Chapter 6: Camp with the CPU's
At Planeptune we see Red Heart trying to fly properly with the help of Purple sister as Red Heart most of the time nearly slam into nearby buildings and managed to dodge them just in time.
Red Heart breaths a sigh of relief as Purple Sister flys over to Red Heart and asked.
Purple Sister: Are you ok Y/n?
Red Heart: Yeah I'm good but damn I still can't get use to of flying for some reason. I thought flying would be easy.
Purple Sister: Yeah but don't give up. If you train a bit more I'm sure you can do it.
Red Heart: Yeah guess your right.
Purple Sister: Shall we return back and see how the rest are doing?
Red Heart: Sure let's go.
They fly on back to Neptune's tower while Purple Sister holds on Red Heart by the hand so he won't crash into anything which made her blush a little how warm Red Hearts hand is.
Soon they arrive back and they landed down on the balcony and change back to their human forms and walk inside to see Neptune laying on the couch tired with Plutia as she was doing something as they walk over and Y/n asked.
Y/n: Hey Plutia, what are you making there?
Plutia: (smile) You'll see once it's done.
Y/n: (smile) Alright and how is you Neptune?
Neptune: Tired, being a goddess sometimes a pain in the butt.
Nepgear: I get what you mean. There have been many reports of something going on with nearby towns that they are losing their faith.
Y/n: On the CPU's?
Nepgear: All of it, it's unknown what's going on.
Neptune: Histoire said its something to do with a fallen god called Darkness heart that is bringing Darkness and fear to everyone and ever since then things have been going down hill.
Y/n: That sucks, any way to track this Darkness heart guy?
Nepgear: No clue but hopefully we could find him and put a stop to it.
Y/n: Let's hope so.
Plutia: (smile) All done, here I made this for you Y/n.
She then show Y/n a plushie of Y/n as Y/n takes it and said.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks it's so cute, never know you can make plushie?
Nepgear: (smile) Plutia makes a lot of plushie out of us. In fact there is a full on collection of us over there.
She points at a shelf that is filled with plushies as Y/n walks over and sat his between Neptune and Nepgear and smiles and then Neptune shot up and said.
Neptune: I know, how about we go camping to get rid of all the stress out of us.
Y/n: (smile) I'm done with that.
Plutia: (smile) Me too.
Nepgear: Would Histoire wants us to force on that Darkness Heart situation?
Neptune: (smile) It be fine besides it's not like that guy is gonna win, we just show up, beat him up and win. It happens in many anime cartoon shows and nothing bad happens.
Nepgear: Well I guess that's true.
Y/n: Who's gonna come with us in this trip?
Neptune: I invite Vert, Blanc, Noire and their sister's and Compa and IF and invite Unzume and Pleashy.
Y/n: Wait didn't I saw Unzume here before Nepgear took me to help me to fly better? Where is she?
Plutia: I saw her enter your room where Jiggles is at.
Y/n: Why is she in my room?
Plutia: I don't know.
Nepgear: If I'm right here other side is upsets with Jiggles.
Y/n: Her other side?
Neptune: Her voice changes to all serious to all cheer like a valley girl from the 90's.
Y/n: (thought) Huh so that explains why she spoke like that.
Y/n: Well gonna see she's down with this camping trip.
Nepgear: Right, I'll get some supplies.
Neptune: Well I start sending out invites!
They split off to do there own thing while Plutia and Y/n head to Y/n's room and once there Y/n slide open the door and see Unzume playing with Jiggles as they step inside and Unzume see them which surprises her and stood up and clear her throat and said.
Unzume: Sorry about that Y/n, I-I didn't realise this was your room.
Plutia: Then what room where you suspected to be?
Unzume: (nervous) Oh ummmm the front door, yeah that's right the front door. (nervous laughter)
Y/n: (smile) That's alright Unzume, you don't have to lie for playing with Jiggles, just glad Jiggles has someone to play around with.
Unzume: (little blush) Thanks.
Y/n: Anyways we been meaning to ask you if you like to come with us in this camping trip later on?
