Chapter 8: The bursty disaster
It was earlier in the morning at Planetune as the sun was setting up as we seen Y/n at the balcony training in sword combat as he swing his sword around as he gets faster and faster as he connects on training.
He continues on like this until he was out of breath and set his sword down as he take some breaths. He sat down on a bench and grab a bottle of water and take a drink just as Histoire came in or the balcony and see Y/n there and said.
Histoire: Never know you'll be waking up a bit early.
Y/n: Just training in sword combat so I can be stronger to fight in battle.
Histoire: I see. I know the lost of Jiggles hurts you but you sure your ok?
Y/n: (smirk) Come on Histoire, I'm not John Wick who goss out of his way to take revenge on a guy who killed my pet. Besides it's not just because of Jiggles, it's so I can be stronger to protect everyone here, including other nations.
Histoire: OK, but at least your OK, that's good.
Y/n: Hey Histoire, I can't help but over heard you talking about the Seven sagas. Saying that "hope the Seven sagas won't let Dark-Striker in" what are they?
Histoire: Well it's a long story and a lot to explain.
Y/n: Well I'm not going away so fire at me.
Histoire: You see, the Seven Sagas are a group of people that refuse to allow goddess rule this world. They gone their way to get rid of Neptune and everyone else so they can have the share energy and all the nations. Arfoire and Warechu are members but I hoped with will not allow Dark-Striker into the group.
Y/n: How long they have been a thing to yous?
Histoire: Years but they have been quite about months now, it's possible the reason why is you.
Y/n: me?
Histoire: A male CPU may have shocked everyone and it's possible they stay quite in case you won't find them.
Y/n: Huh, so their like a weak organisation or what are they?
Histoire: They have a army but it has been short and it's unknown how many they are but they are short army.
Y/n: So where are they?
Histoire: We don't know, Noire tries to track then down but no such luck. She even travelled around for them but nothing.
Y/n: So they are sneaky huh.
Histoire: Agree.
Histoire looks at the clock and see Neptune and the rest will be up soon so she turn to the door and leave the balcony while Saying.
Histoire: Neptune and the rest will be up soon, better get their breakfast ready.
Y/n: Wants some help with it?
Histoire: It's alright, you go back to your training while I make breakfast, it be ready in 3 minutes.
Y/n: (smile) Cool, thanks Histoire.
Histoire nods and left the balcony and Y/n stands up and gone back to his training as the sun rises up in the sky for a beautiful morning.
(Short while later)
Y/n sat on the table with Neptune, Nepgear, Peashy, Pluita and Histoire as they sat down and eat and Nepgear ask him something which he asked.
Y/n: A new potion shop been open today?
Nepgear: Yep, I heard Uni is gonna be there and check it out. It's run by one of our friend we now.
Y/n: Huh sounds pretty cool, sure I'm down on it what about you Nep, wanna join?
Neptune: Can't, Histoire told me there is some important jobs I have to do as goddess.
Y/n: Sucks to be you.
Neptune: Tell me about it.
Pluita: I wanna come.
Peashy: Yeah same here.
Y/n: Cool, how far is the place?
Nepgear: Not far, just a few streets and we be there.
Y/n: Nice. So what's this person's name?
Nepgear: MAGES.
Y/n: Is that her name?
Nepgear: Yep, she's pretty nice once you see her.
Y/n: (smile) Cool, can't wait to see her once we get there.
Nepgear: (smile) Same.
After they finish their breakfast they gathered what they need and hey head into he elevator and wave goodbye to Neptune and Histoire before the doors closes in front of them.
They walk through the city looking for the place and soon they arrive at the place and see many people walking into he store and some coming out with some stuff in bags.
Y/n was surprised how many people were there as they step inside and they were even more surprised cause how many potions Stacked up on shelfs as people buy them off the shelfs and leave.
Pluita: (surprised) Wow look how many pretty potions they have.
Peashy: (surprised) Woah.
Y/n: (surprised) You'll telling me.
