Next day
All of them has to cancel the picnic becoz the weather was not good. It was thundering n raining very badly so all decided to stay at their own home
Conference call
V- I think we need to cancel the picnic the weather is too bad
J- yes u r right veer
Va- n I think we all have to stay in our own homes
V- yes u guys don't go out
Va- k u guys too
J- take care all
(The girls were listening)
Call cut
After that bani n riddhu has to complete their assignment so they went to their room
Around 10:00 am
Veer enter riddhu's room
Ri- Bhai u need some??
V- ya I need to tell u guys that I have some work so I need to go out
B- veer please don't go out see the weather it's so bad 😢
Ri- ya Bhai she is right please don't go 😥
V- it's important or else I will never go
Ri- wat important work??🤨
V- I can't say that 😬
B- k bt come fast n take care
V- k n u guys please don't go out it's not safe in this weather to go out
Ri- u r saying this but u urself is going 😒😒
V- it's important riddhu
Telling this he went to his room to change. After changing the clothes,bani came in his room
B- veer is it really important to go out (with sad face 😔)
V-(holding her face) yes very important. Bt y don't u want me to go ???🤨🤨
B- I m not having a good feeling I m feeling like I will lost my most precious thing 💔😢. I m too scared I m getting negative vibes 😟😟
Veer hug her
V- don't worry nothing is gonna happen I will go fast n come fast k then we will spend some time together now u go n do ur assignment
Then bani went veer too went out
After sometime bani get a call
B- hello
Person- hello bani
B- Yuvi how dare u to call me
Y- bani please forgive me for my behavior
B- just shut up
Riddhu sign her to put the phone in speaker
Y- I m really sorry bani that day I was drunk n I didn't knew wat I was doing I m really sorry 😞😞(crying)
B- just shut up u were drunk n misbehaving with me u were trying to molest me 😡😡. N u even plan to kill my veer I will never ever forgive u (angrily)
Y- bt I m sorry I didn't knew that I was hurting u I was not in my sense please forgive me 🙏🙏(crying)
B- I could have forgiven you for wat u did to me becoz u were my friend bt because u plan to kill veer I will never ever forgive u (angrily 😡😡)
(Guys we girls r very emotional and if someone does wrong n if they r sorry we tend to forgive them so same goes with bani 🥺🥺)
Y- please bani I m really ashamed of my behavior please forgive me.(crying 😭)
B- just shut up I hate u 😡😡
Y- I Know u hate me so I m gonna back to America n before that I want to meet u n say u sorry personal so can u please come 🙏🙏(requesting)
B- no I won't
Riddhu sign her to meet him. So bani keep the phone on hold
Ri- go n meet him
B- no riddhu he is not guilty 😡
Ri- I know he is not guilty 😡 n so let's teach him a lesson so that from next time he won't even think of doing anything like this😡😡
B- ya u r right bt veer told me not to meet him+ he told us not to go out 🙁
Ri- I know bt he won't know we will go fast n come fast. No one will know
B- bt .....
Ri- Aya bani veer Bhai won't know anything
Bani was hesitate bt riddhu force her n so she agree
B- k Yuvi I m coming where should I miss u
Y- in children park
B- k I m coming
Call end
Riddhu n bank went to children park
On the other hand
Veer went to take his parcel
V-(to himself) riddhu will be very happy to see this. I will give this to vansh n riddhu on their 3years anniversary that is in 3days

The gift
Veer was very happy with this gift
Children park
Riddhu n bani reach the park they saw Yuvi. There was no one becoz of the weather though it was 12:00 pm it's seems to be dark it was raining
Riddhu hide becoz she didn't want Yuvi to know that bani is not alone. Bani went to Yuvi
B- y did u call me here 😡😡
Y- I m really sorry bani I m sorry sorry
Bank turn back
B- I don't need ur sorry
Y- then wat do u did a kiss (evilly)
Bani turn back n Yuvi hold her hand tightly
B- leave me Yuvi how dare u to touch my hand??😡😡(angrily)
Y- bank bani bani again u r a fool u thought that I seriously call u here to tell u sorry. Sorry my foot 😡😡I call u to take revenge with ur so call boyfriend (angrily 😡😡)
B- don't u dare touch humor else 😡😡
Y- or else wat u will kill me. Wat does he think of himself he thinks that he will punch me n I will leave him never I m never gonna do that . I will take revenge on him n for this I need ur help . U r veer's love n so if I kill his love he will just die. I don't even need to kill him
Riddhu cmae shouting
Ri- oi how dare u thinking to kill my brother or my best friend. Don't u dare it
Y- ooo wowww bani I told u to come alone bt u brought her too. It's k she can also not do anything
Riddhu was coming towards him bt some of his goons hold her hand
Ri- leave my hand (shouting 😡)
Y- keep shouting no one will hear ur voice the weather is so bad n so people r not advice not to come out so no one gonna hear ur crying 😡😡
B- leave her Yuvi u have problem with me not with her leave her 🤧🤧
Y- no she is also veer life right if I hate u both he will break down (evilly laugh)😡😡
On the other hand veer was near the park. He heard some shouting so he went to see
He saw Yuvi trying to molest bani n riddhu. Bani n riddhu were trying to free themselves bt becoz of the goons they weren't able to.