Unzume: A camping trip?
Plutia: (smile) Yeah it's gonna to be fun, we eat, we sleep, play games, sleep more, tell stories, sleep more and sleep more.
Unzume: (smile) Sounds fun, I'll ask Umio if he wanna join.
Y/n: Umio?
Plutia: He's a talking fish who is a friend to Unzume and the rest of us.
Y/n: Oh that's cool, sure he'll may join if he likes and what about you Jiggles, you in?
Jiggles nods excitedly for yes.
Unzume: (smile) Cool I see you there Y/n and Plutia.
Unzume walk pass them and out of the door and once she left Y/n said to Plutia.
Y/n: Well looks like we need to get our stuff ready.
Plutia: (smile) Yeah it's gonna ti be great.
Y/n: (smile) Same.
At the edge of the cliff with a full view of the forest we see the same black cloak figure standing at the edge of the cliff looking at the view of the forest as he still feels light around him which disgusted with.
Then a leaf fell of it's tree and the cloak figure reaches out his hand and he let the leaf fall onto his hand and then the leaf's colours turns to orange and red with fast speed as if time itself has moved up.
Then the leaf turn into blackness and the man drops the leaf and it lands onto the ground and then he hear someone walking from below him and looks down and see a small black mouse walking through the tracks and stop for a minute and turns back.
Warechu: How long are we gonna walk for, I'm getting tired.
???: We're not gonna stop until we find a place to stay!
Then a women that is dress like a witch came out of the trees as the cloak figure can sense complete darkness within her and also felt like she is also a fallen goddess like him.
Warechu: We have been walking for weeks and I can't feel my mouse legs chu.
Arfoire: Well if it wasn't with those damn village people kicking us out, we would have a place to stay for a bit.
Warechu: It's kinda your own fault due to the fact that you look like a witch Chu.
Arfoire: (anger) Did you call me a witch you miserable little rat!
She shoot out fire balls at Warechu as Warechu move around and dodging the flames while The cloak figure stares at them for a bit and then he leap off the cliff and lands onto the bushes that made a noise that cost the two to stop and turn.
Then the cloak figure exit out of the bushes and stare at the two and then Arfoire asked.
Arfoire: Who are you?
The cloak figure turns to Arfoire and stares at her for a bit before saying.
???: You are a fallen goddess like me.
Arfoire: Yeah and what is it to you?
???: I'm also a fallen god and I think we shall work together to bring Darkness to this world.
Arfoire: I'm sorry but you as a god? Yeah right just go home and think how stupid that sounded.
???: I give you proof.
The cloak figure turns to Warechu as he was scratching his burning butt and then the cloak figure snap his fingers and then Warechu butt light up in fire and she scream around trying to burn it off.
Arfoire was surprised and turn to the cloak figure and made a evil smile and said.
Arfoire: I see, how about we test out your little powers with those CPU goddess, how dose that sound?
???: (evil smirk) Sounds wonderful.
We see Y/n, Neptune, Nepgear, Peashy, Jiggles and Plutia arrived at the camp site which has a beautiful lake and a great forest behind it as Y/n looks at the lake and sighs to himself.
Y/n: (smile) This lake is wonderful.
Nepgear: (smile) Yeah and this maybe a great spot to practice your flying skills.
Y/n: Yeah let's just hope I don't crash into anything like someone else's camp site.
Nepgear: (smile) Don't worry this location is very secret and only us knows about it.
Y/n: Make sense.
If: Hey guys, we're here.
Then If, Compa and Unzume came down with packs of snacks and they set them down and Unzume runs up to Y/n and said.
Unzume: (smile) Hey Y/n great day for camping I'm I right?
Y/n: (smile) Yeah it's soo beautiful being here.
Unzume: It's gonna to be more beautiful in night time as well when the stars are up.
Y/n: (smile) Awesome.
???: So you must be the male CPU Unzume has told me about.
Y/n turns and was off guard to see a flying fish with a human face approach him and Y/n asked.
Y/n: (surprised) And you must be Umio I'm I right?
