"I'm leaving for Italy in maybe two days or tomorrow."
"What are you going to do there?" I ask whilst taking a small bite from my slice of caramel cake.
Adrien and I are at a small nearby restaurant. Of course, he ordered a slice of custard cake.
"I'm just going there to pick up some chicks." He replies nonchalantly, not even looking my way as he brings a spoonful of cake to his mouth.
Instead, I am glaring at him with the sudden announcement. "Really?" I utter slowly. "You are really going to go into that?"
"J-Just kidding!" He stammers. "Geez, with that glare of yours I suddenly forgot my pick-up line..."
Changing my mood to a more cheerful one I ask, "And what was that pick-up line supposed to be?"
"Um..." He starts then his cheeks start to turn red. "Why should I find other chicks when I got the best one in front of me already..." He continues, his voice turning softer after every word.
I burst out laughing in the restaurant causing some heads to turn at me. Adrien tries to calm me down by shushing me. He give an apologetic to everyone looking at us, bowing his head. "Mari, I know it sucks so much but please keep quiet." He whisper-yells at me.
"Okay..." I take a long deep breath and fan my face. "Okay, I'm good now. Woo, I'm good...you're just too adorable, Adrien."
"Oh...um, thanks?" He chuckles before looking down and getting a spoonful of his cake. When in reality, he's just hiding his blush. He brings the spoon to his mouth, tasting the custard cake. "Mari, nothing can truly beat your custard cakes." He utters.
Now I'm the one who's blushing now.
"Y-Yeah right..." I say bashfully. "I don't bake the best custard cakes..."
"Of course you do-oh!" He looks like as if he realizes something. "I remember! You love compliments."
"I am not conceited." I announce.
"Then stop blushing," he utters before leaning closer to me, "before I start to kiss those luscious lips of yours."
Cue the red cheeks, I'm swooning!
"Any words to say, my lady?" He whispers. A smirk is forming on his face right now.
"Eat cake?" I utter unsurely whilst stuffing his mouth with my caramel cake. He takes the encounter by surprise and chews the cake before swallowing everything.
"Goodness," he sighs before gulping down his glass of water. "That was really crazy. I love how flustered you can get." He starts to laugh and I can't stop myself from gazing lovingly at him.
And I love you...
I love you and you deserve to know the truth.
"Marinette, you okay?" Adrien waves his hand in front of my face and I blink twice remembering where I am at the moment.
"Y-Yeah." I stammer. "Sorry, I was just...distracted."
"I hope it is not with what I said about me loving- okay, never mind. Let's just enjoy our cake together, yeah?" He dives in his custard cake with his spoon.
"Enjoy Italy, okay? But think of me once-in-awhile too." I softly say while smiling at him. He stops and smiles back at me too.
"I'll be there for maybe four to five days. Don't worry, I'll be dreaming about you."
I roll my eyes with how cheesy he is getting but I'm also enjoying it. "Yeah, right."
"I find you worth dreaming about, Marinette." He grabs my hands and holds them firmly with his. "So you better get used to it, my lady."
I squeeze his hands softly and flash him a smile. "Just be sure to come back, okay? We have important things to talk about when you get back."
"Woah. I hope nothing so serious."
I chuckle nervously and force a smile at him. "I'll miss you even though five days is short." I say truthfully, trying to also avoid the topic.
"I'll call you everyday. I'll find time for you." He lets go of my right hand to check the time in the watch on his left wrist. "I should take you home now. It's getting late."
"Can't I just stay the night with you?" I ask. I pout at him and he starts to blush for the nth time tonight. He rubs his neck nervously with his free hand and avoids glancing at me.
"I wish I could take you to ou-my house, but I have to prepare for the trip, tonight. I don't have any free time tomorrow."
"Then walk me home. It's the least that you can do."
Adrien pays for the bill and does walk with me back to my house. The whole time during our walk we talked about anything under the sun, rather, the moon since it is night time already. He even talked about how Ramona and Beezus are still as crazy as ever. He finally revealed the names of his two students- David and Lea, who always find ways to interfere with our dates. Thankfully, they are not here at the moment. Adrien also told me that they just started dating which I actually find cute. Knowing that they became close because of rainy weather makes me remember how I first fell for this man who is now holding my hand in his.
"We're here." He whispers and stops in front of the entrance of my apartment building. He sneaks a glance at me then chuckles to himself.
I nudge my arm at his, "Why are you suddenly laughing? Do I look funny right now?" He seems to collect himself before answering. Taking a deep breath, he closes his eyes whilst doing it. Then he opens them before turning his body at me.
"The first time I brought you here was when we weren't even 'friends'...and now look at us." He gestures to the both of us, smiling bashfully. "Time flies so fast, Mari."
