𝟬𝟬𝟲 a house in need of haunting

a house in need of haunting


     VIENNA WINDSOR knew in order to survive in a world as cruel and cutthroat as the one she lived in now, she had to change.

     Now she never liked the idea of change. She always wanted to be herself; kind and compassionate. But sometimes kindness and compassion was only good for one thing and one thing only, and that was getting you killed. Vienna didn't want to change who she had always been, to allow her hands to become stained with the blood of her enemies, but she had no other choice if it meant protecting herself and her son from any form of harm, and an even more painful death. She felt guilty for every life she took. Even if they did deserved it. However, she knew it was done for all of the right reasons.

The force to change wasn't all that surprising either. Especially after twenty years spent living in fear of what horrors lurked around each and every corner. But it was safe to say that she was shocked to see the people she once knew turn into something they're simply not. It had been just over two years since her son abandoned her one dark night, and in the span of those two and a half years, he had matured. He could hold a gun without fumbling with the weapon in his trembling hands. He could use that same gun to point it at a child's head without feeling guilty, nor did he feel remotely apologetic. She wondered what changed him to become the survivor he was today.

Then there was her son's burning hate for her every time he looked into her direction. Vienna understood why. She scared him when he watched her murder his father, and resented her for it ever since. The woman knew her son's hate for her was an easy fix. She could just tell him the truth about the monster behind the face of what seemed like a kind and loving man. But although her husband's death was the root buried deep in the soil of the resentment Ezra Windsor felt for his mother, it only seemed to grow overtime after watching her take multiple lives in a brutal and violent manner. The way he viewed her was already tarnished and broken.

However, the way he viewed his father remained intact. Jack never once allowed his son to see the real him, and continued to be the perfect father until the moment he took his very last breath. Vienna didn't want to destroy that. She would sacrifice her son's love for her if it meant he could still maintain the one part of his life that represented innocence. She often found amusement in it. Even in death, Jack Lawson still had his hands wrapped around her throat, squeezing tightly until her neck would eventually snap. Even a ghost had the power to ruin the one good thing she had — her son.

Ezra Windsor wasn't the only person from her past to change. Joel Miller was more like a ghost wearing the face of her former friend than the man himself. She always believed she knew him, like they had a connection that not even the strongest forces could break. There was even a time she started to think that there was more than friendship burning through their bloodstreams. Especially after they gave into their desires for each other and shared a night together that they could never forget. If given a little bit more time, maybe things would've been different. Maybe they could've had a chance to be something more than just friends.

     But now Vienna Windsor knew she could never feel that way about Joel Miller again. He wasn't the man she knew twenty years ago. He had changed in ways that made her want to hate him, because no one could care for a man who only cared about himself and his own survival. Vienna knew the sooner they got to the old State House and went their separate ways, the better. It was a painful reality, having to separate herself from the people she wanted to be around for the rest of her life. But a reality that was best for all of them.

     It was all she could think about as she walked up the several flights of stairs alongside the rest of the group with Joel and Ezra leading the way. If there was one thing the woman had grown to hate after twenty long and agonising years, it was aging. It was safe to say Vienna was beginning to feel her age with each year that passed her bye. Now at the age of forty five she was struggling to keep up with even the most simplest of tasks, like climbing up two floors. Now, nearly breathless by the time she reached the top, Vienna was almost convinced she couldn't keep going forward. But she had a mission to complete and a promise to Marlene to fulfil. She couldn't slow down now.

However, when Vienna turned around, she was surprised to see that the way they needed to go was blocked by tons of rotting wood and rubble. This caused for Tess to let out a loud sigh. "Well, when the fuck did that happen?" She asked in a rhetorical manner while Joel tried to open a few doors to the old hotel rooms. But he had no luck either.

"What you thinking?" Vienna asked as she stood beside Tess, lifting her gaze to look up at the gap in the midst of the rubble, a beam of sunlight infiltrating the hotel.

"Well, maybe I could climb up there, work my way around and open it from inside?" Tess suggested, looking up into the small gap, sounding almost hopeful.

Ellie then approached the two women. "No, well, I'm the smallest, so it'd be easier for me to get through." She offered, and although Vienna knew deep down that the young girl had a point, she couldn't put her life at risk for them. Especially with a life as precious as Ellie's.

"No. We don't know what is waiting for us up there, and I can't risk your life." Vienna told her, earning a slight nod from the girl in response before Vienna turned her attention back to Tess, her lips parting to speak in the process. "I'll go with you. At least we can look out for each other in case anything is waiting for us up there." She offered, a ghost of a smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

"Sounds like a plan." Tess muttered underneath her breath before, with the help of Joel, managed to climb to the top of the rubble.