Umio: Yes and I see your surprise that I'm a fish.
Y/n: What No Plutia told me but I didn't know.
Umio: (chuckle) That's alright Y/n infact I was surprised myself when I heard you were a CPU like Unzume.
Y/n: Yeah I bet.
Vert: Hello everyone.
Then Vert, Miya, Noire, Uni, Blanc, Rom and Ram came up with some food and drinks with them. Uni and Noire even bring a grill to cook up some burgers and hotdogs for this.
Y/n: (smile) Hey everyone, glad yous guys are here.
Noire: (smile) No problem at least I can get things out of my head and take some break.
Uni: (smile) Yeah I can tell this is gonna to be great.
Ram: (smile) Yeah and we bring a lot of snacks an drinks so this is gonna to be the best.
Peashy: (smile) Awesome this is gonna to be the best.
Nepgear: Well me and Y/n are gonna find a place so we can start practicing how to fly.
Uni: Oh I'll come with yous as well.
Ram: Me too!
Rom: I like to come.
Peashy: Me too!
Neptune: (smile) Alright while yous do that we set up the camp and get some fun on.
The sisters and Peashy take Y/n to where to get started while the CPU's with Unzume Miya, and Unzume set up camp while Plutia plays with Jiggles to keep him busy.
Vert: I wish I would have gone with Y/n. It will be beautiful to see him fly like an angel.
Miya: Yeah it would be nice for Y/n to fly like that.
Vert: Oh do I hear my sister have a crush with someone that I'm having a crush with?
Miya: (blush) I-It slip out of me ok!
Noire: Still he is very nice and very helpful. He's also very interested of being a CPU unlike someone else.
Neptune: (smile) Come on Noire sometimes I don't want to learn because I know about my abilities. Besides I think Y/n is pretty childlike and likes to play games like me.
Blanc: (little blush) I also think he is nice and even towards me. I'm always a angry person but when Y/n came he change me when he took care of me while I was done.
Unzume: (smile) And like how cool looking he is and even with his cute Jiggles he has, it makes me think he is also like animals as well.
Plutia: (smile) Yeah and he is soo warm when I cuddle him while I'm in bed with him and very loving.
Miya: (blush) Wait cuddle in bed!?
Vert: (smile) That is adorable, I wish he dose it to me one day. I would even allow me to rest on my brea-
Miya: (blush) OK let's just focus on setting up camp please?
Neptune: Fine Fine we'll stop.
Neptune and the rest continues but all can't help how attractive Y/n was and can help but blush a little as they think about it.
We see White Sister (Ram) and White Sister (Rom) fly around so Y/n from below with Nepgear, Uni and Peashy watch them fly around before Uni said.
Uni: Looks simple right Y/n?
Y/n: Yeah I think I got this.
Peashy: Don't worry I show you how to fly, watch this!
Then Peashy transform into her goddess form and once that Y/n see her goddess form and her huge chest which made Y/n look away for a bit.
Yellow Heart: Ta da! Yellow Heary ready to take flight.
Uni: You sure you know how to fly? Sometimes you crash when you were about to land.
Yellow Heart: (smile) Quite worrying Uni and watch me fly!
Then she takes off in top speed and flys around as Y/n was amazed how fast she is going and asked.
Y/n: (surprised) How can she fly like that, it's so fast!?
Nepgear: It's kinda a long story but Peashy was giving a lot of CPU power which cost her to become a goddess.
Y/n: And this power entrance her speed and strength?
Nepgear: That's right.
Uni: (mutter) And made her breast bigger then Vert's.
Y/n: You say something Uni?
Uni: Oh nothing just mutting my self.
Y/n: OK?
They look back up to watch as Yellow Heart flys around for a while before she try to land but she lost control and she was about to crash to Uni, Y/n and Nepgear.
Yellow Heart: Look out below!
Npegear: Oh no!
Uni: Move!
Y/n: Wait wha-
Then there was a huge crash as Nepgear and Uni moved out of the way and the twin White sisters came down they ask.
White Sister (Rom): Are you guys ok?
