Chapter 7
Mmmmmm... idk what to dooooooo...
If you search 'Malec' I'm number 39! #soproud
Here goes nothing!
Jace POV
The world blurs in and out of focus until I can see clearly. A number of faces are starting down at me. Clary, Simon, Isabelle, Magnus. . .
What is going on? Where am I? Then I remember.
I sit straight up in bed, pain no longer a factor. "Why the hell are you all standing here? You should be finding him!" I yell.
"You passed out. We were worried. Well, I think Simon was possibly enjoying it, but still," Clary speaks up impatiently.
I jump out of bed to everyone's surprise. "Magnus, have you tried tracking him?"
"Yes, but it's not working. He must be either underground or by a body of water."
Suddenly the site bursts open, and Maryse and Robert walk in. Maryse is holding a note, and her mascara is streaming down her face. She hands the note to Magnus.
Then I realize it's not a note, but a picture. We crowd around Magnus, but after looking at the picture, I wish I would've stayed away.
It is Alec, but barely. His bare chest is completely red. Raw skin, blood, maybe both. I can't tell. His arms are shackled to the sides of him, and his head and back are bent over painfully. There is a whip lying at his feet, but it isn't for decoration.
On the back of the photo, there are two words.
Tik. Tok.
Sebastian POV
"Stupid. Pathetic. Worthless," I scream with every lash. He has stopped crying out, but he flinches painfully every time I hit him.
I smile. He deserves this. This little fag. He deserves everything. I could use the others as leverage, but he's the most fun. calling out for that disgusting warlock when he's in pain.
My whip flies down and his his back again. Whack! Whack!
I give him an iratze and watch him heal. That is the most fun. Healing then, then watching then writhe in pain all over again.
I smile again. Whack!
Magnus POV
"What does he mean, tik, tok?" Maryse asks. Even though she is crying, he voice is a clear as a bell.
I tell Alec's parents what Sebastian wants me to do. Gasps fill the room.
"But you can't do that!" Robert screams in my face. His face is red, and there is a vein popping or if his forehead, "You can't give into him!"
I sigh. "Well then, I guess we'll just let Alec die, shall we?"
"Yes! That's what we do! Some lives need to be sacrificed for the greater good!"
"Oh my God, Dad!"
"Are you serious Robert?!"
Voices erupt as the rest of the party shouts at Robert. I, however, expected this, and I just sigh again.
Robert is dragged out of the room by Izzy, and Maryse looks at me tiredly. "Magnus, you can stay here tonight. We'll start looking in the morning, Robert or not. I'll show you to your room-"
"No," I say, "I'd like to sleep in. . . you know. . ." I'm too shy to say anymore, but Maryse seems to understand.
"Of course." She nods her head. "Do you know where it is?"
I nod my head, then she and Jace leave after saying goodnight. Once they are gone, my shoulders slump, and my body starts to shake.
Before I can start crying, I run to Alec's room and bury myself in his pillows. They smell like him, sandalwood and youth and everything that is Alec.
Before I know it, I am asleep.
(A/N: okay this next part is from 'Kissed' on Cassie's website so creds to her.)
Alec POV
"Never kissed anyone?" Magnus said. "No one at all?"
"No," said Alec, hoping that didn't disqualify him from being date-able. "Not a real kiss-"
"Come here." Magnus took him by the elbows and pulled him close. For a moment Alec was entirely disoriented by the feeling of being so close to someone else, the kind of person he'd wanted to be close to for so long. Magnus was long and lean but not skinny, his body was hard, his arms lightly muscled but strong; he was an inch or so taller than Alec, which hardly ever happened, and they fit together perfectly. Magnus' finger was under his chin, tilting his face up, and then they were kissing. Alec heard a small hitching gasp coming from his own throat and then their mouths were pressed together with a sort of if controlled urgency. Magnus, Alec thought dazedly, really knew what he was doing. His lips were soft and he parted Alec's expertly, exploring his mouth, a symphony of lips, teeth, tongue, every movement waking up a nerve ending Alec had never known he had.
He found Magnus' waist with his fingers, touching the strip of bare skin he'd been trying to avoid looking at before, and slid his hands up under Magnus' shirt. Magnus jerked with surprise, then relaxed, his hands running down Alec's arms, over his chest, his waist, finding the belt loops on Alec's jeans and using then to pull him closer. His mouth left Alec's and Alec felt the hot pressure of his lips on his throat where the skin was so sensitive that it seemed directly connected to the bones in his legs, which were about to give out. Just before he slid to the floor, Magnus let him go. His eyes were shining and so was his mouth.
"Now you've been kissed," he said, reached behind him, and yanked the door open. "See you Friday?"
Alec cleared his throat. He felt dizzy, but he also felt alive- blood rushing through his veins like traffic at top speed, everything seemingly almost too brightly colored. As he stepped through the door, he turned and looked at Magnus, who was watching him bemusedly. He reached forward and took hold of the front of Magnus' t-shirt and dragged the warlock toward him. Magnus stumbled against him, and Alec kissed him, hard and fast and messy, but with everything he had. He pulled Magnus against him, his own hand between them, and felt Magnus' heart sutter in his chest.
He broke off the kiss, and drew back.
"Friday," he said, and let Magnus go. Alec ran down the steps, taking them two at a time, his blood still singing in his ears like music.
I smile even though I'm in massive pain. Magnus will find me. I'm sure of it.
Kay, that was just a filler chapter. Where should I have Alec and Sebastian be? Comment please!
Vote, comment, enjoy!♡
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