Chapter 11
Harry was being very secretive about what they were doing this weekend, and it only made Draco more intrigued. Thursday night Harry had told Draco to pack a bag for a few days, but left Draco's room with a wink and a grin before Draco could even ask why.
Finally, it was Friday after classes and Draco was positively buzzing. Harry kept sharing secretive smiles with him across every room they were in throughout the week, and finally Draco would get to know.
He approached Harry with a dazzling smile, and Harry couldn't help but smile back.
"Do I finally get to know what we're doing now?"
"Not here. We're going to apparate there."
"I'm placing a lot of trust in you," Draco warned.
"Hopefully it's earned," Harry replied with a shrug. Let's go."
Draco followed Harry, but could not have imagined where they would have ended up.
"You took me... to your house?"
"You're getting the full muggle experience."
"In a magical house," Draco replied slowly.
"You have faith that I kept up with the upkeep," Harry replied with a snort. "I'm only here because I have nowhere else to go."
"That's not true."
Harry opened the door and ushered Draco in.
"Sirius left this to me in his will. This is the first real home that I've ever had. He grew up here, and I can't bear to part with it, no matter how much the memories hurt. He was my family, even if I only knew him for a short time."
"That doesn't explain why we're here?," Draco asked in confusion.
"We're going to live like muggles for two days. I'm taking you out for dinner tonight. Tomorrow we'll cook. I'll teach you how to convert money and pay for things. We'll go shopping because you need some muggle clothes, and we need some food. Then we'll go to some muggle locations. The cinema, a museum, the zoo. It'll be fun!"
"I think we have very different ideas of fun."
"Listen, I had to learn about the magical world as soon as I turned 11. I was thrown right into it. You need to learn by seeing, so we'll take it slow. We'll get your room set up, I'll give you a tour, and then we can get some dinner."
"Your childhood is... not what I expected," Draco said carefully, looking around the home.
"You don't even know the half of it. Here's the shortened version. Baby Harry is orphaned. He's dumped on the steps of family members who never wanted him. He cooks and cleans for them and is a human punching bag. He hopes for a better life, some way that he can get out, some family who would take him in, show him that he's not really a freak.
Hogwarts letters pour in from every opening in the house. A half giant tears the door off the cottage on the island, you receive the first birthday cake you've ever gotten in your whole life, which your cousin promptly eats and ends up with a pig tail, the half giant tells you you're a wizard and that your parents never died in a car crash.
You get to Hogwarts and then everyone knows more about you than you do about yourself. Everyone has some kind of preconceived notion of who you are, and you feel like you're letting everyone down because you know absolutely nothing. Then you try not to die in this new magical world, and you wonder if you actually did die in that cupboard under the stairs, and you're imagining it all.
Then at age 17 you really do die, so no, it was all real. And then there's the death and the trauma that need to be dealt with, and once again, everyone thinks they know you. They want to be your friend, and you just want to be left alone while you try to find your purpose in life.
Then you find out your school rival is actually pretty cool when he's not being a massive knob, and really, you never knew he could be that funny. Now here we are."
"I am pretty cool, aren't I?"
It was the first response Draco could think of. Was he supposed to address what Potter shared with me? Was he supposed to share something of his own? He didn't know the proper protocol for whatever this was.
Instead, Harry just laughed at his response and showed him upstairs.
"All I ask is that these two rooms stay closed. My room is this one right here, you're free to pick any of the others."
"I'll just take the one next to yours."
"I have to warn you, they've been unused for some time. This was a last minute idea of mine."
"Nothing a strong cleaning charm can't fix. Or am I not allowed to use those?," Draco asked, opening the door.
"I'll allow it. You do that, I'll go get some clean sheets. Those I do have."
Draco set about with the cleaning charms, cracking the one window open for some air. He placed his bag down on the chair in the corner of the room.
"Have you ever put on a fitted sheet?"
"The house elves usually took care of this."
"Get ready for the fight of your life," Harry replied with a snort.
And a fight it was. By the end of it, Draco was panting, and his hair was absolutely ruined.
"We couldn't have used magic for that?," he asked in exasperation.