Veer was fuming in anger. He straight away went to Yuvi n then start beating him badly . When the goons try to hold him he just beat them too. He beat them so badly that they were all in blood. N then
Veer was so angry with bani n riddhu for not obeying him n staying at home. He didn't even talk with him
That time vansh came with the police
Va- r u fine riddhu??(concerned)
Ri- ya I m fine n thank u for coming
V- how did u know this??
Ri- riddhu messages me n told me everything so I came with the police
V- k
The police were investigating everything
Then suddenly Yuvi took a gun n shoot bani,bt riddhu saw it n so he push her n took at the bullet
Everyone try n back n saw riddhu laying on the floor. Yuvi was trying to run bt police caught me
Va- riddhu riddhu(pating on her check) nothing will happen to u (crying 😭😭)
V- riddhu nothing will happen
R-(slowly opening her eyes) bhai!!!!!!!! I m sorrryyy!!!
She faint
Va- riddhu(crying n shouting) 😭😭😭
Bani stood there like a statue
After coming into senses he went to Yuvi n slap him
B- y did u do that y??(hitting his chest n crying 😭😭😭)
Y- I was gonna kill u bt she came in the middle n save u n took the bullet (angrily 😡😡)
Bani was shock
Veer was more shock
Vansh was continuously crying 😭😭
Then they took her to the hospital veer didn't talk with bani 🥺
Bani thought that he is broken so he don't wanna talk
They they reach hospital. The doctors took her to the OT.
Then after sometime Jay arrohi n balwant reach the hospital
Ba- where is riddhu,veer??? Wat happen to her????(crying 😭)
Veer was silent
Ba- veer where is riddhu?( Shouting)
Veer hug her
V- she is in the OT.
Balwant was heart broken. Jay n arrohi console them
J- nothing will happen vansh have faith
A- ya vansh our riddhu is very strong she get well soon
Vansh was crying he hug Jay
Arrohi n jay too were crying
It was a heart breaking hour for all of them
Then after finally so many guts bani went to veer n hold his hand
Bt veer left it. Bani was heartbroken
After sometime the doctor came out
Ba- how is my daughter is she fine???🥺🥺
D- u daughter is fine bt....
V- bt wat doctor 🥺🥺
D- she is in coma
Everyone were shock+ heartbroken. They didn't knew how to react they were num 🥺🥺😭😭😭
After 2days ( I won't be able to write more on hospital scene 🤧🤧)
Balwant n all brought riddhu in the home. Vansh was totally shattered n heartbroken 😭😭😭. His family too were heartbroken 💔💔. Balwant was crying n crying. Jay n arrohi were consoling them n being their supporter. They were also heartbroken. Bt veer was the most impacted one. He neither talk with anyone nor have his food
Bani was handling all the situation.
She try to handle everyone bt wasn't able to handle veer
Ba- bani beta veer haven't had anything for 2days please u go n give him something to eat he won't say no to u 🥺🥺
B- yes uncle. Bt first u have food
Ba- no I don't want to
B- uncle if riddhu knew that u r not having food then won't she scold u please have 🤧🤧
Then bani forced him n so he have his food
Vansh was seating near riddhu crying
B- vansh I have brought food for u🥺
Va- no I don't wanna have bani😭
B- vansh riddhu won't be happy to see u like this.🥺
Va- then u tell me what will I do that my riddhu comes back n open her eyes(shouting)🤧🤧
B- I know u r very sad bt we have to be strong for riddhu. He will give her best treatment to get so that she will come out of coma🤧🤧
Vansh didn't wanna have bt bani force him
Bani was heartbroken too bt she knew that she has to be strong for her family. For her love.
Then bank went to veer room bt veer was not there. Then she call him bt he didn't answer bani was now very tens 🥺🥺
She thought he might be in the terrace so she went to see him
She saw him standing there
B- veer!!!!! I have brought food for u please have
Back then keep the food n back hug him
B- I know it's very hard time bt he need to remain strong 🥺🥺🤧🤧
Veer push her. Bani was shock
Veer turn back n threw the food
V-(angrily) wat do u think that my sister in in the bed n I m gonna have food 😡😡
B- no veer I didn't mean that(with tears 🥺🥺)
V- it's all becoz of u 🤨😡
Bani was shock
V- I told u not to meet Yuvi by u didn't obey me I told u not to go out bt u didn't listen to me 🥺😡😡
B-veer actually!!!🤧🤧🤧
V- just shut up I told u so many time that something is bad with Yuvi by u always scold me. I told u not to go out then y did u went y if u won't have gone then today riddhu had been with us.