Uni: (smile) Hey guys.
They turn and see Uni enter the store and walks up to them.
Uni: (smile) See yous have arrived earlier then me.
Nepgear: (smile) Yeah, glad your here as well.
Uni: Well I hope we don't miss this Potion I wanna get.
Nepgear: What is it?
Uni looks at Y/n and kinda blushes a little which confused Y/n and turn back to Nepgear and whisper.
Uni: (whisper) It's best we ask MAGES without Y/n around here.
Nepgear: Huh why?
???: Hey guys, glad your here to visit.
They turn to see MAGES as she waves at them with a smile as she walks up to them and said.
MAGES: Welcome to my shop, nice to see yous here.
Nepgear: (smile) Same here MAGES.
MAGES nods and turn to Y/n and asked.
MAGES: So you must be Y/n also known as Red Heart.
Y/n: (smile) Yep and nice shop you have here.
MAGES: (smile) Thanks, come I'll show you around.
MAGES lead the group around her store as she explained the lay outs of it.
MAGES: I set up this store up a couple of months a ago. After a few paperwork and a few more I managed to open this shop for business. It has a second floor which holds more Potions and I have a storage bay so trucks can deliver more in.
Y/n: That's pretty cool MAGES. What kind of Potions you hold?
MAGES: Well besides healing potions we have some that make you sleep easily, potions that make you go fast, Potions that make you strong and other stuff yous may think of.
Nepgear: (smile) Woah that is amazing MAGES.
MAGES: (smile) Thanks glad yous like it.
???: Hey MAGES, what do you want to do with the boxes outside the storage doors.
They turn and they were surprised to see IF here as he walks up to them and spotted Nepgear and the rest and said.
IF: Hey guys, didn't know you'll be here.
Nepgear: Same as well Iffy, what brings you here?
IF: I'm just helping MAGES around the store, to get a few money and that Potions she promises me.
Nepgear: What potions is-
Uni: That's great IF, keep up the work.
IF: Um...thanks?
Y/n: Where's Compa, is she not usually with you?
IF: She's doing her own at the nearby hospital, helping others in there.
MAGES: Oh the boxes gose upstairs in the second floor.
IF: Cool, thanks.
Y/n: Want some help carrying some up?
IF: No thanks I think I'll-
But Uni see this as a opportunity and tugs Y/n towards IF while saying.
Uni: Come on IF, I think Y/n will be a great help with the boxes.
Uni manager to get Y/n next to IF as the two find this weird but IF shrugged and said.
IF: Alright, follow me and I'll show you the boxes.
Y/n: Ok.
IF lead Y/n away from the group and Nepgear was about to ask Uni bit Uni asked MAGES.
Uni: So is it true?
MAGES: What is?
Uni: There's a rumour I've heard that there is a potion that makes your know....bigger?
Nepgear: What?
Peashy and Pluita: Chest bigger?
MAGES: oh that, yeah it's true. I did some test and it shown to be complete. Yous wanna try?
Uni: Yeah, show us.
MAGES lead them and into a room which was MAGES office as she looks around for a bit and then pulls out a potion Uni asked and show them it.
MAGES: This potion can allow women's chest bigger and its 100% safe.
Nepgear: Are you sure it's safe?
MAGES: I did some test of it and it's completely safe.
Uni: Cool.
Uni stack it out of MAGES hand and start to drink it which Nepgear was a bit worry for a bit. After Uni was down she hands to over to Nepgear and the rest and asked.
Uni: Wanna try this yourself?
Nepgear: You sure?
Uni: (smile) Come on, I bet Y/n will like it.
Nepgear now understand why she was weird to Y/n and she blushes deeply as Pluita and Peashy walks up and said.
Pluita: I wanna try.
Peashy: Same.
Peashy took it first and drink and the Pluita drink it and after thet she hand it to Nepgear and she looks at it for a while and think Y/n would fall for her if she dose this so she drink the bottle.
We see IF and Y/n placing down some boxes and stacking the potions up on shelfs and once that was down they throw away the boxes into the recycling bin and take a breath outside.
