Chapter 20
While Harry was at the Weasley's, Draco let himself into Grimmauld Place. He had work to do for Harry's other Christmas gift. First and foremost, he set up a small tree in the corner of the living room, because how could Harry not even have a small tree at Christmas time? The smaller gifts Draco had never had time to give Harry were piled under the tree, and Draco set off to work.
The vinyl Harry had made for him was brought with Draco, and he was singing and dancing along to Harry's voice. Draco made himself lunch, swinging his feet while sitting on the counter while he ate, taking secret pleasure in the action because he knew it bothered Harry.
Aside from Draco's secret project, he didn't want to do too much on the house without Harry in it. It was something they were doing together, and Draco loved every minute of it. The furniture Draco's mother had decided to take was all placed in a pile, neatly shrunk, and Draco cringed.
"Oh Harry my darling, we need to have a serious conversation upon your return."
They were going to move the furniture together, but it was dangerous to leave furniture shrunken down for so long as it could lose some of its initial properties. With a dramatic sigh, the floo flared to life and Draco began transporting the furniture. After the last piece was moved, Draco dropped onto the couch with a heavy sigh.
He would need Harry to help him restore the pieces back to their initial state, and he gnawed at his lip, wondering how long they had been shrunk. Draco needn't have worried for too long, as soon enough Harry himself appeared.
"Is everything alright?," Harry asked worriedly, looking over Draco as if to make sure he was still in one piece.
"Of course it is, why wouldn't it be?"
"I just felt a lot of pull and push within the wards."
"Actually no, everything's not alright because of what you did to the poor furniture! Come with me at once to unshrink it. Honestly Potter, you could be messing up its magical qualities and integrity! You have to be careful leaving things in an altered state for too long, darling," Draco finished gently, stepping through the floo once more.
"Oh, I'm sorry. But I don't think that's what I felt? It felt more like... I don't even know how to explain it."
"Explain it to me after we unshrink this furniture."
They accomplished things quickly in tandem, and for that Harry was grateful, as he had kind of rushed out of the Weasley's.
"It wasn't a bad feeling," Harry began once they returned to Grimmauld. "It was... a disturbance. Like I could tell that something was happening with the house you know? Not negative... but something."
"I think I know what you mean. That was part of your present," Draco replied, resting his hand on top of Harry's. "Let me show you."
"Why are we going here?" Harry asked in confusion.
"I wanted to fix this for you, and hopefully undo some of my family's past wrongs."
Harry gasped softly when he saw what Draco had done. Dropping to his knees, he ran his fingers over the tapestry, almost reverently over the photo of Sirius that was no longer scorched.
"I didn't know you could..."
"It took a lot honestly. I'm blood related, so I'm sure this is what you were feeling."
Harry pulled Draco into a soft kiss, trying to convey his feelings for the other man in his actions. He caressed Draco's face lovingly, and Draco gasped softly in Harry's mouth.
"My beautiful Draco, inside and out."
"All yours," Draco promised.
"How am I supposed to leave you now after this?"
"You're going to spend some time with your family now that you know everything is alright, and then you're going to come back home to me."
"I'll come back to the Manor after dinner. I can't wait for New Year's Pumpkin."
"Neither can I darling. Go, before they send a search party out for you."
"It's going to be the longest dinner of my life, knowing what's waiting for me."
Pulling back the collar of Harry's sweater, Draco pressed a soft kiss to the bite mark he had left the night before.
"Leave room for dessert," Draco teased, gasping in surprise as Harry pulled him in for a lingering, heated kiss before lightly nipping at his neck.
"Sometimes you need to have a bite of dessert first. I'll be back before you know it."
Once Christmas passed, Draco and Harry were truly inseparable. One was rarely seen without the other, and Harry felt whole in a way that he never thought he would. They alternated whose house they were staying at, but a lot of the focus was on fixing up Grimmauld in time for their party.