White Sister (Ram): Are yous hurt?
Nepgear: We're fine!
Uni: Peashy you nearly hit us, you ok?
Yellow Heart: I feel dizzy but luckily I land something soft.
They were confused until they see Yellow Heart landed on Y/n and her large Breast was on Y/n's face and Yellow Heart sats up and Y/n was dizzy before he snap out of it and looks up to see Yellow Heart on him which made him blush a little and asked.
Y/n: (blush) Um c-can you move please?
Yellow Heart: (smirk) I don't know, your kinda warm. Maybe I took a nap here.
She then cuddle with Y/n and her breast was touching Y/n chest which made Y/n blush even more including the rest of the girls as Yellow Heart cuddled more before Uni have enough and yell out while pulling out a large rocket launcher and aiming at them
Uni: (anger) Get your huge breast off him!
Y/n: (scared) W-Wait Uni calm down we can sort things ou-
In the distance Jiggles see the explosion from a far and sighs knowing what happened.
We see Y/n and the rest return and sat down as Y/n have a bandaid on his head while Uni was cooking some burgers still mad about what happened and Neptune kinda laughed a little when they told them what happened.
Vert: Too bad you didn't have a chance to learn how to fly Y/n.
Y/n: It's alright Vert, I can learn some day.
Vert: Alright so what should we do now?
Ram: How about we talk about who is the best goddess is.
Rom: But Ram remember last time we did that?
Ram: It was fun.
Noire: Well was until we destroyed half a mountain by accident.
Y/n: (surprised) That's pretty powerful to do?
Noire: Yeah we are goddess after all so we are strong enough to destroy things.
Neptune: Oh Oh how about you tell us your story in the human world Y/n?
Nepgear: (smile) Yeah we never know what the human world is like and it may help all of us to get to know you more.
Y/n: (smile) Sure I guess I will start what my world is about.
Blanc: I'm very interested now.
Peashy: (smile) Yeah tell us.
Y/n: Sure my world is nothing like your world. In my world it's called Earth and we don't have goddess or future like technology you have. We have gasp power cars, governments and oil companies making power to the world.
Neptune: Oooh and what about games, do they exist?
Y/n: Yep and these games are nothing you may not seen before and there us a lot of gaming company that is making it.
Misy: That's very interesting, what about yourself.
Y/n: Well I was born in Tokyo in Japan and my mother works for this business company and my father works at a factory near our town. I have a sister named Tazu and she is a very nice sister of mine.
Vert: (smile) She must be a wonderful sister.
Y/n: Yeah she was.....but then...she changed.
Noire: Changed?
Y/n: She join this group of people that is fighting against a corruption company that is trying to ruin nature and during that time she has been fighting with my parents and this cost a shift between our family that cost her to leave us. I try to tell her to come back but she refused and then.....she was gone.
Nepgear: (shocked) My goodness that is sad.
Y/n: Yeah and sense that day I was hoping that one day she'll come back but that day didn't came.
Vert: Well we're with you and if you ever need help you come to us.
Neptune: (smile) Yeah you can count on us.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks guys.
Uni over heard Y/n story and felt kinda bad for him. She hand then burgers to everyone once they were done and they dig down as they enjoy their meal before they head off to bed to get some sleep.
(Short while later)
It was in the middle of the night as we see everyone asleep escape for Uni who thinks back when Y/n tells them about his story and can't take it and sneak out of her tent and sneak over to Y/n's tent and unzip his tent and see him asleep so she shake Y/n a bit while whispering to him.
Uni: (whisper) Hey, Hey Y/n wake up.
Y/n Wales up and sat up to see Uni and asked.
Y/n: Uni what are you-
Uni: (whisper) Shuuu follow me.
Y/n doesn't know what's going on but he follows Uni out and they move away the camp site and back were they and the rest of the CPU sisters try to teach Y/ how to fly as Uni turns to Y/n and said.
Uni: I'll teach you how to fly and soon you'll get a hang out of it.
Y/n: Um ok?
Uni: Good.
