*Two days later/Tami's POV*
Today was Mason's birthday, I can't believe my baby was turning five today. I woke up earlier just to make sure that I can get Mason his birthday breakfast ready but for some reason the whole house was quiet which isn't normal. I slowly got out of bed making sure I don't wake Mason up before grabbing a Sidemen sweatshirt and putting it on, I throw my hair into a ponytail before quietly leaving the room. I walked across the hall and knocked on Simon and Jenny's room door before opening the door, the room was empty. I frowned before going downstairs and checking JJ, Josh and Vik's room but also found them empty. Where did everyone go? I checked the living room and table tennis room as well but the house was actually empty, I shrugged my shoulders before walking into the kitchen. I saw a note on the island with my name on it so I picked it up
We knew it's Mason's birthday and sorry we just left like that, we had to go record a video for Rule'm Sports. Jenny is with Natalie and they are gone to get some shopping done , they will after be heading to Tobi's flat around 2pm so you and Mason can head over there since us guys will be there around 3pm. We choice Tobi's flat because we are recording a challenge video later that's why, see you guys later -Josh
I smiled at the note before putting it back down and started to make breakfast for Mason
{Skipping time}
I grabbed the last pancake before turning the cooker off, I placed the plate of pancakes to the side and quickly cleaned up the kitchen. After cleaning, I grabbed the ice cream and chocolate sauce before going back to the plate. I designed the pancakes with ice cream and chocolate sauce before grabbing the plate, a fork and knife then going upstairs. I quietly walk into the room and get back into bed, I place the plate on the bedside table before waking Mason up
"Baby, wake up" I said and played with his hair, Mason whined before going back to sleep
"Come on baby wake up" I said
"No" Mason groaned
"I guess I'm eating pancakes on my own" I said just then Mason shot up
"PANCAKES" Mason shouted and I giggled before grabbing the plate and placing it on his lap
"Thank you mummy" Mason said and hugged me, I smiled and hugged him back
"No problem and happy birthday baby" I said and kissed his head then let him go so he can eat his pancakes
{Skipping Time}
"Mason, you ready to go?" I asked and picked up my bag along with my car keys and phone
"Yep, let's go" Mason said, I looked at his outfit (MEDIA)
"Nice" I said before we walked out, I made sure the front door was locked before going to the car. I unlocked it and helped Mason in before getting in myself and driving to Tobi's flat
{Skipping the journey}
Me and Mason walked up to the flat and knocked before waiting for someone to open the door
"Mummy?" Mason said, I looked at him and he pushed the door open. I frowned
"Why is the door open?" I asked, Mason shrugged his shoulders. We both walked in and I closed the door behind us
"Ladies first" Mason said
"Jeez thanks" I said before walking down the hall first with Mason behind, the living room door was shut so I think Natalie and Jenny are there. I pushed the door open
"SURPRISE" Everyone jumped up and shouted as the door opened, I looked at Mason who was frozen in his spot
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY MASON" Everyone shouted, I giggled at Mason's facial expression. I bend down to his height and snap my fingers in front of him, he looks at me
"You ok baby?" I asked
"This...?" Mason asked
"Surprise party for you" Josh said
"Come on" I said and got up, I grabbed Mason's hand and we walked into the room
"You ok little man?" JJ asked, everyone chuckled a little
"Just shocked that you guys did this for me" Mason said
"Someone is getting emotional" Harry said, everyone awed while the guys hugged him. Jenny and Natalie came and stood next to me
"Thank you" I said
"Don't thank us, it was Josh's idea" Natalie said before nodding towards Josh who was busy joking away with Mason, I smiled as I watched them
"Tami" I turned around to look at Harry who was stood next to a girl who I did not seem to know
"This is Lia, my girlfriend" Harry said, I smiled
"Hi, I'm Tami" I said
"I know, Harry's told me. I love your dress" Lia said
"Thanks" I said, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist from behind. I jumped a little and turned my head to see Josh
