Previously on "I'm the white ranger/Rider Psyga" we're presented to the main man himself Y/N L/N who is both the anti hero White Ranger and Kamen Rider Psyga has he's revealed not just be those two but to be the first anti hero in the history of verse who said to have retired but it seems his returned and his already started his battles has he first takes down a group of thugs killing some of them and then ends the reign of the Joker killing him has he takes down one person of his list
Location:Verse city in the day
"Verse city it is said to be a place a hope a place we're you can purpose, meaning and destiny plus it said to be the safest place on the planet.................................HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA yeah that's not true while this city holds the supposed greatest school in the world Union City this place has meet its fair share of destructions that have brought the deaths of many but that's not what makes this place targ—I mean populated it is it's environment that brings the people with powers has this world is divided between those with Aura/quirks/sacred gears/magic/I.S pilots/techno magic/ninjas/Pokémon trainers/teigu users/ship girls/gun girls/those with mysterious abilities/the rich here they train in union to become the supposed protectors of the world"
A regular morning for the people of verse city tragic is heavy has always people go out to either work or in the protectors case patrol to be ready but one person a certain German girl is not having a not so good day she has silver hair,pale white skin,red eyes and an eyepatch hiding her left eye has she's revealed to be
Laura Bodewig(I.S Pilot-training)
Laura:*mind*Stupid Ichika always going with those hüdin he's supposed to be my bride! yet he just ignores me that idiot after all the hilfe I've given him
Laura continues to angrily walk has unknown to her someone is looking down at her a figure stands in the edge of a building looking directly at Laura
???:hmm this one we shall see if what she holds is true if not I'll simply dispose of her
Back with Laura she's now walking in the park which seemed to have calm her down has she now sits on a bench has she thinks on her situation
Laura:*sigh*Was should I do now the only reason I've fallen for him was because he saved me but maybe I was wrong in picking him has my bride
Her thoughts are interrupted by a butterfly that flies in front of her she smiles seeing the majestic insect has she watched it fly around her but the moment was destroyed by someone lunging towards Laura who spits the individual has she jumps off the bench dodging the swing of an axe one she looks up and sees who attacked her it's revealed to be
Zeltrax:Laura Bodewig your power is needed for my cause
Laura:And wer are you supposed to be
Zeltrax:I am Zeltrax*readies himself*your superior and your destroyer
Laura body gets covered in a flash on light has when it died down she appears again but this time wearing grey body suit and her I.S Shwarner Regen
Laura(I.S on):My superior huh I only have one abs that's my mentor
Zeltrax:Than let us see if she's trained you right
Laura charges first has she activated her energy blade and goes to slash Zeltrax who blocks her first slash with his shield has he jumps back but she doesn't stop has she goes straight him swing her blade Zeltrax easily blocks each strike has he then blocks one with his axe has he pushes her energy sword away has he then goes to strike her Laura's shield activates has it blocks Zeltrax first attack
Zeltrax:Force Field?
Laura(I.S on):You cannot harm me fool you fall here villain!!*aims her cannon at Zeltrax*
Zeltrax reacts to slow has Laura opens fire at him the blast hits him directly in the chest sending g him flying through eight trees has he slowly started getting up
Zeltrax:*groans*Da*m she's strong but not strong enough*looks towards where she is*if my knowledge is correct I.S have other forms yet hers is still in the first so defeat is not assured for me yet
Laura(I.S on):Take this!!!
Zeltrax looks back at Laura has he sees her dashing towards him energy blade on has he readies himself he blocks her strike has he spun around and goes to hit her the shield blocks his attack he jumps back away from her has he then fires and electric blast that the shield also blocks has Laura smirks
Laura(I.S on):*chuckles*You are a fool to believe you could have beaten me all on your own
Zeltrax:*continues to blast his electricity but chuckles*Oh do not worry my dear I did not come alone I always come prepared
Laura(I.S on):What?
Before she could react someone attacks her from behind two figures slashed her she stumbled forward but with enough strength she turned around and sliced her attackers has her eyes widen seeing that they were not alone has she just destroyed two of the twelve Tyranodrones
Laura(I.S on):What are those things aahhh!!!
Laura gets blasted by Zeltrax has she gets pushed forward one of Tyranidrones goes to slash her but the shield protects her has she activated her energy blade and cuts him in haft she turned towards Zeltrax who goes to slice her face she blocks the attack with her left mech hand has she points her cannon at Zeltrax but before she could fire the other Tyranodrones jump on her has they hold her down
Laura(I.S on):Let mich go!!
Zeltrax:Sorry can't do that but first let us take that armor of you*charges up electricity*
The Tyranodrones jump away from Laura has Zeltrax fires a powerful electric blast that her shield couldn't stop it on time has she get shocked she scream in pain has ones Zeltrax stopped she fell on the ground and her I.S disappeared has Zeltrax was about to walk over to her until
???:You know it's not fair to do a one v ten fight let me even the odds
Has before Zeltrax and the Tyranodrones could react a white blurr comes out of nowhere and cuts down five of the nine Tyranodrones
they land a few feet away has they turn around has a familiar figure appears the white ranger
White Ranger:Sup Zeltrax
Zeltrax:White Ranger!!
White Ranger:I see your still looking for something that will give you and edge over me
Zeltrax:Tsk and you continue to get in my way why can't you just do a blind eye and ignore my business
White Ranger:*chuckles*Sorry can't do that now let's see hmmm still not fair there still five of you left*takes out his Drago dagger*let's change that
White Ranger:Laser arrows*fires them*
White Ranger fires his multiple laser arrows has they are aimed at the Tyranodrones and Zeltrax said villain uses his shield to block the attack but his minions meet another fate has the Tyranodrones get hit directly has they get pushed back and explode
White Ranger:There now it's fair
Zeltrax:You'll pay for your interference!!