Vienna then approached the older man, the pair exchanged a series of awkward looks before Joel cleared his throat and held out his hand, allowing Vienna to place her foot firmly on his palm before he boosted her further up. The woman then climbed to the top of the rubble and stood back up onto her feet so she was now standing beside Tess, the warm sunshine beating against her skin in the process. A gentle sigh of relief left Vienna's lips, a single moment of comfort flooding her bloodstream until Tess' familiar voice brought her back to reality.

     "So, you and Joel knew each other before the outbreak?" Tess asked rather abruptly, her question surprising Vienna at first. She didn't think the woman trusted her enough to even spare a single conversation with her. Especially after Vienna lied to them all about Ellie's immunity.

Nevertheless, Vienna swallowed the thick lump lodged in the back of her throat, nodding her head, a ghost of a smile tugging at the corners of her lips when she thought back to her life before the outbreak. Of course, it had its bad moments. Her marriage with her dead husband was something Vienna never wanted to relive. But her friendship with Joel, Tommy, and the way she felt a part of the Miller family when she helped parent Sarah as she got older, it was a time she would trade her soul to go back to. A time where death and destruction didn't lurk around each and every corner. A time where she was genuinely happy.

     "Yeah, well, I met him through his brother." Vienna spoke up while the pair walked through the corridor together. "Tommy got into some trouble. Got hurt during a bar fight he was trying to stop, and ended up in the emergency room. I was a nurse before all of this. I patched him up, and when Joel came to pick him up, we just clicked, I guess. We had been friends ever since until, you know, the outbreak..." She elaborated further, a bittersweet feeling arising in her chest when she thought about the good old days before everything she knew was ripped away from her fingertips.

Tess let out a quiet chuckle. "Sounds about right — Tommy getting into trouble and Joel picking up the pieces. I bet they were a pain together."

Vienna's smile became a lot more prominent this time, the woman beginning to nod her head in agreement. "It wasn't always so bad. It was nice having them around. It was like I gained some family along the way." She confessed, and for someone like Vienna, who came from a broken home, and married into an even more violent relationship, the family she found with the Millers was always something she truly cherished.

     "From the way he looked at you earlier, when we first bumped into you, it was like there was something more there. Anyone would've thought you guys were together before the outbreak. At least that was the vibe I got..." Tess paused, turning her head to glance over at Vienna, watching as the woman looked down at the ground for a moment, avoiding all eye contact. Tess then let out a sigh. "But it's none of my business." She quickly added, deciding to dismiss the topic all together.

"No. It's fine. Joel and I...we were best friends before all of this. It was just weird seeing him again after all this time. He's changed a lot." Vienna lied, not wanting to dive too deeply into her history with Joel. It wasn't like it mattered anymore. In a few hours they would be nothing more than distant strangers again, going their separate ways like neither of them even existed to the other.

     Tess nodded her head. "I think it's safe to say we've all changed." She agreed.

     A short period of silence quickly flooded the air soon after those words left Tess' lips, allowing for a quick thought to cross Vienna's mind while she turned to look back at the woman walking beside her. "What about you and Joel? Are you guys, you know—"

     "Together?" Tess laughed, her voice laced with amusement while she continued to speak. "Uh, no. It isn't like that." She confirmed.

     Vienna nodded her head before the pair continued to walk forward together, turning a corner. "Your son's a good kid, by the way." Tess spoke up, the mere mention of Ezra catching Vienna's attention within seconds. "I know what I said earlier, about Ezra, Joel, and I being bad people, it must've startled you. I don't think any parent wants to hear about how awful their son is. Ezra, he's done stuff in order to survive, but he's always been a good kid. I just thought you should know since it's been a few years since you last saw him. But you should be proud of the man he's become." She explained.

     Both women stopped in their tracks for a moment, exchanging a series of looks before Vienna's eyes softened, her lips parting for her to speak. "Thank you. For what it's worth, I'm glad he had you and Joel around to look out for him. Regardless of what you said earlier." She replied, her choice of words earning a slight smile from Tess in response.

     "Come on, we should keep moving." Tess told her before they continued to move ahead to where they needed to go.

     Vienna continued to follow Tess throughout the building until they walked out onto a large and open balcony, deciding to scope out the area in order to get a clear picture of their path leading to the old State House. They needed to know it was safe before emerging themselves even deeper into the abandoned city. However, when they looked down over the balcony, they found that the abandoned city wasn't so abandoned after all, a spine tingling foreboding feeling creeping up her back when she feasted her eyes on the horrors below her.

     It only took a few minutes for Tess and Vienna to go and open the door to allow the others up to the balcony where they all leaned over the edge, watching as a large horde of Infected devoured on the mutilated corpses of what were the living. And it wasn't just one, or two. There were hundreds of them. Vienna knew better than to think any of them could get through a horde like that alive. They would be torn to pieces the second they stepped foot into their enemies territory.

