Chapter 12

Draco was surprised that he had slept so fitfully. He never did well in new environments, but Harry made him feel so safe and secure, he was almost certain he could fall asleep anywhere in his presence.

"Malfoy, wake up."


"I want to teach you how to make breakfast."

"Do you have dreams of being poisoned?"

"Ah, I don't dream much at all. C'mon, we have a big day today."

"I'll be down in a few minutes."

Draco cringed when looking at himself in the mirror. Harry had seen him with his hair looking like that, and Draco was appalled. He made sure to make himself look presentable before meeting Harry in the kitchen, who had made no effort in his appearance at all.

"So, plans for today?," Draco asked, sitting on the counter across from Harry.

"First, I'm going to teach you how to make pancakes. Then we're going to the mall to get you some clothes and practicing using muggle money. We'll come back here for a quick lunch, then we'll go out somewhere else. That depends on the weather, it looks as if it might rain."

"Just let me know what I should wear."

"You can just wear the hoodie you borrowed yesterday if you want to. Black trousers. We'll get you some jeans."

"I don't even want to know what jeans are. I do have a minor concern though."


"Are you putting bell peppers in the pancakes?"

"What? Oh!," Harry continued with a laugh. "No, I'm just meal prepping for lunch. I'm not sure how long we'll be out, so I wanted to make sure I could just toss everything into the frying pan so that we don't lose time."

"Do you need me to do anything?"

"Do you think you can crack some eggs without getting shells in the bowl?"

"Probably not, but I can try?," Draco offered.

He washed his hands, grabbed an egg, and proceeded to smash it against the side of the bowl. Harry couldn't stop the laughter that escaped his mouth, and Draco was terribly embarrassed.

"I'll try to salvage that later."

Grabbing another bowl, Harry dumped the mass of egg and crushed shells into it, leaving that to be dealt with later.

"Grab another egg."

Draco did so, staring at it skeptically. Harry grabbed Draco's hand in his own, guiding him to lightly tap the egg against the bowl.

"When you hear that first crack, then you can separate the halves of the shell. Like this."

"Oh Merlin, this feels disgusting!"

"You get used to it. After that, take this fork and mix it up. Are scrambled eggs fine?"

"They are, yes."

Draco mixed while he watched Harry make the pancake batter, explaining every step that he did.

"Chocolate chips?"


"I have this blueberry maple syrup that is to die for."

"Is it possible to overmix this?"

"I got it now. Can you grab the chocolate chips? Top shelf of the pantry."

"You have a lot of food in here."

"The thought was to come here more often during the school year when I need to get away. I'm trying not to run away from my problems," Harry continued with a snort. "I feel like if I spend too much time away I won't want to come back, you know?"

"I'll take anywhere over being home at the Manor honestly. This summer was miserable, but where else can I go? You saw what happened when I went out. I feel so trapped..."

"Not that I'm the best company, but you're always welcome to spend time with me," Harry offered with a shrug.

"We'll see how today goes," Draco replied, but he was oh so giddy at the permanent invitation.

Breakfast was delicious, and Harry was squirming at all of Draco's positive attention.

"You should make me breakfast instead of the elves," he declared as he dried the dishes while Harry washed.

"I wouldn't be opposed. Less people to see. More time... you know."

And oh, did Draco know. After a weekend spent with Potter, how could he go back to living as he was?

"Let me get ready so we can go. I'll be down in a minute."

Draco thought Potter was the only person who actually meant a minute when he said it. Looks could sometimes be effortless, and Potter was blessed.

"I can't wait until you stop showing me up."

"Oh please, you have eyes."

"I do, and I'm currently using them."

"Sod off, let's go."

"Can't take a compliment Potter."

"They're so rarely given, especially from you."

"People compliment you all the time," Draco argued.

"They compliment what I've done or what they think I've done. It's not the same."

"Since when do you listen to the masses?"