B- veer i m sorry 🥺🥺 I should have listened to u 😔😔😭😭
V-(shouting n angrily) would ur sorry bring back my sister 😡😡
Everyone hear his shout n so they all came to the terrace
J- wat happen veer???
Ba- y r j shouting at bani??
V- becoz of her riddhu is in this condition. Veer took the bullet which was for u (pointing at bani) becoz of u she is in bed😡😡
Bani was broken 🥺🥺
Va- veer it's not true,she didn't did anything.
A- veer it was an accident
Veer held bani hand too tightly hurting her n drag her to balwant🥺😡
V- he (pointing at balwant) he always consider u as his own daughter n u wat did u do u hurt her daughter. N still he is not blaming u 🥺😭😡
Then he drag her to vansh
V- he (pointing at vansh) he consider as his sister he always supported u bt u u took his love away. They were so happy to start a new life bt becoz of u (pointing at her) he don't even know when will riddhu wake up. Still he is not blaming u 🥺😭😡
Then he drag her to Jay
V- he (pointing at Jay) he was ur first friend he was always there supporting u bt u wat did u do ha. Still he is defending u 😭🥺😡
Then he darg her to arrohi
V- n she (pointing at arrohi) she hated u bt only for me she ask u forgiveness n became friends with her n u . She is still defending n telling it as an accident 🤧🤧😡
V- n u u hurt everyone y ???(shouting) y??? 😡😡
Balwant n all came to him n told
All- veer leave her hand it's hurting her
V- no she deserve it
Then veer drag her n went to his room. All were following him bt he lock the room. 😡😡
He then left her hands n took out the gift

V- this I brought to give riddhu n vansh on their anniversary that is 2maro bt now wat would I say n give it to vansh .
Bani was heartbroken 💔💔😢😢
V- u promise me that u won't meet him then y ???🥺🥺🤧🤧
Veer broke down n cry 😭😭😭
Bani couldn't see him crying n came near him bt he push her
V- no need to come 😭😭. U have broken me,my family n my friends.
B- veer I m sorry🤧🥺🥺😭😭
V-(shouting 😡😡) I don't need ur sorry
Now balwant n all were scared that veer might hurt bani
Ba- see relax please come 🥺
Va- veer it's not bani fault please leave🥺
J- see veer we know u t hurt by please don't harm bani🥺
A- ya veer please don't harm bani 🥺
Then continuously keep on knocking by he didn't open
V- see they r still defending u by wat u did.🤧🤧
Then veer
V- go away from here. Go away from my home , my family's life from my life just go (shouting 😡😡 😭😭)
Bani was hurt broken
Pass aaya, dooriyan phir bhi Kam na hui
Ek adhuri si hamari kahani rahi
Aasmaan ko zameem ye zaroori nahi jaan me jaan le
Ishq saccha wohi jisko milti nahi manzile manzile
B- no I won't go I won't leave u n go. I promise u that even though u told to me to leave I won't go n I m not going (shouting 🥺🥺😭😭)
V- then y didn't u keep ur promise y didn't u stay at home or meet u y??(with tears) 😭😭.
