Chapter XXII: Seaside Rendezvous

My bones were marble, my muscles were bound in chains. My hair was a fountain, crying a trail behind me. 

Just as I suspected, I had a new hickey on my neck. 

Two of them.

Bon helpfully pointed them out.

Dragging myself to the hotel room, I stumbled through the door and made straight for my bedroom. On the way there I saw Maude laying on the couch covered in potato chip crumbs. Cartoons were playing on the telly. "Maude?"

"Morning," she said in a gruff voice. Her state of mind had a five o clock shadow. "Been up since four. Nothing but crisps. No survivors." Her arm hung limp over the side of the couch as she faked her own death. I hobbled over to my room where I kept my stash of painkillers. Downing two I came back to find Maude still in the same place.

Had...had she really died?

"Where have you been?" she asked. I breathed a sigh of relief. 

"I spent the night at Ang's place." The potato chip bag went flying, chips scattering in all directions as Maude hauled herself off the couch. Her dressing gown was an ant's wet dream. 

"Did I hear that right?" she asked, her face glowing. "Angus McGetIt?"

"Calm down, we didn't do anything," I said giggling at Malcolm's intrusion again. Maude eyed my neck. I covered it with my palm knowing good and well that did shit. I pointed at the television. "What's playing?"

"No way, you're not getting out of this one." Maude switched the telly off and faced me. She playfully crossed her arms. "It's going on two in the afternoon. Now where have you been, young lady?"


Earlier that day

Angus and I trotted down the street towards the studio. The car park was now filled with vehicles and a couple motorbikes. Cigarette butts surrounded them. Without knocking Angus wrenched open the door and we ran inside to get away from the rain. Endless chatter leaked down the stairs. Taking my hand Angus led the way up and we were surrounded by people. 

My mind turned to fog trying to filter the voices out. 

Bon saw us first and waved us over. His big eyes got even bigger as he got a good look at me. "Fuckin' hell, Ang, I didn't know you had it in ya'."

"What?" Angus muttered. He followed Bon's gaze and turned a deep shade of red. My eyes bounced from one to the other in a panic. 

"What?" I asked. Bon grabbed a Coke from the Esky. 

"Hate to break it to ya' love, but your man's a vampire."

I placed a hand on my neck. It was throbbing under my skin. Taking my hand again Angus walked away from Bon whose smile could make a rainbow and sat down next to Malcolm and Linda. 

"Hannah! It's good to see you!" Linda smiled cheerily. Malcolm smiled too. Smugly. I knew in an instant he told Linda what he saw this morning. "Did Loretta invite you to the big day out we have planned?"

Taking every opportunity to get the subject off my sex life I nodded my head. "Tuesday, right?"

"Yep. It'll be just like old times." 

Great. Just what we need, another pissed Hannah Ruth...

Attempting to drown out the voices around me I observed the room. Bon was talking to the man with the funny moustache. Cliff and a woman I had never seen before were holding hands listening to something a woman in a badge was saying. She must have been his girlfriend. Two men came out of the blue door and went downstairs. Someone started laughing their head off. In the corner sat Phil all by himself. He didn't look sick anymore.

In fact he looked the best I'd seen him in a while. 

He caught me staring and I don't know who looked away first. Eventually one of the men spoke up, catching the room's attention. 

"Alright everyone," he said and there was quiet. "The album's almost finished and that means a tour schedule, yes?" He waited until enough people murmured assent. "Right, then. Obviously we're starting in America and working our way from there." Bon raised his hand. The man sighed. "Yes, Bon?"

"Wouldn't it be easier to start here?" he asked. The man adjusted his glasses. "Instead of flyin' across the pond an' comin' back?"

"We're working our way across the time zones," the man explained. "America is the first and we'll work our way that way." Bon raised his hand again. "Yes?"

"Should we rename the album to "British Airways to Hell"?" he asked with a faux innocent smile. The man pinched the bridge of his nose as a couple people laughed including Angus. "Just askin'," he grinned. 

"Bon, if you have any more questions, please take it up with management, okay? I'm just a messenger." Bon flashed me a smile and his eyes sparkled. "Now then. We'll hit mostly major cities and spend about a day or two in each one. So pack your dealers 'cause you aren't getting much sleep."

I noticed Phil shift uncomfortably in his chair. 

Ronald raised his hand again. "What is it, Bon."

"How many women can we bring?"

"As many that'll fit in your fucking suitcase without bringing the plane down, is that enough for you?" the man said exasperated. Bon pretended to count on his fingers and Malcolm elbowed him. "After we come back to England we'll fly to Europe then back to Canada." Bon frowned. "Back down to America and then cross the line to Oz. What is it, Bon?" The man had been facing away from the group and still knew Bon had a hand in the air. 

"You jus' said we're flyin' across the time zones," he said. 

"That's correct."

"So....we fly outta England to get to America, fly back here an' then some, an' fly all the way back over there to get to Australia?"

"Unfortunately we haven't been able to book a tour in Asia yet so we'll have to turn around to get to Australia." The man shrugged. "Might as well play a few extra shows while we're there."

Bon leaned back in his chair. "I'm gonna be forty by the time this is over."

"Maybe you'll grow another beard," the man said. "Maybe we'll all grow beards."

