Chapter 3

I awoke in a cold sweat. My mouth hung open, dry as I awoke in a bed. Someone held my hand. I was no longer in my dress and was back in my old clothes. My eyes fluttered open as a damp cloth patted my forehead. Whoever who had been holding my hand rushed forward.

"Irene!" Hunter "Thank the Majors you're alright!"

"H-Hunter? Ugh. W-what happened?"

"We were hoping you could answer that." Jena said from beside me. "You just passed out in the middle of the Festival. We rushed you over here but you didn't wake up. You've been asleep for the past few hours, sweating and screaming as you slept. What was going on?"

I swallowed hard at her words. I sat up, nearly spilling the bowl of water that sat on the bed. I couldn't tell them. Couldn't tell them about the horrid nightmares that had played in my mind.

I looked into Hunter's brown eyes. I never gave then much thought, but they looked so gentle in this moment. I slowed my breathing and closed my eyes. I had to tell them. I needed to tell them or they wouldn't let me leave. I needed to go now before worse things happen.

"I-I n-need to..." I stuttered, unable to form words.

"Take your time" Rose said from her spot near the doorway.

"I-I just need some fresh air." I said quietly. I felt like I was sick. I needed blood. Human or animal didn't matter anymore. I needed something!
"I think I might throw up!"

They all backed up as I vomited all the human-food I had consumed. I instantly felt 100 times worse. I leaned over the side of the bed, shakily on my arms. Hunter helped me lay back down. Rose and Jena reluctantly left after Hunter suggested they go home and allow me to rest. I had never been so grateful.

I laid down for a while, Hunter refusing to leave my side until I was asleep. So I pretended. He eventually fell for it and left the room, leaving me alone. After I was sure he was asleep I crept out of bed and made my way outside. It was now deathly silent as the Festival ended and lights burned low. Many stragglers were on the streets. Every part of my mind and body beckoned for me to claim one of the people.

But I knew where I was headed. I made my way to the gate planning o head out to the forest, but there was only one guard at the gate. I lost control and dragged him to the other side of the wall before killing him. I drunk the blood, feeling content as the warm liquid made it down my throat.

I soon left for back home. I made it back in Hunter's house before the sun rose. I was now extremely fatigued but at least I no longer felt a lust for blood. I fell asleep just as the sun turned the dark sky pink. When I woke up, it was near mid day. I heard yelling from the main room. My head still hurt like hell but I continued to get up. I creaked my door open a crack and listened to the conversation.

"She was outside last night! Mark saw her!" Cabe yelled. I shivered but drew closer till I could see Cabe and Hunter .

"But she couldn't have done it! You can ask Jena, she was to ill to even stand last night!" Hunter screamed back in my defense.

Cabe's icy blue eyes stared into Hunter's brown ones. I could tell by Cabe's gaze that they had found the body. His eyes teemed with tears. What had that man meant? Cabe sighed.

"Look. My brother, although we didn't always get along, was a big part in my life"
his brother!? A tear rolled down his cheek. "And his fiancé, your sister is-"

"Crushed I know." Hunter's eyes were now soft and kind "I, as much as you, want to find who did this. My sister means the world to me." He paused
"I really thought that Celeste and I had killed the only shadow. But there must be another one out there. Trust me, it is not Irene."

I felt sick in my gut. I had hurt everyone. I felt like throwing up again. It tore me up to have killed Cabe's brother. And apparently Hunter's sister's fiancé? How could I have allowed myself to be so blinded by my hunger? I retreated to the bed and stayed there, staring at the ceiling. I paid no more attention to what small conversations the two men had. Eventually, what must've been an hour or two later, a door closed. I heard Hunter sigh and my door open. I didn't react.

"Hey Irene." He said quietly as he sat on my bed. "How are you doing?"

"T-there has been another kill, hasn't there?" I asked, knowing the answer. Hunter breathed inna sharp breath before releasing it.

"Y-yes there has." Silence.

"Irene, that night, that night when I found you, did you see anyone or any animals nearby?"

"N-no." I said sitting up.
He lifted his head to look in my eyes.

"And're not a shadow, right?"
I allowed my jaw to fall open.

"N-no! Why would you even ask that? don't think I am a shadow do you?"

"I-I don't know. Its just the timing, and the fact that you're alone with a freshly killed body. A shadow surly would've killed you. And if you were a witch you would've known what the Light Festival was and would have helped out with the barriers...." Silence again.

Tears pricked at my eyes. Wait? Why did I care what he thought!? He was a nobody! Right? I mean, I could kill him right now and then leave town! Or set it up to make it looked like someone else killed him and that would be one ShadowHunter down. But no. I cringed at my dark thoughts and looked away, unable to meet his gaze. Then he stood up and I managed to withstand his brown eyes.

"I want to train you." He said.


"I want to train you. You never know when this shadow will strike. And if they could take down a very capable knight such as Jeffery, then its best you know how to defend yourself."
I was awestruck. He was willing to teach me? Even after what just happened. I nodded and stood up shakily as well.