"If you can do this, you can do anything," Harry promised. "I'll show you where the bathroom is, then you can get fixed up. But first, let's find you some passable muggle clothing."
Harry looked through all of Draco's things, and it felt very... personal. He chose a new shirt for Draco, and then went into his own room to grab a jacket for him to borrow.
"What's this?," Draco asked, wrinkling his nose at the offending object.
"It's a hoodie."
"Where is the zipper?"
"You just slide it over your head. It has a big pocket in the front and a hood. Ya know... a hoodie."
"And you want me to wear this?," Draco asked for clarification.
"You need to blend in."
"Are you implying I won't?"
"People are already going to be looking at you, we just need to tone it down a bit."
"What? Why would they be looking at me?," Draco asked in confusion.
Harry opened his mouth, closed it, and then just gestured at Draco.
"What are you implying?"
Draco looked in the mirror to see Harry's cheeks take on a faint reddish tint.
"Oh. Erm, thank you?," Draco squeaked, clearing his throat to regain control of his voice. "Yes, I suppose the muggles aren't prepared for someone as devastatingly handsome as me."
"We'll find you muggle clothes that are just as nice tomorrow. Finish getting ready, I'll meet you downstairs."
Draco was surprised to see Harry go into his own room and close the door. Potter was never one to take much care in his appearance, and he was already in muggle clothes, so what was the point? He would have to ask upon his return.
Waiting in the living room, Draco was, well he was being nosey. He was inherently curious, and found himself taking inventory of the decor. Shelves were mentally cataloged in his brain, and he was taking notes of things that Harry should do to make the place look more cheerful. If he wasn't so invested in his pursuit, he would have done a double take when Harry entered the room, right then and there.
"You should repaint the walls in here. I think it would make the room look more lively."
"I'm sure that's just the thin coating of dust everywhere," Harry replied with a snort. "This house is my project, I want to restore it as best as I can. Actually make it a home you know?"
"I understand-," Draco began, turning around but immediately losing his train of thought when he laid eyes on Harry. "Oh."
"Yeah, erm, probably should have warned you?"
"You look..."
Draco didn't know how to verbally express his thoughts, because nothing seemed right. Harry was wearing contacts for starters, his hair was pushed off of his face, and his scar was glamoured. The leather jacket he was wearing fit him perfectly, and Draco thought he should wear it more often.
Or maybe he shouldn't, because Draco couldn't stop staring. And the boots? He didn't think he had ever seen Potter without trainers.
"Sorry, I was just taken by surprise. It's you but it's not you, you know?"
"That's exactly the look I was going for."
"I like the jacket. You should wear it more often."
"It belonged to Sirius. It makes me feel safe when I go out, you know? Like nothing can hurt me when I'm wearing it, because I know he's with me."
Draco nodded, before changing the subject with, "I can't believe we're going out and you look better than me."
Harry laughed, elbowing Draco lightly.
"There's a first time for everything, yeah? And probably a last."
"I need to know what you did with your hair."
"I'll tell you over dinner. Are you ready? I'll side-along you?"
"I'm ready."
Draco, of course, was not actually ready. He didn't know where Harry had planned on taking him, but he was surprised at their location. His expectations were somewhere quiet, but this was seemingly the opposite, with people performing and dancing in the middle of the floor. When they walked in, multiple people greeted Harry like he was an old friend. Harry's hand fell to rest on the small of Draco's back, leading him through the restaurant, as he politely greeted everyone back.
"Harry mate, where have you been?!"
"I'm back in school now Jacob, I'm visiting for the weekend."
"You gotta come up and play with us for old time's sake. We've missed you!"
"I'm here with someone," Harry said pointedly, "maybe next time."
Jacob's eyes flitted to Draco, looking him up and down twice. Draco held his gaze, eyes challenging him to make a comment.
"Did you know Harry here has a phenomenal voice?," he asked instead.
"I do," Draco agreed coolly.
"Come on mate, one song?"
"Jacob, we haven't even found a table yet. It's his first time in town."
"Give him a good show then yeah?"
"I plan on it."
Harry finally led Draco away, finding a table where the stage was still in view.
