish to join them."
"Oh, cool, I guess." Janus didn't watch much TV, and what he did watch was very rarely ever cartoons. Unless he was with Virgil, then it was either Pokemon, Phineas, and Ferb, or whatever random Disney movie. The group home they stayed in had one or two streaming services, but sometimes they'd go to the library and Virgil would rent out a DVD they'd play on the laptop Janus had bought off some eighth-grader for twenty bucks. It was mostly used by Virgil now to play games or watch videos since the thing was old enough to have a CD cartridge. Janus was lucky enough that his school provided him with a laptop to work on, though it did get pretty annoying to have to switch to the old one whenever certain sites were blocked due to the too-sensitive content controls the school had installed.
"The twins and Virgil have to be in bed in an hour, but if you'd prefer you can stay up a little later as long as you are quiet. I will be out by then to wish them all a goodnight, and find you some appropriate sleeping accommodations."
Probably smart, Janus had only brought a single change of clothes with him. All his other stuff was stashed away in a secret hiding spot near the group home. His plan had been to go back for it after getting Virgil, and then figure out how to accomplish the rest of his plan from there.
Janus gave Logan a quiet thank you and with one last nod, the doctor disappeared into his office. Janus made his way over to the living room and found everyone else watching tv just like Logan had said. He sat down beside Virgil on the couch, with Patton to his left and both the twins on the floor. Patton gave him a small smile as Virgil leaned against Janus, and the teenager pretended not to notice as he tried to make sense of whatever was going on in the show.
It was nice, Janus realized eventually, watching stupid and silly cartoons with the Sanders. It wasn't quite like how it was when it was just him and Virgil watching or when Martha would host a 'movie' night with all the group home kids. It was different. It was special.
Word Count: 3081
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