Chapter IX: Hello There (So Good to See You)
A cool breeze brushed its hand across my cheek. Fluttering birds twittered and hopped under the tables in search of crumbs dropped in a hurry. Above the cafe door hung a bell alerting anyone inside of visitors. Coffee and tea splashed into cups while ice clinked in water glasses. Warm fresh bread and butter floated on trays.
My stomach roared its promise of vengeance.
And I blushed like a fucking carrot.
I also almost choked on my sandwich in laughter. Maude gave me a side eye and smiled. "Hungry, are we?"
"Starving," I replied. The medicine I took for the plane ride replaced my motion sickness with hunger. I dug into my spinach and tomato sandwich and washed it down with a few sips of Earl Grey. Maude had ordered poached eggs on toast with a cup of English brekkie. Had it not been for my sensitive stomach I would have ordered seconds.
"We've got to go shopping soon, or a museum or something," Maude said wiping her lips with a napkin. Brett dropped us off at the cafe and took the limo back. He had to leave to meet up with his band for a project they're working on, giving Maude one last peck before he drove off.
Maybe a pair of lips on mine wouldn't be so bad....if mozzarella cheese didn't taste so much better.
"Anyway I've been itching to know how you've been! Everything alright? At home? Work?" I fiddled with my napkin and shrugged.
"I'm fine," I replied simply. "Same as always, I suppose. But I'm managing." Maude observed me over her cup of tea. "Work is fine, I've been getting paid more for the dogs."
"That's good! I've been lucky enough to sell a few paintings recently, it's really been helping with rent. Playing at the coffee house helps too."
Did I mention my friend is not only a brilliant artist, but an amazing guitarist too? I couldn't be more proud of her.
I took another bite before my brain could shove any insecurities in my face. "Did you bring your guitar?"
"Nah, I couldn't bear it if something happened to it on the trip. Brett's letting me borrow one from their studio so we can jam together." A waitress came by slipping a cheque in front of Maude. "Oh, thank you," she said with a smile. "Anyway, you should drop by sometime! I'm sure Brett wouldn't mind having you over for a cuppa or so."
I noticed the wad of cash she pulled out of her purse. I started pulling my own money out. I managed to trade it out resulting in a much smaller amount than hers. But it could be spared for a light lunch. "I can pay for mine."
"It's no trouble," she said watching me count out my total. "If you insist."
After paying we sat there a while sipping the remainder of our tea. More sunshine appeared as the day wore on and I started to feel the jet lag. I was yawning nonstop.
Maude's attention was focused somewhere behind me. If I hadn't been so sleepy I probably would have noticed her squinting in concentration, or her eyes widening in recognition. She pointed a finger in that general direction. "You know, it's the funniest thing," she said keeping her voice low. "I could swear that's Angus Young from AC/DC..."
I perked up. No, I must have heard wrong. Surely. My mind was playing tricks on me. It was the tea that did it.
"Hm?" I asked sitting up straighter.
"That little man, right there...." she said pointing to a spot behind me. I carefully turned around trying not to be obvious. Several paces away from us was a man standing by a bicycle rack. With a cigarette hanging from his mouth he was laughing at something his company said and looked down at his shoes.
I blinked.
"Wouldn't it be something," Maude said smiling, "if that were really him? I know you and him had a thing going on the tour...." My heart skipped a beat. "Imagine meeting him again! Catching up on things, maybe starting where you left off!"
I think the sandwich was making an encore.
Impossible. What on earth would he be doing here of all places? Certainly not playing a show. Most definitely not looking for the bitch who couldn't spare a minute to write him back like a decent human being.
Maybe he also liked spinach and tomato.
My eyes attempted to adjust to the bright sunlight. It had to be someone else. It wasn't until he turned in my direction that I realised I was staring at him.
He dropped his smile.
He looked directly at me.
His eyes glowed in recognition.
I spun back around in my seat.
No fucking way....
"What's the matter?" Maude asked. "You're not serious...." I hid my face in my hands. "You're not telling me that's really him!" Her voice ignited with excitement. "What if he comes over? Oh, a member of AC/DC! Here! Come on, Hanny, fluff up your hair! Straighten up! Make an impression!"