"Even the women?" Cliff asked.

"Especially the women," he answered. "Nothing like a bit of rock and roll to put some hair on your chest. Now what do you want, Bon?"

"Beards don't grow on chests."

"Well you would know, Fraternity."

"Your sister sure knows."

The man sighed and crossed his arms. His smile was too polite. "Mr. Scott, I won't hesitate to send you home and we'll find someone else to sing your songs, is that clear?" Bon smiled again. 


Angus and I giggled to ourselves. The man clapped his hands together. "That's item number one. Item number two," he glanced at Angus. "A couple of roadies who shall remain unnamed discovered a guitar missing from its spot." Malcolm gave Angus a look. Angus started giggling. "The guitar in question was a black Gibson SG." A playful smile tugged at his lips. "God save the bastard who broke in here and stole it. He'll have quite a bit of money on his hands." Angus stifled his laughter. 

"Yeah....bit of a shame, really," he said. I snorted. "One of me favourites."

"Right," the man said. "Ought to call the police for trespassing and theft."

"Maybe he'll write a ransom note," Angus suggested.

"A quality guitar handled by Angus Young himself?" The man scoffed. "He doesn't need a ransom note. Let's just hope you don't run out of backups onstage when you soak them."

"Who knows?" Angus shrugged and wrapped an arm around me. I snuggled into him. "Maybe he'll give it back." 

"Alright then," the man said turning on his heel. "Item number three..."


"You headin' back, Hannah?" Cliff asked. 

The rain bucketed down outside. Angus held my hand by the front door of the studio, running his thumb over my knuckles. I wasn't looking forward to the return walk. Angus offered to call a cab but I wouldn't let him. I'd had enough cabs for a while. "Yeah, I gotta go." Cliff smiled and gave me a pat on the shoulder. 

"Been nice havin' you around," he said. "Ang's been in a much better mood since."

"Yeah, today he went for five whole minutes without scowlin'," Malcolm said on the stairs. I didn't see what Angus did but I guessed he gave them a hearty bird. "Jus' bein' honest, Ang. Ya' seemed real cheerful this mornin'."

"Alright, alright," Angus said guiding me away from the party. Cliff looked up at Mal in curiosity. We didn't hear what they said but it wasn't hard to figure out. The lights flickered overhead. Rain and possible thunderstorms cut the meeting short. Some people stayed for drinks and chat and others, like me, were heading back. Angus enveloped me in a warm hug. "When can I expect to see ya' again?" he asked. 

"When's your next day off?"


"Then I'll see you Friday," I said. He stepped back and rested his forehead against mine. 

"Hannah," he said sounding unsure of himself. " mean the world to me, ya' know?" He kept his voice quiet so the others wouldn't overhear. "An' I...." He sighed and looked down at his shoes. "I....jus' wanted to say I'm glad I met you."

I pulled him in for another hug, almost too giddy to speak. "I like you," I blurted out. He laughed and rubbed my back. 

"I like you too."


Present time

Maude reached into her bag of chips and pouted when she saw it was empty. My hair was already starting to dry and after my story I went to my room to change. "He's gonna say it one day," Maude said standing outside my bedroom. She crumpled the chip bag in her hands. "He's gonna say it and you're gonna get married and have a whole family of dogs."

Shedding my soaked attire I threw them in a pile and pounced into my trakkies and jumper. I'd have to fix my hair later. Practically ripping my bra off I threw it on the bed. Maude was still standing there when I came out. 

I pretended her words didn't have any effect on me. I tried not to let my imagination run away with me. Ideally Angus and I would be together for a long time, then if things got serious....maybe then we could decide a team...

Having a few dogs with him would be nice....

What would I tell my family? Angus McKinnon wasn't the sort of guy any of them pictured me with. Or approved of. 

But what did that matter? I liked him and that was that. Who cared what they thought?

I refused to let them make me feel bad. 

I must have been expressing my thoughts because Maude nudged me with her elbow. "You okay?"

I sighed. "I'm fine."

I'm always fine. Everything is fine. 

Deciding to make a call to my aforementioned family I grabbed the phone off the hook and waited for the operator to hook me up. When Mum picked up the phone she sounded even groggier than before.

Fuck me and these stupid time zones....

"Mum?" I asked. 

"That you, Hannah?" I felt embarrassed calling at the worst times possible. 

"Yeah," I said. "Just thought I should check in."

"It's been hectic here," she said, a touch of annoyance in her voice. "Babies everywhere. Cranky ones." Before I could respond she continued. "The whole family is going on a trip this Christmas to Bondi Beach for a week. If you wanted to come with us."

Bondi Beach, love of my life. But an entire week locked up in a cabin with my family? 

"I....I don't know..." I looked at Maude who was frowning. 

"You never want to go anywhere," Mum sighed. 

"But I left the country!" I argued. 

"I meant with us," she said. "You never want to go anywhere with us."

There's a reason for that.

"I'll think about it," I finally said. She let out her world famous sigh again. 

"Alright. Bye."

"Bye." I hung up. Maude must have guessed by my expression that I didn't want to talk. She left me alone to think, only to mention that Brett was coming over for dinner.

Only I wasn't very hungry. 

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