She then transform into her goddess form and hoover in the air and looks at Y/n and ask.
Black sister: You ready, I'll grab a hold of you and we fly together.
Y/n: Right let's do this.
Then Y/n transform into Red Heart and looks up at Black sister.
Black sister reach over to Red Hearts hand and he takes it and once that Red Heart's mechanical dragon like wings pop out of his back and they take to the skys.
Black Sister and Red Heart hold hands as they fly around the forest which was beautiful to them. They then take it to the clouds as they go up into the air and once over the clouds Uni let's go of Red Heart and he flys around a bit a Black Sister see this and said.
Black Sister: Control your wings, force on your flight.
Red Heart: Right.
Red Heart tries to force as he flys around and soon he steady himself ane he now control his wings.
Red Heart: (surprised) Wow I did it!
Black Sister: (smile) Yeah!
Red Heart flys around and so dose Black sister as they fly over the clouds as they laughed as they fly around them and then they dive down into the ground but they go up and they fly over the trees as they look at each other with smiles on them as they have a race back to where they began.
Soon they made it back at the same time as they touch down and they change back to their human forms and Y/n said.
Y/n: (smile) I made it first!
Uni: (smirk) No I made it first, you were slow like a turtle.
Y/n: (smile) No No I beat you far and square Uni.
Uni: (smirk) Yeah right. (Giggle)
The two laughed and then they look up to see the full moon in the air as Uni said.
Uni: It sure a beautiful night.
Y/n: Yeah it is.
Uni: Hey.
Y/n: Yeah?
Uni: (blush) Sorry about blasting you with my rocket laucher, didn't mean to blow you away.
Y/n: (smile) That's alright Uni, I know it was a accident. Besides I was surprised you took that out like its thin air.
Uni: (smile) Well you never know until it's too late.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah but thanks for teaching me how to fly Uni.
Uni: (blush) Um no problem Y/n, anything for you.
Y/n smiles and Uni was a bit nervous as she looks up at Y/n ask.
Uni: (blush) Hey I wanna ask. What type of girl do you like?
Y/n: Well I kinda like any girl that is fun and makes me happy
Uni: (blush) So you don't mind large or short melons.
Y/n: Um I don't mind what size they are and what do you mean by Melons?
Uni: (blush) Oh no just nothing I was-
???: So your new to this world.
They turn to see the cloak figure along with Arfoire and Warechu and Uni immediately senses Darkness within the cloak figure and she was struck in fear as she steps back a bit and Y/n ask.
Y/n: You alright Uni?
Uni: (scared) I-I sense pure evil within that man.
Y/n: Man?
Arfoire: So he's another male CPU?
Warechu: He doesn't look like one chu.
Y/n: Who are yous and what do yous want?
Arfoire: You may call me Arfoire kid and I'm here to show our new friend to yours.
Y/n: And he is?
Then the cloak figure removed his hood and they see his face as he face as fear was struck on Y/n and Uni as they see his face.
Dark-Striker: I am Dark-Striker and dark CPU and you Y/n will be destroyed along with your friends.
Y/n: Yeah right do you even have a god form?
Dark-Striker: (smirk) I have, witnesses my pure darkness!
Then Dark-Striker burst into a large glow of darkness as black thunder bolts struck down as Y/n and Uni steps back and cover them selfs as once it's all over they look back and see Darkness Hearts's base form as he growls and looks up at them.
Uni was shaking in fear as she steps back and then fell onto the ground and Y/n bend down to her and ask.
Y/n: Uni you ok?
He try to shake her but realise she passed out of fear. Y/n looks at Darkness Heart and stands up and said.
Y/n: You gonna pay for scarring my friend creep.
Darkness Heart: I see you are not scared of me?
Y/n: I have no idea why you think that but I will stop you.
Darkness Heart: Then that case let us fight.
Then a hole opens up and a large demon like sword rose up from the hole and Darkness Heart grabs it and he slowly points it at Y/n and he said while his eyes glow Red like a devil himself.
Darkness Heart: Show me what you got Red Heart.
To be continued.............
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