
" Well I didn't imagine my prom to turn out, the way it did. Female fight-club at the least." I could joke all I wanted, about the fact I had the one night of my life which was supposed to be a rememberable time for me and it was ruined because of a hateful shrew. " I'm sorry, Aidan."

" Are you kiddin'? Mom the way you punched her lights out. She had it comin' that's for sure. Don't say sorry! You stuck up for yourself." He, eyes filled with astonishment and amazement, commends my actions. " Rory boasts to people of how much of a bad ass you are, Mom. She's so right."

She does? I don't think of myself as an advent saint, whose answer to confrontation is using my hands. I had my principles in place.

I kicked the sand granules off the beach, Beams of moon light deflecting from waves of water. I wanted to have an evening of relaxation, which was much more preferable to spending my prom hours being persecuted for self-defence. Venice boulevard and broad walk is the perfect solution. Aidan had his neck-tie unfastened, coiling the wrist flaps of his suit.

I could feel a seasonal change, from the winds breeze, which meant fall is fast coming.

" it's a quiet night. I'm shocked there aren't clouds in the sky. Grandpa probably did that. I guarantee he saw you needed a pretty sight, for the sake of your own sanity. Dealing with.. her of all people." Aidan admired the cloud-less, clear twilight skies. Each star constellation was visible to the naked eye. 'Gods creations are so magnificent.' I craned my neck to watch Aidan.

'He's who I dreamt of having in a son. He.. He is real. My son.' I reached forward tucking a bit of hair, from his face, pushing it out of the way.

" Does.. does your grandfather speak to you?"

I didn't exactly know or understand how god of all people worked. He's the ruler of the entire universe and creator of all mankind. How is it he is the grandfather to my kids? It Amazes me to an extent. Aidan, immersed in the beauty of the night-sky, responded. Not once peeling his eyes away.

" he's.. present. You can.. say. He's god, billions of people place their reliance and faith in him, so it's kinda complicated. As our grandfather? He has made visits in our lives."

I smiled to the fact God is a prevalent figure, and role-model, for my kids. 'If you can hear me, Big man. Thank you for being there.'

I had a warmth spread in my chest, like I was being embraced. It felt... powerful. In adoration, of the feeling, I laid eyes upon my arms noticing a peculiar sight of a rather odd shining light. My face faded into a bright smile.

" What's is this.. Aidan? You seeing what I am?"

He outright gawked; disbelieving. " M..Mom. Your eyes. They're silver. Like.. like the moon."

I am confused. 'Why would my eyes be a different colour?' I shuffled my bare feet, as I felt each of my toes curling at the grainy sand, towards the ocean which washes ashore. I gaze down, into where there is a slight crystal clear reflection, created by the moon-rays.

'He's.. no joking. How are they glowing? Woah. Pretty.'

I recognised who I am but those eyes are not the eyes I knew. Instead they're lunar white. Grey. Near almost to the colour of steel.

" Why.. why is this happening? Aidan? Is there a detail.. of my future I need to know? I'm human. This is.. this isn't exactly normal for me to experience."

Aidans face drained of blood, it was a little to an extent he thought I wouldn't see, and in a split of a few seconds changes his voices tone. I am left to wonder if he knew something bad.

" I don't know M..Mom." He shook his head. I didn't believe him, he's hiding the truth and we made promises to not keep secrets. " I think it is best if I get you back home. Gran won't be happy, if I don't keep to the promise I made, to bring you on time. I meant to say."

I hummed. 'I'll get the truth out of him. I will.'


Preparations were being made for graduation.ย  The last step to being a high-school graduate, I wrote a short but personal speech for it. As the chosen valedictorian, graciously anointed by a few selective teachers, it was my obligation to say a few fare-well words as we enter the real-world. That awaited to welcome us.

Erasing an entire scribbled out sentence, I muttered 'Crap' in frustration. I wanted this to be on point. No mistakes made. A message notification blared.

'Unknown number. Who could this be..' both eyebrows shot up, face dropping reading who the text is from. ' Hey, Kiddo. It's the decrepit old man, you call your father, Malcolm. I got Mel to give me your number. How are you?'

I am disturbed to say the least. 'Why would..'

My head shakes, palms clamming out of feeling a gesticulation of anxiety rising. 'I feel sick.' My fingers begin to auto-type.

' Writing a speech, For graduation. That's all.'

I back space each letter, making the typing bubbles pop up. I do a sigh and add on more to the text message.

' I'm valedictorian of my grade. Just nervous I will mess this up.'

I press 'Send' and it reveals Malcolm had read it straight off. ' He must be waiting on me.'

He began typing back.

The blue space showed a small paragraph. I briefed my eyes over them.

' Oh I see. Will I be lucky enough to hear you speak, at your graduation? You know. Scratch that. I definitely will be there to cheer you on. I don't wanna miss this chance, seeing you walk that stage and get your diploma. I'll be the most proudest dad in the crowd. You're my Girl after all.'

My stomach churned reading how he articulate his wording for 'Girl.' He made the decision for himself and didn't consult me.

' You don't need to, Mal- dad.'

Calling him 'Dad' felt foreign.

' I know you are in recovery still.'

I didn't wanna hurt his feelings but I needed to create and set boundaries. For my own sake.

' Nonsense, Kid. I'd be the asshole father of the year, if I didn't show up to my daughter's very important day. I'll be seeing really.. soon. So, I will leave you alone now. Love you, My girl.'

He finished the message off inserting a two dot typographical smile. 'He is saying I love you, to me, so casually. I don't know how to respond.'

I did the simplest of things and returned the smile. ' Now back onto my speech. It needs to be finished soon. Otherwise I won't have time.'


