Chapter 42: A ninja cat?
We find Y/n at a lake going finishing as he place his bite onto the hook and then tosses the line into the water. Once that he sat down with a sigh as he sat back and enjoy the nature around him. He even pick up a soda can and takes a sip which is really good and after he drink it he lend back and wait for his fishes to show up.
Y/n: (thought) It surely does feel good just sitting back and relax. I never spent much time for myself and although it would be nice to bring everyone along, I think this is a day I can just spent the time on myself for a day.
He let out a sigh once more and then his fishing rod move which he pull it in and a fish came flying out as Y/n catches it.
Y/n: (smile) Ain't you a big one mate.
The fish shakes around as he watches before tossing it back into the water. Just as he was about to sit down suddenly something splashes into the water which he immediately gets up and looks at the lake.
He look into the lake for a moment trying to see what splash into the lake but after seeing nothing he figured oy was nothing so he turn and return to his seat. However he heard something once again and he turn and to his surprise a woman crawl out of the lake and once out he can clearly see she had cat like ears and a tail and judging by her outfit she is dress up like a ninja as she look herself wet.
???: Aw man I'm soaking wet and I didn't get my food. This blows.
She then noticed Y/n looking at him as the two stared at each other and then she immediately get up and gete up right up to his face.
He nervously move a bit back as she looks at him while her tails moves left and right and then she ask him.
???: You got any fish for me to have?
Y/n: Uh....No?
???: Oh hey I recognise you. Your that Red God who is well known as a hero.
Y/n: Um yeah. You must be?
Yuuki: (smile) The names Yuuki, I'm a ninja.
Y/n: I can tell.
Yuuki: So what brings you here?
Y/n: I guess just enjoying myself.
Yuuki: (smile) Cool.
She then goes over to his bag and throws out some drunks, snacks and other things while Y/n just watches her and then he ask.
Y/n: So what about you? What brings you here? More importantly where do you come from cause....I didn't know there were ninjas except for one.
Yuuki: What are you talking about? There has always been Ninjas. You just didn't notice. As where I came from I'm from a land far away which I serve under Princess Aaru who is also my best friend.
Y/n: Huh that's cool.
Yuuki: (smile) Yep. Anyways any fish you can give me?
Y/n: I mean I can get you some at the lake if you like?
Yuuki: Of course!
And so he tosses his line and waits for a fish to come. Yuuki waits for a long while and started to get tired as she yawns which Y/n finds it to be cute. Soon he catches a fish and once brought onto land he gives it to Yuuki which she begins to eat it.
Yuuki: Yummy~! That's some good fish.
Y/n: (smile) Glad you like it. So since your close to the Princess are you some sort of a guardian of her and her kingdom?
Yuuki: (smile) Yep. It's called the Virtue Nation that is unlike other nations.
Y/n: Huh I never heard of that nation. To be honest with you we are uncovering most other nations.
Yuuki: Really?
Y/n: Yep. Trust me there is a lot of nations out there which we are trying to uncover.
Yuuki: (smile) Cool. Say wanna have a walk?
Y/n: Sure just let me pack and my stuff and we can get going.
Yuuki agree and sometime later we see the two walking through the peaceful and nice woods as they hear the animal life around them.
Yuuki: (smile) It sure feels good here.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah. You know I came here to be alone.
Yuuki: (smile) But you have me~!
Y/n: (smile) Yep. Say what goddess form does your princess called?
Yuuki: She's not a goddess.
Y/n: (surprised) Really?
Yuuki: (smile) Not all leaders of nations are gods or goddess. Some nations are but some are just like everyone else.
Y/n: Huh.....interesting. Usually all nations have their own goddess or maybe a god.
Yuuki: (smile) Nope. Guess that's why our nation isn't well known. The world has many mysterious that is yet to be discovered.
Y/n: Yeah.
Then Yuuki rush up and leap up on top of a tree and then looks down at Y/n and ask him.
Yuuki: Wanna have a race?
Y/n: Um sure.
Yuuki: Cool, let's go!
She begins to run which Y/n chases after her. She leap onto tree to tree showing her skills as a ninja while Y/n is catching up with her.
The two keeps on going as they race through the trail until they exit out of the forest and into a open field as Y/n slowly stop and once fully stop catches his breath. Yuuki lands next to him and looks around and said.
Yuuki: (smile) Nice race. Your not bad.
Y/n: Same to you.
