_____________Your POV____________
"Well, enough of the shitty life stories, lets get onto training in this time period, shall we?" You ask, letting a smirk make its way onto your face.
"Hold up a minute, here. I still have a few questions." Erwin says, causing a small frown to adorn your face.
"Boring~." You sang.
Erwin gave you a stern look.
"Fine, what is it you want to know?" You say, leaning forward in your seat, placing your elbows on your knees, while interlocking your fingers.
"If you managed to get here, then doesn't that mean others will too?" Erwin asks.
"Ah~, yes, that. Well, you see, that was our mission before we came here." You state.
"What do you mean?" Erwin asks.
"It means that we were suppose to get the blueprints to the machine that let us travel here, but we destroyed those, as well as the actual machine, after traveling here, so in other words, no. We can't go back, nor can anyone else follow us here." You say casually.
"What do you mean, 'you destroyed them after coming here'?" Erwin asks.
You sigh, as you say, "We placed explosives all over the place, before coming here, and as soon as we traveled here, they should've gone off."
"Well, now, since that's out of the way, can we get onto training already?" You ask.
"Y-Yeah. Levi, why don't you go help these guys out, they still need to learn about the basics." Erwin says.
"Tch, fine. Follow me, brats." Levi hisses, before walking through the doors.
But, as you went to follow him, you felt your body convulse in pain, causing you to crumple to the ground.
You let out a grunt of pain, as your gripped your left shoulder tightly.
___________Levi's POV_____________
"Captain!" I hear the people known as 'Team Alpha' shout in unison, causing me to turn around.
My eyes widen, as I see (F/N) on the ground, gritting her teeth together harshly, as she grips her left shoulder tightly.
"What's wrong?" I hiss, as I rush over.
"K-Knife...l-left boot." (F/N) hisses out, through gritted teeth.
Before I had the chance to grab it, Dante grabs it for her, and hands it to her.
"Fucking tracker!" She shouts, as she digs the knife into her left shoulder, before twisting it.
She pulls the knife out, digging out a small black square.
She sits back, and lets out a sigh.
"Damn, those fucking things hurt." She says, as she tears off her long sleeves, and ties it around the wound, like it was nothing .
"Sorry about that." She says, as she gets up, and brushes her pants off.
She walks over to the small black square object, and stomps on it, the sound of a crunch is heard, signaling that it was now broken.
"What the fuck was that?" I hiss.
"Tracker, they're used to monitor your movements, and if the government thinks your betraying them, they activate it. If you don't remove it in time, you will die a slow painful death. Luckily, I dug the little fucker out before it had the chance to." She says casually.
"What about the others, do they have those 'tracker' things?" I ask.
"No, I convinced the government to not implant those into them, saying that I can take 'em out if they do anything 'out of line'." She explains.
"Why do you have one then?" I ask.
"Because, that was part of the deal. They don't get the trackers, as long as I get one in order to monitor my movements." She says, shrugging her shoulders.
"Well, enough questions, back to training." She says, as she walks past me, but I latch onto her wrist.
Bad move on my part.
The next thing I know, I'm on the ground, pinned by my throat, as (F/N) hovers over me.
Her eyes widen in realization.
"Sorry, that was by reflex." She says, as she gets off of me.
She then lifts me up by my arm, before brushing invisible dust off my shoulders.
"There. Good as new." She says, chuckling a bit.
"Anyways, why did you grab my wrist?" She asks.
"Your going to the infirmary to get that treated." I say emotionlessly, as I gesture to the wound.
"Oh, this?" She says, looking over her left shoulder, in order to see the wound.
"It's nothing, just a small scratch." She says, ignoring the blood soaked sleeves that were tied around the wound.
"Tch, do as I say, brat." I hiss, as I walk up to her, getting in her face, since we're about the same height.
She looks surprised for a moment, before bursting out laughing.
"S-Sorry, but I can't help but to laugh at your attempt at being intimidating." She says, trying to stifle her laughter.
I growl, as I say, "Just get to the damn infirmary, before I drag you there."
"Fine, fine. You guys-" She says, gesturing to both my squad and hers.
"While I'm gone, try and get to know each other. Since, we're going to be working together, its best if we know our teams movements, and what technique they use." She continues, before I lead her towards the infirmary.
Once there, I watch as the nurse carefully wraps the wound.
"Tch, idiot." I mutter.
"How am I an idiot?" She asks, and my shoulders jolt in surprise that she actually heard me.
"What kind of person stabs themselves, huh?" I hiss.
"I guess people who've been through some tough training. I'm to the point where I can barely feel pain." She says, smiling, as she looks down a bit.
"Your fucking weird." I say.
"Define weird." She says.
"You." I hiss.
She chuckles, as she suddenly says, "You know, I think I'm gonna enjoy being in your squad." She says, as she get up off the bed.
"Y-You shouldn't move with a wound like that." The nurse says.
"It's fine, besides, its not like this is the first time I got hurt like this, and still had to fight, so think of this as a real life experience." (F/N) says, as she walks out of the room.
I click my tongue, as I follow her out of the room.
But, as soon as we reach the door, to where our squads are, I begin to hear shouting.
I look towards (F/N), as she looks at me.
We both then return our gaze to the door, as (F/N) pushes it open, to reveal a shocking sight.
Daichi is lifting Auruo by the collar of his shirt.
"You little shit, you better take that back." Daichi hisses, rage evident in his eyes.
Before Auruo had the chance to say something, I hear (F/N) speak out sharply.
"Daichi, set him down!"
"But-" He began, but was cut off by (F/N).
He dropped Auruo to the floor, who was gasping for air.
"Now, you better have a very good explanation to this whole thing." (F/N) hisses.
"Captain, he insulted you. He said you would most likely be a burden to them." Daichi defends.
"Is this true?" (F/N) asks calmly, as she scans the room, earning nods from both my squad and hers.
She lets out a small sigh, as she walks up to Auruo, who was still on the ground.
"Auruo, right?" She asks, earning a nod from him.
"Now, what made you think that I would be a burden to your team, huh?" She asks.
"B-Because, you l-look weak." Auruo says barely above a whisper.
"I see." She says, kneeling, so she is face to face with him.
"Didn't anybody ever tell you not to judge a book by its cover. I have killed people before, you know, and they aren't the lame ass punks you have here. I mean these are people who have killed thousands of other people with their bare hand, giving them enough experience to kill the most experienced of men." She says, as she gets up.
"And your probably wondering what the whole point to what I'm saying is, right?" She asks, as Auruo, once again, nods.
"It's simple really, underestimating someone, especially if it's me, will be the end of you, got it?" She says, dangerously low, earning frantic nods from the man.
"Daichi!" She calls out.
"Yes, captain!" He shouts.
"Play nicely next time, your strenght can be a bit more overbearing then what most people can handle." She says.
"Y-Yeah." He stutters, as if he was expecting worse punishment.
"Also-" she begins, causing the large man to stiffen.
"Begin your 100 laps around this building, I thought I told you to get along with them, not fight them." She says.
"Y-Yes captain." He says in defeat, before heading out the door.
"Now, anybody else got a problem, speak now or forever hold your peace." She says, and everyone shakes their heads 'no'.
"Great. Now, lets begin with the whole teaching us how to train, that is, after Daichi finishes his laps, which shouldn't take long, probably twenty maybe twenty five minutes." She says, as she sits down in one of the chairs.
"Tch, damn brat." I murmur.
"Heard that." (F/N) chuckles, as I stiffen, before letting out a frustrated groan.
'This is going to be a long day.' I think, as I sit down next to (F/N), before both of our squads join us.
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