Chapter 9: Red Hearts rival
We see the same place where Red Heart fights Darkness Heart as the fighting leave a huge hole surrounded by trees and plants. On top of the hole was a mysterious cloak figure as the person looks at the hole and see this was cost a fighting from two CPU's.
The cloak figure pulls out a small metal ball out of his pocket and throws it to the air. The ball was sent into the air before it it hovered in the air and shot out a green beam to scan the hole.
Once the hole is scanned the ball slowly hover back to the person's hand as he plug the drone into his robotic arm to see how many energy it was.
???: I see, seems that I'm not the only one here huh?
The cloak figure smirks to himself as he turns and walks off not before saying.
???: (smirk) Can't wait to see how strong this Male CPU is. Once that I'll proof to the world that there is only one strong enough to be the best.....and that's me.
The cloak figure dissappear into the forest and focus on one objective in his mind......find Red Heart.
We see Y/n stop by the hospital where Compa is at as he walk pass a few doctors and Nurses as they take their patients to get healed. He step into the room where Compa is at and see her working on a patient on a hospital bed.
Y/n was kinda surprised to see a full house here as he walks up to Compa and asked.
Y/n: Whoa, guess people getting injured a lot.
Compa: (smile) Oh hey Y/n, didn't know you came here. Is there anything I could do?
Y/n: (smile) Just came here to see how you're doing. Still must be hard working with a lot of patients here?
Compa: Yeah but a next Nurse will take over and I'll take my leave.
Y/n: Cool. So how did this guy got injured?
Compa: Well this person told me he was walking to his house until he trip and spring his leg.
Y/n: Ow, that's gonna hurt.
Compa: Yeah but I was there and help him up. It was pretty lucky I took him here just in time.
Y/n: OK and that guy next to him?
Compa: Oh that person told me he cut his hand when he try to pick up a few papers. I was also there as well and took him in.
Y/n:......Um ok? And the guy beside the other guy?
Compa: He told me he cut his knee and it was bleeding but I was also there and took him here.
Y/n: (thought) I'm getting a feeling these patients injured themselves so that can try to ask someone who took them to the hospital for a date.
Compa: So how is things with Nep and the rest?
Y/n: It's great, we play many games and doing well.
Compa: I heard you visit MAGE at her store. How did that go?
Y/n: Let's just say.....Balloons were on my face.
Compa: Balloons on your face?
Y/n: (little blush) N-Never mind, let's just move on.
Compa: (smile) Alright, hey after this do you wanna go out for some lunch.
Y/n: (smile) Sure sounds nice. I know this one cafe bet you will like a try.
Compa: Oooooooo I love new things. Ok, after the new Nures came on, let us go there.
Y/n: (smile) Sure, mind I help?
Compa: (smile) Sure, that will be soo kind of you.
Y/n nods with a smile as he helps Compa around the hospital. He helps out the guys as they ask them where is the cute nurse at. In fact every guy was asking about one cute nurse as Y/n now realise who this "cute nurse" they were talking about.
After a while helping around the hospital more Nurse came as now Compa can leave so she and Y/n exit out of the hospital to check out this new cafe Y/n have found.
(Short while later)
They sat down outside of the cafe as it was a beautiful day outside as they have some hot coco together as Compa sip in the coco and it felt delicious and tasted delicious.
Compa: (smile) Whoa this is the best Hot coco I have ever tasted.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah it's great, it even serves special requests.
Compa: (smile) That sounds very special. So Y/n, how is you being a CPU.
Y/n: I think I got a handle of it. The flying the powers and all else. It's pretty cool.
Compa: (smile) Yeah it's soo lucky you got a CPU form.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah guess so.
Compa: So what are your plans after this?
Y/n: Uzume came up to me at the guild and asks I would join her on a job after I visited you. I told her yeah and she told me she'll be waiting and that's that.
Compa: Sounds fun, good luck with that.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah it will be fun. Hey Compa I wanna ask you something?
Compa: Sure what is it?
Y/n: I know that people have to have faith with CPU's and if all their faiths are broken, then they won't be CPU's. So what happen to those that lost the ability to be CPU's?
Compa: Well if I remember correctly, they have to wounder the world without their CPU powers for the rest of their life. Then a new CPU's will take over the fallen CPU's place and rule the land.
Y/n: Has that ever happened to Neptune or any of the CPU's?
Compa: Nope which is a good thing. The world wouldn't be a same if they were gone.
Y/n: Yeah luckily everyone has faith on them. Even though there is Dark-Striker and the seven Sages.