Lucius and Narcissa had declined the invitation to attend Harry's party, so Harry decided to invite them over the night before. He had been studying all of the courting books that he had been given. This was the official dinner with the parents of his love, and he needed to make sure it was perfect.
Draco wasn't worried in the slightest. He thought even if Harry lit his father on fire, he could still spin it in a positive manner. Disconcerting was one of the only ways Draco thought he could describe his father's behavior. Lucius was quite watchful of their interactions, and his stare always seemed calculating, as if he was waiting for something. What he was seemingly waiting for, Draco couldn't tell you.
If you were looking for Harry that day, the only place you could find him was the kitchen. His hair was messier than usual, his apron was a disaster, and Draco wanted to take him to bed. Even his teasing affection was dismissed, and Draco didn't like that. It took his third over dramatic sigh, while splayed out on the counter like a model, for Harry to finally give him attention. An annoyed remark was on its way out of his mouth, but was replaced with a soft "oh" when he laid his eyes on Draco.
"What was that Scarhead?"
"You're too beautiful for my own good," Harry replied with a sigh, removing the apron and giving in to the man on the counter.
"Get out of your head, get into something of mine instead," Draco invited with a cheeky grin.
"There is nothing I would love more, but Draco, you're so important to me. I need this to go well. I know this means a lot to you, and everything needs to be by the book."
"They already like you Harry, and I l- well, I care for you deeply," Draco replied with a pink face. "There is nothing anyone can say or do to keep me away from you. The Prophet can try its hardest again, but this time, I'm not going to run. Whatever they say, they don't know about us. Only what we think matters, okay?"
"Okay," Harry replied, exhaling and allowing Draco to kiss him, quickly turning into a snog. "My love, the stove is still on. Pick out my outfit, yeah? I know you love that."
"Whatever you need my darling. I'm satiated for now."
Draco did as told, getting himself ready for the visit from his parents. He wasn't necessarily nervous, he was still just trying to figure out what his father was getting at. Draco's happiness was definitely not of his father's top concern.
When Draco came back to the kitchen some time later, he was taken by the sight of cookbooks levitating in the air, and Harry lazily waving his hand to stir some pots on the stove.
"I'm no longer satiated," Draco announced, leaning against his counter.
"Come give me a kiss then," Harry hummed, stopping the wandless magic and opening his arms for Draco.
"Can I set the table for you?"
"Shall I origami fold the napkins then?," Draco asked, sarcasm seeping into his tone.
"Can you?"
"Merlin Potter, relax!"
"Maybe I just want to see a pretty swan that reminds me of my Draco's early attempts at flirting hmm?"
"I'll start work on my new and improved Potter Stinks badges in the new year," Draco promised, a giggle escaping his mouth at Harry's reaction.
"If this does somehow go poorly, I hope you know I'll fight for you."
"Harry my darling, this is just meeting my parents for dinner, which you've done already. You're not proposing, you're not entering another war, we are literally eating in ou-your dining room."
"Our dining room," Harry agreed, "but exactly, we're eating in the dining room!"
"My father is... being my father. I think if you tried to feed him in front of the telly he would suck it up and become fully immersed in muggle culture for you."
"Are you worried he's going to harm our relationship?"
"No, I don't see him trying to actively break us up. I see him throwing your name around in the future and trying to capitalize on it. That's what I'm worried about."
"Draco, your father quite literally tried to murder me himself, and sacrifice me to his leader. If I can still date you after that, I think we're okay Pumpkin."
"See? Then why are you worrying?," Draco asked smugly.
"Did you just use reverse psychology on me?"
"I don't know what that is but you sound offended, so yes."
"I'm going to change," Harry replied, exhaling heavily. "You just need to make sure nothing burns."
"If it does, I'll scream."
"Of all the men," Draco heard Harry mutter in fond exasperation.
"You lucked out with me!," Draco yelled in response.