     "There's so many." Ellie was the first to speak up, her small hands gripping the edge of the balcony with a frightened look burning in her eyes.

     Tess nodded her head. "The last time we were here, they were still deep inside the buildings. Then I guess enough people came through looking for the QZ, they went inside seeking shelter—"

     "They're connected." Ellie assumed, her voice becoming shaky.

     "More than you know." Tess replied, her choice of words earning a nod of agreement from Vienna in response.

     "Over time, the fungus began to grow underground. Like a hive mind, you step on a single cordycep then it alerts every single Infected within miles of where you are, and leads them right to you." Vienna elaborated further.

     "You're not immune from being ripped apart." Tess then added.

     Suddenly, a sigh left Ezra's lips while he continued to stand beside his mother, looking down at the horde of Infected displayed in front of his eyes. "Thanks for the history lesson, guys. It was very educational. But I'd like to know how we're gonna get through that without becoming their next meal." He interrupted, gesturing towards the monsters lurking down below.

     It was silent for a moment, almost like everyone was trying to think of a plan that would get them past the horde undetected. That was until Ellie spoke up, saying the one word the rest of them didn't want to hear. "Short way?" She asked, a sense of dread laced in her voice.

     Joel nodded his head. "Museum."


There was this terrible feeling that weighed heavy in Vienna Windsor's chest. A kind of fear encroaching from beneath her skin that burned in her veins. It was like her own crippling fear was telling her to run away into the opposite direction from the moment she first stepped foot into the dark and lonesome museum. It was a feeling so foreboding that Vienna kept her gun in hand, gripping the weapon tightly like her entire life depended on it whilst they all shined their torches over the abandoned building, scoping out the area with each trembling step they took deeper and deeper into the darkness.

     If there was one thing Vienna has learned overtime, it was to expect the unexpected. Just because there were hordes of Infected lingering miles away, it doesn't mean there wasn't any hiding inside within the deepest and darkest shadows, prowling quietly while they waited for their next meal. Vienna inhaled a sharp breath at the thought while she trailed close behind Joel, the pair being followed by Tess, Ezra and Ellie. They just had to get in and out, then they would be at the old State House in no time.

     But nothing was that easy, and the second the woman heard Ellie's familiar voice, she knew she was going to be forced to deal with a lot more than she bargained for. "Oh shit. What the fuck did that?" She asked, sounding shocked.

     The others turned and aimed their torches down to see a freshly maimed body lying dead in the corner, blood pooling out of the large gashes in his face and neck. The familiar sight and pattern in the wounds was enough to cause for Vienna's breath to hitch in the back of her throat, swallowing thickly before she turned to quickly glance over at Joel, Tess and Ezra. The group exchanged a series of frightening stares, each of them holding the same knowledge of what was possibly waiting for them inside the building. The kind of look that showed each other there was plenty to be afraid of than just the dark.

     "Maybe he was attacked outside, and crawled through the doors." Tess was the first to speak up, her voice now barely above a whisper.

     Vienna released a shaky breath past her lips, her eyes locked with the woman standing beside her. "Or maybe he got attacked inside, and we're not alone in here." She began to speculate, assuming the worst.

     "I don't hear anything." Tess retorted, sounding almost hopeful that maybe, just maybe they were safe.

     "Why would you hear?" Ellie piped up, her voice a lot louder than the rest of them.

     Vienna, along with the others, quickly turned to the young girl and shushed her. And when Ellie noticed the genuine looks of fear glazed over each of their eyes, her mouth popped open in surprise, her eyes widening in fright. "Are you saying an Infected did that?" She asked. "Because I've been attacked by one and it wasn't like that." She then explained.

     "Okay, from this point forward, we are silent. Not quiet. Silent." Joel instructs, however, when Ellie makes an attempt to protest, Joel shakes his head and interrupts the young girl. "No questions. Just do it." He whispered, his words earning a nod from Ellie in response before they began to move through the museum again, but this time a lot more carefully than ever before.

Joel led the way through the dark museum, beginning to walk up a series of steps. Vienna followed close behind alongside her son, before Ellie and Tess lingered further behind to make sure nothing would creep up on them from behind. Vienna released another shaky breath past her trembling lips, stepping carefully over rotting bodies and long strings of charred cordyceps that stretched for what seemed like miles. All that ran through the woman's mind was to remained armed and stay alive. They would all make it out of this alive. They just had to.

     When the group reached the top of the stairs, Joel was the first to push open the door into the next room they had to go through, casting his gaze on the familiar surroundings before he turned around and nodded his head. It was a clear indication for them to follow. One by one, they stepped into the room. However, just as Tess and Ellie were going to step inside, there was a rumble that moved beneath their feet, like an earthquake, before Tess jumped inside the room, pulling Ellie down with her just as rocks and rubble came crashing down into the doorway, now blocking anyone from coming in and out through that way.