"Im ready" i stated. I instantly felt a lurch in my stomach before falling back down into the bed.
"J-just not right now!" I said.

He chuckled and I flashed a smile in return. He left saying that he was going to a Crown meeting that had come up and said he was going to leave Celeste with me. Rose was busy and Jena had to run her shop.

As soon as Celeste arrived I recognized her as the Violet-eyed girl from the festival. She took one look at me before glancing at Hunter who seemed to ignore her look. After he left we sat in silence for a minute. I opened my mouth to speak but she darted in first.

"You're that girl from the Festival. The one that Hunter was with. Everyone knows about you. You're nearly as well known as Hunter now. Hunter will never fall for you. I saw the way you looked at him. And just know that he's mine."
I had been planning to be nice but this was just over the top.

"What!? I didn't even do anything to you! All I did was want to say hi and introduce myself! I didn't ask for what happened at the Festival and I wish it hadn't happened. And what are you implying with 'the way you're looking at him'!?" I yelled.
She just shook her head, ignoring me.

"Im going to the training fields. Come along if you like. Maybe I can get you a head start in whatever training Hunter is planning to have you do." She spat.
I didn't want her help or to even see her but I really needed something to clear my brain and I needed training as soon as possible. So I followed her to the field where she grabbed a bow, set it aside then two swords. She tossed one to me and I caught it.

"Good reflexes for no training, but we need to work on them. A moment's hesitation can cost you your life. But I want to see where your level is. Let's spar. 3! 2!"
She didn't even wait for me to take a position before attacking. I dodged and stood aside.

"That wasn't fair!" I complained.

"Yeah well not all battles are fair!" She yelled as she came at me again.

I dodged and swept my feet but she backed up and I ended up wasting a move. She charged me again and I blocked. I could tell from our brief connection that she was stronger than I was and was very smart. Which meet I had to be faster. My sword was like a weight in my hands as we parried and evaded. It became a repeated pattern.

Block, parry, block, evade strike, repeat. I noticed how people began to gather around us. Only like five people but the pressure was getting to me. Celeste eventually knocked my sword away and held a sword to my throat.

"Give up?" She hissed. I was defeated. Utterly defeated. As I panted out a yes she brought down her sword. The crowd dispersed and she leaned over, panting, just as tired as I was.

"You're pretty talented girl, but you're very sloppy and are still in need of major training. I will also need to test your aim, so we will test that-"

"Hey, my name is Irene! And can we have a break first!" I wined."
She rolled her eyes.

"So dramatic. Sure, we can tale a rest. But only a quick one. Unless you want to quit for today, proving your worthlessness." She smirked.

"No. I am fine. I will return in half an hour, good?" I asked.

She hesitated but nodded then turned and stalked away. I still didn't trust Celeste and already hated her with a burning passion but I would not give her the satisfaction of seeing me as weak. I found a place where I could just sit and rest. A fountain nearby helped me relax as I listed to the running water. I threw my head back and closed my eyes.

I looked forward again to see Hunter emerging from a large, two story building. A woman, Marie I guessed, Adam and another man appeared behind him. Adam smiled and whispered something to Hunter as the other two walked off. Hunter nodded and walked over, Adam in tow.
Hunter sat down next to me and Adam took a bow.

"I don't believe we have met formally m'lady. I am Adam Neval. Nice to finally meet you Irene, I have heard much about you from Hunter. I trust you are recovering steadily from your....episode at the festival"
I nodded.

"Nice to meet you sir Adam," i said, returning the formality with a small chuckle
"And yes, I am doing well."

"I would love to stay and chat with you two, but I really must be going. There is business to take care of. G'day to you." He said before turning on his heel and walking away, leaving Hunter with me.

"Well, it's nice to know you're getting better. But you seem...agitated. And where is Celeste? I told her to watch you."

"Celeste was being....rude. We had started training but I needed a break from her way-to-high ego." I spat. Hunter didn't take this well.

"Well Celeste would never be mean to someone for no reason so you must've done something. And I would suggest not talking about my friends like that!" He yelled.
I tried to explain what had happened but he was already storming away. I sighed, that last bit of my patience burnt away. I got up and started walking towards the fields.

I was not looking forward to seeing Celeste's dumb face again but them again, Hunter had likely returned home and I wanted to let him have time to cool down before I talked to him again. Why had he been so defensive of Celeste. When she had said he was hers I thought she was one of those people who claim what isn't theirs and consider people objects for them to own but.....maybe he really was hers.

I was confused as tears teemed in my eyes. I fluttered my eyes quickly a couple times before clearing my eyes and continuing towards the training grounds where Celeste stood, bow and quiver in hand.

hey guys! Hope you have enjoyed this story so far. Please, let me know what you think of it in the comments! And i feel like some of my characters are under-described so let me know if you'll would like a chapter added to the beginning of this book that describes the characters and gives up some background information. I have to go now, see you guys later!

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