Y/n: (sigh) Woah those were heavy boxes.
IF: Tell me about it.
Y/n: So IF, what is this potions you wanted form MAGES, is it something cool?
IF: sort off like that.
Y/n: Sort off?
IF: It's a potions of women and you makes you know.
Y/n: You know what?
IF: How can I put this. You know you have two balloons that are flat but if you pour water or any liquid in them it makes them grow.
Y/n:......Oooooohhhhh.....wait.....(blush) ooooohhhhh.
IF: (little blush) Yeah that's what I ment to say.
Y/n: Where have you heard of this?
IF: Funny story, you see-
Blanc: Oh hey Y/n.
Y/n: Blanc what are you-
When Y/n turn he was shocked and blushing deep as he see her chest were out as Blanc smirks at Y/n.
Blanc: (smirk) Your alright Y/n, have you noticed something new about me?
Y/n: (blush) Um something like that but not in a creepy way I promise you.
Blanc: (smirk) I don't mind that at all Y/n.
Y/n: (blush) Huh?
She then walk up to Y/n and lend her breast into Y/n's chest which made Y/n blush even more while IF felt jealous as Blanc start to flirt with him.
Blanc: (smirk) I came by to thank MAGES for the potions she give me as a test when I saw you and IF. Figured I surprised you with these, what do you think?
Y/n: (blush) I-I-I-I.
Blanc: (smirk) You know, you can even touch them and see how real they are, if you like?
Y/n have a nosebleed when Blanc said that and she giggled which IF have enough and grabs Y/n by the back of the short and drag him back inside the store with Blanc following them.
She then kicked the door of MAGES office still grabbing by the back of the shirt as she called out.
IF: (anger) MAGES I can't take this carp no more, do you have it or-
IF let's go of Y/n and he hits the ground as he slowly stands up and wipe the blood off his nose and see IF face was in shock as Y/n looks over and see both Uni and Nepgear drinking the same potion together as their chest grow as they sat on the couch grabbing each other chest.
Nepgear: Woah their getting bigger.
Uni: Told you they need time to grow.
IF: (anger) What the he'll is this MAGES! We have a deal and now you back stabbed me!
MAGES: I'm very sorry IF but I try to stop them but it was too late.
IF: (anger) This is unfair, I wanna have one just like them.
Y/n: W-well at least their happy right?
IF: Easy for you to say.
Pluita: Y/n Y/n look!
Y/n turns and Pluita was jiggling her chest up and down which they were huge as she said.
Pluita: (smile) Look how huge they are.
Y/n blushes deep and looks away and then he gets grabbing and pulled into someone's massive chest and Y/n looks up and it was Peashy as she said.
Peashy: (smile) Look at my chest Y/n, their huge like my CPU form.
Y/n can't spake either his face was at her huge chest or he is already dead cause of lost of blood pouring out of his noise.
Blanc: (anger) How, hands off of Y/n!
Then Blanc came into the office and Peashy looks at Blanc and they have a argument.
Peashy: I wanna Y/n to see how huge my chest are.
Blanc: (anger) He looks at mine and that's that!
The two contusions to argue while MAGES tries to calm them down. Y/n managed to escape Peashys hands and shakes it off and sat down on the couch. Then someone grabs him and gently lay Y/n down onto another huge chest and Y/n looks up to see Nepgear as she cuddles with Y/n as said said.
Nepgear: What do you think of mine Y/n. Pretty nice don't you think?
Y/n's head was lining on her chest and even know Y/n was blushing it felt kinda nice and said.
Y/n: (blush) Y-Yeah it's....It's pretty nice Nepgear.
Nepgear: (giggle) Thanks.
IF see this and was extremely jealous and snatch the drink from Uni and drink the whole bottle as MAGES start to panic and said.
MAGES: Wait! You can't drink all of them!
IF finish the whole bottle and throws it to the ground and felt her chest getting bigger and they get bigger and bigger as the rest turn and see IF chest was huge as IF smiles and asked Y/n.
