★9 stay away from jeon

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Layla's pov.

He demanded with a thrilling voice to open the door.

What happened to him.?

I felt a little uneasiness in his voice. Since he came back from the room. That call definitely changed him. Was he actually like that.

I was walking through the door as it was all silence but only my footsteps could be heard. I'm feeling a little weird.

I held a deep breath and opened the door I was excited . As I opened it I saw six men. Who were the most charming and suppressed an exciting and cheerful aura unlike Taehyung.

Just in front of me was standing a black haired guy. Who resembled a bunny he was strong built and looked alot more charming and younger. It feels good seeing him. I could stare at his innocent face as he was widely smiling and held a cubic box.

In the right side of him stands a man smaller than him. Smaller than every one. He had sparkling blonde hair and plumpy lips. As he was smiling I could not see his eyes. He held a little rectangular shaped box covered with a cloth.

In the left side of the bunny looking man. There stood a strong built person. As he was not smiling. He was buffest of all of them. It looks like he could shave my eyebrows if I didn't do my homework. He held a bouquet of flowers.

Behind him was, standing a beautiful looking man with a sunshine smile. It could make my whole day better. He was laughing of a joke that the other man made.

The other man looked handsome. I can just describe him as the most handsome he was tall and held an older aura. Looking mature than all of them. He held a little smile on his face. Holding something to eat I guess.

Beside him in a corner stood a man with all black appearance. I can name him as the most calm and mature man. From his face it looks like he could roast me in two minutes he just stood there staring at the sky like a cat.

"When are you gonna call us in miss"

The doe eyed bunny looking man spoke raising his eye brow

With a strong shock I just came
Back into reality as I was so lost in guessing there appearance.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry please come in." I said as i moved aside for all of them to enter.

I'm not an introverted person. I never feel nervous or anything. In fact I just love human contact.

I love making new friends but with cautiousness. This same extroverted self of mine caused me thunderes and a lot of trauma. Now on. Ive never really got my self to trust anyone. But make friends

Taehyung came out of kitchen
Greeting everyone with a dominating aura and deep emotions in his eyes but his face held a dear smile. He is an expert. He has full control on his emotions and actions. I was the only one. Understanding his fake cheerfulness. But the love he held for his members was real. Even though with a drastic change in him. His eyes held a emotion of love towards them.

He hugged everyone except that bunny looking guy. The attractive man just stood far away from him smiling with a mixed expression of pain and love in his eyes. He just stood their watching every member meeting him. He held a box. And I was staring at him.

He noticed me and smiled at me beautifully. I was sitting on the sofa so he came towards me holding that box.

He sat beside me maintaining a normal distance.

"You must be wondering what's in the box".

He said and his melodic sweet voice rang in my ears just as if I had eaten a spoonful of honey He said lifting the box towards me.

"Well not I was just wondering that how can a human resemble a bunny"

I passed a comment with sarcasm and he understood making a little laugh.

"That's what makes me special"

He said as we both laughed.

"Well we just got to know that Kim has a roommate so we decided to give you gifts because it's not possible to live in his haunting aura happily."

He said gave that box to me.

I just replied with a "oh".

"Well I have not idea he was very cheerful and behaving normal the past days. I just got to witness his dark side right now"

I said with a strain of confusion.

He was not surprised as if he. Knew everything about him.

"Well leave that I'm jeon jungkook would you like to be a friend of mine."

He said and stretched his hand out to me. I also feel that he can be a nice friend.

"I'm layla Smith and I'll love to be your friend" I replied and shook my hand with him.

We both laughed. And I heard someone speak.

"Looks like you guys are already friends"

I moved my head to see the man with a small height.

"Looks like we found someone smaller than you jimin hyung"

Jungkook replied laughing as every member laughed on the joke that jungkook made.

"Jungkook I'll see you later" As the short man replied with his little hands pointing in the air.

"Your roommate is more attractive than you taehyung"

Jimin said staring at taehyung who just stood silently.

Everybody settled down on the floor making a circle including me. Taehyung unknowingly sat beside me.

Every body started introducing themselves.

"You already know me. You can call me kook or jungkook" he introduced himself first.

"Well hey hey hey I'm park jimin and the nicest of all" He said and the other members hit him playfully.

"Hello miss and I'm jung hoseok and I'm the sunlight provider of the group" He smiled widely as his little dimples showed out.

"You mean like a sunshine" I said smiling at him and he nodded while his hair moved alot.

"Well I'm kim namjoon. The group's leader and nice to meet you"

The buffy man said smiling as his smile made the room warm. Even with a hot aura he looks the most innocent.

"Nice to meet you too"

"Hey it's kim seokjin and I'm world wide handsome"

The man's thats only description was handsome spoke in a chaotic voice making every one laugh.