Now bani has no answer she is just quiet
Then veer hold her hand open the door n drag her everybody try to stop veer bt he didn't listen to anyone
Raan the ,Noor tha jab kareeb tu tha
Ek jannat sa tha yeh jahaan
Waqt ki ret the or kuch
mere naam sa
Likh ke chhod Gaya tu kahaan
Hamari adhuri kahani
Hamari adhuri kahani (2x)
Veer drag her outside the door
V- just leave my house just go
Ba- wat r u doing this veer??? Stop all this
Va- veer is not Right
V- k I won't throw her out I will go out. Either she would stay or I will leave(angrily) 😡😡
Then all keep quiet
V-just leave(shouting 😡😡)
B- no I won't I have not done anything wrong I won't go out I won't leave my family (angrily n shouting 😡😡) I won't leave u (crying 😭😭)
V- (calmly) u love me right
B- yes I love u more than anything
V- than wat can u do for me
B- I can give u my life also
V- I don't want ur life. If u truely love me then leave me forever. Mere Khushi me Liya mujhe chordo with any any questions 🥺🤧😡
Then bani stood their statue. She keep on staring veer
Raan the Noor tha jab kareeb tu tha
Ek jannat sa tha yeh jahaan
Waqt ki ret the kuch mere naam sa
Likh ke chhod Gaya tu kahaan
Hamari adhuri kahani
Hamari adhuri kahani (2x)
Then bani
B- veer I m really sorry that I hurt u 🤧🤧. N if u be Happy if I go I will go
Veer didn't even look at her. Bani went in heartbroken n tears 🥺🥺🥺😭
Veer went to his room. Balwant n all try to stop bani bt she didn't she went
Veer in his room
He threw everything on the floor broke everything . He then pick his photo with bani

Veer saw the picture he had tears in his eyes 🥺🥺
V- y didn't u listen to me y (crying)
'i hate u '. (This is how y story got it title)
Veer was gonna break the photo bt he couldn't becoz deep down he knew that he can never stop loving her
He cry 😭😭😭
On the other hand bani was heartbroken 💔😢
Bani looking at the photo

B- veer y did u r u sending me away fro ur life I know u don't hate me u r just upset with me 💔💔🥺🥺🤧🤧
After 3days bani came to Singhania mansion
All were happy n wanted to talk with her bt she went directly in veer's room
The door was open the room was dark . She looked around everything was broken
Bani saw veer standing she saw his back
Veer didn't turn back
Bani enter n stood in front of this back
B- I know u r hurt n u angry. I know u want me to go bt veer please stop me i won't be able to stay without u n I Know u too won't be 🥺🥺😭😭
Saying this she kneel down n hold his hands
B-(crying) veer I love u I can't stay away from u
Bt veer didn't say anything so he stood up n was leaving when
V- bani!!!!
Bani turn back
Veer moves towards her
V-(hold her face) u love me right??
B- yes
V-(near her ears)then never show me ur face
Telling this he push her
Bani was in tears he didn't knew how to react .🥺🥺
B-veer if mere pyaar ki hayi kimat haan toa mein ayi Karun gi.
Telling this she leave the room crying 😭😭
(Judaai-badlapur )
(Kho gaya gum ho gaya waqt se churaya tha Jo apna banaya tha
Ho tera woh mere saath nibhaya tha Jo apna banaya tha
Chadariya jhini re jhini
Chadariya jhini re jhini
Ankhe bhini re bhini
Yaade jhini re jhini)
eer had tears in his eyes he hit his hand on the mirror blood came out bt he was so hurt internally that he didn't feel his external pain 🥺🥺😭😭
Chadariya jhini re jhini
Chadariya jhini re jhini
Ankhe bhini re bhini
Yaade jhini re jhini
Bani reach the hall everyone were waiting for her.
A- bani don't go we will talk with veer🥺
Ba- ya bani beta this house really needs u 🥺
B- uncle I m really sorry bt the person who connected me to this home has broke his relationship with me 🥺
Va- that's means u were with us only for veer🥺
B- no never u guys r my family I love u guys🥺
Va- then y r u going??🥺
B- veer don't wanna see my face he hated me I can handle his absence bt I won't be able to handle his hate 🥺
J- bt bani 🥺
B- please now if u guys stop me i won't be able to go so please let me 🥺
Bani was hugging each other 😭
That time vansh went veer's room
Va- veer!! She is going😔
Veer was silent
Va- I know u don't y her to go then y r u doing this. U will regret ur decision please stop her 😔
Bt veer didn't respond so vansh went down n meet bani
Now bani was seating in the car. She saw veer shadow standing near the window
Bani say bye n the car start
Bani kept on looking veer
(Saathi- Kapoor n son's)
(Saathi re Thora thehar ja
Abhi raaste much badal se jaayenge
O saathi re Thora thehar ja
Yeh paanv bhi an sambhal se
Phir wohi barsat hogi aur ishq saare dul jaayenge
Roshni din raat hogi aur Sab
Jharokhe khul see jaayenge
Yaara tu hi toh bandagi hai
Yaara tu hi dua
Yaara kaise yeh beruki hai
Kyu zuda tu hua
Kehna tha aur Kya Kya mujhe
Nind kyu aa gayi phir tujhe)
Veer kept on looking bani
The end
I know it's very emotional 😔😔 so I didn't wanna extend so I wrote it in one chapter
Please don't hate this chapter 🙏🙏😅😅
Now veer n bani r separate, would they meet in future???
What will destiny do to bring them back???
(Please don't hate veer he is just emotional for his sister is in coma. So he blame everything on bani becoz she promised him that she will not meet Yuvi + she will not go out bt she broke her promise. N also Yuvi was gonna kill bani-bt riddhu tool the bullet so he put all the blame on bani becoz bani misunderstood Yuvi as a nice person n becoz of all the riddhu got the punishment)
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