IF: What do you think Y/n, like mine better?
Y/n: (blush) IF is it ok to drink the whole bottle?
IF: Just shut up and huge me!
She then run up and hug him as her huge chest was on Y/n's face as IF hugs Y/n.
Uni: No fair Iffy, I wanna hug him!
Plutia: Same here!
Blanc: Move out of the way!
Peashy: Huggy party!
Then they all hugged Y/n and their chest was at Y/n's face and he can't breath as they continue to hug and cuddle him while Nepgear said to them.
Nepgear: Wait I think Y/n mate be-
Then suddenly their chest get smaller and smaller until they were back to normal which there was a long silence until Blanc and IF turn to MAGES with red eyes and asked in anger.
IF: (anger) What the he'll happened!
Blanc: (anger) Why the he'll pur chest gone back to normal!
MAGES: The potions must have a time limit and once time its up, the affects wear off.
IF: But you can make more......right?
MAGES: I was gonna make more but you drink the last one and the ingredients will take me a few months to find cause how rare they are.
IF and Blanc were disappointed from this news while we see Y/n already passed out as Nepgear shakes Y/n and ask.
Nepgear: Y/ ok?
Plutia: Is he ok?
Peashy: I think he's ok.
Then Y/n fell off the couch as they look down at his unconscious body.
Peashy: Ok MAYBE he may not be breathing.....or maybe he is?
We see Dark-Striker looking he trees and into the hill as he was alone to his thoughts until Arfoire came up behind him and Dark-Striker open his eyes and said.
Dark-Striker: Your a CPU just like me.
Arfoire: Huh, what makes you think that?
Dark-Striker: I have sense your power and you have the ability to transform into a CPU but not like me or the rest.
Arfoire: So you used to be a CPU.
Dark-Striker: Yes but I was betrayed and cast away for my betrayal.
Arfoire: You sure they betrayed you? I think they never agreed to your idea and bea you so they can keep their peace.
Dark-Striker: Still they will pay for this, I will even destroy their new CPU.
Arfoire: Well speaking of which, they are ready.
Dark-Striker: Show me.
Arfoire lead him through the forest and into a secret door as they walk in and shut the door behind them. Once that they walk down the steps and see two people here.
One was a business man wearing a suit as he tug his tie and looks at then walking down the steps.
The other was a pink robot as he was looking at a picture at Noire before he quickly puts it away when Dark-Striker and Arfoire are coming down.
Warechu was also there as Arfoire and Dark-Striker walks up the circular table and Dark-Striker looks at the group and said.
Dark-Striker: So this is the members of the Seven sagas?
Arfoire: Yep, everyone this is Dark-Striker, he was the one that show fear to the CPU'S.
Badd: Fear? Yeah right, he doesn't look that scary?
Anonydeath: Yeah and Dark-Striker, ew I wather be named by something else instead of a creepy name.
Dark-Striker: I show you why you must fear me.
Dark-Striker turns to Warechu and reach out his hand out and purple flames appear at Warechu's butt and he scream out while running around the room.
Warechu: Oh not again! What did I do! I didn't do anything, make it stop!
They were shocked as Dark-Striker turns to them both and Arfoire step up and said.
Arfoire: Dark-Striker will be a great person to join us so we can stand a chance against the CPU's.
Badd: I see and you telling me he's also a CPU as well.
Arfoire: Yes and he knows when yo strike fear to the hearts of others when needed.
Anonydeath: Oh can he even scare Noire, I wanna see her cute face when she is all scared.
Arfoire: It's not a type of fears your thinking of.
Badd: Beside the point why should we let him in?
Dark-Striker: I have a army of cultures that is loyal to me and they may assist you in battle against the CPU's and Red Heart.
Badd: And where is this armor of cultures?
Dark-Striker: I'll show you.
Dark-Striker snap his fingers and a army of cultures suddenly appear from smoke which surprised them as they were holding weapons in hand and they were armed and ready.