"Hello miss and Im yoongi and you can call me suga"

The man reflecting a serious aura spoke in a malicious voice. He isn't that serious because I saw him laughing when a member made a joke.

"Well nice to meet you all and my name is layla Smith" I greeted every one.

After that everyone gave me little gifts as I kept them aside. We all were talking and played alot of games.

Taehyung was mostly silent throughout the games as he went in the kitchen and brought the dishes he made. As I was just starting to stand to get popcorn he already placed those in front of the members.

Taehyung excused himself as he got a call. Diverting my thoughts from him. I focused to play with members. I got to to know their short names. And we all teamed up to play cards.

I teamed up with jungkook and got to know that he does not know how to play cards.

"Yahh jungkook we lost for the fourth time this is not right"

I cried with ultimate defeat.

And in the process I got to know that jungkook was trying to make namjoon win instead of winning himself. He definitely is a clever man.

"Layla I can't betray namjoon hyung he's my inspiration"

He said with innocent doe eyes.

"Than u should team up with him idiot"

I said being frustrated.

"Everyone let's change teams"

As I said eyeing jungkook and he looked away.

"Namjoon already knows how to play that why he's alone if jungkook teamed up with him you'll be left alone"

Yoongi spoke as he settled down the cards in his hands.

"That's right I see you do have a brain"

I said and nodded lightly . And others laughed.

"Whatt of course I do more than you" As he spoke roasting me up.

"So who would team up with her"

Jhope spoke asking everyone as someone spoke.

"I'll play with her"

Someone from behind said in a deep flickering voice I felt someone standing behing me as my heart started racing. The deep as ocean voice flickered in my ears immediately realising that it's him.

Everyone directed their way towards taehyung.

"Taehyung are you sure that you'll play"

Jimin asked him wobbling his eyebrows.

Why is he asking him this?.

"Is there a problem" Taehyung asked and he sat beside me stealing a little glance as he moved his eyes to jimin.

"Taehyung you never play cards did you for-" Jin was about to say something.

But jimin Interrupted him by coughing hard. while everyone spoke to each other in silence.

I couldn't understand what was happening until yoongi broke the silence.

"Let's start then" He proceeds to distribute cards.

I looked at taehyung's face. his little bangs which were fallling on his head were now set up in a hairstyle showing his forehead. He looked extra hot.

As I was staring at him he noticed and took a glance until he realized that I was looking at him I quickly shifted my gaze away.

Suddenly jin stood up and changed his seat which caused taehyung to move jin sat beside taehyun so He moved closer to me as his well built arm brushed against my shoulder. Making a weird feeling endrossing in me. my stomach did flips.

Taehyung was really close to me.
We picked up our cards and started to play. I held the cards as he decided to throw them. The game gets intense.the competition began between jungkook jhope and taehyung.

Taehyung and jungkook were playing as their eyes spoke rage for each other.

"This one throw this" Taehyung said while I slided the card.

It was a moment of hurry and i got out the wrong card he quickly directed both of his hand. His left hand held my hand to stop the card from anyone seeing it. His other hand held my hand supportively as he came more closer to select the card his ruffly hairs flickered on my face.

He did not notice that he was holding the cards and my hand between it. My heart started to race and my cheeks felt heating up. As I felt burning sensation in my ear they went red. My hearbeats started to go faster as his breath was audible to me. His deep voice was ringing near my eyes and his long fingers supported my hand. He held it more tightly in the rush to win. The game went on for 5 minutes and he won.


He smiled widely and I felt a peirce though my heart as he mentioned you and I.

We both celebrated the win. After playing some other games the members started to talk.

Jungkook and jimin started to play video games on their mobile. Yoongi was listening to songs. Namjoon and hoseok were talking about something important. Jin was eating some food and taehyung well he was just sitting on the sofa staring at the wall.

I roamed around in the house while jimin called me to join them. I willingly joined and it was the best decision.

we played a sort of battle. And it was really really fun. We made the most laughablee jokes and laughed like whaks. I won some of the time but jungkook mostly stood in the first place and jimin found ways to accuse him of cheating as he only won once. In the process we exchanged numbers and became good friends they were the best. After some more games when jungkook lost three time and jimin won celebrating every win while dancing on a weird song.

Our laughs. Could be heard everywhere . hobi and Jin also joined us. It became more fun when all of us teamed up to win against jungkook but being alone he still won from all of us as we danced on a struggle song struggling to win against the doe eyed bunny. The night went off and everyone felt sleepy. Namjoon and yoongi had already left as they got some important work. All the other members stood up to leave..

"I enjoyed alot you're the coolest layla"

Jungkook spoke as he showed a little smile showing his teeth making him look like a bunny.

"Of course you doe eyed bunny who won 15 times in a row would enjoy"

I said while I eyed him and he went on laughing saying he's the best and every members slapped his forehead.