Compa: Yeah but I'm sure you and the rest of the CPU's will handle them, I'm sure of it.
Y/n: Guess so. While we're in the topic of CPU's, if you were a CPU what would you call yourself?
Compa: (smile) It's simple. I would be called "Health Heart" is use my abilities to help people when they are injured and I can fly really high, have a large needle as my primary weapon and I can say really cool attacks to attack my enemies. Oh I can imagine me now as that CPU.
Y/n: Um Yeah that would
Y/n: (thought) I think she went overboard with her imagination a bit.
Compa: (little nervous) Oh....I'm sorry It's not like me to imagine stuff like that.
Y/n: (smile) That's alright, I think the name "Health Heary" Would actually suit you. Having a healing CPU would be useful in combat as well.
Compa: (smile) Yeah and no matter what, I'll help those that are needed.
Y/n: (smile) Yep, I could agreed on that.
Compa smiles as they finish their hot coco and after they pay for the drinks they walk back to the guild to meet up with Uzume.
They walk together as Compa was actually kinda nervous to be near Y/n, think they were on a date which made her blush a little as she thinks about it as well.
After a while they made it to the guild were Uzume is waiting for them as she turn to see Compa and Y/n as she walks up to them and asked Y/n.
Uzume: Where were you, I was waiting here for a hour?
Y/n: Sorry Uzume, The hospital were Compa was at was kinda full.
Uzume: (sigh) Guess I don't blame you on that. So, ready for this job?
Y/n: (smile) You know it.
Compa: So what job are you taking?
Uzume: There is some reports of a trouble maker beating up people and leaving some unconscious. He has been chased by the police for a while and soon they have enough and place a bounty on him.
Y/n: Is there a name?
Uzume: Strangely no. He only wear a cloak and a mask on his face. The police are having a tough time figuring out who this person is. So we're just gonna find this guy and make him stop.
Compa: Well I wish yous good luck and be careful.
Y/n: (smile) Don't worry, we will. Let's go Uzume.
Uzume: Right.
They walk off while Compa watch them go and hopes the two will be alright including Y/n as she walks into the guild to take another job.
We see Uzume and Y/n walking through the road heading to the town they were supposed to be at. As they walk together Y/n can feel the wind gently blown into his face as he feels freed and relaxed.
Uzume turn to see him like this and kinda smiles a little but her heart was kinda beating slightly as she doesn't know what to say. She was too nervous to say anything until Y/h broke and silence and asked.
Y/n: So Uzume, your a CPU right?
Uzume: (little nervous) Y-Yeah so?
Y/n: Do you have a nation to rule or what happened to it?
Uzume: Oh well you see....I'm actually not from this world.
Y/n: Not from this world?
Uzume: I from another dimension known as the Zero Dimension. It's a place you don't wanna go a visit.
Y/n: OK, so there is a Zero Dimension?
Uzume: Yep and a lot more Dimensions and some are interesting while some are not. Plutia is also from Ultra Dimension, it's like here but some people you met are... slightly different.
Y/n: Huh guess that explains a lot of things. What about my Dimension, you know....the human world?
Uzume: Guess your world is pretty rare cause we never travelled to your world before.
Y/n: I see.
Uzume: (smile) But I bet your world is pretty cool. I can imagine so much stuff that is different to this world. I bet your world has pretty places to look at, very good technology and so much more.
Uzume (CPU side): And I bet there is many fluffy and cute animals to huge and the very nice people to meet. Oh I bet I can see your family and we can be super dooper happy together and there will be peace and love in your world.
Y/n looks at her weird because of her cute side as Uzume noticed this and clear her throat u rolled it was normal.
Uzume: Y-Yeah and a-all that.
Y/n: OK? So....If I don't mind I ask, what was that?
Uzume: (nervous) Oh nothing what are you talking about silly (nervous laughter).
Y/n: Your voice change into a cute loli girl in a anime show or something?
Uzume: (sigh) I guess I tell you now about that. Unlike other CPU's we have different personality when we changed. Like you see Neptune, you see her as a childlike little girl but when she change into her CPU form, she is more adult like and her personality change.
Y/n: I think Blanc has a similar thing when she change into White Heart.
Uzume: Yeah some like Vert and Noire stay the same while some have different personality. I unfortunately sometimes have my CPU self to take over my human body and make me embarrassed most of the time, so I lie and tell them they are imagine or they are deaf.
Y/n: (smile) Well I actually like how you spoke. I mean it sounds pretty nice and pretty cute.
Uzume: (blush) Y-Your just saying that to embarrassed me aren't you?
Y/n: No No I'm being hosted. I think you and Orange Heart are pretty cool and very interesting.