Dark-Striker: I have managed to convince some that if they wanted to be stronger, if they wanna end the nightmares, the fears then they should serve me and do what ever they say.
Arfoire smirks at this and in fact she was starting to like Dark-Striker more as she turn to the rest and asked.
Arfoire: (smirk) So, what do yous think?
Badd and Anonydeath look at each other and back to Arfoire and Dark-Striker and said.
Badd: (smile) Sure welcome to the Seven sagas.
Anonydeath: Yes welcome.
Warechu: (mutter) Yeah welcome to burning the mouse into crisp Chu.
Arfoire: (smirk) Good.
Dark-Striker: So what now?
Arfoire: Now we plan out on how to defeat them.
Dark-Striker: Right, let's get started.
Y/n and the rest arrived back home as now they were hanging at Y/n's bedroom as they were sat down and talking with their P'J's on as Uni pulls out a empty glass bottle and said.
Uni: Let's play spine the bottle.
Plutia: (smile) That sounds fun.
Peashy: (smile) Yeah I'm in.
Uni: (smile) Awesome, who ever the bottle lands on the person has to do something who ever the person spines it says.
Y/n: Sounds simple, let's do this.
Uni: OK I'll go first.
Uni spines the glass bottle as it goes around and around and soon it lands on Nepgear which Nepgear was nervous and turns to Uni and asked.
Nepgear: Please be a nice one ok?
Uni: Relax Nepgear I won't put something hard for you to do. Let's see.......Oh I got one! You have to spine around 15 times without stopping.
Nepgear: Really? Well ok then.
Nepgear stands up and start to spine around and around for 15 teens. She starting to feel dizzy as she dose this and once that was done she sat down her head dizzy as Y/n asked.
Y/n: You ok Nepgear?
Nepgear: Y-Yeah I'm go. (Shack her head) My turn.
She then spine the bottom and it lands on Plutia and Nepgear thinks of something and thinks one and said.
Nepgear: May you move around and act like a cat?
Plutia: Act like a cat? Sure.
Then Plutia was on fours and move around and locking her arm like a act and moewing like a cat which Y/n kinda blush a little cause how cute when Plutia makes that. Then she crawed onto Y/n's bed and lay down like a cat and fell asleep.
Uni: OK Plutia I think that's enough.
Plutia: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Y/n: Um I think she is fast asleep.
Peashy: My turn!
Then Peashy spine the bottle and it lands on Y/n as Peashy already know what to do and said.
Peashy: You grab my chest and squeeze them.
Y/n: (blush) Say what now?!
Peashy: (smile) Come on Y/n, I ask you to do it so do it.
Y/n looks at Uni for help but even though she was kinda disappointed by this she looks at him and nods. Y/n was nervous by they and moves over to Peashy and reach out his hand and reach slowly towards her chest.
Y/n was blushing deep red and soon his hand made contact and Peashy checks blushed a little and she made a small gasp which blushed Y/n even more and he let's go immediately.
Y/n: (blush) S-Sorry about that Peashy?
Peashy: (giggle) No need, I have everything I need.
Y/n: (blush) Huh?
Uni: Moving in on!
Y/n spine the bottle and it lands on Uni and Y/n thinks of one easy and got one and said.
Y/n: Tell us Noires greatest secret?
Uni: Why you wanna know?
Y/n: I don't mean in a creepy way like anything that is embarrassed for her but not that embarrassing.
Uni: Oh well in that case, she kinda like dressing up a lot and even makes her own set of clothes.
Y/n: (surprised) Woah seriously, that's pretty cool hobby.
Uni: (smile) Yeah that's my sister for ya. Alright mine turn next.
Then Uni spine the bottle and it went around until it lands on Peashy and she thinks of one and said.
Uni: Go outside and try to find a unstoppable monster and beat it.
Peashy: (smirk) That's what I'm talking about, be back you guys.
Then she runs off out of the room and off to fight a monsters that may or not exist.
Uni: OK Nepgear your turn.
