
*Next Day/Tami's POV*

So today is the day for Simon's surprise party for hitting 3 million subs (I know he's not but he is almost at 3 million) , Jenny's idea. JJ and Tobi were going to distract Simon and keep him busy while we get everything ready at JJ's flat, he would leave his spare keys so we do have access to the place. Right now we were waiting for JJ to leave with Simon so the rest of us in this house can leave because we were stuck

"SIMON?" I heard JJ shouted, me and Mason quietly opened the guest room door and peaked out a little

"WHAT?" Simon shouted, I looked across the hall to see Simon and Jenny's room door open. Simon was editing while Jenny was laying on the bed upside down

"CAN YOU COME WITH ME TO NANDO'S?" JJ shouted, Mason coughed and I covered his mouth

"I'M BUSY" Simon shouted back

"MAN WANTS HIS CHICKEN! COME WITH ME" JJ shouted, I tried not to laugh

"FUCK OFF JJ" Simon shouted


"TOBI IS GOING SO YOU'LL BE FINE" Simon shouted, I rolled my eyes and pushed Mason into the room before looking at the mirror. I grabbed my sleeping robe and put it on which I never wear for some reason but I needed to hide my outfit that I was wearing underneath. I made sure I looked like I just woke up, so glad I haven't done my hair or my makeup before opening the door

"JUST BLOODY GO WITH HIM AND SHUT UP" I shouted and rubbed my eyes for effect, Simon looked at me

"But, I don't wanna" Simon whined

"PLEASE MAN" JJ shouted

"Just go please, I'm trying to sleep here" I said 

"Simon just go, JJ won't leave you alone" I heard Jenny say, Simon sighed before doing something on the computer then taking his headset off and putting it down. I saw him grab his shoes

"Thank you Simon" I said before going back into the guest room just as Mason finished changing, me and him both high fived before I took my robe off. I quickly did my hair then put foundation on before starting to do my eyeliner, after I put mascara on. I made sure my eyeliner and mascara was fine before putting a little bit of blusher on, after that I grabbed the red lipstick and put it on just as the sound of the front door closing echoed around the house. Mason ran out the room and I laughed, I then heard another pair of footsteps running down the stairs

"THEY ARE GONE" I heard someone shout 

"LET'S GO PEOPLE" I heard a very excited Jenny shout, I shook my head before checking my makeup to make sure it's ok. I then grabbed my heels and put them on before grabbing my phone, I checked how I looked in the mirror (MEDIA) before going downstairs where everyone else was waiting 

"Ready?" I asked, we all nodded our heads 

"Spare keys?" Josh asked 

"I've got them" Vik said, we all looked at each other before grabbing a box each then walking out with Vik being the last person out so he looked the door. We went in two cars before driving off to JJ's flat

{Skipping Journey} 

We all rushed upstairs to JJ's flat to see it in a mess 

"Of course JJ would leave his flat like this when he knows we have to set up" Josh said, just then Ethan and Natalie came up 

"There is the missing lovebirds that everyone has been looking for" I said, Natalie blushed 

"Shhh, we wasn't missing. No one bothered looking in our flat that's all" Natalie said, raised an eyebrow 

"'Our flat'? Explain pls" I said, Ethan and Natalie looked at each other 

"Don't we have to clean up this place?" Natalie asked changing subject 

"Yea, we have a party starting soon. Come on guys" Ethan said and they both ran into the kitchen, I looked at the others and they all shrugged. I sighed before we all started to clean up the place then decorating the place

{Skipping all that since I'm lazy}

Just as we got the big banner with 'Congrats on 3 Million' up, Jenny jogged/ran into the room along with the Cals 

"JJ just texted and they are downstairs" Jenny said and that's when everyone ran around getting into places, we basically gathered around and waited

"Guys, I have to go back home" We heard Simon whine

"Simon, allow it. One FIFA game then you can go back home to your editing and girlfriend" We heard JJ say 

"Simon, just do it because JJ would not shut up" We then heard Tobi say 

"Fine" We heard Simon groan before opening the door 

"Congratulations on 3 Million subscribers" We all including Tobi and JJ said at the same time, Simon just looked at us 