"I wouldn't trade you for anyone else," Harry promised, kissing Draco on his way upstairs. "I really mean that."
"Go change my darling. I'll watch dinner."
Draco was pleased, to say the least. He did really like having Harry as his. Soon enough, they would be official. Draco couldn't wait to take him on dates and parade Harry around as his own.
With a dreamy sigh, he stirred whatever Harry had on the stove, mentally comparing different wines in his head to see what would accompany each course best. Yes, each course, because Harry really must like Draco to make a multi-course meal for his parents.
His cooking stills were still subpar at best, but Draco knew he could at least make a good salad. That's what he began working on as Harry changed, making sure everything on the stove and in the oven was being attended to.
"How do I look?," Harry asked anxiously, doing a little turn for Draco to take him in.
"I'm glad we're having dinner here or else I could not be held responsible for my actions," Draco replied, gaze trailing slowly over Harry's form. "Look at you."
Harry shivered under Draco's gaze, but held eye contact.
"I made a salad," Draco said proudly, working to break the tension they had just created.
"You can't just look at me like that and start talking about salad. Come here."
"Just a quick kiss my darling, they'll be here soon," Draco relented.
"Your father can't say anything about me accosting you in the kitchen if it's ours."
"Ours," Draco repeated, tilting his head for Harry. "No marks! That will not do you any favors."
"Later?," Harry asked hopefully.
"Later," Draco promised. "That'll be your incentive to behave."
"I'll be a good boy for you," Harry teased with a wink. "At least while your parents are here. I need to check the oven!"
Soon enough, Harry heard the sound of the floo, and rushed to properly greet Lucius and Narcissa.
"Thank you both for coming. Can I take your coats?"
"Thank you Harry," Narcissa greeted warmly. "I have to say, you've made some much needed improvements to this home."
"Thank you. It feels brighter, happier here now."
"You're giving the house a good future," she promised, handing over her coat.
"Mother, Father," Draco greeted, standing behind Harry.
"The first course will be ready shortly. Can I show you to the dining room?"
"Thank you Mr. Potter," Lucius said graciously.
"You can call me Harry," he decided, then and there. It was time to put the past behind them.
With a graceful nod, Lucius followed them into the dining room.
"I see you haven't lost your knack for decorating Draco. You've always had an eye for these sorts of things."
"Thank you Father."
"I'd be lost without him," Harry admitted, pulling a chair out for Narcissa. "Can I get you something to drink?," Harry offered.
Throughout the night, Draco was watchful, protective. Harry offered so much of himself to Draco's family, and he wanted to make sure his father didn't take too much. On the contrary, Lucius was treating Harry as Draco had seen him treat those with great power.
Once he had calmed down past his initial worries, Harry was doing great. Draco watched him fondly, gazing at him with his cheek cradled in his hand. He thought he earned the right to look so besotted.
After dessert had been cleared, Lucius looked quite pensive. Draco knew whatever would leave his mouth would be quite calculated.
"Harry. You have my blessing to be with my son."
"Thank you," Harry replied incredulously, "but I thought that wasn't supposed to come until later?"
"Lucius and I have agreed, because you and Draco care for each other deeply. We also were not expecting you to have spent your entire day in the kitchen cooking for us."
"I don't mind it, not really."
"Still, some of these dishes are rather complex. Where did you learn to cook?," Lucius inquired.
"I did a lot of cooking growing up," Harry brushed off easily.
"Everything was wonderful Harry, thank you."
"Thank you Mrs. Malfoy."
"So, Harry, when do we officially get to meet your family?," Lucius asked curiously. "We'd like to have them over for dinner."
"The Weasley's," Draco answered quickly, his hand finding Harry's under the table. "They are his family, and we have more amends to be made."
"I see...," Lucius mused.
"I don't speak with my aunt and uncle if that was your question. For all intents and purposes, the Weasley's are my family. Can I get you something else to drink?," Harry diverted.