Nepgear You sure we should wait for Peashy to come back?
Uni: It be fine, come on.
Nepgear: Ok.
She spine the bottle and it lands on Uni and she was thinking of one and said.
Nepgear: Try to balance 20 books on your head.
Uni: (smirk) Ha whatdh this.
Uni grabs 20 books off the shelf and puts it on her head and start to balance them as she wobble around for a while but she stayed on balance until Nepgear said to stop and Uni puts all the books away and sat back down.
Uni: OK this will be the last round and two people have to join what to do on one person.
Y/n: Sounds challenging.
Nepgear: Should we wait for Peashy to-
Uni: And here we go!
Then Uni spine the bottle and it goes around and around uril it landed on Y/n and Uni smiles liek she plan this out perfectly as Y/n asked with a smirk.
Y/n: OK so what you and Nepgear have plans for me? I can face it, no problem.
Uni: (smirk) You have to kiss me and Nepgear on the lips, how's that?
Y/n and Nepgear: (bluehed) Say what now!
Y/n: (blush) This has to be a joke right?
Uni: (smirk) No joke here mister, I want feel what your lips are like. Your in Nepgear?
Nepgear: (blush) I-I don't know. I haven't kissed someone before.
Uni: Then maybe this is your chance, right?
Nepgear: (blush) I-I guess so.
Uni nods and they turn to Y/n and Y/n looks at them and said.
Y/n: (blush) W-W-Wait can't we talk about this?
He then fell backwards onto the ground and looks up to see Nepgear and Uni on top of him looking down at him.
Uni: (smirk) Come on, we wanna see what they feel like.
Nepgear: (blush) Y-Yes, please?
Y/n: (thought) This is nuts, My first kiss is not just one girl but two?!
The both lend over to Y/n's head and closes their eyes as they were close to kiss Y/n on the lips. There was no escape for Y/n as he closes his eyes and thought to himself.
Y/n: (thought) Maybe it can't be that bad. They are kinda cute so maybe....maybe it won't be that bad....maybe.....just maybe.
Nepgear and Uni were exited as they lend even more closer as they were about to kiss Y/n when suddenly the doors burst open and Neptune came in all cheerful and said.
Neptune: (smile) Hey guys, I heard yous have a slumber party so I wanna join in. So what games are you do-
Nepgear and Uni look up including Y/n as their cheeks was filled with blush as Neptune see what's going on and there was a long silence until Nepgear scratch the back of her head as she said.
Neptune: Whoops guess I'm one of those anime characters that interrupted something romantic huh? Well guess I be going now, see ya.
Then Neptune left as Nepgear was soo embarrassing she passed out as Y/n caught her and try to wake her up.
Y/n: Nepgear? You ok? Nepgear?
Uni: (thought) Aw man, we were so close.
Nepgear: (thought) I felt soo embarrassed, but I felt kinda disappointed that I haven't have a chance to kiss Y/n.
(Short while later)
After both Uni and Nepgear left Y/n's room he shut off the lights and he claim into bed to get some sleep. He looks over and realise Plutia was still sleeping on his bed which made him blush causehow close she was to him.
But he thinks she kinda cute asleep and rest his hand on her head as he smiles and thought to himself.
Y/n: (thought) I'm happy I have people like you to fight for. I promise nothing will not happen to any of yous ever again.
Then Plutia start to move up and wraps her arms around Y/n which made Y/n blush as Plutia cuddled with Y/n and have a cite smile on her face.
Plutia: (sleeping) So warm, so comfortable, so nice.
Y/n smiles and cuddled Plutia back and he fall asleep as well as they have a good night rest.
But we then cut to Peashy outside in the dark, in the middle of the open field as she looks around for any unstoppable monsters she can beat but no sign of them,
Peashy: Huh no monsters here, maybe check tomorrow and then I'll fight them.
She then walk back to Planetune hoping to try tomorrow to beat the unstoppable monsters but the truth is.......there's no unstoppable monster, not even one.
To be continued..........
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