After some minutes they took their leave and the house felt silent I could still hear their voices echoing. I closed the door. And looked back to see taehyung standing away with his hands in his pockets. His eyes piercing into mine as his orbs went cold.

The air felt less and trapped as he started to walk. his boots echoed in the corrider.

His hair were now messy and covering his forehead. His eyes looked tired and gloomy. They reflected boring and a mixture of hate and nothingness.

Soon his eyes went sharp and his face turned dark as he proceeded to walk towards me.

"So you enjoyed huh" He spoke while coming closer to me.

I backed off my steps.

"You and jeon became the nicest friends huh" He said in a deep thick voice as he came more and more closer.

My breath hitched as I felt goosebumps over my whole body.

My back hit the door and he just stood staring into my eyes. Reflecting lots of emotions.

His devouring voice was echoing through the confined walls. He said alot without saying anything.

"Stay away from jeon or you'll regret it very badly"

He was really close. I could hear his slow heartbeats and Heavy breath. He bit his bottom lip waiting for a reply.

What does he even want. My heartbeat raced as he placed his one hand on the door blocking my way. My breathing grew faster and my stomach was having a flood of flips. His sharp as a needle eyes went more dark. I felt weak under his lavish stare as he stared at me from top to bottom. Is he checking me out.? I can't resist his timid stares.

"And why is that" I spoke feeling a little nervous.

"Just don't or else you'll regret it"

He said as his lips moved. He Licked his lips sensually making me feel something. His redish lips which were shining and looked hot. No wonder he's the most handsome of all of them. His perfect features and a beautiful face while his eyes spoke a whole different story.

"Until you tell me the exact reason that why I should stay away from him".

I said being a little confused. Why is he ordering me to not to talk to jungkook he's a nice person. Why does they both call each other kim and jeon and not normally. There is something going on between them.

"Just fucking stay away or I'll make you"

He Said. intensifying his gaze and moved away from me. He walked upstairs and I could hear his door shut.

I let out a long breath that I did not realise I was holding.

"Why does he wants me to
Stay away from him" I murmured to myself.

I felt sleepy and decided to leave the topic. Drinking a glass of water I made my way to upstairs and I hit a chair placed in between.

I hit myself with the chair very badly. Oh my god. The chair fell and made a crazy noise.

"Oh my god it hurts so much"

I welped and sat on the floor rubbing the spot where it hit.

I felt someone walking down the stairs and coming towards me.

"What happened" Taehyung asked as he kneeled down to my level.

"How can a person be so clumsy to get a bruise everyday, fucking take care of your self layla"

He said as he stood up and got a first aid kit. Spraying something weird and with a strong smell on my leg he told me to stand up.

"Try to stand" He, said as he placed the kit aside.

I took the support of my hand tried to stand but miserably failed as I fell to the ground.

"Ahh " I winced in pain. What. Did I got myself into.

"Oh my god why can't you take care of your self"

He, said in disbelief as his eyes spoke a underlying worry sheilded with a cold gaze.

He Held my hand and Made me stand up.

"I'm sorry for bothering you"

I said and tried to walk with his support but it wasn't helping.

"You shouldn't be sorry. I apologize for being rude"

He said and in a swift moment I felt myself being picked up by him. He carried me in a bridal style and I interlocked my hand onto his neck.

And Again for the seventh time In this day. MY HEART STARTED TO EXPLODE.

I could hear my fast heartbeat and my stomach doing flips. My whole face was red and i felt the atmosphere heat up. I could hear his little breaths. He was breathtakingly the hottest man alive. His eyes were on the front and mine on him.

"It was not necessary to pick me.. I mean.. Uh like this.". I spoke slowly with a hint of nervous ness.

" I I just I had no other way you are a clumsy idiot I don't believe you what if you again fall on your way to stairs and die and the world will blame me for killing you"

My eyes widened at his statement. Overthinker spotted.

"I'm not gonna die like that overthinker" I sighed.

He chuckled and opened the door and place me back on my feet.

"Thanks I'll repay your favour and you have a lot of favours pending too"

I said and remembered that he had to make me a meal and take me on a drive.

"We'll see now shut up and sleep and don't die. I don't want any blame of killing an Australian women"

He said and closed the door. And went to his room.

Me heart beats became normal and I made my way to the bed to sleep.

Kindly read pls.
Some important information

Well I know no one asked but here the age of taehyung is 27 and layla is 25

.well I really don't like small ages and big age gaps. They both are matured enough to not do weird shit. And I know the spice between tae and kook well it is fictional and not in real life they are good friends so don't make assumptions they only hate each other in the story and not in real life..

And the traingles at the the start represent the no. Of chapter like it's the 9th chapter so nine triangles. Just did it for fun. If u have any doubts kindly comment and I'll love to respond.

Vote motherfuckers.


👽👽 bbye.

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