I Can't Change (Zarry Stalik)

Styles Doesn’t Deserve Malik


“Zarry”: Will It Last?


The Truth About Harry Styles


Harry couldn’t read any more and slammed his laptop shut, shaking the desk a bit with the force of it. This was what he was forced to see about himself every day. This was what he was asked about in interviews and what the public thought of him.

Harry Styles, notorious player and heartbreaker. Nobody saw how the way he looked at Zayn was different. He was so in love with the older boy, it was unbelievable. If he had it his way, the two would never be separated, for the rest of their lives.

He was willing to admit he had been a bit of a heartbreaker in the past, with so many girls. But the girls never really took his fancy in the first place. They were just to hide the way he felt for a certain Bradford boy. Once he found out the boy returned his love, he didn’t so much as take a second glance at anyone other than his boyfriend.

Zayn loved him. He was sure about that. If Zayn loved him, and told this to the press, then why did they twist it into him being the bad guy and forcing Zayn to fall for him so he could break the boy’s heart? He never planned on breaking hearts. That’s just what came along with breaking up with someone. So what, he was someone who always did the breaking up with in his relationships. He didn’t want to be broken up with, so he did it first. He wasn’t like that now. He wanted Zayn for longer than a quick fling or to hide his feelings for someone else. He wanted all of Zayn Malik.

But the public didn’t see. They were so blinded by his old reputation that they couldn’t see that he had changed. Reading through all the hate on him for trying to ‘break Zayn’s heart’ and not deserving to be with his boyfriend, Harry was always depressed and moody, but he hid it well. He put on a mask and he hid all those negative emotions away, only showing the world what they wanted to see: the cheeky, goofy boy he no longer entirely was.


Will Zayn Malik’s Heart Be Broken?


The Flirt of Holmes Chapel… In Love? We Don’t Think So


Harry Styles Has No Response To Accusations


Zayn scrolled through hundreds of these devastating headlines of articles on his phone, shaking his head at each one. Why was the media so cruel to Harry? There was no reason for this.

Sure, the two boys fell in love. What was so wrong with that? Other people who fell in love didn’t get this thrown at them. Of course Harry wasn’t saying anything about the hate and how he felt about it. Zayn wouldn’t either. They were just being unnecessarily rude and prying into his private life. None of this “news” was true, so why did they feel a need to publish it and make the world think it could be? Harry didn’t deserve this.

He would do anything to stop the hate on his boyfriend, or at least hide it from him. Zayn knew Harry saw all the headlines, the tweets, the trends, and the magazines. Their relationship was news all over, for everyone. The two boys never got time alone unless they were in one of their houses with the windows tightly shut and the door bolted, unless they wanted every detail spread across the web within a few minutes. It was horrifying, what the people that called themselves fans were doing.

Harry would never admit he was upset, but Zayn could tell. Zayn knew him better than anyone and he never wanted to see pain when he looked in his lover’s eyes. It caused him pain too, and he didn’t know what he could do. Whenever he brought up the subject, Harry quickly changed it or just stayed quiet, looking everywhere but at Zayn.

The poor boy was obviously torn up inside, but Zayn would wait until he wanted to talk about it. He trusted his boyfriend, and he loved him with all his heart. He just hoped Harry wouldn’t do something stupid because of the negative response the public was having to their relationship.


Styles Still Not Defending His Relationship


Malik Deserves Better


Harry Styles Corrupting Previously Straight Band Mate


It just kept coming. The hate never ended. Every day, Harry woke up to more and more messages and news about himself that held no truth. His heart ached, never knowing being in love and loved in return could be so difficult.

The weeks passed, and the intensity of the hate died down. Harry was able to go on his Twitter and Facebook accounts without crying at all the things people were saying. But whenever a question about relationships was asked in an interview, or a fan happened to get a video of him and Zayn out together, the madness started all over again. Harry could feel his self-esteem getting lower and lower, but he still refused to say anything to Zayn.

Their so-called fans could say what they wanted about him. Sure, it stabbed at his heart, but it was better than Zayn trying to stick up for him and getting the backlash instead. Harry would do this a million times over if it meant saving the one he loved from going through the same pain, the same emotional torment, and the same mental battle. He never wanted harm to come to Zayn because of a reputation he’d given himself.

Harry took to spending more time alone, thinking of ways he could stop the rumors. They hurt; they really hurt. He thought of taking a blade to his wrists, but decided management would have his neck if scars showed in any pictures. He thought of just ending it, but then he remembered that although most of the world hated him, he still had his family and the other boys to think about. He thought of trying to forget about it, but he knew that would never work. There didn’t seem to be anything he could do.

Except… maybe there was. Just one thing might change how everyone viewed him. He needed to prove that he was a good match for Zayn, that he wasn’t going to break the boy’s heart, and that he had changed from his payer ways of years past.

