Chapter 5: Having fun with the twins
At the same camp where Y/n destroyed we see more cqme back and see it was completely destroyed and their weapons gone. The head bandit step out from the group and see everything was gone. He shake his fist in anger and then kicks a nearby wooden plank while shouting.
???: (anger) God damn it!
He start trashing more of the place while some of his bandits watch him before he stop and takes some breaths as he stands up straight and turn to his men.
???: Find anything they left behind and pack them up.
They nod and they do their work while their leader take off his cowboy hat revealing brown hair as he looks at the empty camp site they have left.
Bandit man: Boss we found something.
The man turn and walks over as one of his men show him a necklace which he snatched it out of the guys hands and looks at it.
???: Those CPU's will pay for taking our stuff.
Bandit man: So what should we do boss?
???: Well if they wanna fight, we give them one. Load up the rest of the supplies and after that we head to Lowee to show those CPU's we don't take kindly of our weapons being taking.
He pull out his hand gun as his men nods and they start packing up the supplies and they head back to their camp site and after that.....go to Lowee for a little visit.
At Blanc's large mansion we see Blanc sat on her bed reading a book as she is still healing after what happened with the bandits. Then there was a knock at her door followed by Y/n calling out to her.
Y/n: Blanc you awake yet? Made you breakfast for you, may I come in.
Blanc: (little blueh) S-Sure come in.
She blushes even more as Y/n opens the door and enters with a tray of food as Y/n walks over to her bed and set the tray down and asked.
Y/n: (smile) Here you go, how are you feeling?
Blanc: Getting better but glad you and my sisters are here to help me while I heal.
Y/n: (smile) No problem glad I could help.
Blanc blushes a little and take her first bite and find the food delicious and asked after she swolled the eggs.
Blanc: This is pretty good, did my maides made this?
Y/n: Actually I did. They head out to get some supplies for the castle so I made the breakfast.
Blanc: This is good Y/n never knee your a great cook.
Y/n: I don't know by "Great cook" I have some problems with your futuristic oven before Rom came and help me with it.
Blanc: (smile) Guess your not getting use to our technology here huh?
Y/n: (smile) Yeah but I'll get it there. So what book were you reading before I came in?
Blanc: Oh it was nothing.
Y/n: (smile) Com'on there's no reason to be shy about it, I sometimes read something while I'm in bed. Helps me relax and enjoy the plot.
Blanc: (blush) True, ok I'll tell you but please don't tell anyone about this ok?
Y/n: Promise.
Blanc: Already. I was reading some children's fairy tales books because I find some interesting and maybe I can make something like that someday and be a great writer.
Y/n: You read some children fairy tale books?
She nodes while blushing in embarrassment but Y/n said while smiling.
Y/n: (smile) I don't find that wrong reading some children's fairy tale books?
Blanc: (surprised) You don't think it's not weird?
Y/n: (smile) Not really, they are just books to entertain someone who reads it. There just books so it's not like it's gonna hurt anyone, besides I think it's nice to make a story for children, that's a true CPU'S thing for their people.
Blanc cheeks blushes red when Y/n said that as Y/n walks over to the door and before he leaves he turn to Blanc and asked.
Y/n: You need anything else?
Blanc: (blush) N-Nope I'm good, Thank you.
Y/n: (smile) Alright, get better soon Blanc.
Then Y/n left the room and closes the door behind him as Blanc could feel her heat beating fast and her cheeks turn red with blush as she can't stop thinking about Y/n as she looks back at the door and thought to herself.
Blanc: (thought) He's very kind to me. No one hasn't been kind to me besides my sisters. Crap what is this feeling?
Y/n enter the living as we see Ram sat on the couch with Giggles on her lab as she tickles him and Rom at the other side of the couch and sees Y/n enter the room and after he sat down next to Ram, Rom asked.
Rom: So how is big sister Blanc doing?
Y/n: Getting better and I also hand her some breakfast, luckily you came to the kitchen before I burn the whole mansion down.