"I don't think I can...." I mumbled.
Maude looked at me with concern. "You don't want him to come over?" I made a sound that resembled a pathetic groan. "W-well....that's okay, we'll hide under the table! Don't make eye contact! Oh!" I heard her gasp. The next thing I heard shook me up inside.
"Hello there," he said. His voice was quiet. "I don't mean to interrupt anythin'. I jus'....saw you over here an'....thought I'd introduce myself..."
"Oh! Uh..." Maude looked at me in my hiding place and put on her best smile. "It's nice to meet you! We're both big fans." I decided it was rude to ignore him. Especially after ignoring him for several fucking months. Very slowly I lifted my head and took a deep breath.
Then I met his eyes.
They were radiant. Just like when I met him.
He smiled. Almost nervous. "I wondered if that were you, Hannah Ruth."
Maude looked ready to spring out of her chair and dance. My heart felt ready to spring out of my chest and punch me in the face. I gave him a small smile and looked back and forth between him and my folded hands. "Is this the man you met on tour, Hannah?" Maude asked. "The one you wouldn't stop talking about?"
I could tell Maude was giving me a prompt to go off on. Something to make small talk easier. But all I could think was that Angus thought that was all bullshit. If I was so obsessed with him, why couldn't I write back?
Angus laughed and my heart fluttered. "Is that so? Never guessed Hannah to be the chatty' I'm not one worth goin' on about..."
"Oh, she adores you," Maude said. "I mean your music! That's...that's why she practically sneaked off to see you guys in concert last year."
I had enough blush on my face to cover ten carrots.
"Yeah, it was good to have her with us," Angus said and I could feel his eyes burning into me. Why couldn't I look at him?
You coward, just do it!
"Uh..." Her chair scraped against the ground as Maude stood up. "Please excuse me, I have to reapply," she said pulling a tube of lipstick out of nowhere. And just like that she was gone.
Thanks, Maudie...
Angus took a short drag off his cigarette. "You uh...mind if I sit down?" I shook my head and Angus occupied the now empty seat. Once in a while I glanced at him. His hair was longer than the last time I saw him. Everything else still looked exactly the same. He must have caught on to what I was doing because I heard him laugh.
His smile was still beautiful. And I still liked him.
I liked him a lot.
"'ve you been?" He dropped the smile and looked at me with concern while I played with my hands, my leg bouncing under the table. "Are you...feelin' better? You must be, at least a little...if you're here, ya' know."
I forced myself to speak. "Yeah, I'm fine."
I'm always fine.
"Say, who was that, the woman that was sitting here?" At least his attention was on someone else for now.
"That's my best friend. Maude."
"Ah, I see. Does she live around here, or...."
I kept my cool. "She's from New Zealand," I said. "We're both visiting London on a trip together."
"Comin' here to rest sounds nice," Angus muttered before smiling at me. "I've been up to my arse in work. Lots of...tension goin' around, ya' know?" He waved it off. "Don't bother about all that, let's talk about you."
Wonderful. My least favourite subject.
"Not much to say," I lied.
"I don't believe that for a second, Hannah Ruth," he said. Before he could ask again Maude came back with a fresh coat of lipstick and a small white paper bag.
"Sorry I took so long, I picked us up a few pastries from inside." She held up the small paper bag and playfully shook it. Angus immediately stood up from the table. As did I.
"No worries, love, I should probably get goin' as it is."
"So soon?" Maude asked.
"Yeah, I've got to get back, it's gettin' late. It was nice meetin' you," he smiled as he shook Maude's hand. Maude looked ready to pass out. Angus reached out for my hand and I carefully took it.
Warm and soft, just like always. With a hint of...
He gave us one last wave before turning back the way he had come. Maude slid the pastry into her purse. "He's even more handsome in person," she gushed. "Lucky you, snagging him when you did. Anything salacious happen while I was away?" I only held up the napkin in my hand. "What's that you've got?" Unfolding it with unsteady hands, I read in black ink...
Drop in for a bit tomorrow, if you can
And an address underneath it...
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