Harry was going to do a transformation. He took a deep breath, thinking over what he was going to do.

Goodbye, vulnerable, young Harry. Hello to what he hoped would be Zayn’s soul mate.

Harry Styles Gets A Tattoo


Harry Styles: Player or Bad Boy?


“Zarry” Still Together


Zayn noticed Harry drifting away from him, at least mentally. He seemed to always be deep in thought. Not only were they drifting, but also Harry had changed.

He was no longer the boy everyone thought they knew. He had lost the dressed-up young boy look and was slowly replacing it with a look quite similar to Zayn’s. He wore more fitted tank tops, started going to the gym and working out every day with Liam, and took to darker colors with his clothes.

Zayn had to admit that the newly formed muscle all over his boyfriend was extremely mouth-watering, but it wasn’t needed. The boy was losing everything that made him Harry. He no longer had all the goofiness he used to share with Louis. He didn’t bother playing around with the other boys. He didn’t make offensive comments about women, but he became twice as cheeky as he’d ever been.

Where was the boy Zayn had fallen in love with? Of course, he still loved Harry. He always would. But he missed the boy he knew, and hated watching him turn into something he knew deep down wasn’t the real Harry. He didn’t know why Harry was doing it, or why he wasn’t telling Zayn anything.

It overwhelmed Zayn one day. He just had to know what was going wrong in his lover’s mind. He knocked at Harry’s door, pushing it open quietly and shutting it behind him. Slipping into the bed beside the younger boy, he wrapped Harry in his arms and nuzzled his face into the crook of his neck.

“Haz,” he whispered.

“What, Zayn?” His voice was quieter than it used to be, and scratchier. The rims of his eyes were pinkish as if he had recently shed tears. His heart ached for the Cheshire boy beside him.

“Why are you doing this to yourself?” Zayn brushed a few strands of hair from his forehead, pressing a kiss in their place.

He looked away. “Doing what?”


He sighed as if this was something he didn’t want to think about. Zayn couldn’t wait for him to be ready any longer. He was getting scared for Harry. “I’m just growing up, Zayn. We all grow up at some point. It’s my turn to become who I’m supposed to be.” His voice cracked a little at the end.

Why couldn’t he see that Zayn didn’t care? He didn’t want his boyfriend changing to fit what the world wanted. He was perfectly fine with Harry never growing up, if that’s what it took to make him happy. “You don’t need to change. You need to be you, Harry. That’s what everyone wants.”

He sighed, deeper this time. Looking straight into the older boy’s eyes, he stated, “I am being me. I’m being the older me. This is who I am now.” Zayn thought he heard pain in his voice, but he couldn’t be sure.

“If you’re sure.” Pulling Harry closer to his body, he enjoyed the time he had with his boyfriend.


A Match For Malik


Styles Gets Yet Another Tattoo


The New Harry Styles


Harry’s plan seemed to be working. The hate on him had cooled almost entirely. Now, the magazines were talking about how he and Zayn were perfect matches for each other. How they belonged together.

Why couldn’t they have said all this without him changing? Did his appearance and attitude really matter this much? All he did was pretend he was a big, tough guy with a hard heart that melted only for Zayn. The only part of his new image that was still true to the real Harry was his deep love for the Bradford boy.

He knew Zayn was getting suspicious. He often tried to get Harry to tell him what was wrong, but Harry always denied there being a problem. He always had an explanation for why something had changed: he was growing up, he was bored of his old style, this was the real him. Zayn just nodded his head and went along with it, but Harry knew his lies weren’t working. Zayn could see right through him.

He had started getting tattoos. At first they were barely noticeable, like on the underside of his upper arm. He got things that were mostly meaningless, just to say he had tattoos like a tough guy. He showed them off, letting the public notice them and think what they wanted of him. They took it the way he had intended: Harry was a changed man.

The world now saw him as a grown man, not the little boy he’d been for the past few years. He had a different reputation now, and he was glad to be rid of the player status. But he couldn’t say he was happy with being mature either. He wanted to go back to the old days, where he could joke around with the boys and not be called a little child, where he could be himself without regret, where he was happy. Because, as hard as he tried to get used to being the new Harry, his heart wouldn’t accept it.

His heart was telling him to stop it. To give up on this ridiculous plan, go to Zayn, tell him everything, and let him take the pain away. But he couldn’t do that to Zayn. There was too much to unload, too much sadness and pain. He would never wish that kind of emotion on someone he loved so dearly. So he held it all in, like he’d done before.

Why was it so much harder this time? Why couldn’t he just be honest, like he should?

He didn’t deserve Zayn. Not at all.