Rom: (smile) No problem, glad I could help.
Y/n: So has the Police manage to find the bandits leader yet?
Rom: No we didn't get anything yet but I hope soon.
Y/n: Well they won't be happy once their stuff is gone. They may gonna try get their revenge.
Ram: (smile) Don't worry about it I'm sure those bandits will be long gone by now or maybe already been taking to jail in another town.
Y/n: Let's hope so other wise it will be trouble.
Ram: Yeah but you'll be here to help us just like you save both of us when we were at that camp.
Y/n: Guess that's true but their leader maybe more tougher then the rest.
Rom: You have a point.
Ram: By away I'm bored.
Y/n: I thought you were enjoying with Giggles.
Ram looks at Giggles which Giggles links Ram and Ram responses by giving him a huge before saying.
Ram: Yeah but I wanna do something besides sitting our butt's and do nothing.
Rom: Well we can't leave Blanc alone here.
Ram: Your right, I think we need a little help with that problem.
(Short while later)
Their door knocks and they answered it and Compa was their as she smiles and wave to them.
Compa: (smile) Hey, need some help.
Y/n: (smile) Hey compa how is things back in Planeptune?
Compa: (smile) Pretty good, Historie is trying to get Neptune to stop playing Video games and do some goddess work.
Y/n: Guess that's Neptune for ya.
Compa: Yep so what's up?
Ram: Do you mind take care of Blanc while we head out for to do some stuff before we die of boredom?
Compa: (smile) Of course, I got nothing else to do so sure.
Ram: (smile) Great Let's go Y/n!
She grabs Y/n all of sudden making Y/n blush a little and they rush out while Rom follows as well while Compa watch them leave before she heads in and take cares of Blanc while they are out.
They arrived at the city of Lowee as they walk through the city as the sky was clear and it was a beautiful day at leafs fall down of their trees.
Rom: (smile) It's sure is a beautiful day.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah it's like Autumn is taking over again.
Rom: So what should we do?
Y/n: Don't know, what dose this city has?
Ram: Wellllll there is a Amusement park open today so let's head there and try on some rides.
Rom: That's right I forgot about about that.
Y/n: (smile) I think it sounds fun, lead away Ram.
Ram: (smile) Yes let's go!
They follow Ram through the city while Y/n looks at some amazing buildings and structures that he didn't see when he enter into Lowee with Neptune and the rest. Soon they reach to the Amusement Park and after they paid for the tickets they enter the park.
People looks over and see Y/n holding Giggles which surprises them because how no one ever have a doggoo as a pet ever.
Ram: (surprises) Woah this place is amazing!
Y/n: So what ride you guess wanna go to?
Rom: I think we try on the ferris wheel so we can see the city.
Ram: We can do that when we leave, I wanna go on some Roller coasters.
Ram grabs Y/n's right arm while Rom grabs Y/n on the lift as they argue a bit about which ride to go with Y/n while Y/n looks at the two of them and sigh to himself.
Y/n: (thought) Why do I get a feeling that this was gonna happen?
We see Blanc still on her bed while reading her book when she heard a knock and was surprised to hear Compa's voice on the other side.
Compa: Blanc are you ok?
Blanc: (surprised) Oh Compa, yeah I'm fine.
Compa: May I come in?
Blanc: Sure cone in?
Compa enters and walks up to Blanc and once she was near her bed Blanc asked.
Blanc: Where's Y/n, Rom and Ram at?
Compa: They head out and let me in charge to take care of you.
Blanc: Oh I see.
Compa: You ok?
Blanc: Yeah I'm good just wish I be with them.
Compa: Don't worry I'm sure they will back and maybe they bring you something from their day out.
Blanc: Yeah your maybe right.
Compa: Oh by away, there is some guys that wanted to see you.
She looks over and two police officers enter her room as they enter and bow down to Blanc.
Police officer 1: How are you feeling Miss White heart?
Blanc: Getting better but mind asking me why are yous here?