Harry Potter never thought he would be privy to a wine drink Lucius Malfoy, and it was truly a sight to see. Narcissa was pinching the bridge of her nose, and Draco's head was in his hands as Lucius prattered about.
"Draco, how did your gift for Harry turn out?," she asked.
"It looks perfect! I'm hoping it holds up, it took a lot for the house to accept the change."
"I'll take a look," Narcissa said coolly, a pointed look directed at Lucius. "Once I return we'll take our leave. Wait for me by the floo dear."
Lucius pretended to make his way there but doubled back when Narcissa was upstairs.
"Do you plan on marrying my son?," Lucius asked suddenly.
"We're still a bit young for that Mr. Malfoy, but I do see a future with him if that's what you're asking," Harry replied slowly, trying to figure out where this conversation was going.
"I think you could do my son a great service. He always wanted to do something to help people you know, and I think I've squandered his chances with that. But with you backing him, perhaps he could achieve his goals. My Draco is very bright as you know, both mentally and physically. I've dulled his physical brightness, but you're helping him shine again. I thought I ruined things forever, but in true savior fashion you're fixing things once again."
Harry could excuse the sentiment of "in true savior fashion" as Lucius's wine intact should've been better monitored.
"I'm also sorry that I tried to kill you when you were 12. And about the book that I gave to the poor Weasley girl. Not poor as in lack of money," Lucius corrected quickly, "but poor as in I do feel bad about that. I didn't realize what it was at the time.
I know I will never earn your forgiveness, and I have no right to ask you for anything, but you have to understand that my family is what is most important to me, so I will ask anyway. This was a long game of survival, and I wish we had aligned ourselves with you sooner.
What I'm asking of you, is to keep an eye on Draco. He thinks quite poorly of himself because of what I got him involved in. He doesn't think he can be anything else other than that mark on his arm, but I know he can be, and I know that you agree with me on that. The research you're doing for this independent project of yours was the only thing he was happy enough to share with us when we were in communication. That and how much he liked having his new friend around. I'm not sure how well he shows it, but he does care about you deeply, Harry. I can see you return his affections. I just ask that you try to encourage him to continue work on this project after you graduate. I think you really have something here, both with your work, and together."
"We have a lot to work through Lucius. Despite the circumstances, Draco turned out wonderfully. We ourselves still have some things to work through, but I know that we will. I want to continue working on this potion so that it can help the general public no matter what. This is a cause that I'm dedicated to, and I assure you Draco will receive the credit and appreciation that he deserves from this. I will do everything in my power to keep him safe and protected. And to help restore your family name," Harry finished, assuming this was all a roundabout way to hint at that matter.
"Oh you'll have no issue with that. You're quite powerful, more so than I thought. Draco is in good hands, and I-"
"Lucius! Who's the Malfoy accosting Harry in the kitchen now? I apologize Harry dear, thank you for hosting us. I'll get my husband home now."
"Of course, thank you."
"What did he say to you?," Draco demanded coldly once his father had left.
"He apologized for almost killing me and Ginny, we've made some progress."
"We were gone for quite awhile, what else did he say?," Draco pressed.
"I can take care of myself you know."
"Of course you can, I just want to make sure that you're okay."
"I'm okay. He just told me to look out for you, as I have been doing. And that you want to help people, and I should encourage you to do so, which I have. Really love, it's okay. Nothing negative was said, we have his blessing, I promise you Draco that we are more than okay."
"Okay," Draco agreed, heavily exhaling. "I just get worried, especially when he's like that."
"We also talked about the potion for our project and how excited it makes you. Draco, we are going to do so much good, together. It just fills me up with such warmth that despite all of the bad things we've been through together, right here, right now, we are doing so much good."
"We're good," Draco repeated quietly, finally starting to believe it himself.
{A/N: So sorry for the delay, life happens, and I decided to finish my story Lost Boy before coming back to this one. Check it out if you haven't!}
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