     Vienna quickly crouched down beside Ellie, helping the girl back onto her feet. "You okay, Ellie?" She asked, whispering quietly.

     Ellie didn't get the chance to answer Vienna's question because within a small matter of seconds, a series of loud clicking flooded the air, the familiar sound being enough to send a cold chill up the woman's spine. This caused for Vienna to help Ellie off the ground before everyone hid behind some old, dusty display cases, the continuous clicking noise growing louder and louder the closer the Clicker got to them. Vienna sucked in a breath, attempting to calm her breathing while the creature moved around the room, wanting nothing more than to get out of this place alive.

     The torturous clicking continued to echo loudly throughout the dark room while it moved behind the glass casing they were all hiding behind. Vienna looked over to see it turning a corner, now moving on from where they were. But it stopped in its tracks for a second, almost like something had stopped it, like it sensed something close behind them. And within seconds, the Clicker turned around and let out a loud screech. It had found them.

The Clicker made an attempt to attack them. However, Joel threw himself at the monster, pulling the trigger multiple times in an attempt to kill it. "Run!" He yelled.

Vienna hesitated at first but grabbed Ellie's wrist and ran with the others, picking up the speed when more than just the one Clicker followed the series of loud noises echoing from the room. However, it didn't take long for them to get separated from one another. Tess continued to run, distracting the second Clicker while the others got low to the ground, crawling underneath a table, trying their best to remain hidden. But when a third Clicker made an appearance, Vienna quickly jumped up from the murky ground and turned to Ezra and Ellie. "Go!"

     The kids did as they were told and ran away, staying hidden from the creatures attacking. This caused for Vienna to run into the opposite direction as them, firing her gun multiple times at the creature in hopes of killing it. But even though Vienna hated to admit it out loud, her aim sucked when she was scared. So when she ran out of ammo and was left defenceless, she threw her useless weapon to the ground and ran until she was hidden again, now shielding herself behind another display case while she took out her bow and arrow tied to her backpack.

     Vienna then took out one arrow and adjusted the weapon in her hands before she drew her weapon and pointed it at the Clicker, listening as it continued to click loudly, the almost haunting nice bouncing off the walls throughout the room. The woman then inhaled sharply, calming down her rapid breathing as she let go, the arrow flying through the air before it landed straight into the Clicker's skull, or at least what was left of it. The creature then stopped in its tracks and dropped to the ground, convulsing for a moment before it fell limp, signalling to Vienna that it was now dead.

Loud screeches echoed loudly through the air once again, causing for Vienna to look over her shoulder before she followed the twisted sounds until she saw Joel fighting off another Clicker to defend himself and Ellie. After the man managed to get the creature off of them, Vienna drew her bow and arrow again, pointing it at the Clicker before she let go of the arrow, the sharp object landing perfectly into the creature as it fell to the ground, a pool of blood surrounding its head.

Vienna walked towards the pair and pressed her foot down on the head before she pulled out her arrow, wiping the blood onto her jeans. "You guys okay?" She asked, concerned laced in her voice.

However, instead of answering her question, Joel looked over the woman's shoulder, his eyes widening. "Watch out!" He exclaimed, shoving Vienna behind him while he fired his gun at the third Clicker once again, the bullet piercing its body in the process. Joel made an attempt to pull the trigger again, but before he had the chance, Tess came running towards the Clicker, swinging an axe at it, distracting it long enough for Ezra to come up from behind the creature, shooting it down until he knew it was dead.

Once he knew they were all safe, Joel turned to look at Tess. "You all right?" He asked her.

"Twisted ankle, but, yeah." Tess replied in a reassuring tone.

Vienna nodded her head before she turned to Ellie and Ezra. "You kids okay?" She questioned.

Ezra didn't say much. He just simply nodded his head in response to his mother's question before Ellie's familiar voice flooded the air. "Well, I didn't shit my pants, so..." She trailed off, lowering gaze while she rolled up her sleeve to reveal what looked like a second bite mark along with the old one. "You fucking kidding me?" She cursed before she glanced back at the rest of them. "I mean, if it was gonna happen to one of us." She pointed out.

"Hey, let's just get the fuck outta here." Tess declared.

"Sounds like a plan." Vienna agreed, wanting nothing more than to escape from the haunted house she found herself trapped inside of.


authors note.
First of all I just wanted to apologise for the wait. I had some stuff going on in my private life (I'm all good now) and it delayed me finishing this chapter. But I hope it was worth the wait. I just wanted to write a simple chapter, give Vienna and Tess some interactions before the next chapter 👀
Second of all I'll be returning to weekly updates with this story, so keep an eye out for chapter 7!!

Until then I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I'll update again soon!!

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