Chapter 44: A war against nations (Arc 2)

The situation has gotten worse as time gone by. The public of different nations has erupted into riots as the people begin to support different nations without any reason.

Not only that but military weapons have been keep disappearing without a trace. The militaries from different nations begins to blame each other and are close to go to war.

At Neptune's Tower we see Y/n at the living trying his best to contact Noire or Vert but no such luck. He begins to get concerned about them while Nepgear came in with bad news.

Nepgear: Y/n we got a problem. Just got a text from IF qnd Compa and they too us nations from Lowee, Leanbox and Lastation is on lock down. Roads to those nations are being blocked off by their militaries and the situation has gotten beyond worse.

Y/n: This is not good. I can't even contact Vert or Noire.

Nepgear: You think they will erupt a war?

Y/n: I'm sure they won't. What about Neptune?

Nepgear: Trying her best to calm everyone as best she can as Purple Heart.

Then they hear a sound of a explosion in the distances so they rush out and see the streets are in chaos. Nepgear begins to get even more concerned which Y/n noticed so he tells her.

Y/n: Don't worry, we will find our what is going on and solve this problem.

Nepgear: But what should we do?

Y/n thinks about it for a moment and after some thinking he cone up with one.

Y/n: Is that person on the Internet still up?

Nepgear: Yes and he has still sent more and more images such as war and images. Why?

Y/n: In order to find out who that guy is then we must take it to someone who is an expert of hacking and computers.

Nepgear: Who?

Y/n looks at Nepgear and she realised who.

Nepgear: Are you sure about this?

Y/n: Don't really have much of a choice.

Nepgear: Right but he's at Lastation and that place is on lock down. How can we possibly get in?

Y/n: I think I know someone who can get us inside.


We see Lastation on lock down with the streets and roads completely empty as Lastation military helicopters flying over head, searching for any intruders.

The helicopter flies away just as cat ears appear around the cornor and then Yuuki poke her head out and look around. Once the area is clear she singal both Nepgear and Y/n to follow and they do so.

They rush across the next alleyway and once at the other side they walk through the alleyway together with Yuuki whispering.

Yuuki: (whisper) So where is this person you are looking for?

Y/n: (whisper) Should be at Lastation prison. Won't be easy but if we are carful then we can pass through successfully.

Nepgear: (whisper) Thank you for helping us Yuuki.

Yuuki: (whisper) It's no problem now come on, let's get to this prison.

They avoided being detected by Lastation soldiers and air patrol. They haven't seen a singal person besides the soldiers patrolling the streets.

They kept going until they arrive at Lastation prison. Once there they hide in the alleyway and look at the prison across from them.

The prison seems highly defended so they try to look around ways to get in. Then Y/n heard something and look out to see trucks coming in and parked in front of the gate.

Seeing this opportunity the trio rush over and crawl underneath the trucks and grab on. Once the gate is open the truck drives through and enter the prison.

The trucks lined up at the drop off area. They crawl out and they look around and make their way to the door. They were in, they walk through the halls until they come up to a cornor which Yuuki stops them and points over to see the cameras.

Down the halls was the security room so Yuuki use her ninja skills to avoid the cameras fro seeing her. Soon she made it to the other side and sneak inside then short but later the cameras deactivated in front of them.

Nepgear and Y/n walk over just as Yuuki came out of the security room.

Yuuki: Don't worry I only knock out the guards.

Y/n: Good. Come on, let's go and get this guy.

They walk off and soon they arrive at the prison cells. They walk through the cells until they arrive at one. Yuuki pulls out a key that she gotten from ge guard from the security room and unlock the door.

The trio walked inside and they see Anonydeath laying on his bed while looking up at the ceiling when he turn and sees them especially Y/n.

Anonydeath: Oh, it's you. What do you want? Here to mock that you and Noire are happy together and how you can watch her cost playing in real life.

Y/n: I'm just gonna ignore the last part. Look we need your help with something.

Anonydeath: Oh? You want MY help? Sorry but why should I help you?