"I don't. Just making a point. Let's go, we're on a tight schedule."

Draco's wonder rivaled Harry's when he first entered Diagon Alley with Hagrid all those years ago.

"How do you even know where to go?," he asked in awe.

"There's maps around if you need one. How do you build your outfits?"

"I start with the shoes."

"That is... the last thing I start with. Okay."

Harry was perfectly content to just follow Draco and carry his bags for him, but of course it was never that simple. Draco seemed to have a rule. Two for him, one for Harry. Whereas Harry was supposed to be helping him, it seemed to be the other way around.

"I have shoes," Harry argued.

"Potter those trainers you wear around school are horrendous. I know you want to keep this," Draco gestured, "a secret, but please. If you're going to be seen with me your shoes shouldn't have more than one hole each."


"Try these on."

Those were Draco's favorite words it seemed. Once he was able to figure out what Harry's style was, what he liked and what he didn't, he was really good at picking out things that Harry actually liked. In turn, Harry provided his honest opinion for what Draco was trying on, and helped him decide on what to get, and what to leave behind.

Harry also used Draco's money to pay for his things the first time, with Draco watching carefully. Draco was able to pay with no issues at the second store, and he was positively giddy.

"I think I'm actually going to pass."

"If I can pass potions, you can pass muggle studies," Harry murmured quietly.

"As long as there's no egg cracking involved."

"Like I said, I'm here to help you."

"Don't you have anything better to do? That came out very wrong-"

"No, I don't. I can be here with you, or I could be alone, wallowing in grief, resentment, and self-pity. I tend to save that for the end of October. You're good company, when you want to be."

"Someone has to tell you the truth."

"And you always have, in one way or another. Come on, there's another store I want to take you to."

When they finally left the mall, Harry's eyes were glued to the sky, and Draco's eyes were glued to Harry, carrying all of their bags, not even breaking a sweat. Draco wasn't the only one watching Harry, and he promptly glared at anyone who's eyes lingered for too long.

"What do you think with the weather?" Harry asked.

"Hmm?," Draco inquired, turning his head to focus on Harry.

"I think the zoo could be quite fun. I just don't know if it'll rain. I don't mind it, I just don't know if you would. Think on it, we'll play it by eye after lunch. Shall we?"

"Do you want me to, ya know?"

"Do you have a clear picture in your mind to get us there?"

"We'll find out won't we," Draco replied with a small laugh.

"Just one block more and we're good to go."

Draco would apparate them anywhere if he was allowed to hang onto Harry's bicep like that.

"I'll get lunch started, and then I'll teach you how to wash clothes."

"Better or worse than the fitted sheet?"

"I don't think anything is worse than the fitted sheet," Harry replied with a snort.

It may not have been worse, but Draco thought it was a close second. He much preferred staying seated on the counter and watching Harry work.

"I never knew how much effort muggles put into living."

"Ignorance must truly be bliss," Harry replied with a shrug.

"I don't want to pry, but... how old..."

"Everything started when I was 5. At 4 I was helping to fold clothes and carrying whatever I was told to, hoping that maybe one day my aunt would treat me like my cousin. That maybe if I did everything right I'd finally be family to them. It makes me sick that I craved their approval for so long, but it was the only home I had.

And for them to know what happened to my parents and to hide my whole identity from me? My cousin only just 'accepted' me, if you can even call it that, on the day that they had to go into hiding. As if they were worth anything to anyone," Harry finished bitterly.

"I just want you to know that you didn't deserve anything that happened to you, and I'm sorry if I ever made you feel any less than you actually are."

"I wasn't the best to you either, but thank you. We're moving past it now, which is more than I could have hoped for honestly."

"You're telling me," Draco replied with a snort. "I thought I was as good as dead when I came back."

"I hope you know that even if we didn't become friends, I never would have let anything happen to you."

"I do know, and it's absolutely infuriating just how innately good you are when the rest of us are self-absorbed."