"Who was that?"
"His name is Jacob. I worked here over the summer to get myself out of the house you know? I was wallowing in grief and self-pity and it wasn't healthy. He performs every Friday night with his band, and I've filled in a time or two when he needed it. It's most certainly not a regular occurrence like he's making it out to be," Harry finished with an eye roll.
"If you wanted to, you could. Perform I mean. I don't mind."
"I would have introduced you, but that would only have made him even more persistent I'm afraid."
"Harry! So nice to have you back. Who's this?"
"I'm Draco."
"Hi Draco, my name is Amy and I'll be your server tonight. Can I start you off with some drinks?"
"You need to try one of their milkshakes. Best in town," Harry promised.
"I'll have whatever you recommend."
"One chocolate strawberry milkshake and one double chocolate milkshake please. Whipped cream on both."
"Of course. Let me know if you want any appetizers when I come back," Amy replied with a smile.
"Potter, what is a milkshake?"
"It's like ice cream that you drink."
"Isn't the point of ice cream that you can eat it?"
"Trust me, you'll love it. If not, I guess I'm drinking two milkshakes."
"What do you recommend to eat?"
"I'll have whatever you want. We can just split a couple of things so that you can figure out what you want. Get the whole muggle experience," Harry replied with a grin.
Harry let Draco ask him as many questions as he wanted to, while Harry explained the various dishes.
"I'm going to assume most of these things are unhealthy."
"You'd assume correctly."
"What are your favorites?"
"I told you I'd try whatever you wanted."
"Yes, but I value your opinion and want to know."
"The mozzarella sticks. Very unhealthy, but a guilty pleasure of mine. The boneless wings are really good, you can choose the sauce. Everything that I've tried is good, honestly."
"Hmm. Noted. And for dinner?"
Harry continued to tell Draco about the menu, and honestly? Harry was enjoying the experience very much. It was nice to be listened to and have a casual conversation without worrying that other people were going to be eavesdropping and reporting all that he was saying to some media outlet.
"What are you thinking about?," Draco asked after they had ordered.
"How much I miss the mundane things."
"Are you saying that spending time with me is mundane?," Draco asked in fake outrage.
Harry laughed, placing his fingertips on top of Draco's, which were resting on the table.
"I've never brought anyone here before you know."
"What, you don't want everyone to know Saint Potter is actually a rockstar by night?," Draco teased.
"Funny. I don't play for them, I just provided vocals a few times is all."
"You don't want to sing for me then?"
"I never have. Directly anyway. I don't even always know when you are there."
"If you want to, you can," Draco replied with a shrug, looking excited when his milkshake arrived.
Amy smiled at them, asking if they wanted a refill of their bread, and glancing down at where Harry's hand was still resting on top of Draco's. Draco blushed, and Harry felt his own face begin to warm, but he decided to ignore that.
"Which one do I have?," Draco asked.
Harry removed his hand to grab his own milkshake and slide the other across the table to Draco.
"Double chocolate, but you can try mine too if you want."
The sound Draco made while drinking was unholy.
"Why don't we have these?! Can I try yours?"
Harry pushed his glass towards Draco, who greedily sucked on Harry's straw.
"I like mine better," he decided, licking his lips and sliding the glass back.
"Is that so?," Harry teased, stealing Draco's glass before the other man could protest.
"What, you can steal mine but I can't steal yours?"
"Yes actually. I'm glad you've come to the correct realization."
"You're such a prat," Harry said fondly, sticking his tongue out at Draco.
"Did you just stick your tongue out at me?"
"I did. What are you gonna do about it?"
The only obvious answer was to ball up the straw wrapper and fling it at Harry. In retaliation, Harry scooped up some whipped cream with his finger and flung it at Draco's nose.
"You're being a child!," Draco protested, barely holding back his laughter as he wiped away the whipped cream.
"For once in my life, yes I am."
"You're an idiot."
"I may be, but you agreed to go out with me, so what does that make you?"
"Too trusting and desperate for a free meal," Draco decided. "How easy is it to make milkshakes?"
They talked about a lot of things throughout the course of the meal, and Harry was happy to be able to share this experience with Draco.