Uzume: (blush) Jeez no one hasn't say that to me. Th-thanks Y/n.
Y/n smiles as they arrive at their location. They stumble into town and they start to search around for the person that is beating up people.
They walk through the streets of town and ask a few people some questions but no one hasn't seen this person they were looking for.
After a while of asking they now sat on a bench behind them a fountain as Uzume sigh and said.
Uzume: Damn this is a lot more harder as I thought.
Y/n: Same.
Uzume: There's gonna someone to know where this guy went?
Y/n: Maybe we can lower him out?
Uzume: How?
Y/n: Well he likes to fight the strongest person around right? So what about we challenge this guy for a fight and set up a trap to capture him.
Uzume: Guess that would work. Good thinking, let's get some things we need and let's set it up.
Y/n: Right.
They split up to gather some things they needed and after a while they pick a spot to set up the trap which was in a circular like canyon.
After they set up the trap they hide behind a rock and waited for this guy to come. During all this they place down posters to challenge this guy to fight at the canyon and once that they waited for this person to appear.
They waited for a while as they got board so Uzume play her game while Y/n kept his eye out. After a while of waiting Y/n see a cloak figure walking towards the trap.
Y/n: (whisper) Uzume look.
Uzume peeks out and see the cloak figure. The cloak figure walks towards the trap until the person stop near the trap to look around to see anyone around. Uzume and Y/n were waiting for the person to step in.
Then the person step into a trap and electricity lizers appear as it form a pyramid as Uzume and Y/n cheered and high fived as Uzume said as they walks over to the cloak figure.
Uzume: (smirk) Hell yeah, we got that sucker!
Y/n: (smile) Yeah this job was a simple as pie.
Uzume: (smile) Yeah I know. Now let's take this guy to the police and-
???: Nice trap you did.
Uzume: Wh-What?
They turn and above them was the same cloaked figure as he stands on a cliff as he jumps down and lands down onto the ground and walks over to them.
Uzume: (shocked) what?! How he hell is that possible?! We caught him in here! Right?
They turn and the cloak figure in the trap disappeare into digital as they realise it was hologram.
Uzume: Crap! No wonder no one hasn't capture this guy.
???: You almost fooled me when I see that poster but now I have yous here what I wanted.
Then the person turns to Y/n as he smirks and pou to at Y/n.
???: You. Finally my test will be tested.
Y/n: Wh-What do you mean?
Then the cloak figure removed his cloak and it was a boy with glowing blue hair and glowing blue eyes as he smirks at Y/n and gossip on yo say.
Liam: I am Liam, the world's strongest person and I will fight anyone I veiwed strong. I've know you are the powerful CPU known as Red Heart and I'm here to see how tough you ready are.
Y/n: How did you know I'm a CPU?
Liam: (smirk) Because.....I'm also a CPU as well.
Then a burst of blue engery burst out as Uzume and Y/n steps back and cover themselves until the blue light was gone and they look back and see Liam has turn into a CPU known as Blue Heart.
Uzume: (shocked) Wow he's also a CPU as well?!
Y/n: (shocked) Great we have Darkness Heart and now we gave Blue Heart!
Blue Heart: Time to see how strong you are Red Heart. Show me your form and let us battle.
Uzume: Oh no, your not gonna fight Y/n. If you gonna face him.......
Then Uzume transform into Orange Heart and finish off saying.
Orange Heart: You gonna have to face us you big meany. Y/n you ready to henshin and beat this mean bully.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah let's do this.
Then Y/n transform into Red Heart.
The Orange Heart and Red Heart stand side by side as they stare at Blue Heart as he chuckles to himself and point his sword at them.
Blue Heart: This fight is gonna be great. Let's do this!
Then Blue Heart dashes over towards them and Red Heart summon his sword and blocks Blue Hearts attack. Orange Heart blast Blue Heart with her sonic blast that sent Blue Heart back.
Red Heart rushes at him and summon his other sword and swing two blades into the air but Blue Heart blocks it with his own and pushes Red Heart back.
Red Heart stumbled back as Blue Heart change at Red Heart and the two clash blades at each other. Red Heart can already feel how strong Blue Heart is and now quick he was.
Blue Heart quickly dodges Red Heart swing but Orange Heart appears above Blue heart while in mid air and fired are sonic attack at him.
Blue Heart was hit by this attack and crashes onto the ground. Blue Heart was laughing as he stands up and said.
Blue Heart: Is that the best you can do? I'm already getting started.
Blue Heart charge uo his blade and he swings it upwards to Orange Heart. Orange Heart summon a share engery field to block the attack.