"And feelings change with time, Adrien." I add.
"I hope good feelings." He nervously utters. I look at him and wrap my arms around his waist. He looks down at me and presses his lips on my forehead.
"Of course all good feelings, Adrien." I state. He sighs in relief then leans closer his head closer to me up until the point that our foreheads are touching each other already.
"When will you start calling my house your 'home' already?" He boldly asks. I am taken aback with the sudden question and it leaves my cheeks flaring up.
"Y-You don't have to answer my question now." He stammers. "Take it as food for thought if it's really worth thinking about, for you."
"Soon." I whisper after awhile. I can't just let him keep on waiting for me. He has waited for too long already. "If you'll allow me to. You'd be my new home and every night I'll wait for you with open arms, and welcome you back with a loving-"
He clasps my mouth with his hand. My eyes widen with the sudden action. Since I couldn't talk anymore, I try to figure out what Adrien was doing but his head has turned away from me.
"If you continued, you would be bringing me to tears, my lady." He says in such a soft voice it was like as if those words were only meant for me to be heard and no one else.
Slowly, I move his hand away from my mouth. I take ahold of his jaw with both hands and turn his head to let him face me again. Closing my eyes, I lean in and capture his lips with mine. He gasps a little with the abrupt move before I feel his arms wrapped around my body. I smile into our kiss as he moves his head to capture my lips some more with his.
After a while of just pure bliss and contentment, he pulls back leaving the both of us panting. His left hand flies to touch his bottom lip. "Did...did you bite me?"
"I-I don't know...I wasn't paying attention with what I was doing-"
Adrien cuts me off by kissing my lips. It was so swift that as he pulls away, my eye are still wide out of shock.
"You have always been the one to initiate our kisses since we got back together. When will it be my turn, my lady?"
"Well, it's never too late to start now..." I whisper while wrapping my arms around his neck, bringing him closer to me again. He grins then leans in. I lean in too, but everything stops as we hear my phone ring from my back pocket.
Adrien sighs and pulls away. "You should check your phone." I fish my phone from my back pocket and press the 'end' button without even checking who was calling me. I place my phone in my pocket again.
"I'm not letting anything disrupt our goodnight kiss!" I exclaim. I wrap my arms around him again and bring him close. "Now where were we?"
Adrien grins and cups one of my cheeks with his hand. He tilts his head and whispers at me to close my eyes. I follow his order and just when I feel his lips starting to graze mine, my damn phone starts to ring again.
Adrien pulls back, groaning. "Your phone or the one calling you is seriously acting as a major cockblock right now." He moves away to give me space in grabbing my phone from my pocket.
"What in the world is a cockblock?"
Suddenly the redness of his cheeks start to darken, making it like as if he is ashamed with telling me the definition of the word.
"It's...it's just a term I coined from my students. Not a thing you should really know." He clears his throat then throws a hand in the direction of my phone ringing on my hand. "Y-You should answer that call. It seems to be really important."
I take this as the opportunity to check who is calling me.
I don't look up from my phone as I start to think of ways to talk with Nino without Adrien knowing. Immediately I press the 'end' button. Then after a few seconds I receive a text from Nino telling me that we need to talk as soon as possible.
"Why did you end the call?" Adrien asks, noticing my phone turning silent in a sudden.
"M-Mom was calling." I chuckle and nervously play with my phone at hand. "It's best if we talk when I get to my apartment already."
"So I should leave now. I can't let your mom keep on waiting. Does she know about us, by the way?"
Instead of answering, I just smile nervously. His eyes widen before burying his head in his hands. "Oh no, I have to fight for her approval again!"
"Which you don't have to think about now!" I immediately connect my words with his. "You don't have to worry about mom right now. First things first, you have to prepare yourself for Italy. Then slowly, you would get mom's approval."
"If ever she will not mind what I did to you in the past..." He looks away from me, dejectedly. "I broke your heart, Marinette." He whispers in a brokenhearted tone.
I move closer to him and grab ahold of his arm. "And I broke yours, Adrien." He still doesn't face me so I decide to continue, "If it's anyone who should be seeking for mom's approval, it would have to be me."
Adrien suddenly leans in and kisses me on the lips for seconds before pulling away. "Then I guess the both of us have to prepare." He whispers against my lips.
"Y-Yeah..." I stammer. He chuckles and leans in again, capturing my lips with his. This time I kiss him back, emitting the same force I'm feeling from him.
"You're beautiful." He sighs. Then he kisses me again. I can't stop myself from smiling, the feeling of his lips on mine is simply innocent yet intoxicating.
I love you, Adrien.