Police officer 1: We apologise to disturb you but we have reasons to believe that the bandit leader and his men are in the city.
Blanc: (surprised) What? Are you joking me?!
Police officer 2: No it's true Miss white heart and we find out who their bandit leader is.
Blanc: Then who is he?
Police officer 2: We believe he calls himself Mark, Mark the dearly Gunslinger.
Blanc: (sigh) Why dose all bandit leader have to be cowboys, I swear its pissing me off.
Police officer 1: Mark used to be apart of another bandit clan until he killed his own leader and took over as head of his bandits. Rumour have it that he toy's to be the first ever person to rule over Lowee without a CPU power.
Compa: That's odd, why would he wanna do that?
Blanc: Who cares but Y/n, Ram and Rom are out there and I need to-
She try to sat up but she lay back down after she felt a pain on her waist as Compa sets Blanc down and said.
Compa: You can't go out their until your healed.
Police officer 1: We will try to find them and tell them about Mark.
Blanc: OK just please make sure they are safe otherwise I'll get mad.
Police officer 1: (scared) Uh Y-Yes Ma'am.
The two police officers rush out in fear as Blanc lays back down while she worries about Y/n, Rom and Ram.
Blanc: (thought) Please be safe.
We see Y/n, Rom and Ram having a great time at the Amusement Park as they try many rides. They go on the bumper cars as Ram and Y/n ride around and bump their cars at different people and to each other which make them laugh.
Then they visited the Aquarium as Rom looks at the beautiful fishes and sea life with Y/n next to her while Ram lost Giggles and looks around for him at the background but we see Giggles eye's in the fishing tank to make him invisible as he smiles.
Next they ride on the roller coaster as we see Ram and Y/n ride slowly ride up to the top of the ride and then once at the top they go straight down very fast as they scream out in excitement as they wave their arms into the air as they ride around the track while Rom eats some popcorn with Giggles beside her.
Ram noticed a camera their as she smirks a little and she turn to Y/n and lend ih a kiss him on the cheek before the camera takes a picture as we see this on the screen which made Y/n blush more while Ram smiles to herself while Rom felt kinda jealous a bit.
Then they play some arcade games and Y/n was one a claw machine trying to get a stuff teddy for Blanc. He fail several times before he got it on his 5th time. Once that he check on Rom and Ram and sees them playing a laser shooting game as they try to shoot down the targets while Y/n stand next to Giggles as they watched.
After Ram and Rom got a tied they walk out the arcade as they laughed to each other while carrying some stuff they got as Ram asked.
Ram: So what should we go on next?
Rom: No clue, what do you think Y/n?
Y/n has a think of it and looks over and see the ferris wheel and thinks that would do as he said.
Y/n: How about we go to-
Then suddenly there was a gun shot and this cost everyone in the park to run off as they run pass Y/n, Rom and Ram as they try to see who fired a shot. Once the crowd was gone they see a Mark and his bandits behind him as he has his hand gun in the air and he lowers it and he looks up at them before saying.
Mark: Well, Well, Well....look what we have here. Two young CPU's sisters and one boy. Looks like it's our lucky day boys.
His men cheered while waving their guns in the air and after that Y/n step up and asked.
Y/n: Who are you and why are yous here?
Mark: (smirks) The names Mark, Mark the deadlines gunslinger and I'm here to return this.
He show the necklace to them and Rom was shocked as she touched her neck and her necklace was gone. Mark lower the necklace and said.
Mark: Do you know who we are boy?
Y/n: Not really but if I can guess, your the wet bandits?
Mark and his men were shocked by this while Rom and Ram giggled a bit before Mark gets mad and said.
Mark: (anger) How dare you mock us boy! We are the "Trigger bandits" and we will pull on a trigger and take stuff that is what we do.
Y/n: That's a weird name to call yourself because if I remember, your bandit from that camp kinda suck at hiting us.
Mark: (anger) Shut up!
Y/n: Anyways what do yous want?