But Blue Heart swing his blade a few more times and Orange Hearts Share engery field starts to crack. Red Heart see this and dashes over and tackles Blue Heart away as the two crashes onto the wall.
Red Heart slowly stands up as Blue Heart appears behind him and Red Heart turn and he kicks Red Heart in the face. Red Heard lands on the ground as Blue heart walks over and grabs him by the chest and throws him away.
Red Heart crashes into a rock and ge fell orno the ground as Blue Heart walks over to him while saying.
Blue Heart: I gonna say. Your pretty strong as I thought you were. But no one can't defeated me.
Red Heart Slowly stands up and try to punch Blue heart but Blue Heart grabs his fist and then punches Red Heart in the face. Red Heart fell to his knees as Blue Heart picks him up by the neck as he said.
Blue Heart: Guess I won this round Red Heart.
Red Heart: W-Why are you doing this? You suppose to use your CPU form for good not to beat up people.
Blue Heart: (chuckle) Because I like this power and I can do what ever I want with it. Who cares what others think, I have the best reputation being the most powerful man in the world. Soon I will have my own nation and ruled it like I'm the king baby and no one will not dare to challenge me cause how strong I am.
Red Heart: That's not right, you know that!
Blue Heart: And you do? Well it won't matter as long I finish this fight for good. Sweet dreams.
Blue Heart was gonna knock him out when a sonic attack sent Blue Heart back and Orange Heart runs over to Red Heart and helps him up.
Orange Heart: That was super doper close. You alright?
Red Heart: Yeah I'm fine.
Blue Heart slowly stands up and looks up to see them and he charges at them while saying.
Blue Heart: This fight is not over when I say its over, unless you wanna join him that's fine by me!
Red Heart: Watch out!
Red Heart moves Orange Heart away as he turns to Blue Heart as he forms a fist and then he upper punches Blue Heart in the cheek.
A punch made a shock wave as Orange Heart steps back as Blue Heart was sent flying into the air with rapping speed. Orange Heart was surprised by this as Red Heart watch him go up into the air and he fell into his butt and turn back into his human form.
Orange Heart: Y/n!
Orange Heart runs over and Y/n res his back on Orange Heart as Y/n was taking a breather as he asked.
Y/n: You alright?
Orange Heart: I'm doing super fine but what about you. That meany hit you really badly.
Y/n: (smile) I'm alright, I've been injured a few times and always come back up.
Orange Heart: Well I'm very very grateful your alright. That bully would have beat you up pretty heard.
Y/n: Yeah but we're alright. But looks like we're not gonna get paid.
Orange Heart: (smile) Money doesn't matter as long we fight together and did our best. Besides.......
She then kissed Y/n on the cheek which made Y/n blush a little as Orange Heart smiles while giggling.
Orange Heart: (smile) You saved my life and I would be badly hurt if you weren't there. Your just the besty best person around.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks and you did awesome as well.
Orange Heart giggles with a cute smile as she helps Y/n up and they exit out for the canyon and headed back home.
(Long while later)
They were at Neptune's place as the two explained what happened.
Neptune: (surprised) Wow another male CPU?
Y/n: Yep and his name is Liam aka Blue Heart.
Uzume: He's some type of guy wanting to beat up the strongest person he finds.
Nepgear: That's terrible.
Neptune: I have a theory about there is a Blue Heart around. If there is Red Heart then what about Blue Heart. It's a classic Red Vs Blue rivalry.
Plutia: Any ideas where he went?
Y/n: Not too sure. I sent him up into the sky and that was the last time I saw him. But I think he'll be back soon for revenge.
Neptune: (smile) Yep I think he'll be back. If I know all anime main characters, they always have a rival to have to plot put the story more.
Peashy: Man I wish I would have fight him.
Uzume: Maybe next time we bring you alone.
Peashy: Awesome.
Compa: OK everyone, dinner is ready.
Compa and IF came in with good as they set them down and they start to eat. Uzume looks at Y/n and smiles as she is happy to find a cool guy she ver have as the two sat down and eat happily while within the city of Planetune.
We see Liam standing on the roof of a tall building as he was pissed he was defeated by the likes of Y/n as he glares at Neptune tower where Y/n is at as he said to himself.
Liam: (anger) No one can't beat me. NO ONE! You may have won Y/n but know this. Once you land a punch at me that means war....till this day forth Y/n L/ and I are rivals and I'll be strong enough to defeated you.
He then stands up and dissappear from the roof as he finish off saying.
Liam: Till we meet again....Y/n.
To be continued.........
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