Y/n: Because your one of the best hackers and since no one is available to help us. I have no choice but coke to you for help.

Anonydeath: Ha! And why should I help you?

Nepgear: Please, our nations is in chaos and we don't know what to do.

Anonydeath: Why should I care? Not my problem so how's about you get out. Unless you have a Noire body pillow then leave it and get out.

Y/n:........Okay....we can go.

Yuuki and Nepgear: Huh?

Y/n: But what ashame. You know if this war do erupt then there will be no more Noire cost playing.

Anonydeath: I see what you are trying to do but unfortunately for you it ain't working on me!

He turn around while Y/n smirks a bit and just simply said.

Y/n: Okay, suit yourself. Come on ladies, let's go.

The two are confused and they left his cell. Once Y/n close the cell Anonydeath was all alone and alone to his thoughts. He continue to lay there for a bit and slowly he begins to get concerned then soon it turn to worry then after sometime he immediately jumps out and grab the bars of the cell and calls out.


A hand cover Anonydeath mouth which is Y/n's as he, Nepgear and Yuuki was actually standing next to his cell this whole time.

They enter back in and Y/n show him the profile of the person and Anonydeath begins his work as he types away.

Yuuki: I can't believe that actually worked. How can a robot be such a creep?

Y/n: Trust me if you have been through our adventures then you will learn he's not the only perv.

Anonydeath: I can hear you.

Nepgear: Sorry about that. So anything you discover?

Anonydeath: I didn't get his true identity however I do get his location.

Y/n: Really? Where is this guy?

Anonydeath: It looks like he's at Planeptune.

Y/n: So this person is at Planeptune. All we have to do is to head back and find him or her.

Yuuki: But where is this person really?

Anonydeath: That's the hard part. I can only get the area that he or she is at. My guess is you three have to go there yourselves and find this person.

Y/n: Might be hard due to all the riots going on.

Nepgear: But if we get this person then maybe we can expose him for his crimes.

Y/n: Yeah. Let's not waste time and-

Suddenly they hear a siren coming from outside follow by helicopters flying by. Seconds later the entire place begins to shake violently as they stumble around only to catch on something so they won't hurt themselves.

Yuuki: That can't be good.

Anonydeath: Looks like war has begun. Well time not lose this opportunity.

Than he ran out of his cell and Y/n was about ti chase him when Nepgear grabs him.

Nepgear: We don't have time. We need to get out of here.

Y/n: Right. Let's go!

They begin to make theie escape from the prison. They took the back entrance and they soon they made it out of the prison and onto the street.

They all look UK and to their their sees Planeptune's military helicopters and Lastation's military helicopters fighting each other.

Nepgear: What are Planeptune's helicopters doing here?!

Y/n: No idea but we gonna get moving and head back to-

Suddenly a bullet nearly hits Y/n but luckily he dodges it. They look over to see Lastation's soldiers rushing towards them and then aiming their weapons at them.

Y/n: Wait! We are unarmed. We-

Then they open fire at them which they dodges the incoming shots and sprint to tye alleyway.

Nepgear: I can't believe they are shooting at us.

Yuuki: They probably think we are in charge of the attack.

Y/n: We need to avoid the fighting as best we can and get out of here.

Yuuki: Can you two not use your CPU forms and fly us out of here?

Nepgear: Too risky. They may shoot us down.

Y/n: We just need to keep moving and get out of here.

They kept running through alleyways until they exit out only to be blocked by Lastation's military. They aim their weapons at them which they froze for a moment.

The soldiers was about to fire at them when they someone cried out.

???: Stand down!

Then Black Heart and Black sister came down and landed in front of them. Breathing a sigh of relief Y/n approaches the two.

Y/n: Noire, Uni. Glad to see you two here. I know this is bad but we need to-

Then Black Heart pointed her blade at him which made him to step back a bit while Black Heart tells him and the rest.

Black Heart: You'll be coming with us. In the name of Lastation, you three are being detained for infiltrating Lastation.

To be continued................................................

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