"Jeez.. Wow" Simon said still in shock and we all laughed 

"Thank your girlfriend since it was all her idea" I said and headed towards Jenny, Simon smiled before walking over to Jenny and kissing her. Me and Josh at the same time covered Mason's eyes 

"EW!" Mason shouted and slapped his own hands over mines and Josh's hand 

"PG" I said which made Jenny and Simon to pull away 

"Sorry" They both said, me and Josh moved our hands away from Mason's eyes 

"LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED" JJ shouted, we all cheered but then stopped since Jenny interrupted us 

"NOT SO FAST" Jenny shouted, we all looked at her in confusion 

"I've got one more surprise" Jenny said before pulling something out from behind her which we didn't even notice, she handed the bag to Simon and we all watched as he pulled something out. He looked at it and his eyes grow while we stood in confusion, next thing we knew a high pitched scream left Simon's mouth.  Mason covered his ears and I grabbed whatever the hell Simon had in his hands, Simon picked Jenny up and spun her around while Jenny laughed. Everyone but the two happy couples gathered around me and we all looked at the thing


The words showed, I then realised it was a pregnancy test. My eyes grow and I looked at the two couples 

"You're pregnant?" I asked in shocked, Simon let Jenny down and she nodded her head 

"Oh my God" I heard someone say, Mason looked around confused, me and Natalie both screamed before running over to Jenny and hugging her. Everyone realised what was happening and screamed as well before rushing over, me and Natalie pulled away from the hug before allowing everyone to come over. I squeezed my way out before going over to Simon

"You ready for this?" I asked, he nodded his head and had the biggest smile on his smile. I laughed and Mason came over to me 

"MY BEST FRIEND GOT HIS GIRL PREGNANT! HE'S GOING TO BE A DAD" JJ shouted and everyone but Mason laughed 

"Mummy, I'm confused" Mason said, I smiled before picking him up and went to the balcony 

"Auntie Jenny is having a baby" I said once we were outside 

"A baby?" Mason asked 

"Yea, that means you would have someone your own age to play with once the baby comes" I said 

"Really?" Mason asked as his eye's light up, I nod my head and smile 

"Really baby" I said, Mason cheered before getting out of my grip and running back inside. I laugh as Josh comes outside, he closes the door behind him before walking over. I lean against the railing and Josh wraps his arms around my waist 

"I guess you told Mason about the baby in simple words?" Josh asks, I nodded my head 

"It takes time for him to get it" I replied

"He's young so it's normal" Josh said, I nodded my head. Josh looked at me before kissing me, I smiled and kissed back before wrapping my arms around his neck. We stood there kissing when 

"COME ON YOU TWO! THE PARTY HAS STARTED" JJ shouted after opening the balcony door, we both pulled away and looked at him 

"Seriously JJ?" I asked 

"I don't think Japan heard you, shout it more louder" Josh sarcastically said before grabbing my hand and pulling me inside to the party, we grabbed a drink and just hang out with the others 

"Excuse me, GUYS" We all turned our heads to look at Natalie and Ethan, Simon turned the music down 

"We have something to say" Ethan said before grabbing Natalie's hand 

"Another announcement?" JJ asked and they nodded their heads, we all looked around before looking back 

"Go on" Simon said, Natalie and Ethan looked at each other before looking back at us 

"We're getting married" Natalie said and showed us the ring, my hand flow to my mouth 

"You guys are engaged?" Kelsey asked, they nodded their heads 

"Since when?" Lia asked 

"He asked the question during Netflix and Chill" Natalie said, me and Jenny looked at each other before screaming  

"Definitely going deaf after today" Josh said and I hit him lightly before rushing over to Natalie with Jenny, the guys went to Ethan and Kelsey and Lia joined us

"The ring is so beautiful" Kelsey said 

"Why did you keep it a secret for so long?" I asked

"We wanted to tell everyone at the right time" Natalie said 

"We are so happy for you" Jenny said, we looked at the guys 

"So one of my best friend is pregnant and the other is getting married" I said, everyone nodded their heads. I looked at Josh 

"No ideas" I said to him 

"Wasn't planning anything" Josh said, I giggled. Well today was definitely interesting...


Well that happened 

Well I'm going to do my English homework now 

*Puts Harry Potter on and grabs popcorn before watching all series for English*

Hope you have a lovely day and cya 

Tamiii x

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