"I wish that I could be selfish, just for one day, and put my needs over everyone else's, but I don't know how," Harry trailed off quietly.

"In savior terms, if you can't take care of yourself, how will you be around to take care of others?"

"I hate that that makes sense," Harry nudged Draco lightly with his own shoulder.

"I can be rather wise."

"You don't give yourself enough credit Malfoy."

"I used to give myself too much credit. I need to find a healthy balance."

"I'll toast to that."

And so they did, over lunch, discussing the plans for this weekend, as well as their next outing, when it began to rain.

"Alright, take your pick. Cinema or a museum?"

"That depends on what the cinema entails. What kinds of films do you like?"

"The ones that shouldn't be watched by someone with so much trauma."

"Let's do the cinema then. But I expect snacks."


"I'll write my essay on this experience, make it a good one Potter."

If Harry loved horror movies, they were becoming Draco's whole world. Harry was worried that Draco would be overwhelmed by the experience, but he was quite literally on the edge of his seat the whole movie. Harry was slightly preoccupied because Draco kept grabbing his hand in the popcorn bucket.

"That was absolutely mental! I've had my dreams haunted and my mind invaded, but who knew it could've been worse?!"

"Malfoy we do not need to trauma dump over A Nightmare on Elm Street."

"We trauma dump over everything else," he replied with a snort. "Oh the rain is really coming down now."

"I have an umbrella, stay close."

"Is this okay?," Draco asked, wrapping his arms around Harry so that they both fit under the umbrella together.

"Erm, yeah. 's fine. It'll just be a block or so."

Draco clung to Harry, not wanting to get wet. Harry ended up wrapping a protective arm around Draco to make sure they stayed in sync while they walked.

"I'm looking forward to a shower when we get home."

"I could do for a lie in now that our plans are shot."

"I'm sure there's plenty we could do. I do recall being promised apple pie and homemade ice cream."

"Oh just you wait," Harry replied with a grin so bright Draco was convinced it was the sun peeking out through the clouds. "You pay great attention to detail right?"

"I do."

"You'll do the lattice for me."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"It's probably one of the best ideas that I've ever had. All you have to do is cut it into strips and weave it. I'll show you. Let's go."

Harry apparated them to the front door so that he didn't bring the wet umbrella inside of his house. Shaking it out, he opened the door for Draco.

"Did you want to watch the second movie?"

"There's a second?!"

"What if I told you there were 7?"

"How much time do we have?," Draco demanded.

"Not that much time for today," Harry replied with a laugh. "If you're free the first weekend of November, I can make it worth your while."

"I see why Father never wanted this technology in this house. It's addicting. There's so much to see."

"Go take your shower, I'm going to start getting things ready for dinner."

"I thought I was helping?"

"Oh, it's fairly simple-"

"Potter, do you not think that I of all people need to learn the simple things? Do you recall what I did to that poor egg?"

"Noted. Okay I'll shower now then too and meet you back here."

"Can the plumbing handle that?"

Harry laughed, nudging Draco up the stairs.

"It is magical and the Noble House of Black. It's survived way worse than two showers running at once. I was serious about the lie in, I'm changing into my pyjamas when I'm out."

"I think I'll join you then."

"We'll watch the second movie after dinner, maybe we'll get into the third tonight."

"We will get into the third movie tonight."

With a nod, the two men parted ways, entering their respective bathrooms.

When Draco found Harry afterwards, there was music playing in the kitchen and the rain had really picked up.


"I'm glad we made it inside in time. I like being out in the rain, but it has to be by choice."

"I can't say I've ever gone out in the rain on purpose."

"You've never gone out to sit in the rain? Jump in puddles?"

"It'll mess up my hair. I take pride in my appearance."

"For what it's worth, I like your hair better like this."

"I didn't do anything with it?," Draco said in confusion.

"Just my opinion," Harry replied with a shrug.