White Ranger:*gets in a stance*Will see about that
A few seconds passed but then Zeltrax and White Ranger charge at one another has they clash
They almost look even but is White Ranger who gaining the advantage in this fight has he easily blocks abs dodges Zeltrax attack has he blocks his axe has he then pushes it up he then sweeps the villains legs has Zeltrax was falling White Ranger incased his dagger in energy has he slashes Zeltrax the impact sends him flying has Zeltrax breaks another tree
White Ranger:Come on Zel!! you got any respect for nature you've already destroyed eight trees today
Zeltrax:*gets up*You will pay for this Ranger mark my words*points at him but then teleports out of there*
White Ranger:*lowers his dagger*Phew! easy does it now*turns to the unconscious Laura*power down
The suit disappears revealing Y/N has he walks up to the unconscious Laura he kneels down and places two fingers on her neck curling her pulse feeling one he sighs in relief
Y/N:*looks at her*Now what could Zeltrax want with a cute girl like you
Y/N takes a few seconds but then decides to help her he picks her up and places her on his shoulder has after doing that he stands up and turns invisible has he leaves the scene
Time skip brought to you by Y/N giving Laura a headpat has she blushes from the sensations she smiles and closes her eyes has Y/N smiles down at her has unknown to them the girls are looking at Laura with jealousy has dark auras surround them
Laura slowly started opening her eyes has then they turned wide has she moves up from the bed panting has she remembers the previous events
Laura:What has happened abs where is that monster
Laura turned her head towards the bark has she is surprised to see the creature beside the bed to rest on the Pokémon had yellow,white and black fur with very cute and adorable eyes has his revealed to be the electric type dog Pokémon
Laura:*blinks blink*Ha bolthund?
Boltund:*barks and the smiles*
Laura:*mind*Why is there a Boltund watching me and how did I get here
Her train of thought gets interrupted has the door opens and Y/N walks in Laura turns to him abs blushes one's seeing his looks but then she notices the plate of food in his hands
Y/N:*smiles*Oh you are awake good
Laura:Wer bist du?...............*blushes*
Laura:*blushes*Sorry I just spoke German
Y/N:Oh! I see well I've come to give you lunch you've been knock out for three hours
Laura:*surprise*Three hours!!
Y/N:Yep found you beaten up in the park but whatever hurt you ran off when I got there me out of there
Y/N:Well? yeah I mean I wants gonna leave a cute girl like you there
Laura:*mind blush*He called me cute
Y/N:So while I made you some lunch I had*pets Boltund*my little buddy here watch over you
Laura:Well thank you so much hhhaa
Y/N:Oh right my name you can call me Y/N L/N you?
Laura:Laura Bodewig
Y/N:*smiles*Well it's nice to meet you Laura*places the plate in the bed*now eat up you gonna need a lot of energy
Laura:Thank you J/N(that's German for Y/N)
Laura grab the spoon and took the first bite on the food she was given and ones she did that she felt peace,calm and freedom she felt happy
Laura:This dish is so delicious!!
Y/N:*chuckles*Good to hear you like what I made
Laura:*looks at him shocked*You made this for me
And with that they started a conversation has Laura eats Y/N's cooking enjoying it very well has Laura told him what happened and where she comes from Y/N knew she was from Union but he played it off to be surprised when hearing that she was from there and so he told her a little bit of himself they both enjoyed this moment and Laura she started feeling something in her heart which was the same feeling she used to feel for Ichika but she's feeling it for Y/N but is stronger after eating abs watching the plate Y/N and Boltund accompanied her back to Union just in case has they continued to talk along the way but ones they reach the entrance of Union Y/N took a piece of paper out abs gave it to Laura who takes it
Laura:Wa is this
Y/N:My number you ever need something or wanna talk give me a call*smiles*
Laura:*blushes*Oh sure! I'll remember that
It changes to showing Y/N and Boltund waking away from her has he waves at her one last time she waves back has Laura sees the two disappear in the crowd abs ones there out of sight she places her hand on her chest has she feels the same feeling she felt when they were at his apartment
Laura:Y/N L/N just who are you and why*blushes*is it that I'm feeling this way with you
The German candidate hears two familiar voices has she turns around and sees two people running towards has they are revealed to be
Charlotte Dunois
Ichika Orimura(the densest dumbass of all anime)
Laura:Oh hello comrades
Charlotte:Laura where have you been we've been worried sick about you
Laura:I was just having a nice walk around the city
Ichika:Phew that's a relief hey you wanna go with us and get lunch
Laura:No sadly I do not Ichika so you two may leave me be*begins to walk away*
Charlotte:*mind*What? did Laura just called Ichika by his name but she usual calls him by bride
Ichika:Okay? we'll see ya later!
Laura doesn't respond back has she just continued to walk away from them Ichika being dense doesn't realize the issue while Charlotte does has she stares at Laura shocked
Ichika:Wonder what's wrong with her
Charlotte:I don't know but it's odd
Charlotte:Well she didn't call you bride and well doesn't she usually accepts to go with you when you ask her to a company you
Ichika:Hmm yeah your right but don't worry about I'm sure things will go back to normal tomorrow
Ichika walks away but Charlotte takes one more look at Laura who enters the building that houses the dorms of the I.S pilots
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