Mark: We want revenge by taking what yous have.
Ram: If you think we gonna give you something, then you have one thing coming!
Rom: Yeah!
Mark: (smirk) Siblings always agreeing to one or another. How pathetic to have Siblings to be on your side like they are just dogs. That's why I killed my older brother and took over as head leader of the trigger bandits.
Y/n: (shocked) You killed your own brother?! That's awful, how can you do that to your own brother?!
Mark: (smirk) It's park of life kid. In bandits business we kill our leaders to proof who will be leader and who is not.
Y/n: Still we're not gonna give anything to you.
Mark: I see, alright then. How's about we have a gun fight. One vs all 6 and who ever wins, wins Sounds great?
Y/n glares at Mark before Rom taps Y/n by the shoulder and Y/n turn around and both of them said.
Rom: You can't deal with those bandits alone.
Ram: Yeah let us help you, we can handle those bandits.
Mark: Oh and one more thing. If you cheat then we kill these hostage.
They turn and Mark moves to the aside and see a few hostage with two other bandits while they point their pistols at their heads. Y/n knew if Rom and Ram assist him then the hostage would be killed so he give out a sigh and said.
Y/n: Fine I'll play your game.
Rom and Ram: (surprised) Y/n!
Y/n: And if I win you leave this town and let the hostages go.
Mark: (smirk) Fine by me, you have yourself a deal.
Y/n nods and turn back to Rom and Ram and he hands Giggles to Rom and said.
Y/n: You three get to safety while deal them alone, I can't let these people die.
Rom: Are you sure? We can help?
Y/n: I'm sorry but I have to do this alone and besides, I'm a good shooter so I'll be fine.
He smiles as Rom and Ram wasn't sure but they nod and they run off while Y/n turn to Mark and his Bandits and pulls out his pistol which Mark said.
Mark: (smirk) Seems you know how to use a gun.
Y/n: (smirk) Got some training with a friend of mine.
Mark smirks as his bandits have their hands at their host ready to pull out their guns while Y/n stand their and waits for their move.
Rom, Giggles and Ram peek out of their hiding and watch as Y/n stare at Mark and his bandits for a while before a ringing of a bell is heard and after the third ring all draw out their guns and there was a gun shots that echoed throughout the park. Y/n dives into a food court as bullets foy by as bandits were continued to fire while walking towards Y/n.
Mark smirks know he is gonna win and soon the bandits stop firing and see Y/n wasn't returning fire. Just as one was about to walk over and check Y/n jump out of the food court and fire two shots at two bandits but it hits their guns which cost them to drop their weapons.
They look up and Y/n kicks the first bandit in the face and lands on top of the bandit and fire another shot and hits the second bandit. The more open fire but Y/n quickly dodges the bullets and lands on his feet and fire at the two bandits an staking them out.
One aims his pistol at Y/n from behind but Y/n smirks and kicks the guy in the private part as the bandit fells down while holding his private part as Y/n turn and know he will not feel that for a few weeks time.
Y/n smirks before bullets fly by as he turn to see more so he rushes over while dodging the bullets and grabs a lid of a trash can and use that as a shield to block the bullets before he spon around and throws the lid at the three and heading them on the heads like Captain America style and then he slide over the middle bandit and got in behind them and grabs three trash cans and slams them on top of them one at the time.
They run running slaming their heads at different buildings and even themselves as they try to get the trash can off as Y/n smirks to himself before he hear a click of a gun and behind him was Mark point his pistol at him from behind.
Mark: (smirk) Must say I'm impressed. You managed to take out all my man without a sweat. You'll be great in our bandit group if you like to join. We can forget about the past and you'll work for us. You could even me my right hand man, what do you say partner?
Y/n slowly turns to Mark as Mark smirks waiting for Y/n to agree to join his bandits. But Y/n chuckles and said.
Y/n: (chuckle) You think I'll join your bandit group. Yeah I'll pass for that besides I am a CPU so I can't disowned the CPU's name.