"I think these mozzarella sticks are favorite too. They're absolutely sinful."
"You can have the last one," Harry offered.
"We'll split it."
Harry shouldn't have found that as touching as he did.
"This has been really nice."
"We should do it more often. Maybe there's some places in our world that I can show you?"
"Yeah, I'd like that," Harry replied with a grin.
"That man is looking at you again."
"Oh Merlin of course he is."
"Conveniently their lead singer has seemed to disappear."
"You're enjoying this, aren't you?"
"You're such a people pleaser, you can't stand to not go over there, even if you don't particularly want to. The bill is paid, go."
Harry groaned and made a big deal about getting up. Draco followed a moment later, he needed a good view for this.
"This one goes out to Harry's date!," Jacob announced once they were all settled. "Let's show them both some love!"
Harry flipped him off, but still nervously smiled at Draco as the music started.
In the dark there's a light that's calling everyone out
If you could see beyond the walls that you have built
I know it's hard to escape the past and start it again
Those memories of all the future hearts you killed
I don't wanna be the one that's left behind
Don't blame me, don't hate me
I don't wanna be the one that's left behind
I won't fade away
Be forgotten or just cast away
This life is mine to live (this life is mine to live)
I won't fade away
I am lost inside this endless haze of life
But this life is mine to live
Waking up just to catch yourself dreaming again
But you won't think outside the lines that hold you in
You say it's easier just to hide yourself away
To shut the windows, lock the doors and disappear
I don't wanna be the one that's left behind
Don't blame me, don't hate me
I don't wanna be the one that's left behind
I won't fade away
Be forgotten or just cast away
This life is mine to live (this life is mine to live)
I won't fade away
I am lost inside this endless haze of life
But this life is mine to live
We got scars on our future hearts
But we never looked back
No, we never looked back
I don't wanna be the one that's left behind
Don't blame me, don't hate me
I don't wanna be the one that's left behind
I won't fade away
Be forgotten or just cast away
This life is mine to live (this life is mine to live)
I won't fade away
I am lost inside this endless haze of life
But this life is mine to live
I won't fade away
Be forgotten or just cast away
This life is mine to live
I won't fade away
I am lost inside this endless haze of life
But this life is mine to live
We got scars on our future hearts
But we never looked back
No, we never looked back
Draco was absolutely taken with Harry and his performance, and the thought had the milkshake in his stomach churning. He had to remind himself that Harry was his friend, and that was all. It was too early in their friendship to be thinking otherwise.
"I'm sure I'm just latching onto someone who's being kind to me," Draco reassured himself.
The song however, once again spoke volumes. Music expression was the one way to really get to know Harry. Songs weren't chosen frivolously, they always had some sort of purpose.
The point of this one? Harry is starting to make and build his own path. Draco knows as well as anyone how hard it is to escape the past and knock down the walls that you worked so carefully to resurrect around yourself.
"I am lost inside this endless haze of life, but this life is mine to live" was one of Draco's new favorite lyrics, and he told Harry just the same as they were walking home.
"It's about pushing past the expectations that are set into place for you, and forging your own path you know?"
"I do know. I can see it, in the way you carry yourself now when no one knows you."
"It's also the company that I have," Harry replied, extending an arm out to Draco.
"I feel it too," Draco admitted, linking his arm with Harry's. "I never thought I'd enjoy walking around muggle towns. Not because of prejudice, not anymore," he added quickly. "Just because I feel so unprepared to enter this world and that I've had no one to teach me. Muggle studies shouldn't be so terrifying."
"Did you bring your notes with you?"
"They're in my room, yes."
"We have time to go grocery shopping. I'll show you how money works for now, and then I'll review your notes to see what else I can help with this weekend."
"Thank you Potter."
"It's nice to be smarter than you for once," Harry replied playfully.
"You're plenty smart, you just let yourself get overshadowed by Granger. You're so used to her being so vocal with her ideas that you sit back and work quietly, but you still achieve greatness."
"Oh... thanks."
"Don't go getting a big head now because I said one nice thing to you," Draco warned, idly looking at all of the shops.