Harry Styles, Then And Now


New Power Couple: “Zarry”


Zayn Malik’s Dream Boy


Finally, Zayn saw what had been going on. He had been following the news closely, wondering why he’d seen Harry so focused on what the articles were saying all the time. He knew they hadn’t exactly been pleasant toward Harry since they announced their relationship, so what he found was a surprise.

The world wholeheartedly approved of the new Harry. They liked him better, and they supported this Harry to be with Zayn. Harry hadn’t been growing up; he’d been becoming what the world wanted for Zayn. As sweet as the idea sounded, Zayn hated it.

Harry shouldn’t have to sacrifice his own happiness for his reputation and the press. It was just wrong. He wanted the old Harry back, the one who would cuddle into him when he was scared, who confessed his darkest secrets, who loved him with no regrets, who was joyful and only a bit cheeky. He wanted youthful Harry. God, the boy was only eighteen years old. What had this cruel world done to him?

Zayn could feel his body collapsing onto his bed as his limbs shook. No, he never wanted to cause Harry pain. It was his fault this had happened. He was the one who asked Harry to be his boyfriend. If they weren’t together, he wouldn’t have gotten hate, and he wouldn’t have felt the need to change,

These thoughts were swiftly silenced as Zayn remembered that he also made Harry happy. He brought a smile to the younger boy’s face, and obviously the boy loved him as much as he was capable of. He changed his whole life to something he was uncomfortable with, just so he could more easily be with Zayn.

Zayn had to do something. He couldn’t watch the media tear apart the boy he loved. He was going to bring back the Harry Styles he fell in love with, all that time ago.

Harry Styles: Re-Transformation


What Have We Done To “Zarry”?


Zayn Malik Speaks: Stop The Styles Hate


Harry smiled a real smile, looking at the most recent headlines. Zayn had saved him. More than saved him, he’d brought back the real Harry and showed the world that what they were doing was wrong.

When Zayn had realized what happened, he confronted Harry. The Cheshire boy had become so fragile that he broke. He fell into Zayn’s welcoming arms, sobbing the daylights out of his body.

When his racking sobs calmed, he began to tell Zayn what had really happened. Not the excuses he’d been making up for so long, but the story behind his transformation. Zayn had held him close, listening attentively and placing gently kisses all over Harry’s broken body.

“Harry,” he murmured, “oh Haz. If only you saw it differently. They never hated you. They had to choose something to obsess over, and our relationship gave them the perfect opportunity to stir something up. Don’t ever think you’re truly hated, Harry. Ever. Your fans love you, your family loves you, the boys love you, and most of all I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you. I love you however you are, because you’re my Hazzabear. But what I love most of all is just seeing you happy being you and living your life how you want it. You need to stop this, Harry. Turn back around and be who you want to be. That’s not the same as what the world wanted to see you try to be. I need to go now, to sort something out. Turn on the news on the telly while I’m gone.” Pressing a kiss to Harry’s lips, he slid away and darted out the door.

Harry followed his boyfriend’s instructions and watched the news. It was really average and boring, until he saw Zayn’s face appear. Eyes widening, he turned up the volume and peered closer at the screen.

Zayn told the story of what the world had done to Harry. He excluded some more private details, but he told enough to stun everyone. To make them rethink how they’d been treating Harry Styles and how he ought to be talked about. They thought of how they would feel if they stepped in his shoes. And the hate stopped, just like that.

Now, he had fans telling them they loved him for who he was. The media talked happily about his and Zayn’s relationship, without mention of any reputations. All was right with him, at last.

Harry needed Zayn, and Zayn was there for Harry when it got tough. He helped the boy get back on his feet and start again, and Harry couldn’t be more thankful.

Harry loved Zayn so much, and the feeling was mutual.

A few days after the mess was finally sorted, Zayn told Harry to close his eyes and took him somewhere unknown. Harry trusted Zayn, so he did so without questioning where they were going. He was told to open his eyes.

They were in a tattoo parlor. Wasn’t this what they were trying to stay away from? Harry becoming the bad version of himself? He was confused. Why would Zayn bring him here?

“Harry, I think you should get one last tattoo,” Zayn smiled.

“What do you mean?” Harry was still bewildered.

Zayn’s smile widened. “To show the world that you are growing up, but that wasn’t really you that they saw. Think about it. If you don’t want one, we can go.”

Harry thought. What could he get to show that he was done with that dark stage of his life?

A few hours later, the two boys walked out of the tattoo parlor, hands linked. Harry did decide to get something. It was small, just a little thing around one side of his wrist.

It said “I Can’t Change”. Because he couldn’t. He’d learned that it was better to be himself and love who he was than try to be better. Because it wasn’t better. He just managed to worry the one he cared most about.

Harry Styles: “I Can’t Change”

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