The word CPU echo through Mark's ear as he steps back in complete shock and asked.
Mark: (shocked) W-Wait your a CPU as well?
Y/n: Yeah why?
Mark shock turn into pure anger as he shake his hand gun as he mutter.
Mark: (mutter) Go to hell.
Y/n: Huh?
Then Mark start firing at Y/n in his rage as Y/n dodge the bullets but he was a quick shotter and even one of the bullets hit his leg in mid air which cost Y/n to scream a little as he fell on the ground and he summon his energy shield to block the bullets while Mark yells on anger.
Mark: (anger) I can't believe a boy like you will be with those....those monsters! Those devils! I'll kill you and your CPU's to seek my revenge!
Y/n: (thought) What is he talking about? Dose he hate CPU's, but why though?
Then Mark kicks Y/n's shield away and points his hand gun at Y/n's face as Y/n see the anger within Mark's eyes as Mark grabs the trigger and was about to fire but suddenly a popcorn box hits Mark on the head and he turn yo see Ram, Giggles and Rom there.
Ram: How about you leave him alone!
Rom: Yeah!
Mark: (anger) Why you.
He turns his hand gun at them and open fire and the bullets travels and was heading towards Ram but suddenly a spear blocks the bullets and it bounce off and fell on the ground.
???: How's about you listen to my young sister.
Mark steps back and let Y/n free as he looks over and see Blanc with her Goddess form known as White Heart.
Y/n: (surprised) Blanc!
Rom: (surprised) Big sister Blanc!
Mark aims his hand gun at head but she dash over and slice his hand gun in half and it hits the ground as Mark steps back as White Heart said to him.
White Heart: If you ever dare try to shoot one of my sisters or even Y/n, I swear I'm gonna hurt you soo much that you'll forget how pain feels.
Mark was outnumbered as he glares at Y/n in anger before he call out his men.
Mark: We're leaving men, for now but I swear in my grave you and your CPU's friends will be shot by me.
Then Mark turns and him and his men runs out of the park and disappear. White Heart turns back to her human form as Rom and Ram run up and hug their big sister and they were glad to see her and Blanc was glad they were safe.
Y/n smiles while Giggles on his shoulder and then Compa runs up to Y/n and Y/n asked.
Y/n: (smile) Guess Blanc came just in time.
Compa: Yeah sorry about that. I try to stop her but she got all scary so I have no choice.
Y/n: (smile) No worries Compa, at least we're safe.
Compa nods whole smiling and Rom and Ram let's go and Blanc walks over to Y/n and said.
Blanc: You not only keep my sisters safe but also save my people from those bandits. Thank you Y/n, thank you for everything for me.
Y/n: (smile) No problem, oh and here I got you something.
Y/n hands the stuff cat to Blanc which made Blanc blush more as she takes it and hugs it and said with a smile on her face.
Blanc: (smile) It's nice, thank you Y/n. I'll treasure this forever.
Y/n: (smile) No problem Blanc glad your happy.
Ram: So what should we do now?
Y/n: Well let's go on one more ride and we leave this place.
They look at Y/n which he smiled because he knows what ride he wants to go on.
(Short while later)
We see Y/n, Compa, Giggles, Rom, Ram and Blanc on the ferris wheel and they were at the top as Y/n, Ram and Rom look out of the window of the curt as they were enjoying the veiw as they see the sun setting down.
Blanc, Giggles and Compa also enjoy the veiw as they smiled and watch the sun setting down while Rom and Ram didn't know that their hands were at Y/n's hands and they noticed and they blush a little but they laugh it off as they enjoy the afternoon together before they head back to Blanc house and soon Y/n heads back to Planetune with Compa while in the forest we see Mark looking at Y/n in anger as he said to himself.
Mark: (anger) Soon you and your CPU friends will pay for everything, soon I'll be God to this will and seek my revenge....on yous.
He turns and walks to the darkness of the forest promises to himself that he will come back for revenge upon the CPU's.
To be continued........
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