Shortly after they continue talking with Yuuki showing her ninja stars and they each take turns throwing the star onto the tree. Y/n is shown to be a terrible when it comes throwing ninja stars to which Yuuki ask him.
Yuuki: (smirk) Seems like you don't know how to use it do you?
Y/n: Yes.
Yuuki: (giggle) Your funny. Here let me help.
She came up as she gently grab his arm while her breast press against his arm as they pull back the ninja star and then throws it and the star hit the tree.
Yuuki: (smile) And that's how you do it.
Y/n: Seems like you done this before.
Yuuki: (smile) Yep. I have some students of mine that I teach.
Y/n: Huh so your a teacher?
Yuuki: (smile) Correct. Although I'm more of a liad back teacher.
Y/n: You don't say.
Yuuki: (smile) Yeah but that's how I am. Besides you can't really much blame me, there isn't much danger within our nation.
Y/n: Really?
Yuuki: (smile) Nope. There is some crime but we easily handle them with no problem.
Y/n: Well you'll be surprised how many times four nations get attacked by some super villain of powerful threats.
Yuuki: (giggle) I bet a lot.
Y/n: (smile) Yep.
Yuuki: Say can I ask you something?
Y/n: Sure what is it?
Yuuki: You wanna fight? I heard that you are pretty strong so I wanna see what you got.
Y/n: You sure about this?
Yuuki: (smile) Yep.
She then pulled out claw like weapons while Y/n is surprised by them. He then shrugged as he pulled out his twin swords and they get ready to dual.
Then Yuuki disappeared which surprised him and then she appeared behind him and was about to strike at him but he immediately dodges it and leaps back. He land on his feet and he looks up and immediately dodges a incoming kick and the two begin clashing blades at each other.
Yuuki was fast but Y/n was equally fast as her as the two clash their blades with incredible speeds. They leap around, clashing and dodging each others blades as Yuuki is seen to be a very skilled Ninja as she quickly move around, dodging his attacks perfectly and blocking his swings and strikes.
The two continue their dual for a while as they move around the open field until Y/n swing his blade but misses. He sees that Yuuki is gone and he looks around for her. He noticed her for a second before she disappeared.
She is moving really fast as Y/n try to catch up to her but she was moving fast so he gets ready for her to strike. After a while she suddenly disappeared but he keep his guard for a while.
Minutes gone by and she hasn't shown up. He was confuse as he look around and at first he figure she wonder off but as he turns around she launches towards him and tackle him to the ground.
Yuuki pinned Y/n onto the ground as Y/n is left surprised and nearly gotten a heart attack which Yuuki let's out a soft laugh.
Yuuki: (smile) I got you~!
Y/n: Yep you did. Man your pretty good.
Yuuki: (smile) I can say the same to you. It seems like you have been fighting a lot of powerful enemies.
Y/n: You have no idea.
The two let out a soft laughter and then the two fall silent. Yuuki can feel his warm body which she slowly lower her head and tells on his head. She begins to purr like a cat which made Y/n blushing a bit as he find this cute as he begins to stroke on her head.
Yuuki: (smile) You like cats?
Y/n: Yeah. I like dogs but cats is also my favourite.
Yuuki: Ever own one before?
Y/n:.........Yeah....I......I rather not talk about it.
Yuuki: I see.
The two fall silent once more as Yuuki gets up once more and stared at Y/n for a bit and then she lend down and starts kissing him on the lips. This made Y/n surprise as she begins to kiss him but soon he kisses her back and the two make out.
Yuuki let's out some moans as they wrap their arms around each other and move around. They continue kissing as they let out more moans as Yuuki enjoys this and can tell Y/n has gone use to this but doesn't mind it.
After a while of making out the two stop and look at each other while they are breathing and then he pulled his head towards her breast and he lay his hea onto her breast as the two begins to relax together.
Yuuki: (giggle) Maybe we'll do this again someday?
Y/n: (smile) Sure. I would like to.
She giggle as the two continue to relax as minutes later theyfall asleep.
We see Dark-Sriker at his cell reading a book that the guards give him to pass the time. He was in the middle of his story when suddenly he felt something. He look around and he can feel it. He then closes his book and place it aside as he turn to where he can sense it and he spoke.
Dark-Striker: Your time will come to the end Y/n. It seems that on this day.......this is where all those thay love you.....will become your enemy.
To be continued............................................
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