I was on my last day of interning for the LAPD. I would be officially making a transitional, and permanent, change to be an officer-in-training after today. Moving forward with my career of choosing. Doctor Linda sat organising case-file after case file assisting Lucifer, and I.

" Uh. No no."

She whacked his hand. His failed attempt, to sneak a peak into the suspects files, made an immediate unattractive snort escape. which I'd covered by coughing. He narrowed his eyes.

" I heard that, Darling. As for you, Doctor. Oh, come on! I and Betty won't tell if you won't."

Linda's firmed words rang in the room as she admonishes Lucifer, acting immature.

" I swore an oath.. to a judge, Lucifer. You, minus Ellie considering she is on offical duty for this, only get to read the files I deem necessary for the investigation."

She straightens her glasses and says.

" Now, stop it. Remember what we spoke about. You need to let Ellie take the lead, on important issues, with cases like these."

She Accentuates, how it is she spoke, pointing her ball-tip pen to me. He strained his neck and he quite literally coughs Loud.

" aren't you meant to keep that strictly confidential, Linda. Not that I'm ashamed of what we talk 'bout. It is just... there are some things I don't.."

My eye brows crept up to my forehead. 'He's acting as if he is keeping a secret. Can't be bad. He's the devil, I already know. Anyway.'

Ignoring him, I answered the incoming phone call and see the name 'Malcolm' flash. " I just need.. need to take this call.." I said to Lucifer โ€” well myself. Moving past his legs, my body shivers feeling him take my hand. His gaze is calculated. " Your heart is racing fast." He said, perturbation in his tone.

" I'm fine. Lucifer."

I replied, electrical sparks flying. 'He didn't need to know I'm talking to my birth father.' He let go. Allowing me to walk out in the main hall.

I put the phone up, finally, to my ear. " I would have thought you'd let the phone ring out, on me there, Kiddo." He laughed into the speaker. It's a weird moment, where I'm imagining how he might have sounded more gruff and evil. He surprises me each second.

" Wha.. what is the reason for the call? Mal.. dad. I'm at work."

He paused, his talking, and I thought he had hung up on me. 'He heard my mess up. Crap. I knew he would. What do I say..'

Malcolm cracks up. 'That's a little unnerving.'

" I knew it! I knew you'd be like me! Following in a field of work your old man is doing. Don't act all shy, now. I know everything. How you are on your last day of interning. Mel told me, and your great old uncle Dan told her. That is why I wanna have some good old cup of Joe. I would like to get to know my girl. Catch up on the lost years." He told me, traffic sounds and a car horn from the highway in the foreground. I tried pinpointing his location. " I'm outside."

'Wait. He's here? For me?' My heart dropped. I couldn't leave and he should know.

" C'mon. It wont hurt to miss a few hours. Besides you'll have your aunt Chloe, who just arrived, to aid and I know that she'll get the job done."

I am going to assume Mom is here, considering how coincidental it was Doctor Martin was made an offical assisting therapist for the investigation.

' If I am going to have coffee, I don't won't do it alone. I'll bring Aidan.' I thought. 'I'll call him.' He'll be there as moral support and there will be people in close quarters at all times. It's the public space I needed.

" 'Right. Alright. We are just having one coffee, Dad. Nothing else." I insisted. " cause after this case it's graduation."

" You' the boss, Kiddo."

' Now. It's time for me to call Aidan. Tell him to meet me here, before we leave.'


I thrum my fingers on the take-away coffee cup I ordered. Malcolm, counting his change for a bagel he paid for using spare cash he had, said.

" Didn't think you'd bring company along. I'd think we'd have one on one time. Who're you? What's your name? Boy. You dating my girl? I want to know if you are right for her."

Aidan's eyes bulged from his eye sockets. I spat the coffee, in my mouth, and it projectiles. Both of us grossed out.

" No! We are Not dating. Ew.. I wouldn't dare date him. No way! We.. We are friends." That's melodramatic of me I know. But, I wanted Malcolm to know and hear me. He cackled.

" I digress. Woah! Ok easy there, Cow girl. Don't be chewing me off. I was just playing a little joke. Slow your role."

I'm beginning to regret agreeing to this deal. Of course I couldn't say no. 'Another reason I am in therapy. My people pleasing tendencies are ruthless, much as they are tiring for me. I hate it. I hate it so badly.' Aidan, keeping me in close contact, put his arm in a protective move.

" How is it.. that you Miraculously manage to survive? Malcolm, Sir. You died. Didn't you? I heard, from Ellie, you flat-lined in bed." Aidan, distrustful, prosecutes him and shifted his eyes to glare indirectly.

Malcolm, intimidated, hung back meeting my son's gaze. 'Oh no.' I sighed.

" Are you sure you wanna dance do this dance? I've been to Hell, and back, boy. You wouldn't know half the shit I got dealt with. Don't worry Ellie, sweetheart. I won't hurt your boy."

Dad, backing off when I intervene situating my arm to rest on Aidans hip, having an instinctual and maternal riposte. Malcolm, eyes crazed, is the first to throw up his hand.

" I am joking."

I was less than amused. I'm quite the opposite.

'I thinks it time for Aidan, and I, to take our leave. I can see from how he is reacting, Aid is too.'


This chapter is technically part two of the last.

I wanted to add in Malcolm having those times and sporadic behaviour he shows, in episodes. I was always unnerved by how he acted, when watching the show for the first time and still it does.

That is why I am writing his Spiral in the book chapters. How did you like Ellie being as a protective mother? Malcolm is off putting I'll tell you this now. It's gonna be worser for her.

His actions, how talks. It's making my stomach Churn. And I'm the one writing these scenes. I try not to get triggered as I've had experience, I dealt with my own father using that pet name.

On to the next question. What are thinking when you read how her eyes turned silver? Aid being in shock? He knows something. That's a hint to what to expect from the ideas I have.

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