"Sorry for the scare love" Josh said, I blushed a little at the nickname
"It's fine" I said
"We'll leave you guys alone" Harry said before him and Lia walk away, I notice that Josh still had his arms around me. I lean down into his touch
"You letting go of me anytime soon?" I asked and looked at him
"Nah, I'm comfortable like this" Josh said, I giggle
"Thank you for this by the way" I said
"Hey, it was nothing. We wanted to do something for his birthday anyways" Josh said just then Vik and this girl walked past
"Wait, Vik is this your 'friend'?" Josh asked, Vik stopped walking and looked at us
"Yea, this is Kelsey. Kelsey this is Josh and Tami" Vik said, I smiled and waved
"Nice meeting you" I said
"Likewise, Vik never stops talking about you guys" Kelsey said
"Us? Like me and Josh?" I asked confused
"Yea, Vik always talks about you two. Like seriously, you guys are cute together" Before Kelsey could say anymore, Vik slapped a hand on her mouth
"She said nothing" Vik said before pulling Kelsey away, I look back at Josh
"What was that about?" I asked
"Don't know" Josh said before unwrapping his arms and walking away, I stood there confused with what just happened
"TIME TO CUT THE CAKE" JJ's shouting snapped my out of my thoughts, I walked over to where Mason was and helped him onto the chair in front of table. I stood behind him as JJ and Simon brought out the cake, I looked at it to see it a football cake. I smiled and shake my head, of course it would be football. Simon and JJ set the cake down, everyone gathered around and we started to sing happy birthday
"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to Mason, happy birthday to you" Everyone sang before cheering and clapping
"Mummy help" Mason said, I smiled before leaning over and blowing out the candles along with Mason
"Did you make a wish?" Jenny asked, Mason nodded his head. Me and Natalie started to cut the cake for everyone
"What did you wish for?" I heard Harry ask
"I'm not telling or it won't come true" Mason said, everyone laughed before grabbing a piece of cake
"You want me to feed you or you want to eat yourself?" I asked, Mason looks at his shirt before looking at me
"I've got a white shirt and I don't want it dirty so can you feed me mummy?" Mason asked
"Of course baby" I said, I grabbed a plate. Mason stood up and gestured for me to sit before he sat on my lap, I giggled and started to feed him
"Now, that is just cute" I heard someone say, I looked up to see everyone watching. I blushed a little before looking back at Mason
"Stop staring" I heard Jenny say
"You're staring as well" I heard Harry say
"I'm allowed since she's my best friend" Jenny said
"That includes me as well" I heard Natalie say
"Alright" I heard before hearing chuckling
{Skipping a few hours}
I was standing in the balcony leaning against the railing just staring at the city, Mason had changed out of his birthday outfit since he managed to get a bit of cake on his shirt. It was now around 8:30 and it was staying to get dark, everyone inside was messing around with Mason and it was cute. There was a small breeze and I heard the balcony door opening then closing, the person came and stood next to me
"It's nice out here" I looked up to see Josh, I smiled a little before looking back at the city
"Yea" I said
"By the way, did I tell you how beautiful you look?" Josh asked, I looked at him and shook my head
"No" I whispered but loud enough for Josh to hear, he turned his head and looks at me
"Well you do" Josh said, we both stare into each others eyes for a while until I hear a familiar scream. I break eye contact
"Mason" I say in panic, we both quickly go back into the flat to see cake being thrown around and Mason was mostly covered in it
"Thank God" I say and sigh in relief, Josh looks at me confused but that disappears as cake hits him. I giggle but regret it as cake hits me as well, I looked to see Mason stood there looking innocent
"Oh its on" I said before I grabbed cake and throw it, Mason quickly moves and it hits JJ. I laugh as we all break out into a cake fight...
Jomi moments are too cute
I would say Jami but erm... There is someone else behind that J, long story don't ask
Actually fuck it, Jami sounds better. Sorry bae you've been replaced
Hope you have a lovely day and cya
Tamiii x
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