He pulls away, well not forgetting to leave a chaste kiss on my lips. "I care so much for you. You don't know how much I think about you every day." He utters, grabbing my hands. "And...and I'm sorry if I am still hurting you until now. You have to know that I love every thing about you." I start to cry at this point. Quiet sobs emit from my mouth and Adrien cups my cheeks with both hands. He brings up my cheeks making me look at him amidst my tears. "I'm afraid that I might lose you again." Gently, he wipes my tears away and leaves a soft kiss on the tip of my nose. He chuckles a bit, rubbing my left cheek. I lean in his touch. "You don't have to say anything right now. You don't also have to directly reciprocate your feelings for me right now. Just sleep well tonight and- you know, the cheesy things like dreaming of me and others..."
I let out a small laugh before thanking him. "You sleep well too, Adrien. We'll see each other in our dreams."
"Woah, you're good with cheesy stuff." He mutters with red cheeks. "It's starting to make me feel shy."
"I like it when you're shy..." I utter softly.
He brings my hands to his lips and kisses them. "And I would like if you'd be sleeping by now. It's getting late, you should rest. And don't forget to call back your mom. I bet she's waiting for you."
"I'll call her once I reach my apartment." I half-inform and half-lie to him. "Good night, Adrien. I'll miss you." I sneak a kiss on his cheek and start to briskly walk away. I enter my apartment building without even looking back at him.
You know, just to tease the heck out of him.
Since someone was so busy last night, I decided to text you.
This is the first thing I see once I looked at my phone the next morning. It's a text from Nino and as I scroll down, I see another text.
The painting is now being shipped to where the art exhibit will be held. Good for you, the only initials Adrien placed on the painting were not his. Rather he placed, M and A. I'm guessing that it means, "Marinette Agreste"?
I sit up and start to type my reply to him.
Sorry for missing your calls...I was busy last night. And about the initials, did you make a name out of them?
In just a few minutes my phone vibrates with a new text.
Maestro Arturo. It's got a nice ring to it, right? Everything is under the name of Maestro Arturo. I'm taking care of all details and payments.
I heave a sigh in relief with Nino's initiative. Thank God that this plan will be working with ease.
You're the best, Nino. I type, how can I ever repay you?
I send the message and in an instant, I receive a reply.
Repay me by not breaking my best friend's heart again. I'll update you soon, Marinette.
And with that text, guilt creeps up on me again that I lose the will to reply to him.
"Remember that you are doing this for him, Marinette." I whisper encouragingly to myself. I face the empty wall where the painting was hung before. "You're doing all of this for him." I say once again.
After getting ready, I exit my apartment and head to a place that I think I won't be visiting ever again, because I don't need the help that place has given me anymore.
"Hey Juleka." I greet her at the reception area upon opening the door to the clinic.
"Marinette!" Juleka stands from her area and walks to me. "It's been months! How have you been? You haven't been coming back for your check-ups."
"I didn't have to..." I say quietly, hoping that she wouldn't hear it. Unfortunately, I notice the sudden change of her facial features from a cheerful look to a puzzled look.
"W-What do you mean?" She asks. I dismiss her question with a wave of my hand and a gentle smile.
"It will be something that you'll know in the near future. Is Nath free right now?"
"He's free for two hours. You can enter now, if you would like to." She utters, still bewildered with my statement.
"Thanks Juleka. I'll enter now." I head to the door separating Nath and I. I inhale sharply and release a heavy breath. Here goes nothing, Marinette.
I knock on the door before opening it and I am greeted with the view of Nathanaël sitting by his desk. He looks up and tries to muffle his gasp. He takes off his eyeglasses and runs a hand through his hair. He stands and walks to where I'm standing. "Marinette..." He sighs with a faint blush appearing on his cheeks. "What are you doing here?"
"I'm here to see you-"
"The last time we saw each other was when you left me frustrated." He interrupts, leaving me speechless with the sudden change of mood.
"What else do you want from me, aside from asking more help to be with Adrien I bet you want to use me again?" He cuts me off again, seething every word.
"How dare you!" I exclaim. "I came here for one last check-up not to hear how much you hate Adrien."
"And I gave all my time for you just for you to be happy." He retorts.
"I am happy, Nathanaël!"
"But not because of me!" He shouts. I gasp and take a step backward with his sudden outburst. Looking at him, I notice that he's breathing heavily, his hair is disheveled and he's glaring at me. "I never made you as happy as you are right now! The very reason you started to see me was because of him. And now you're leaving me again because of him!" He looks down and turns his back at me.
I feel my heart starting to beat faster. Such bold words were enough to make me weak with guilt but at the same time, anger. The sudden tension is killing me, but I'm not letting him include Adrien in this. If he wants something to be fixed, the both of us can do it on our own.