"I would never expect you to be nice to me all of the time. Half of the fun is finding new and interesting ways to insult each other and give backhanded compliments."
"I'm glad you understand."
They talked about what they wanted to eat for the next two days, and Harry was surprised to see the look of awe on Draco's face when they walked into the grocery store.
"Merlin and Morgana," he whispered, taking in the store as Harry grabbed a shopping trolley.
"Have you never been to a store before?"
"I don't get out much. The, you know, would do all of the shopping and cooking for us. I never thought about where the food came from. It was just always there."
"Let me give you a tour then."
Draco loved how calmly and rationally Harry explained everything. It was nothing like how he had tried to teach Harry potions initially.
"I'll teach you how to cook some basic things tomorrow. What's your favorite dessert?"
"I dunno, anything with apples really."
"Apple pie with homemade vanilla ice cream," Harry decided, placing some things into the cart.
"How are you so knowledgeable?"
"I was forced to cook for others from the age of five onwards. I've reclaimed that part of myself, and now I only cook when I want to, or for those I care about. If I let what they did to me hold me back, I would be nowhere."
It would never cease to surprise Draco how casually and detached Harry was when he said this things, before immediately changing the topic and acting like he never shared such a deep part of himself with Draco.
"Do you like pasta? Pasta is easy to make. I think you'd be really good at making fresh bread."
"What does that even mean?"
"Baking requires extremely precise measurements, and you have an eye for that. I like cooking because I can eyeball my measurements. Baking, not so much. It's like potions, but nothing will blow up in my face. Maybe just in the oven," Harry replied with a shudder.
"I'll try it. There's no harm as long as you never leave me alone with it."
"I just won't have you cook any meat. We can do a nice stir fry, that'll be quick. I'm just trying to plan out our day in my head. Maybe the cinema tomorrow night, shopping right after breakfast. Sunday we can go to the zoo maybe if the weather is nice. I usually don't plan this far in advance."
"Then don't. Do whatever feels right for the day. I'll tag along for the ride."
After they checked out, Draco could not stop talking about Harry's credit card.
"Why don't we have those? Then you don't have to carry around a coin purse all of the time! Honestly, it's like we're living in the dark ages."
"I'll show you what the muggle conversions are when we get back. Are you ready?"
"I am."
Draco found that muggle money wasn't so scary once Harry walked him through it. It made a lot of sense once he explained it. He still thought some of the conversions made no sense, but oh well.
"It's like Arithmancy in terms of dealing with numbers."
"It's maths, but I'll take your word for it."
Draco took detailed notes that he hoped would be of use on the next exam, while Harry proofread his notes and made comments of his own.
"Are you writing with your left hand?"
"Hmm? Oh yeah, funny story with that one. My dad was left handed. McGonagall jokingly said this could be why my handwriting sucks, and she was right. I only write like this when I'm alone. I don't need another headline. 'Breaking news, Harry Potter doesn't even know which hand to write with!' Or people would call me an imposter for writing with the 'wrong' hand."
"Shouldn't you have known when you were young?"
"I should have. Just another thing I'm sure I was called a freak for. I don't remember much of my time with the Dursley's. I choose not to, but I'm sure it was just one more thing about me that wasn't normal that they hated and forced me to change. So much of my identity was hidden from me, that I don't know who I am or who I'm supposed to be. I only know who people want me to be."
"Now that's something I can get behind. Without Lucius breathing down my neck, I still find it hard to break the mold of who he forced me to be."
"You're nothing like him," Harry promised. "If I thought for one second that you were, you would not be in my home."
"I didn't tell either of my parents about this. I don't want him to exploit you to try to get back into the public's good graces. Mother would be thrilled of course, she's taken a liking to you. It's him that I don't trust."
"And that just proves that you're nothing like him. You've got a good heart Malfoy, no matter how much you may try to convince people otherwise. I see it, and I see you, in the same way that you see me."
{A/N: song credits, Old Scars/Future Hearts by All Time Low.
4385 words, I hope that makes up for my absence. Happy April everyone! I've been extremely sick these past few weeks but I'm finally on the mend. I hope you're all doing well! ~ J}
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