Draco ran a hand through it subconsciously.

"Thank you. What can I do to help with dinner?"

"Take notes?," Harry teased.

"Oh sod off."

Draco soon found that making Harry laugh was both a blessing and a curse. He loved the sound of it, loved the fact that he was the one making Harry laugh. But he hated how warm it made him feel.

Harry focused on dinner mainly, and was carefully instructing and supervising Draco making the apple pie dough.

"So precision and accuracy both matter, correct?"

"Correct. Baking is like measuring potions ingredients. If your measurement is off you'll throw off the whole recipe."

"I do recall you mentioning that yesterday."

"I'll be next to you watching."

"You're a little too trustworthy."

"That's what friendship is," Harry replied with a laugh, lightly bumping into Draco.

Draco had the most fun making the homemade ice cream, but being able to detail the lattice for the apple pie was his favorite part. He had flour on his nose and Harry couldn't stop giggling at how concentrated he was.

"What Potter?!"

"You just have some flour on your nose. Here."

Harry gently wiped it off with a towel, and Draco's eyes involuntarily closed before he realized what he was doing.

"Thank you. We probably should have showered after this. I never knew so much flour went into these things."

"Malfoy, this is beautiful."

"Hush, it's not done yet," Draco interrupted, smacking Harry's hand away as his face reddened.

"You're telling me as if I didn't give you the recipe. That will chill while we eat."

"Is it time for the movie?! Can we eat in front of the telly? Is that allowed? I assume it's not proper-"

"Who cares about being proper? Let's watch in front of the telly."

Harry got the movie set up, and Draco was waiting excitedly.

"I just know it's going to be so good."

Draco's eyes were glued to the screen, and Harry lived for the other man's commentary on what was happening, as well as hearing what Draco would do in that scenario. He insisted the movie be paused when Harry checked on the pie, and he followed him into the kitchen, sitting on the counter as he listed off a set of questions.

"Okay, what do you think would happen if they took dreamless sleep?"

"I think they would be able to avoid him actually, at least for a short time. We know that if we take too much dreamless it can induce nightmares which probably would make Freddy more powerful after increased dosages. But if it was carefully taken they'd be able to get some rest and figure out how to defeat him. The worst part is the lack of sleep, leading to innate fear of falling asleep, which just intensifies the main issue.

On that note, there's spells for dream walking right? He gets off on isolating everyone, and then their increased fear of not knowing who's getting killed off next. That would ideally be the next best spell because then everyone could go in together to face him."

"You've put a lot of thought into this."

"Just answering your question," Harry replied with a shrug.

"I know, and I love it. Normally my questions get brushed off, you actually took time to answer, and I appreciate it."

"Now that hit close to home," Harry replied with a snort. "We should've started trauma bonding ages ago Malfoy, we would have been the best of friends."

"Oh we have time for that, but you'll have to buy me a few drinks. Actually, you'll have to buy me a whole bottle."

"Pick your poison. It's on me next time we do this."

If Draco were to be looking back, he'd have to say this conversation would be where he began to develop real feelings for Harry. He would always be told off for asking "stupid and frivolous" questions, and he learned to shut those thoughts down before they even began. Not only was Harry listening to his thoughts and questions, he was providing his own answers and insight.

Draco had never felt as seen as he did in this moment. Harry just got him, and more often than not it was extremely frustrating to be seen in such a raw and vulnerable form, but there was also a feeling of safety in knowing that the words you didn't say were still understood.

When Harry and Draco dozed off on the couch after apple pie and fresh ice cream, leaning against each other with the movie long completed, Draco didn't know how it could get better than this.

{A/N: yes hello I'm still here. I've been very busy BUT I made a Drarry twitter
@ slowburndrarry if anyone wants to be mutuals! Wishing you all the best, hoping to get back to regular updates soon. If you have any thoughts on the future of this story let me know in a comment please, I'll always take them into account.}

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