"Nath, don't include Adrien in this dispute. If you want to fix something between the two of us then let it stay that way."
"Do you know why I gave up my ambition of becoming an artist?" He questions me, not bothering to turn around and look at me. He mutters the question giving me second thoughts if I should answer him or not.
Cautiously, I take a step closer to him. I do not answer and after a while he seemed to have noticed that I was not going to answer him at all.
"How can an artist, like me, continue painting without his muse?" I hear his crisp words and I am left frozen in my place. I take uneven breaths with such impact brought by those words.
"Was it right for me to have you as my muse- a beautiful woman who was married at that time?" Finally he turns to look at me with tears grazing his eyes threatening to fall in any moment. "A woman who never felt anything for me and who was married to another man? W-Was it right for me to desire such a woman that was you?"
Suddenly, he takes long strides to me and cups my cheeks with both hands. He leans close to me, tears now falling on his face. I gaze upon his eyes and feel myself starting to tear up with just his hopeless expression. "I loved you then, Marinette, and I still love you now." He cries. "Why are you so blind? Why are so shallow? Why do you always leave me so mad and frustrated? Why can't you see that I love you so much?!"
I start to cry heavy tears and I close my eyes in order to avoid looking at his eyes. "Nath-"
"For years I've been walking behind you...when will I start walking beside you?
I try to pry his hands off me but his hold on me was strong and I was starting to become weaker by the minute with the sudden confession. "Nath, stop please." I sob and Nathanaël profusely shakes his head.
"No. I'm not going to stop, I will never stop! Because if I do, I'm going to lose you over to that man again."
"Just stop, Nath please." I plead at him through my tears and he's just still here holding my cheeks, crying. Such heartbroken sobs are emitting from him.
"N-No. I'm not letting you go until I know what you feel for me."
"I love Adrien!" I proclaim amidst my tears. And all of a sudden, it becomes quiet. I could only hear my soft sobs and I do not feel confined anymore. Nath's hands are not on my cheeks anymore. He staggers back in dismay and I reach out to him, but he shoves my hands away from him.
"Nathanaël-" I try to reason out with him.
"I've heard enough-"
"You have to let me explain-"
"Explain what?!" He shouts out loud. He runs a hand through his hair and harshly wipes away the tears staining his eyes and cheeks. "What else is left for you to explain when it clearly shows that you feel nothing for me?!"
I recoil my hands out of fear and try to fight back a sob. Although he can't hear me, tears fall non-stop from my tears that even wiping them away has become useless. "I'm sorry..." I apologize through a whisper with a broken voice. "I am so sorry for everythi-"
"You're completely healed." He utters in a monotonous voice. "You don't have to see me ever again, Miss Dupain-Cheng. I am happy to be of service to you...please leave." He turns away and looks out of the window of his clinic.
"Nath..." I say softly. His head then hangs low and instead of trying to reason out with him again, I collect my things and wipe away my tears. I look at him before leaving his clinic for the last time.
"I am so sorry, Alya!" I bawl out crying as I keep Alya wrapped in my arms. "I've been such a selfish person, hurting everyone I encounter. I don't want to let you stay hurt for long."
Alya rubs my back and hair before laughing quietly, "And I forgive you, girl. I'm sorry too and I really missed you."
"I missed you so much. I can't believe I said such words to you at that time."
Right after what happened at Nathanaël's clinic, I needed to find someone whom I could be with or maybe just to hug. Everything is becoming too overwhelming, I could not handle it anymore.
Alya pulls back from our hug and she wipes away my tears. "I can see that you've been crying a lot lately."
"Nath told me that he loves me, today. And I never knew that I brought so much pain to him." I tell her everything that happened and she just listened intently.
"I'm here to listen to more thing from you. Thank goodness, I'm not going through anything serious at the moment so all my time is for you. Now," she starts, "what made Nath so angry at you? What provoked him?"
"I don't love him, Alya...and you know that." I utter quietly.
"You told the truth, didn't you?"
"I could not keep it in. The way he held me was too much, I was hurting Adrien at that moment without him knowing...I had to stop him, Alya."
She sighs, "Do you really love Adrien?" She asks and immediately, I nod my head.
"So much..." I answer. "I love him so much, Alya and I'm planning to do it."
She now looks confused, "Planning to do what?" Then suddenly, her features change into a face full of realization. "Oh my God. Are you really going to do it?"
"Once Adrien comes back, I'm going to tell him everything- the truth about Emma..."
Hey :) I'm having mixed emotions with this chapter hehehe
Shout out to writersblockhaterRD !!!
The perfect song for Nathanaël right now: "Maybe" sung by David Archuleta (I forgot who the original singer is oops.)
Thank you ❤️
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